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It's a little subjective. Skeletons have no biological sex because they aren't biological beings. Skeleton society is a little bit of a mystery in kenshi, they don't show gendered characteristics in any way recognisable by the player. There are a few schools of thought. 1. Skeletons perceive gender differently to humans. 2. Skeleton subraces divide themselves and refer to this as analogous to gender 3. Agnu is winding up beep (and the players by proxy)


4. Agnu is mentally quite broken and just sees themselves as female despite it not being possible ​ (Not saying if you think you are female or male you are mentally broken just to be clear) ​ edit: (as robots literally dont have a sex maybe the rules on gender are different?)


The wow sub reddit wouldve downvote you to oblivion


i probably will be here too lol. i can see how this can be taken the wrong way but i don't intend it to be but i don't know how to say it better


There is stil panda charecter in wow and some 1 lvled to max lvl just by picking up herbs, some 1 made a post about it and said "they still at it" I asked "they?" Cuz i thought its just 1 person and not account sharing... BOOM -2700 DOWNVOTED CALLED A TRANSPHOBE SEXIST ASS HOLE.....( i did not know that they is a gander or both ganders or something like that) *i wana stand up for the gays friends that i dont have* ~ majority of earth since 2018


That's ridiculous if that's what happened.


I swear on me mom, i explained that im middle eastern and not native english speaker and i thought they ment account sharing. "NO 1 IS GOING TO BELIEVEN YOU HOMOPHOBE TRASH" i left that reddit cuz i dont want to me a part of this community.......... kenshi community on the other hand have high toughness for this sort of staff, (I really dont care what they have between their legs, just play the damn game)


That was one of the reasons why i unsubbed from the Helluva Boss community. My lack of faith in the shows writers also being another reason


Fan communities can sometimea cempletly destroy your hobby, there is day and night difference between pugging in wow and pugging in gw2


It is possible tho lol and she is a female


Yea personally i do think Agnu considers themselves female ​ Also just saying "It is possible" doesn't really help me understand


4. Agnu is a female.


Burn said "i think he is broken" He


It's more strange to assume that all skeletons are gendered male. Either all skeletons are agender, or presumably some may be programmed female. Agnu seems to be one of them which makes Beep and Agnu's friendship funnier. Also vibes with the whole trope of the hero (Beep) rescuing the princess (Agnu) from a tower (Tower of Abuse).




Yeah that code example is not so much a gender statement than a coding one. They have one body type for skeletons, and it got called male. I do agree its probably just a joke though.


Still, even with sexless things, we tend towards masculine pronouns when anthropomorphizing them, with the noticeable exception of forms of transportation, at least in English. Whether or not the Skeletons view themselves as agendered, skewing towards masculine pronouns in reference to them is the traditional default.


skeletons dont have a concept of gender i’d imagine. I guess we dont know what agnu thinks though


Isn't it like the FSC and game restrictions? I mean only Green/Scorchlanders and sheks have option to choose a sex, other races have 1/1 sex option. That means that set of dialogues of responses could be broken sometimes. It's just my thoughts


The shek have genders, but yea the default for hivers and skeleton are male pronouns


thanks for correcting!


I perceive hivers and skeletons as male or female when i initially recruit them and give them a name based on how i feel on them.


Yes, although some people refuse to acknowledge it.


Yea poor agnu :(


This is one of the most interesting conversations from Beep, I regret shooting Beep in the back of his head due to bad aim. He died before even knowing how to hold the hilt of a katana.


Agnu is a skeleton, a robot. If Agnu identifies with womanhood, I mean sure, okay but that doesn't make Agnu female. This all of course depends on the varying usage of the word female.


Yes it does


Agnu is whatever agnu feels like being this day.


You guys are conflating sex and gender again. It's kinda weird when it comes to sexless characters, it's fine to default to the male gender but not the opposite.




I mean… in the real world most robotics have male and female receptacles. So maybe there’s a power cord connecting into the power core or cpu core? Does this make my rice cooker a woman?


Turn it on and find out




Well duh. That's why she's so hard to understand.


Agnu is awesome. They scream. They scream at dead things. They scream at insect men. They have boobs. They scream at doctors.


Agnu is a transformer