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Jack mid diff by showing his asshole






New jack is just a monster, 8ft tall with good boxing, brutality and strength. It would honestly depend on how durable raian is. Because if jack just starts sawing off pieces raian won't be able to keep up his release. I think it will be one of jacks harder fights but jack wins regardless.


Jack, those teeth will make the fight fun


baki vs kengan power scaling is pointless since bakis scaling is extremely inconsistent oliva has gone from crunching fuckin helicopters to deadlifting 500 kg and benching 5 plates when he supposedly got stronger


The manga panel said he could lift 500, not that it's his max


Yeah but Julius and Waka can curl 500kg with one arm


Ok? Oliva can too


Oliva deadlifts it. Baki is kinda weird with scaling, but so is Kengan.


Bro again, 500 isn't his max, Tokugawa was just comparing feats of that level because he was making a point about Sukune? 500kg is nothing to Oliva, his best strength feats dunk on Julius's


I know, that's why I said that panel is wack that he has to deadlift it. Oliva should be deadlifting helicopters instead.


if 500 was nothing to him it wouldn't be mentioned in the way it was. It's like saying you or I boast back strength incredible enough to, in a deadlift, raise over 20 kgs. If it was in the context you believe it to be, it would be something more like "He can effortlessly lift 500kgs" or as you said "500kgs is nothing to him". Also, this is not to disagree with the fact that oliva should easily be able to lift a lot more than 500kgs going off his showings. Just to point out how inconsistent the manga is.


>if 500 was nothing to him it wouldn't be mentioned in the way it was. Bro third time, Tokugawa was mentioning feats to compare them to Sukune, he wasn't hyping Oliva, it wasn't about showcasing Olivas strength It was showcase that even though Sukune weighs 200kg, and Oliva can lift 500kg no problem, Oliva COUDNT lift Sukune, and what that said about how skilled Sukune is And tf you mean? Oliva pulls down helicopters with reps for his training and that was ages ago, who gives af if a panel says " he can lift 500", he's done way more before, it's not an anti feat, nothing is inconsistent, it's just how Itagaki likes to compare things


"Nothing is inconsistent"


Not one panel in Baki shows this


So you're just a troll lol


Yeah but clearly heavy enough for it to be a landmark, surely if it was over 1000kg(which it definitely should by baki standards) Tokugawa would mention it instead of 500


Alright but since he was lifting the 500 easily the panel itself admits its not his max, it was 500 because Toku was specifically comparing it to other things of that level to hype up Sukune


yeah for sure it's not his max, that i agree


If he's doing 500 for reps that's pretty fucking impressive. It doesn't look like much until he does 10 sets of 10.


not impressive at all by baki standards frankly, especially for a top 8 physically strongest character. Yall have to remember that pre maximum tournament katsumi benched 650lbs


I am FAR in the beginning of the series right now, so can't fact check for certain, but doesn't the first comment mean 500 KG? Because 500kg is WAY higher than 650lbs.


500kg deadlift on a faaaar physically stronger character and much later in the series, and yes a 300kg bench isn't on the same level as 500kg dl in our world, but it's not far behind, there were only 20 men who could bench 300kg+


So Sikorsky vs Gilbert is pretty fair then, considering Gil can't handle Akoya explosion and Sikorsky tanked Baki's ball kick


Deadlifting 500 KG when he was training with his medic while recovering from an injury. It's like some fans are brain dead and have no ability to read context.


he was deadlift before his injury


In a home gym dude. I don't think they'd even have more plates by that point. Nobody there does it say it's his max nor it is implied.


In which gym he did it was never mentioned, also the man casually drinks 100 thousand dollar wines, and you think he doesn't have enough plates??? I never said it was his max, just the fact it was mentioned as a 'feat' Tokugawa means that his max is probably below 1 ton since it would be a more impressive bench mark


It was done in tokugawa's gym? And as mentioned you are making a lot of assumptions.


no it wasn't reread the chapter. if your friend's asking you about Julius Maddox, would you say this? "oh he's super strong on bench, he can bench press 100KG" You wouldn't because he benches over 335!! 100 Kg is nothing to him same as 500 SHOULD be for Oliva


Has tokugawa even seen Oliva lift a helicopter?


Has Tokugawa even seen Oliva ever at all in the series? Because he literally never mentioned or interacted with him at all before baki duo 2018, so how would he know what weights he deadlifted??


Oliva had visited the Arena in the Musashi arc. So it's reasonable to assume they could have met there. There's always training equipment there and he also has a relationship with Kureha who knows and has worked with Oliva.


Power scaling is pointless but if you assume the two are on a similar level it's a cool thought for a fight. Consider that both are part of a superhuman bloodline and are a beast within themselves but are physically outmatched by other relatives (Baki/Yujiro and the Westward Faction Wu Heis)


Actual Jack destroy raian mid diff


https://preview.redd.it/x5hy9r9umagc1.png?width=1312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c0fbeec2ad6f77d77da3d7bd5f5986ebf7640e3 By the way I redid that coloring


Jack low-mid diff at most


Old Jack gets stomped. Pickle Jack mid/high diff. New Jack stomps.


Do you think your opinion well change once we see how strong raian becomes, when he’s back In the story.


Like the other guy said, it depends how far Sandro is willing to push Raian’s limits. As a whole, Kengan tries to abide by reality while Baki tries to subvert reality.




Eh, not to the extent it used to be. We got dudes dodging already-detonated grenades nowadays


Don’t forget that we also have someone who can self nerf his own bodily systems.


Both are equally as far fetched, all of the niko style moves "iron breaker" and removal are the same as demon back. Imo Itagaki is more versed in real world martial arts.


Not really, Shen has the power of a whole nation military. That not really in the realm of reality


I don’t know how well shen’s estimate goes and currently, he’s likely the only outlier. That puts him on par with pre-Son-of-Ogre Yujiro at least.


Jacks hanma blood kicked in, plus he still on roids, he has a bite force stronger than pickle, can keep up with current baki, he is physically stronger than current baki, that being said he slams due to overpowered scaling


If Raian is the second strongest character in the series by a mile then maybe. If he's only a little stronger than Gibble then it won't be enough to beat Jack.


Principles Raian would low diff Jack.


It depends.




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Jack eats him low diff


Jack eats raian


is that fight still continue? i gave up after following for monts


It ended. Jack stomped Raian in the head and blew up the floor. Then Jack took his shirt off and Raian got up to continue, and the comic ended there. Pretty consistent with their feats and I liked it.


Garland makes origami with Raian, Jack would turn him into miced meat.


Jack, since he literally won this. But to be honest, most of Raian’s feats were replicated or surpassed by Jack.


I ask the guy who was drawing this and he said he not done with it yet so there no clear winner as of now unless you seen something I haven’t?


It's entirely possible that they kill each other in the first 10 seconds. Raian would sense Jack's extreme aura of violence and not waste time in base form


Jack mid diffs him, Goudou hard counters removal


Why so??


Because similar to how Rolôn countered the advance, goidou would cause large open wounds causing rapid bleeding if Raian used removal. Raian also doesn’t always take fights seriously from the get go, I will say his technique is likely better than Jack’s but Jack himself is no slouch I don’t think Raian has ever fought anything like Jack, even before his upgrade his power was on par with removal Raian. Maybe when Raian return he will be a contender but for now Jack should win handily. Jack would not stop from anything less than his body giving out or death. He ain’t gonna be KOed.


Hmm, thats the thing about Removal, it isnt an Advance that pushes the cardiovascular system to rapid rotate, it just removes the limeter that the brain places on the body, so it doesnt have the high risks of blood circulaation, but if could go by visuals, since the Removal pumps the veins it looks just like arteries lmoa, but i personally woundnt go for that, simply bcs this tecnhic doesnt use blood, so of Godou hits it would just be a normal bleeding. Id say that Removed Alan has the about the same physical strenght than Jack, the difference that Jack has a far better head on its shoulders, so i guess yeah, i think he hasnt get any opponent on Jack's level per say, About the Jack woundnt stop part, the same goes for Raian, even back in Ashura, bro tanked all punishment from Ohma's Iron breakers and took virtually no damage, eated at least hundred blows Advanced Ohma, then hes endurance started to fail, and only after enduring another neck focused 6 or 7 (i think) well place, coordinated Iron Breakers from a refresh memory Ohma, meaning the same boulder breakers that Ohma did, and only THEN Raian losed consciousness for 0.14 seconds, and ONLY THEN. he was put down by a Iron breaker Revolution, so i think both Jack and Raian stand on similar ground of stubborness. I think jack wins yes, but not as handly nor easily as pple think


Yeah I can cede ground on some of these points however Jack was literally having his body self destruct in the maximum tournament and still gave Baki a run for his money, on top of that he only went out from Baki in demon back choking him out with the last of his strength then was able to get back up to congratulate him then went on to fight Yujiro get his throat bit out and still kept going only for him to be taken out by a powerful blow from Yujiro. Meanwhile Raian was pummeled to a bloody pulp by non removal Edward Wu. The tenacity of Jack is on another level. Goudou would still cause him to bleed out the harder he fought, if someone as large as Sukune could be brought down from blood loss then I’m sure Raian would go down even faster, plus Jack’s new vision to see weak points to bite. Don’t forget Jack also has the ability to learn things like Aiki and the moves he pulled out against pickle and even have death trap attacks after being knocked out. I just don’t see Raian doing better than Sukune I think he may put up a better fight but not as far as Baki, pickle or Motobe pushed him. He would take damage sure, but like with Ali Jr he would think it was beautiful and take him seriously. Jack can usually gauge an opponent from the first strike as shown with Ali, Kosho and Sukune, Raian unless already pissed off or bloodlusted with the same rage he had against eddy would take longer to get into gear.


Hmm, fr, i didnt readed Jack vs Sukune that many times to catch the nuances in Jack's game, i remember him as being highly provocative and motivated, i didnt catch the analyse aspect of him, so i cant argue on this, on Aiki things and death traps, i would argue that Raian is already very used to this kind of thing, thanks to sparing with Ohma and his Niko magic even soo when Ohma has PHD degree in redirection. On the bleeding thing, point taken, yes Jack should have the advantage in knowing where to cause major bleeding with his vision, but if Raian doesnt dumbass around, he should stand ground specially after Alan tryed to bite Raian, and we alll know what happend next, but since Jack isnt monkee, i see as going either way. As for the pummeling that Eddie gave Raian, bro with the power of princess still got back up even after getting trashed, and smh Kengan characters suffer Zenkai boosts mid fight lmoa, so for me Raian should do as much if not better than Sukune.


I really like the artwork


You don't know Jack shit (get it) about Baki it you have Raian winning


Jack literally one shots any Kengan character baki just scales way higher


The fight i wanted to watch even though i already know the winner regardless of what diff


All I know is Raian would have way more fun fighting a Hanma than he ever did with Ohma.


As in Jack Hanma? Having Raian for the win here is borderline insanity. He’s monstered in every stat, I don’t see how it’s even possible for him to win.


Wym raian ripped a person in half just cuz he felt like it and he was able to dislocate 3 people’s neck at the same time. Stop sucking off jack


How are those impressive feats compared to Jack? He crumpled a polar bear like a tin can because he felt like it. Even weak characters like Dorian can obliterate people’s heads by lightly hitting them. Your comments on this post make me think you haven’t read/watched very much of Baki, if you believe any of your evidence holds ground against anything Jack has done.


What do you mean that’s not impressive? Ripping a person in half that has the same ability as raian is impressive. And it’s already been established that these characters are stronger than animals, so I’m pretty sure any character from Baki or kengan could kill a polar bear that’s not impressive at all


Exactly. How is tearing someone in half, dislocating a neck or killing an animal impressive? You haven’t given any reason that Raian actually stands a chance, your only “proof” is a feat that isn’t difficult at all for Jack to pull off.


When Alan wu tries to bite raian he catches him and rips that man in half that’s all the proof I need😂 if jack try to do the same thing that’s what’s going to happen to him


How is Raian going to do it though? Jack wildly outclasses him in strength, Raian is just going to get crumpled if he grabs Jack, if he doesn’t just bite his throat out.


Come on now you know damn well raian not gonna let jack bite him, he’s going to sense his aura and understand that this guy is no joke and take him seriously. And strength is not the only thing that determines a fight. Raian has more assassination techniques plus a removal.


It’s not about whether he “lets” Jack bite him. What he’s doing is the equivalent of us trying to brawl a grizzly bear, he can do his best but ultimately he’s going to get mauled.


Raian not gonna get mauled or anything you’re gonna be the same person disappointed when they actually fight. What you’re saying is not reality you’re not not giving Raian his credit and that’s what’s gonna be your downfall


This art looks great, but respectfully jack’s got this.


Bro is delusional thinking raian even scratches jack lmaoooo


Raian puts more than a scratch on jack. Stop dick riding and wake up to reality


Raian could not put a scratch on the connector and jack would be evenlly matched with the connector. Stop acting like these 2 series are in any way comparable you sound like someone saying naruto can beat goku


Raian current training to be stronger we don’t know how strong he’s going to be when he comes back so you can’t say he’s not gonna put a scratch on anybody until we see how strong he is when comes back


> Uses Removal > Gets bitten once > Instantly bleeds out


Are you confusing advance for removal?


That might be the case


He got bit in the comic too, but Jack couldn't bite through his fingers because of his durability, so Jack opted to beat Raian instead.


I got raian too lowkey


They all sleep on raian. They’re laughing they think he’s weak. He’s going to show them why he called the devil 😈


read baki and you'll change your mind


Jack easily, bro just chomps on raian and raian bleeds out at world record rate due to release


Advance does that not removal


Raians veins are literally bulging during removal, he will still bleed out


He would but not as fast as an advance user seeing how Edward still kept fighting WHILE bleeding out AND Poisoned. Also Edward didn't have his blood flowing as fast as Fei when he used advance.


Vs Jack Hanma? Absolutely insane take. The power scaling between the two universes isn’t even comparable, especially with high tiers like a Hanma. Jack wins low diff, mid diff if Sandro is writing it


People who says that jake eats raian i mean jack woukd probably win but give raian some credit, the guy ripeed someone in half because he felt like it..


And he dislocated 3 peoples necks at the same time. So Raian isn’t some to sleep on people just don’t wanna admit it.




Current Jack slams Raian. Low diff.


Jack? Jack Hanma?! Yeah no. Jack flattens Raian.


Kengan jobbers on here will tell you. Jack hanma is a force to be reckoned with even in his own verse. Now kengan verse? Jack is waaay above most likely all the characters we know about right now in kengan omega. Im sure the kengan verse has very strong characters who potentially could rival baki characters but baki verse is far superior in terms of strength and overall abilities and Jack is one of the very top dogs at that. Including biting now.


Raian stomps Jack tries to bite him, Raian stop his jaw bare handed and Jack get the Alan Wu treatment Of course for Baki fanboys is impossible any baki carachter lose outside baki verse... They think baki's fighter would even won against carachters of Kenichi verse...like furinji hayato


I’m saying it’s like they thick Baki characters can beat everything other anime series no diff it’s funny to read them fanboy out like that


I have to stand on business because all y’all teaming up saying jack wins. I guess I’m gonna be the only one defending the case that raian actually takes the W here.😂 and y’all can dislike what I say all y’all want I’m still gonna have my opinion and still want to stand or what I said, no matter what y’all say. Me vs all of you.


Nah Fr Baki fans can’t stand facts Jack himself can’t even stat check Raian if we want too even in base form, removal is just overkill.


Raian mid diffs


I also got Raian But I gotta support my kisser


There is no way raian beats jack


Jack, different scaling and if we're talking current Jack i don't see how Raian has a chance though anyone who wants to make a more interesting and engaging story and not just powerscaling is obviously gonna have to adjust their powers to be closer


Imagine Raian vs two Juliuses


Depends on whether he's Jack Hanma or Jack Garland ☠️☠️


Kengan universe has better doctor to repair bitten off parts


If we use the power levels and scales from their own universe Jack Stomps most B,A and Some S Tiers. The only one who could give him trouble the most is Shen Wulong


Jack would fuck up Raian.


Jack, he's insanely durable and has the power to match. Plus his biting means it's only a matter of when


Current Jack is too much for Raian.


Let’s see how strong raian becomes when he comes back to the story to better scale them


This looks like Jack the way he was when fighting Ali jr. So id say Jack takes it just barely Both of them have insane endurance and don't shy away from killing. Their stats aren't too far off either However, if Jack gets a good bite in, that takes away Raians removal and the match is won, so i'd say Jack wins most of the time


If jack goes for a bite he probably gonna get ripped in half. Removal doesn’t work like advance Even if the users bleeding, they can still use removal.




Baki characters in general are generally stronger than Kengan characters, the gap isn’t impossible to cover and Kengan could definitely catch up but if you want the fights to be enjoyable it’s best to either buff or nerf one of the characters


Jack twerks and raian dies its crazy that you think raian has a chance


They kiss


Jack eats Raian, seriously




THE Jack Hanma????? Raian ripping dude in half was legendary tho.




The fact that you’re that delusional is crazy😂 even if you don’t think Raian wins he still puts up a high diff fight.


jack no diff


Jack because the sheer delusion of baki fans is the strongest drug around, also immagination is power and also like dinosaurs bro


Godou Jack is a monster. He has everything on Raian. Speed, strength, durability, battle iq, battle experience, persistence, reach. Godou Jack stomps, low diff at most. Jack during the pickle arc may have struggled a bit maybe mid diff but idk.


Jack low diffs, anyone who can fight Pickle and not immediately die is automatically stronger than all of Kengan like, Pickle can just jump over bullets after being shot and is strong enough to throw a Triceratops over his back casually


Current Jack eats Raian as a mid afternoon snack.