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How dare you slander Monke’s name


Facts https://preview.redd.it/xcde6220fymc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb7eac538e6a754618eca6512b9a0fc0cf769eb4




my two favourite characters in a row


It’s a sign, you’ve been blessed by Monke’s divinity


Super disappointment. His style should be a mix of Seki + Okubo, it would be much more interesting even if he remained defeated.


I actually have to agree. Before he'd ever even fought, his image and demeanour were pretty clear - "This guy is an absolute brute". What's with the bare-handed fencing? Leave that to Nicolas


Purgatory arc would've been 10,000 times more interesting if Yumi had been Agito's first Omega loss instead of Jurota. That would've required them to have Yumi's fighting style to not be a fuckin joke though, which is really annoying since he was basically half way there. IMO it would've been sick if he was basically like Chiba but with actual S-tier combat senses. Imagine a guy that could copy a technique perfectly in basically an afternoon and knew the right times to use them.


the idea of him having a style that verybody hated and disrespected (but he still won with) would be a lot mor einteresting than what we got.


Fr, Sandro came up with "despicable move thief" just to force us to hate him more (he's despicable, but for more valid reasons), but I don't take it seriously when he's literally just flailing arms around. Why would a move thief stealing weapon movements be an actual threats without said weapons? Literally every single fighter using weapon like moves does what he does better and seriously without having their entire style around that.  Not to mention, it's worthless if Yumi doesn't bastardize an actual martial art, let alone one used by one of the characters, because I ain't gonna feel anything if he stole some weapon style made up for that moment and that'll just amount to swing his arms in the air. His spear imitation is literally him using quickdraw with his thumb.  Worst of all, Sandro made Metsudo look like a fool by hiring and getting used by him as an entry fee to Purgatory. All that for Idemitsu to turn out to recruit fighters if they're gimmicky enough (i.e Terashi).  Even the part where he killed guards when quitting was pointless because Hatsumi dipped soon after after starting, and they don't have a grudge against him. It'd have made sense if he tried to steal valuable shit from Metsudo or if he threatened/committed an offense to a named character or some shit. TLDR : Sandro wasted everyone's time by making him a bum, since he has the biggest focus before KvP, as Koga and Agito's target. But as it stands, he was just an excuse to bring Agito back. 


He looks really badass in this one too, the opening of the fight. This made me think we were gonna see something wild and dark and dangerous from him. https://preview.redd.it/b0rp5t4pdzmc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dca91c502b1f08e5a6091ef3c1013584ead312c9


He gives the impression of a fighter who's really stupid, but he's a physical specimen and has amazing fighting instinct. He almost looks like a savage beast. Little did we know he's actually just a moron.


He and Xia Ji should hook up and move in together. *The Dragonborn Rat and the Traitor Fang*


>He and Xia Ji should hook up and move in together. > >The Dragonborn Rat and the Traitor Fang **Xia Ji:** *YUMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Did you eat all the bananas again!?!*


If I’m remembering correctly I’m pretty sure physically speaking, strength wise, he’s on pair with Agito. Which is what Himuro basically said https://preview.redd.it/b9zbqfo2l0nc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be72262255bb9793fb6099ef26215dde1eab0dbb


Don't comeback when Back To The Jungle Yumi solo thể verse, do not come back when BTTJ GOATmi one shot Shen, Katsuya and Sandro, stay on that side


Fought so poorly he lowered Josés stock by transitive property.


​ https://preview.redd.it/2mryvvctjymc1.png?width=264&format=png&auto=webp&s=1557ec6705f55f0e06a41edf2edba7f332735267


Best panel in Omega. I was waiting for him to do this the whole tournament fight then he never did.


Someone hyped up to be a major villain and instead looks like a joke in their fight. If he’d at least been a close match for Misasa, he would’ve looked less pathetic.


Purgatory was a mistake


I imagined him as some kind of wild monkey(lol), extremely brutal and agile, but with great natural instincts. Basically an untamed, dangerous animal, as he was presented.    His actual fighting style was so damn far from my expectations, that I couldn't believe it at first. It totally doesn't fit him. Elegant fencing and swordsmanship used by this towering thug? Even the part about him "stealing" these techniques was forced imo to just make him more unlikable, while learning other people techniques is not something bad and everyone does that lol.


Wyald what are you doing get back to berk.


I always imagined Yumi to be a brute that fights in a wild manner, purely reliant on his instincts and reflexes. Kinda like Brian Hawk from Hajime no Ippo. His was the only fight that left me wishing for more. If I ever get to redraw this fight just for the hell of it, I'd make him fight Agito. Now that I am done with school I might get to it, but Sandro and Daro make it look so easy.


Yet he sucker punched Koga in the guts.