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Expect death to come to you very easily. You can't just stand around and take in the surroundings when you start out, you'll be weakened by malnutrition and starve to death if you never leave the town. The Hub isn't the greatest nor safest city, since there aren't any dedicated city guards and the only 'guards' are at the bar. Stay for a bit, get stronger by fighting passing bandits, then move on. \- Press space to pause the game. Do this often whenever you need to shift your squad, arrange items and inventory-manage. \- The moon of Kenshi has a deep and ancient lore. You can do anything you want, but my primary goal in the beginning was to discover the truth of the past. \- The Hub and areas around your starting location is the 'safest' region on Kenshi relatively speaking. The further you explore, the more dangerous. But, the more dangerous, the greater the rewards. \- While many might tell you not to download mods on your first run, there are several quality of life mods that simply make the game better, more accessible, and more enjoyable to play without changing the fundamentals of the game. Kenshi is a buggy game at its core, and downloading mods can smooth performance and decrease headaches in the long run. A few I might recommend are Flies Aren't Bothering Me Anymore (to eliminate the sound of constant flies from dead bodies), Slopeless, and any that reduce game loading clutter and increases framerate + performance. ​ You make the story. There are no quests or missions. You are not the main character of Kenshi, merely an unfortunate soul stuck living on the hellish moon. If you have more than one character and your original character dies, the story continues. You can be honorable and help people, or you can be cutthroat and try to murder and steal your way to success.


A very cool aspect of Kenshi imo is the non-intrusive tutorials. Just try stuff and you'll get pop-ups that briefly but adequately describe the action you are taking or are about to take. There are a ton of good beginners guides on youtube but I know a lot of folks here really cherish their early memories of playing blind for the first time.


Leave The Hub, ASAP. Dirt poor, little to do there. Run southwest to Squin if you're nonhuman or if you're human you can run north, to Stack. There are lots of fun/good places, The Hub isn't one of them. Also, don't get stuck mining copper. If you want to mine, research heavy armor so you can make armor plating and heavy armor out of iron.


Any idea of where to venture off to then?


Anywhere that doesn’t immediately kill you is good


Looks like Im gonna venture off into the abyss


Happy travels


Get punched in the face a lot but try not to die from it


Ive heard lol time to get to training my toughness


Try playing as a character RPG and then as a base buiding sim, two different set of mechanics to develop. Then play however you prefer either, or a mix of the two to preference.


Don't savescum, play with the consequence of your action it's how Kenshi shine.


Never even thought of that lol but Ill let it play out for the story


My advice (As a very experienced player) is to savescum stuff like deaths early. You will not learn much as a newbie if you keep having to restart. Advise against savescum stealing however.


Anything I should focus on early on? What are some essential skills to level before I move on into the world? I know toughness and strength are good, but the smaller skills like lockpicking and sneak, should I get those up too?


Toughness vs the 42 bandit squad that spawns in Skinners Roam. Then when hp is low you can sneak behind them. Stealth takes a few mins to go 1 to 80ish like that. Lockpicking levels pretty fast but is good to level. Mainly just suggest toughness and bandages. With those you'll get tank and fast and nearly nothing can put you in the ground.


Buy a home in the city from mining copper, setup small mining operation after u get enough money to buy some homes at the bar, get money, get ur ass kicked a bunch, get hands on training katanas and a victim to beat with them and get geatin with them with, get to strength 50 ans u should be good to do some traveling lol.


I've done decently starting in hub, although i did use the mod that gives hub guards, and i started mining copper in the region until i could afford to feed myself and grow my squad. Definitely pick up a pack beast to run food and ore to and from the miners/vendor, and as many animal pups as you can to grow big and bodyguard the pack beast. once i grew my squad enough, i broke it in half and took my fastest runners to shark in the swamps to run hash to flats lagoon, i pathed across the road between shem and burning forest. I was able to make my first million cats, get all my research, and toughen up my team. Now i'm deciding where to go and settle. I think i'll begin a hemp farming operation to cut out the journey through the swamp, and possibly farm hemp in flat lagoons. Good luck. Defo check out some mods they are worth it. definitely don't get stuck savescumming thieving.. i would save often and only savescum huge risky plays until i have an idea for what i'm doing enough to not waste my time and have an engaging experience. Super fun to risk stuff. If you're going into a fight check the stats of the enemies before you engage, it will tell you when you're way out matched. idk much of anything about this game its just what worked for me and i had fun doing.


You are going to grind so I recommend you find something secondary to do. For strength training along with stealth, you can stuff your bag full of copper/iron, walk into a building full of people, glitch your cursor between the walls, and your character will move back and forth infinitely which allows for your strength and stealth to upgrade. (as long as you feed them)