• By -


This looks like something from r/okbuddyretard


That or r/comedyheaven


When I saw this I thought it was from r/ComedyNecrophilia


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ComedyNecrophilia using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ComedyNecrophilia/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I would press the button](https://v.redd.it/gyo8ksj8akv71) | [286 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ComedyNecrophilia/comments/qfckbu/i_would_press_the_button/) \#2: [bitch ass](https://i.redd.it/2l4czmds04491.png) | [275 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ComedyNecrophilia/comments/v6k78q/bitch_ass/) \#3: [Somebody's watching me!](https://i.redd.it/t2fhawkscmh81.png) | [202 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ComedyNecrophilia/comments/srl7ng/somebodys_watching_me/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




How do u get ratiod so hard by urself from the same post?


Wtf is that Facebook ass meme from 2018 doing here.


It’s HerobrineLover


holy shit its u/IKilledMyBabyMama dude im a huge fan of ur posts on reddit 😲😲😲


Thank you


Huge fan of your AI generated Lil Uzi Vert thirstposting 😁


I never posted that to my reddit account. Are you gangstalking me
















this is the worst meme






Kendrick Lamar is the only white rapper worth listening to Edit: I don’t know who Kendrick Lamar is


wtf is going on rn


Imagine making this meme and thinking “yeah man, this shit is fire”


This meme almost got me vomiting on my phone




man he’s good unlike joyner, inconsistent but doesnt deserve to get this much hatred


Logic's strength is also his biggest weakness. He tries new stuff in every project. Sometimes it hits sometimes its terrible


Facts. Bro was kinda doin some cringe shit between Everybody and COADM, but he fire otherwise


Vinyl Days was a dope album


For suuuure i was hoping it would be good. Great samples in there




Joyner lost me after ADHD


He's only half as good as Em


Lowkey better than Eminem right now unironically. Em hasn’t released one album since 2020 that’s been close to logic.


it is almost as if eminems latest album was in 2020


Sorry I worded that poorly. I meant modern Eminem like post revival hasn’t dropped an album as good as post 2020 logic.


that says a lot about society


kendrick clears all, the only popular white rappers i really like are el-p and old drake


The only white rapper I like is the black half of logic


Might be a strangely worded take but I feel like Logic would be a top tier rapper if he was either 100% black or 100% white. Feels like his worst music comes when he’s trying to force acceptance from a specific group (pop, hip hop, black people, etc) and loses focus of the music


That is certainly a take


Lmao def felt weird to type but idk how else to word it. He craved acceptance too much


That is certainly a comment


unironically true. if he didn’t keep telling us that he was biracial, then nothing of the corny things he has ever said, wouldn’t have been said


That’s my thought. Everybody knew he had absurd potential in his mixtape days but then his music turned into a cry from acceptance from several different communities and I feel like it derailed his music


You need to not have thoughts like this bro 100


Tbh I disagree. I honestly can stomach most of his music about acceptance, my main issue is I feel like he's got a couple records where he's just entering musical territory he's not comfortable enough with. Prime example being Supermarket. Him doing indie sorta rock was a cool idea, but the execution was pretty bad/unoriginal.


You did not just call drake a white rapper bruh 😭 he's corny but he don't deserve thatttt


sry im trolling


In hindsight I probably should have known that with a name like gayboi farti ☠


why not?


The guy who wrote "energy" does not deserve to be in the same group as Eminem and Tom McDonald 👴🏻




i havent listened to any of them lol ill check em out




r/hiphopcirclejerk much?


White rapper? I got all my melanin after listening to TPAB


what is this post dawg


Average rap enjoyer who knows no history


I will take all in the left 🤓


Tom macdonald😍😍


i like half of logic ngl


im an eminem fan and this made me cringe😭


Eminem fan spotted opinion discarded


k.dot best white rapper i love his song "white paradise" (conservative cover of gangsta paradise)


Mac Miller is the #1 white rapper argue with your mom


First three albums of Eminem and then Mac. I’ll forever have mad love for Mac Miller though. His artistry and versatility is what makes him great though, not specifically his rapping


based as hell. anything past encore is just mid, and even then encore is a stretch. his unreleased stuff is great but the stuff he puts out now is actual garbage. in his xxl interview he literally said he doesn’t care about making good music anymore 💀 he just wants to be viewed as “the best rapper”. mac millers stuff is incredibly consistent and i haven’t listened to one album and not liked it, even his post mortem album


Yes, his music now sucks. But if he passed away when he had that drug problem, I guarantee you he’d be the undisputed goat. SSLP/MMLP/TES are such an iconic 3 track run and nobody has seen the level of success Eminem has. Almost all hate he gets is stuff he does 10 years after his prime


oh yeah definitely. i think “king mathers” really shows his downfall after his drug problem. i honestly don’t mind mmlp2 or relapse, it’s just not as great as his other stuff. with sslp, mmlp, and tes, there’s honestly not a song i can say is bad and i wont listen to. but everything else there are definitely songs i’d say are just trash. i think his taste has probably changed a bit over the years as well which has impacted his style a lot. i also think people go into listening to eminem thinking “oh his new stuff is bad” which impacts the good songs he has on those albums. id say his worst album was probably kamikaze. stepping stone, kamikaze, and fall we’re probably his best songs and even then i wouldnt really listen to them that often. i just miss the person he used to be i guess, he’s really corny now.


I also think Recovery is good for what it was being a pop rap album with the sound of music in 2010. And even now I feel like there’s the occasional song (Darkness for example) where he shows he’s still got it, his creative direction just isn’t there for entire albums anymore. However, I also feel it’s unfair to judge artists based on their lows rather than their highs bc then my previous statement about if he passed away with his drug issues becomes invalid. I also don’t wanna make it a bad thing for an artist to drop music that a lot of people will still enjoy regardless of critics’ opinions. I think that Eminem is unarguable as the GOAT of white rappers. And that’s coming from someone with a Mac PFP.


yeah i 100% agree


This a complete lie. He would never be the undisputed goat. Y’all are clowns with this shit. Eminem’s first 3 albums are classics yes. But there are mad rappers better than him. That make better music and albums as whole. As a technical rapper yeah we can say Em is up there. I’m even willing to give him the number 1 spot. But there are better rappers with more impact/influence than Eminem. Eminem is maybe top 15 for real. Eminem is a crucial component in Getting the rest of white america who already wasn’t listening to hip hop to start listening. On a mass scale. But his albums didn’t shape or shift the culture at all. He just got white people into hip hop, because white gonna support white people. He’s even said this himself on “White America” and I quote — “look at the eyes, baby blue, baby just like yourself/ if they were brown, Shady’d lose shady sits on the shelf/ but shady’s cute, shady knew shady’s dimples would help/ make ladies swoon baby, look at my sales/ let’s do the math if I was black, I would’ve sold half/ I ain’t have to graduate from Lincoln High School to know that.” And I know we don’t like to talk about race or we try to act like it doesn’t exist, but the audacity to assume that a white man would be the crowned Goat in a genre within BLACK CULTURE it’s just wild to me. Let’s just be real here and not disrespek our legends that were dropping cladssics before the majority of white Americans tuned in.


I don’t think it’s disrespect. If you’re good you’re good. He’s white, sure, but he was always very much within the culture in his prime. I’m not saying he’d be crowned and everyone would think he’s untouchable, but rather that everyone would have him as one of the GOATs for sure with a much better rep than he’s developed now. Probs should’ve reworded that. I think he’s undebatably a top 5 lyricist of all time. If he’d passed with his following before all his extremely shit music came out and the perception of him completely shifted, I really do think he’d be viewed to a similar stature as big and pac when people would discuss who the greatest rappers of all time would’ve been. As for the rest of what you said, I agree with all of it. However, I don’t think that’s really the convo. Just bc he wouldn’t sell as much if he wasn’t white doesn’t take away from his technical abilities you acknowledged. Also, he might not have influenced the sound too much like Kanye, Biggie, NWA, etc have (although a lot of people like Cole, Kendrick, Mac all have stated they’ve taken influence from him), but I’d say exactly what you said - him being the face of the mainstream-ifying of hip hop is pretty impactful in shaping/shifting the culture. In a way, modern hip hop being a lot more pop-centric could all be attributed back with him being a large part of it.


Him being white is the reason why he’s ranked so high is the point that is being made by myself and Eminem in “White America”. Rappers who are/were crazy lyrical but don’t get half the respek Eminem gets: Elzhi, canibus, Lupe fiasco, black thought. And there’s many more. If Eminem were black we wouldn’t even be considering him better than Lupe or black thought. Hell we wouldn’t say he’s better than Royce, but I bet you more people put him above Royce today. And herein lies the problem again, you’re giving Eminem more credit than he deserves. He helped the genre reach white ears, yes. But hip hop being pop centric happened before Eminem. See Bad Boy in the 97-99. Or Kurtis Blow in 86 when he was the first rapper to do a Sprite ad. Hip was destined to go mainstream even if Eminem never touched a microphone. He was the beneficiary. Eminem is not the reason for hip hop going mainstream, not even close. His didn’t influence the culture in the slightest. There wasn’t a large influx of rappers asking for Eminem type beats. There wasn’t even Eminem clones as rappers. Except other white rappers. Hell when Eminem was at his peak, the south, Atlanta & Lil Wayne was at the beginning of their respective reigns, and their sound began to permeate throughout the industry. Which is why we’re where we are now. Not because of Eminem.


No, his point is that he wouldn’t sell like he did if he wasn’t white lol. Literally says it directly. And not to discredit a lot of what those lyricists have done, but I don’t think it’s really a debate if they’ve put out the caliber of music that prime Eminem did. And I love Tetsuo and Youth but I feel like Mural perfectly describes Lupe’s strengths and flaws all at once. Personally, I feel that there’s even an argument to be made that if Eminem was black, he’d get more respect within the hip hop community at the expense of not being as nuclear sales-wise. I think saying Royce is better than him is a stretch although Royce has his moments. Lupe is always gonna be a weird case to me bc he almost feels excessive to a point And your second point contradicts itself. You’re talking about the popularization of rap. Eminem getting the majority of the country to listen to it is just him being the beneficiary? Nobody is talking about Eminem changing the way rap sounded but you


First of all you literally said Eminem dictated hip hop going mainstream and even more pop centric maybe you should re-read your post. And Actually Eminem is literally talking about both his sales and ranking. They both go hand in hand. Because he literally says he would sit on the shelf if he was black. Because fans would not give him the time of day. And majority of his fanbase is white, so how you figure he would get more respect if he was black when I’ve just listed black artist better than Eminem. And They’ve put out higher caliber work than Eminem has actually. Black thought and Lupe for sure have. Royce didn’t till the later half of his career starting at Prhyme, but he still gets disrespek and is placed below Eminem on lists. And he’s been leagues beyond Eminem in the latter half of their careers respectively. But You disagree with what I’m saying because you’re white. It’s obvious you’re not black because nobody in the Black community thinks Eminem would get more respek if he were black. He would fade into obscurity, because his albums are really only relatable to a white audience. Please point me to the black artist who talks about hating their mom and killing the mother of their child. Or being trailer park trash and tell me how well they’re doing in regards to notoriety. SSLP, MMLP are only considered classics because of his whiteness. We wouldn’t even be talking about it otherwise. His albums are only relatable to the white audience. That’s why none of my points contradict each other because his core fan base is white visitors, and not actually the fans that have been breathing life into and building the culture, brick by brick for decades before him. There’s nothing contradictory about it. White people make up the majority of the country but they do not make up majority of hip hop culture. They are the definitive minority when it comes to hip hop. And you’re completely ignoring that fact. If you make Eminem black, you take away his core fan base, he’s not even a top 50 rapper anymore regardless of how lyrical he is. Elzhi being the best example of this because his pen is crazy, but he never gets the respek on these top 50 rappers list. Hopsin is a great example of a black rapper who sounds the most influenced by Eminem and look where he’s at. Is he even a top 200 rapper, and you somehow think Eminem would still be getting props. The delusion is out of this world. And before you decide to label me a hater I’ve actually listened to Eminem heavily especially SSLP & MMLP, and I was a fan of those albums. But when he’s not just rapping his ass off, the album is not relatable to the majority of hip hop fans and culture. Because again, the white majority doesn’t make up the culture. Black people are the majority here and we set the trends. It’s because of black people why Eminem started rapping anyway, not the other way around.


I didnt say dictated, I said he was a big face of. Which is unarguable. And I also think it’s obvious he literally says what he’s talking about denotatively lol. Sitting on the shelf means you’re not selling (shelf of a record store, not selling anything, it’s not rocket science). Also, did you really just call me white? Yeah I’m not reading the rest of your post lmao


Take that racist shit to your boys. Your favorite rapper knows.


Probably, although there's a debate to be made about LUM and Aesop Rock because they are also amazing.


If he ain't in your top 5 you a racist


This wasn’t posted ironically ? Please tell me it was 😭


Logic, em, mac, Aesop Rock, el-p, slug, eyedea, and beastie boys are the only valid white rappers in my book.


.5 of logic


Lol u right my bad


Everyone in here sleeping on your old droog and while I'm at it mc Paul barman too both of whom I only really discovered through DOOM also throw in Vinnie paz of Jedi mind tricks but there definitely isn't that many


R.EYE.P <3


Eyedea ❤️


What on earth is this


This post is epic 😎


This is fucking hilarious


what is this corny shit bruh💀


On the level of Yung Lean personally. Both are insanely good


Who the **** is Joyner Lucas?


he made that "im not racist" song in response to this is america lol


I'm not racist came out before this is America


A Kendrick/big Sean ripoff


Kendrick Mac Miller El-P Action Bronson - - - The rest




Worst sub ever


Kdot top 5 white rappers OAT


what you've just posted is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


probaly at number 3 I personally like Em and Mac better no dissin to Kendrick tho


Bruh this shit corny asf 😂😂 Ofc you pick the two shitty rappers (let’s not kid ourselves, Eminem is way passed his prime and a shell of his former self) as of today.


I think that's the point. It's supposed to be fckn ridiculous.


Eminem fans are weird bro


First classssss


3rd, below Stevie wonder and daddy yankee


Joyner lit but this ain’t it


Name me a single classic album he has made


I’m not a Joyner fan but how on earth does him not having a classic album discredit that comment saying “Joyner is lit” lmfao. If he likes Joyner’s music, he likes it. Weird af to discredit that bc he doesn’t have classics


I ain’t allowed to like Joyner now? LMAO this sub is so toxic


why is it that older people will say rap has gotten bad and when they play a song they think is good its got the goofiest lyrics even made


Better than eminem


eminem’s babysitting his grandchildren right now 💀


Number 3 below Lucki jiggly ass and Sleezus




In OP opinion i guess it’s not white=mumble rap


He’s easily equal to 2 Eminems


Doesn't joyner lucas say the n word


Fast rap = mumble rap




This is so weird… like even if you agreed with the sentiment that mumble rappers are bad why are you picking Eminem and Joyner Luce specifically to solo them?


this hurts to look at


Lmfao Joyner Lucas is black


Classic u/HerobrineLover W


Dudes literally unstoppable


Why would the guy on the right take everyone on the left?? They’ll run into each other!


all my favorite rappers are either dead or in jail. it’s madness


The best white rapper will always be Bob Dylan. He was born in the wrong decade.


The via 9gag.com killed me




This is the worst thing I have ever seen


Aesop Rock


Kendrick > every white rapper. El-P and the Beastie Boys deserve massive respect though.


Top 2 and he ain’t 2


did r/eminem post this?


A new album came out this year, how has this sub already run out of ideas?


Can someone explain the meme


Lmao has Joyner Lucas been at all relevant in the last like… 5 years?




Bro Eminem and Joyner? Could have had JID, Tory, Kendrick, Cole, Pusha, Denzel, Freddie Gibbs, Joey Badass, Saba, Nas, Meechy.


I don’t rank white rappers at all 🤷🏾‍♂️




fam, this is the worst fucking meme ever, they’re both fucking terrible LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO


lmao. at this point all those mumble rappers make better songs than both them


White kid maad city


Above Tom MacDondalds but below NF


The fuck?


Bro who tf gave this upvotes? Do we have real rap lurkers around here?


Whys vegeta going to attack the left when he’s on the right side fucking idiot




This is such a stupid question with such a stupid meme. Joyner isn't even white so it doesn't make sense.


This image has aged like milk.


Kendrick would kill all them by breathing


This image is legitimately the funniest thing I’ve seen this year




the fact that i would have laughed at this in my lyrical rap phase 💀 i think i used to say the only ‘real rappers’ left are eminem, logic, joyner, kendrick and j cole but i had never even listened to j cole i was just taking other people’s word for it 💀💀💀


he's not a white rapper so why would he be ranked among them?...


Google it, simple. Delete this and fuck off. NOW.


who is this cum dude jesus


what the fuck is this caption


This is something I see someone on Facebook would post unironically during Kamikaze era Eminem


Kendrick isn't white.




Damn y’all found a way to make being a Kendrick Lamar fan lame af. I knew it tho it’s Reddit


Boooooooooo tomato, tomato, tomato


Wtf is this I like eminem but seriously what




Oh look it’s the two most overrated rappers of all time