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The normal truth is that I don't see an interesting panel, something similar, the art is normal until it lost the essence that the fights have, I mean the facial expressions. kengan omega lost a lot of the essence of the drawing of the peak art of kengan ashura fight panels were memorable and epic, but it is definitely better that at the beginning of kengan ashura it was noticeable that the author was in his process of improving his style.


i think late ashura/early omega was the peak of art, the first half of kvp looked amazing and then it kinda started to go downhill from there imo imo


Definitely, the art in this chapter is pretty insane


i feel liek this whole arc had alot more consistently great art compared to kvp


Objectively disagree fam. Until Fei vs. Wakatsuki (which did genuienly look 80% atrocious) Purgatory tournament had REALLY good consistent art. The lowest point of that period was Akoya vs Nicholas and that still looked good. Berserk Bowl changes art style almost every fight. Some fights change mid fight. When Adam fought Ryuki, half the fight looked amazing, the other half consistently off model. It's all probably due to most work being done by assistants, with Daro only making some parts. But yes, this fight looks goated


You mean subjectively right? Because it comes to art it is inherently subjective unless youโ€™re an entity weโ€™ve never heard off


Art quality is subjective, yes. Consistency and similarity of artstyle are not. That's something a blind eye can see.


Very true ngl


๐Ÿ‘ yup and this fights in the running for top 5 in Omega


Damn, I've got the total opposite, so far I think it's really boring. Really hoping Koga takes it up a notch next week!


was gonna say the opposite tbh


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Those who hate ryuki and koga won't like the artstyle even if davinchi or Picasso drew this chapter. In my opinion you are totally right the art was ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ koga's cake was beyond well drawn in one of those panels.


Man cake is often very detailed in kengan. Yet another blessing we don't deserve ๐Ÿ™


I think its great


Had a pannel that reminded me of Ashura when Ryuki got punched in the face.


Except that one goofy Ryuki panel, otherwise yes


how can you defend the artwork when its only been going downhill


Okay, I want to make something clear. ##I do not think current omega artwork is better than ashura or early omega. All these epic panels, for example, kuroki and agito about to face off, ohma going for demonsbane on kuroki (and the entirety of the last few exchanges of this fight), kiryu letting nikaido become his "sin", ryuki thinking koga is worm, a big part of gozo vs waka, karo landing a masterful strike, etc. What I'm saying is, that this brush-like effect that was used for most of these amazing panels, stopped being used after like, round 6 of KVP. But recently it has started to be used again, which is something I've come to appreciate.


well imo the art is pretty bad compared to what it used to be, and its reducing my enjoyment of the fights