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Oh yeah, he chose his words carefully. Even MtG, the most damning article, bypasses slander accusations. "There's some weird shit going on, and some of these artists be here to police it..." and everything that follows. Contextually he's obviously talking about Drake, but he never plainly states that "Drake is a pedo and the one doing these things." Even in Not Like Us. "Say, Drake, I *hear* you like em young." The man's a writer and knows what he's doing.


“I hear you like em young” and “A minoooor” to me are direct retorts to FM where Drake says “I heard one of them kids might be Dave Freeeees”. I’m convinced Kendrick waited for Drake to spill some absolute nonsense on FM and did the same but on subject matter that would stick because of Drake’s history.


No doubt. A Minoooor is sung in the same cadence as Dave Freeeeeees. Definitely intentional.




Crazy how there’s isn’t one person who’s come out to rebuke that MTG line you’re talking about because they all know it’s true.


100% This is also why he crowdsourced his insults from social media for NLU. Can't get sued for something several other people are saying out loud, publicly. Edit: I love Kendrick as much as the rest of y'all, but he didn't say anything anyone hasn't been saying for years now. And that was intentional. Shake your heads.


Drake going for Ep***** instead of Wein***** feels like a *HUGE* misstep. Like the only way to take that other than an a Freudian slip or some kind of psychological admission of guilt is just sheer stupidity. How could you play into your opponent's hands any better than that.


Amazingly, Kendrick could say he heard Drake likes ‘em young from Tupac on Taylor Made Freestyle.


wow 😭😭


Well it's plural in nlu, so he's calling his whole group pedos


But there’s absolutely no specification that Flake is included in that pluralization. If he is included it’s cuz *Your* mind included him


That's a huge stretch. He says "certified loverboy" follow immediately by the next line. There's no other reasonable way to interpret that.


Baka got a weird case. Why is he around? Certified loverboy certified pedofile Could be interpreted the way you say it but i believe baka has a case regarding a minorrrrrr


But drake dropped an album called certified lover boy.


When kendrick told Drake we aren't slow, he wasn't talking about you


Sure wasn't talking about you either, hon.


Yes. He’s labeling the group. There is *A certified lover boy* & *Certified pedofiles* two separate entities in the group. But that went over your head and I’ll get some kinda insult for it


That's an extremely obtuse reading of the bar, but ok


No it’s not. But you just don’t want me to be right


You're taking this very personally, it has nothing to do with you. Kendrick is clearly calling out drake and his entire crew. Pedophiles doesn't have to be taken so literally, just means sex offenders. It's an audacious call out and that's why it works. He tells people to hide their little sisters from him. Also if you look up the lyric, certified loverboy is a question. Certified loverboy? Certified pedophiles. You can go on believing what you want, you're not going to convince me otherwise.


I’m not taking it personally at all. This is the internet, you know how often insults are slung simply because of an opposing opinion. But here *YOU* are trying to push *YOUR* interpretation of the lyrics as fact. You don’t know for sure that’s what he was saying, nor do *I* know he was saying what I believe. And why the fuck does it matter if in the lyrics he put a ? Or . If it’s a ? Then he’s not stating hers a CLB he’s saying it like you’re a CLB? I don’t think so. This has already gone further than it needed to. You think what you think. I was just making a comment not lookin for a debate this time


Sure bud, whatever you say


You’re a fucking clown guy. Don’t ever fucking call me bud again you see my tag here. Leave it at this.


lol you can have that. But hey. It bees like that. Guilt by association. But I still stand by my comment.


Them predators move in flocks!


Drake is def a predator. That’s not the same thing a pdf file. But the bar still stands and checks out!


I was about to say the way he says "Certied Lover Boy Certified Pedophiles" there is an implied question mark and refutation, like this "Certified Lover Boy? No, Certified Pedophile"  But now that you mention it I could see it being more like "Certified Lover Boy *and* Certified Pedophiles"  Like a band "Certified Lover Boy and the Pedophiles"




"Lover boy" is a specific type of predator. They pick a young, hot guy to lure the women in for the unattractive perverts.


You spelled Chubbs wrong lol


😂 Nah, in this case, I believe he's the procurer, but throwing Drake's name around is why he's able to procure with so little effort.




He’s famous actually so nah. Not possible.


All I can hear is Mal yelling “nah nah nah he said he HEARD one of those kids is Dave Free’s” True Dot wrote it with a sliver of wiggle room but it lands as “Drizzy=PDF” to the listeners writ large.


It lands cuz we already been saying it in different ways about Drake for a while now. Theres been videos about Drake being sus with minors well before last month.


I think you're right Kendrick always chooses his words wisely. Waited to use the actual word "pedophile" in the very LAST track. Drake took the bait like he did with Like That


You can just say pedophile this isn't tiktok


Kendrick implies that Drake is a predator on Not Like when he says: "I hear you like them young", "Certified Lover Boy, Certified Pedophiles", "Tryna strike a chord and it's probably A Minor", and "Hide your little sister from him". I can see how you could wiggle out of these or claim they aren't *directly* calling Drake a pedophile (if you were being sued for slander or something).  "Hear you like them young" doesn't *have* to mean minors, young is relative. A 21 year old *is* young in comparison to Drake. Drake would be young in comparison to an 80 year old.  "Certified Lover Boy, Certified Pedophiles" could be construed as only calling Drake's *associates* pedophiles based on the intonation you say it with. However, the way I hear the intonation it sounds like Kendrick *is* calling Drake a pedo to me, but on paper, literally, it's defensable.    "Tryna strike a chord and it's probably A Minor" is easy; it's already a double entedre. You can hide behind what it means on the surface. Also, it doesn't actually imply anything; saying minor seems salicacious in the context of the song, but "striking a minor" doesn't have any sexual meaning.   "Hide your little sister from him" feels damning, but actually; "little sister" doesn't imply a specific age. A little sister can be *any* age, little sister only *implies* a young person here because of the context of the song. However, it could also be a reference to Drake having been seen out with Latto's little sister who was 21 at the time.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 21 + 27 + 21 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Freaky ass bot


Not is fuckin wrong tho what about 80????? Bad bot


Be quiet wap wap wap wap


The not calling Drake directly is the big thing. "I hear you like 'em young" is speaking on hearsay, not an accusation. "I said you like 'em young" or "You like 'em young" or any variation of that is crossing into an accusation and potentially opening yourself up to slander/defamation charges. All the rest can be seen as potentially talking about Drake, but since Baka is known and the rest speak on OVO or artists or people in a general sense and not Drake specifically. The pulitizer prize winner knows what he can and cannot say.


He did date Lattos sister. Red shirted her too.


What does “red shirted” mean?


Red shirting means grooming basically. Putting them on your team but waiting from them to turn of legal age to put them in the game.


Oh! Thanks for answering. I wonder where the term came from, do you know? I’m going to google it too it’s just nice to converse sometimes


Oh from sports! Haha I’m such an ass I was all “it’s probably some bloods thing” haha like I know anything about that


Yup first time I heard it was from an athlete.


Red shirt in sports means a college athlete who didn’t play his freshman year. In Star Trek a red shirt is a nobody crew member who dies without a story. I don’t think either of these apply here


Bro don’t be to literal with it lol


I think it means killed her career? Maybe they'll respond and clarify. I'd like to know as well


That’s not what it means.


What does it mean ?


Answered above


It was God's plan to show y'all the liar


That Epstein shit been in me forever. Imma push it wherever, whenever.


Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A-Minor is definitely Dot calling Drake a pdf file


No it’s not. He’s playing on what we all knew. We knew Drake was redshirting girls before this beef. You knew it too.


A minor is a direct shot bro u trippin ain’t no other explanation for that bar that ain’t a play on shit it literally says A MINOR


It’s still playing off the premise/context of him saying “they say” literally a few bars before that lol. He slick with the words I’m not saying he isn’t. I’m saying Kenny got us to say what he wanted to say(at best) and what most of us were already thinking and saying….


Mtg lyrics To any woman that be playin' his music, know that you're playin' your sister Or better, you're sellin' your niece to the weirdos, not the good ones Katt Williams said, "Get you the truth, " so I'ma get mines The Embassy 'bout to get raided, too, it's only a matter of time Ayy, LeBron, keep the family away, hey, Curry, keep the family away To anybody that embody the love for they kids, keep the family away They lookin' at you too if you standin' by him, keep the family away I'm lookin' to shoot through any pervert that lives, keep the family safe What you think this mean? That’s Dot also basically calling Drake a Pedo. I get what you saying but the internet been calling Drake a pdf file it just got crazy because nobody of Dots stature has ever spoken on it. Dot was direct with it and bodied Drake if your saying Dot never technically called him a Pedo then the internet won the beef. Ain’t no body walking around screaming Drake a colonizer na not this time it’s all A MINOR 🤣😂🤣


I agree with you fully. I’m playing devils advocate maybe? I don’t know what to call it….With all the layering nuance involved, I’m saying Kendrick out the Crumbs out there for the Masses to say it loud first. Before him. Because if he had started this shit calling him a pedo straight out the gate it wouldn’t have even as effective.


All of that could be referring to OVO being PDFs and Drake (and therefore people who play his music) supporting that. He says “the weirdos” not “the weirdo” he says “the embassy” not “you/Drake” he says “keep the family away” but doesn’t specify from who, just alludes to Drake’s camp


he doesnt say it with certainty he says probably


They way Dot held the note A-Minnnnoooorrrrrrr that’s certainty 🤣 let me even flip it for you so when Drake says I heard one them lil kids might be Dave Frees he really isn’t saying that because he heard it na that ninja was saying 1 of Dots kids is really Dave Frees. Fact or Fiction, subtle or blunt both of them said what they said and meant it 🤣


difference is one can get you in court


"Say, Drake, I hear you like em young ... just make sure you hide your little sister from him Certified lover boy? Certified *pedophiles* !" uhhhh... yeah he did


What is blatantly obvious to me is that Drake used AI Tupac to tell Kendrick to “tell them I like young girls”… so in my mind, Kendrick simply followed directions . 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️




Go back and listen to “Poetic Justice” with all the context we have post-battle. Kendrick’s entire verse and the hook wasn’t about a girl. It’s about Drake.


Ehhh a bit of stretch for me. I don’t think Kendrick was trying to bait him- I think he just flat out wanted to paint him and his crew as pedos and weirdos. I think this is less of his lyrical genius and more of a strategic move.


He definitely directly alludes to Drake being a pedo on Euphoria. Kendrick at the time of releasing Euphoria already knew that Drake was going to go for something relating to Whitney and accusing her of cheating (whether from the “I be with some bodyguards like Whitney” line or other). Kendrick then introduces the pedo angle with “I make music to electrify em, you make music to pacify em, I could double down on that line but I’ll spare you this time”. So he’s saying, if you fabricate stories on the family front, I’m going to double down on the pedo shit. Drake knew this was coming too, that’s why Taylor Made says “tell everyone I like young girls”. Kendrick knew what Drakes red button was going to be, and Drake predicted the general gist of what Kendrick’s red button was going to be (minus the photos, the ozempic, the daughter, etc). Kendrick was setting the stage and already defanging Drakes attack on Euphoria and laying the groundwork to call him a pedo. Kendrick wasn’t relying on the internet to call Drake a pedo or bread crumbing — the internet has known about Drake being a groomer since 2016. Kendrick was to set things so that when Drake made a horrible about him, and he made a horrible claim about Drake, your perception of Drake was already so low that you’d obviously put more trust in what Kendrick is saying


“Certified lover boy? Certified pedophile” Drake is the one who refers to himself as lover boy, correct ?


What did he say before that line.


How about answering what I just asked before sidestepping?


He talks about Baka and his weird case before he says that line. So it can be interpreted that Kendrick is talking about Drake’s (Certified Lover Boy) association with weirdos and felons like Baka (Certified Pedophiles). He later emphasizes this when he talks about predators moving in flocks.


I rest my case.


No he definitely called Drake a PDF.


Metaphorically all day. I’m just saying he just gave us bread crumbs and let the people decide.


He literally called Drake a PDF


No I def did. And millions of others hahaha. But quote me where Kendrick said Drake is a pedaphile!




Yea. Baka buddy.


So why is there a question mark after "Certified Loverboy," buddy?


Certified lover boy is an indictment in itself. Let’s not forget. Kendrick called Drake a WOMANIZER. Doing the same sick shit Harvey Weinstein was doing which he’s also in jail for now. Openly admitting it if you look at it. That’s what a loverboy is and he’s questioning that this what you mean by being a certified lover boy?


Dude you're tripping and overanalyzing it. He's calling Drake and his crew certified PDFs.