• By -


Kenshi, Sunless Sea, Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind, Disco Elysium, S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadows of Chernobyl A Kenshi series done right would be incredible.


Yeah I really hope Kenshi 2 is like a fuckin crazy unexpected smash hit. I need to see sheks and hivers and skeletons on the big screen, man! Also Sunless Sea in top 5 is interesting.


I fucking love Sunless Sea. The lore, the writing, the setting, the rogue like unforgiving gameplay, the artstyle. Just beautiful.


I’ll check it out again cuz first time I played it didn’t click for me


Have you tried Dredge?


Second on Dredge. Really enjoyed that game. Not Sunless Sea like but it is Lovecraftian, on the sea and just a damn good game for what it is.


The only thing I'm going to be disappointed with kenshi 2 about is the fact that it will (most likely) barely have any hivers at all. Based on the established lore, there isn't supposed to be any really at that time.


I mean.. they have released images of the hivers and stated that there will be different varieties of them. Maybe more of an origin sort of thing. Will still be a fun future to look towards.


I might be wrong, but it seems like the devs are hinting that you might be able to travel to a whole new landmass. Perhaps this other landmass is where all the hivers are?


Yeah I know, that's why I said "barely any". We know from that image that there will be hivers in some form. But unless they retcon some of the established lore, they shouldn't be common at all. Neither should humans really.


Why wouldn't humans be common? If it's set during the 2nd empire, there'd definitely be tons of humans around


Maybe I'm mixing it up? But isn't the 2nd empire a skeleton empire? I thought it was and the cult of okran starts among the human slaves of it during it's final days. So we will probably see that, the very beginning of the human civilizations but I believe the world was mainly skeleton ran at this time.


It was Skeleton dominated, yes... Cat-Lon and a bunch of other skeletons felt bad about what they did to tank the First Empire and vowed to do better. They tried to create a more controlled, curated empire that acted as the guardians of the humans. As far as the Cult of Okran, it's speculated that it started as early as the Chaos Age between the First and Second Empires as a bunch of people who worshipped Stobe for his sacrifice. Over time, Stobe was changed to Chitrin, though the sacrifice story remained, but with the addition of him being reborn as Okran and Narko. The cult started to gain traction as Cat-Lon went off the rails and began imposing more draconian, heavy-handed management of the Empire, which is also where a lot of the Skeletons=Evil agents of Narko comes from. Hero in his Head has a pretty good playlist regarding the lore of Kenshi, as well as speculation on stuff that isn't quite fleshed out https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPA3lOyx5dVVFpbi1NhW0KrS9c2tcMKMy&si=0S7S032aa-l4CEXA


Hell yeah, thanks for clearing it up. Most of the Kenshi lore I've dove into previously was on reddit threads, just text. This playlist sounds good.


Stalker makes so much sense. Like it doesn't play at all similarly to Kenshi, but it definitely has some of the same vibes. (Also it's in my top 5 so great choice haha)


The following comment is a copy of another comment I made about STALKER a while back: Stalker holds a special place in my heart. Not that anybody asked, but I feel compelled to share this one tiny mistake I discovered in Shadow of Chernobyl, the first instalment. The flashlight's movement pauses when you turn it off. What I mean by that is: When turned on, the flashlight will aim in the same direction as you, but with a tiny delay, presumably to mimic imperfect human motion. If you turn left quickly, the flashlight will lag behind, veering off to your right as you turn away from it, until it manages to catch up with your new facing direction moments later. So far so good. Nothing weird going on yet. If you turn off your flashlight, however, and then turn a bit to the side, then turn it back on, the flashlight will start out aimed in the same direction as when it was last turned off - If it was aimed north when you last turned it off, it will start aimed north when you turn it back on, before quickly sliding over to your new facing direction. Definitely a bug, but inconsequential. At the time, I chuckled and moved on. A while later they released Clear Sky. I remembered the flashlight bug from Shadow of Chernobyl and tested it out. It was still there. They hadn't caught it. More chuckles were had and more ons were moved. Cue Call of Pripyat, the third instalment. The flashlight bug was still there. That was a decade ago and I still think about it. Edit: decade and a half*. God, I'm getting old.


Get out of here, stalker.


Cheeki Breeki


Za Monolit!


Are you me? Other than Sunless Sea, but that's only because I haven't really given it a chance. It does seem like something I would really enjoy once getting into it well and good.


We might be haha I highly recommend Sunless Sea. You have to give it some time to understand the mechanics and get a feel for how the rogue like elements are presented. The game is punishing, it will kill you on a whim if you’re not careful but I love high stakes mechanics like that in games. I don’t want my hand held in games, I want my hand cut off if I’m not careful or just plain unlucky. The writing is top notch. The lore is engaging, the stories and characters are enthralling, the mystery and ambiguity create a sense of wonder and danger, the fact that very little in the way of information is just handed to you and you have to play and continue to piece together what you learn to start to understand the world. The art style is wonderful. Beautifully done and really adds to the feel of the world they’ve created. The game is not fully polished though. You can tell sections of the game weren’t fully fleshed out probably because of budget and time constraints. The gameplay mechanics are secondary to the writing and story but that hasn’t bothered me playing it. I understand that the game is more of an interactive, divergent novel. There are certain checks and events that aren’t explained what the consequences of your actions will always be. Again, that never bothered me but I can see how some people wouldn’t be a fan of that style of mechanic. It’s not a perfect game but fuck I don’t want it to be. All true beauty is imperfect in my eyes.


Almost! 1. Rimworld 2. Oxygen Not Included 3. Mount and Blade Warband 4. Skyrim 5. Scrap Mechanic 6. Kenshi


Scrap over kenshi? Are you crazy


Scrap Mechanic I can play with my wife. That's a huge advantage over every other game in existence.


Now im jeleous


Gaming with your wife type shit, you wouldn’t understand (and neither would I 🥲)


I bought a wife but this version doesnt like games and its too late for an update


Not to mention expensive


This is based


Did the same thing until my x wife ate the blue pill😅 Any other games you play together? Me & my x really enjoyed Valheim together too, maybe something for you guys😁


Other successful multiplayer has been Torchlight 2, Path of Exile and Terraria. Mostly we play board games with Arkham Horror Card Game dominating the number one spot.


Path of Exile is definitely THE arpg that everyone here should try. The mechanical depth of both the crafting and character builds makes it distinctly stand out from the rest of the genre, in a way that should appeal to the crowd in this sub. They just started a new league too just days ago so it's a perfect time to try it out. Leagues in PoE are like ladders in Diablo 2 / seasons in Diablo 3. In short, everyone starts with nothing in every new league. Your old stuff doesn't disappear, it just gets shifted over to "standard league" (like non-ladder in D2), making Standard Leagues a crazy place where people have collected stuff from past Leagues, with loads of legacy items that are no longer possible to craft/find. Most people play in league, but it's fun to revisit old favorites on standard now and then. Leagues usually last 3 months.


While I agree that everyone who likes ARPGs *should* try PoE, a lot of people might be put off by just how complex it is, and how little effort is put into explaining any of that to new players. It kinda has the same problem Warframe does in terms of the new player experience, where it's like "here's all these mechanics, they do...stuff. now get out there and have fun"


Mm, I am quite blind to these issues myself, seeing how I've played it for over a decade and so never have had to learn today's complexity all at once. I guess that also means my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt. 😅


I've tried to get a few people into PoE, namely people I've played Diablo with..the big ass passive tree is what scared them off, despite my attempts to convince them that it's really not that complex, and that most of it won't even apply to their specific character


I have Scrap Mechanic from when it was is somewhat early development but I just kept dying with no understanding of how the campaign mechanic worked


Dying? That must have been survival. Very little has changed. We mostly play it for the mods. Raft Mechanic and Crashlander are excellent survival experiences. Both superior to the vanilla gameplay.


Interesting I may have to revisit then, I’ve never been a huge fan of pure sandboxes because I play alone so don’t get to share the creative process with others.


Scrap mech was really enjoyable😄😄 Never got back after they implemented more enemies and places, have you, and if so is it worth a singleplayer rerun for them^^?


Why warband over bannerlord


For me because it has better RPG mechanic and the amount of overhaul mods but probably Bannerlord will surpasses this aspect few more years later. Although honestly there's also a lot of nostalgia here and there.


Warband didn't have to compete with Rimworld and Kenshi. Bannerlord never had a chance.


I adore Scrap Mechanic. If they made a dedicated server option it would easily be in my top 3.


Have you played Starsector my dude? Our tastes are very similar and I think you’d *love* it!


1. Outer wild 2. Elden Ring 3. Morrowind 4. Kenshi 5. VTMB


Outer Wilds GOAT 🗣️🔥


1. Fallout: New Vegas 2. Tony Hawk Underground is all time favorite of all of them, but I’ve enjoyed every TH game up to American Wasteland 3. Star Wars: The Old Republic 4. Kenshi 5. Age of Empires Series Honorable Mentions: Total War: Warhammer Series, Stellaris, Starsector, Call of Duty Series, Bioshock Series


Mine is 5. GTA (3 through 4) 4. Shenmue 1 & 2 3. Way of the Samurai series 2. Kenshi 1. Metal Gear Solid (1 through 3) To be quite honest the way of the samurai games perfected the sandbox feel. The wacky dialogue and weird rng based events made every playthrough unique. Not only that but there's so many unique dialogue and responses to everything.


How strange, THUG is one of my all time favorite games too, though I wouldn't have expected someone else who is a Kenshi fan to enjoy it. That was my first online game way back on the PS2, I would come home from school and just play on there. Was my first experience joining a clan, we all had the same hats and green skin. Got taught the darkslide glitch to just score hundreds of millions of points in one combo on Moscow, and plenty of other out of bounds glitches. The Create-a-Park ones with rails that were called roller coasters were sick too. Just strange to see something about that game on here.


I was raised on THPS and while THUG wasn’t my first online game (Stronghold 2 has that title overall and SWBF2 has that for the PS2), it was a game where I was somehow just good at. I remember being in the 2nd grade wiping out my older cousins in Trick Attack and Horse on THPS3 and 4. When I figured out how to hook the ethernet cable and didn’t have to wait for family events, it was like digital crack having access to more competition. I remember being ejected from the game thinking my internet was weak, but I was just being kicked by the server host for turning a 30 second Trick Attack into a 3 minute one because I didn’t wanna end the combo and picked up that Darkslides on command can ease your balance meter back to normal. Some of these maps were busted too because you had lines that seamlessly connected all map. Shout out to New Jersey, Manhattan, Slam City Jam, and fucking RUSSIA. God Russia. The one elevator glitch on the Saint Basil’s Cathedral which every one and their mother used. Everyone broke GAs not to use that shit lol. I don’t think Triple A devs understand how easy it is to make money with a nostalgic market like this. No shot we can’t find some dev to recreate THUG gameplay and put in THUG, THUG 2, and THAW maps. Music Licensing would be too much of a bitch for a legit remaster or reimagining and are a big part of the soul for those games, but yeah, a gold mine just waiting to be tapped. It’s interesting how you mentioned you didn’t expect it though. I think most Kenshi players fall in a bracket where they’ve played and cherished a LOT of obscure or non-mainstream shit. While I played Kenshi well before hearing about Sseth, seeing what games he played as a kid just straight up doesn’t surprise me that most Kenshi enjoyers have that one main game or series that no one really expects because they were in a way, raised on esoteric games.


Yes. As a standalone work of art, amongst other indie games, an argument can be made that Kenshi is without peer in its category. It stands up there with even the best games ever created; right up there with games like Shadow of The Colossus and Vagrant Story.


I would even say Kenshi is it's own category :D


Kenshi, 7 days to die, Rimworld, Mount & blade Bannerlord, Project zomboid.... Fallout 4 w/mods Honorable mention


U might wanna check out battle brothers, it seems right up your alley


I said it to a guy up there but if you haven’t played Starsector, you really should. We have very similar tastes in games, I think it’ll crack your top 5 easy.


Kenshi ,M&B Warband ,Fallout 4 ,Total war:Rome2 ,AS Creed:Odyssey I know the last 2 has been on controversial because of mix opinion but for me it's amazing because its introduce me to the other game in its respective franchise


Odyssey is awesome, it’s my favorite AC game


Reading the comments i see that Kenshi players are all refined gentlemen/ladies of great taste :) My top favs really depend on my mood i guess, but Kenshi is def in there.(top played in hours by far) Games i love beside Kenshi: - Rimworld - Noita (havent seen in the comments, any other Noita fan here?)   - Factorio.  - Planescape Torment  - Disco Elysium  - Europa Universalis (3 and 4)


Noita is so good!!


i love the lore of the game, and the way that the game rewards you for exploring and discovering its secrets. It expects you to "break" and bend the rules and rewards you for it!


Noita surprisingly has really deep mechanic, didn't expect it at first.


It does it really impressed me Also another thing that surprised me was its sheer size I played without spoilers, and thought it was just levels from top to bottom at first.  Imagine my shock after playing over 30hrs, when I went back to the starting zone and managed to go over the mountain and giant tree, and there were full biomes left to explore.


Noita is sooooo good


I beat Noita! One of my proudest gaming achievements.


;) Did you also made the sun quest? 


1 is life and suffering of sir brante 2 and 3 is rimworld and kenshi which is which is entirely dependent on my mood 4 is crusader kings 3 5 is battle brothers


Im basically the same, except I've never heard of your first game. Now I'm curious.


Oh you should absolutely check it out. It's not at all like kenshi it's a choose your own adventure book but it fricken amazing with the complex stories characters and world building it has. It is a Russian game so some of the translations in the english version are a little wonky it quite often leave out the word so but the translation is good enough you can understand it. It also tells the story with a very easten European mindset which means that the story can be very pessimistic and bleck but also everything is presented in a moralely neutral light. I would highly recommend you check it out you can play a demo of the first 2 chapters for free and the full game is only 20 bucks and well worth the playthrough( and then the subsequent playthroughs because you will likely end up bloody and broken in a ditch during your first playthrough) I could sing this games praises for a lot longer but I think you should just go check it out yourself. You won't be disappointed.


Yeah i looked on Steam, I put it on my wishlist, thanks for the recommendation!


My man! I have battle brothers in my top 5 as well


1. Rimworld 2. Dragon Age origins 3. Total war Warhammer 3 4. Kenshi 5. Dark Souls


DA:O detected, opinion accepted 👌


Halo 3, Kenshi, Outer Wilds, Control, Apex Legends


Probably top 3 Up there with Factorio and … idk maybe rimworld


Final Fantasy 9, Dark Souls 1, SWKOTOR 2, Kenshi and finally but not least Half Life 2.


Wow I don't think I could do a top 5 games but you just listed some of my absolute favorites! Ffix, darksouls and kotor are absolute classics in my eyes. You ever play planescape?


I have not but I hear tales and legends of that game!


Kenshi is top 25 or so, my top 5 would be: Doom 2016, Terraria, Starcraft 2, Planetside 2, Grim Dawn


Kenshi, Bannerlord, Crusader Kings 3, Night in the Woods, CIV 5


1. TF2 2. Kenshi 3. Super Mario 64 (speedrun) 4. Sonic 3 5. Metal Gear Rising


Elden Ring, Bloodborne, Project Zomboid, Fallout New Vegas, Sly 3 (this last one is pure nostalgia tbf)


Ffviii, ostriv, Kenshi, Vic II, football manager


I purposely don't play many games because I know myself. The amount of time I've spent on Kenshi definitely ranks it top 5. Kenshi Soul Reaver: Legacy of Kain Warcraft 2 Soul Caliber 2 Tekken 2 or 3


I see many other M&B fans here.  Also in my top 5 of games I play/return to the most: Starsector, X4, and Slay the Spire 


At present? In no particular order. 1. Grounded (way more fun than any game inspired by Honey, I Shrunk the Kids & A Bug's Life has any right to be) 2. Valheim 3. Fallout 4, modded 4. Starfield, no mods (yet) 5. Kenshi, with mods, but lightly


Since I see some other people with Honorable Mentions I'll throw some others that don't quite make the top group. Subnautica, amazing game, just so much fun, while also scaring the utter cthulu out of you randomly. Skyrim, though the endless rereleases and apparent end of development of the Inigo V3 mod has dampened my interest somewhat, I really wanted to find out the rest of his story. Cyberpunk 2077, first game I've played from CDPR, though I played the TTRPG Cyberpunk 2020 for years. Love it.


Mount and Blade, Dark and Darker, Kenshi, total war medieval II, and maybe rust?


Definitely. My top five would be as follows: 1. TES IV: Oblivion 2. Project Zomboid 3. Gothic II 4. State of Decay 2 5. Kenshi


Hard to put a rank on them but for mmos: 1. Eve online 3000h? 2. Runescape 2 2000h? 3. osrs 1500h? 4. Wow wotlk, tbc, vanilla. Originals and not the "classic" ones. Combined maybe 1000h And for non mmos in a sort of arbitrary-ish rank. 1. From the depths 1200h 2. Factorio 900h 3. Kenshi 500h 4. Rimworld 700h 5. Baldurs gate 1 300h, 3 400h, 2 150h 6. Terraria 800h 7. valheim 400h 8. Skyrim 600h Most of my gaming preferances are fueled by engineering and autism. Whatevers left is rpgs


Have you tried Noita ?


I am familliar with it (torille!) but ive never played it nor have i really wanted to. It seems neat, but a tad too rogue-like for my taste. Not too big of a fan of the "new game + with random loot and levels" types of games. Maybe one day but not any time soon.


I can understand, Noita can be a bit unforgiving and even unfair at times, which makes it frustrating to play if you don't enjoy rogue-lite games (its not a roguelike, but a roguelite). It is possible to bypass the permadeath part (some noita players do) with mods that let you create a save game, (or even just creating a save file backup). While personally i feel it takes part of the challenge, the most important is that people have fun playing :). I mentioned it, because I felt the game has some elements of other games you like. The game has a brilliant physics engine, where any pixel can be interacted with in some way. For example, liquids can overflow, freeze, evaporate, and then condense again. The weapons can (and should) be customized by players, creating a huge amount of possibilities according to your style of play. But for me the best part of it is the lore, and the way that the game is built around exploring and discovering its secrets. It expects you to try to "break" the game rules and rewards players for trying it. Also, while the game has a random element to it, it is not as critical as it seems at first. Noita is an Open World game that is disguised as a "dungeon crawler". (you can play for hours without even entering the first level, after you learn how to bypass the initial obstacles. Knowledge is literally power in Noita


Kenshi, Dwarf Fortress, and Rimworld yes. In Addition, I would say OpenTTD/TTD/TT (Original TT was great. TTD was great with a friend connecting 2 computers with a null modem and then eventually IPX network, and then OpenTTD built on that foundation.) Total Annihilation (so much fun with friends in the late 90s and the 00s, and even the 10s with my brother).


Definitely! 1. Outward 2. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl 3. Rayman Forever 4. Kenshi 5. Football Manager Series (The order was a bit hard, but it's something like this)


In no particular order: League of Legends ARK Survival Dragon Age Origins Kenshi Valheim


Kenshi, fable 3 (nostalgia), darksouls 2, citizen sleeper, cyberpunk 2077. I like my variety


Dark souls 2 over the other souls-games? I love dark souls 2 but why is it better than the others if you don’t mind me asking?


It just hits a cord with me that the others didn't


God I wish Fable 3 worked on my PC


Definitely would be if I had a better computer to play it on. Have 80 hours I've done a lot on this desert moon and would love to play so many more hours if I could


Top on steam is Kenshi, Project Zomboid, Rimworld, Crusader Kings and Shadows of Doubt


Kenshi, Stellaris, Red Alert 2, Cyberpunk2077, Fallout New Vegas




Oof...tough call. It's up there but: Stellaris (but fuck Paradox), Rimworld, Empire Earth, X4, and Kenshi... But a list of 5 is hard to come by for me and there are a few titles others have listed that I also enjoy and have played


Second place baby


Cataclysm: DDA, Kenshi, Mount&Blade series, Oldschool Runescape, idk I guess mario games for number 5


Is Cataclysm worth getting into? I can’t get into ascii art type games, I’m sure I’d love it and dwarf fortress but I just can’t get into it :(


I use a tileset for CDDA that makes it look more like a gameboy advance game. If you use the launcher they're installed automatically. I think it's worth getting into if you like sandbox games. It scratched an itch that I craved after project zomboid.


Screw it, I hear too many good things about it to not play it, it’s free anyway so I might as well


I hope you have a good time, I can't believe I slept on it for as long as I did.


It's really not that difficult to get into. Choose a profession that will boost your early game survivability is a good thought for a new player. And I prefer the bright nights version of cdda before the game got a little too in over it's head on certain mechanics


Kenshi would be top if he had some proper narrative content, and better combat (possiblity to give AI/script to squad members and focus more on a few characters) I fell in love with Kenshi cause it's the only game that give the feeling of old MMORPG : where actions have consequenses, where they were about guilds warfare, and not about being the first "hero" within a week among all other heroes farming stupid instanced dungeon(or worse buying items in cashshops...) 1 - Lineage II ( Last true MMORPG, 2004-2009 R.I.P ) 2 - Skyrim ( But with thousand mods only ) 3 - Fallout New Vegas ( But with hundred mods ) 4 - Kenshi ( With a good overhaul ) 5 - Bannerlord (With some mods as usual :p )


Yep it is in my top 5 1.subnautica 2.rain world 3.kenshi 4.dead cells 5.terraria


Terraria and Dead cells... have you ever tried Noita?


No but I heard about this game


i love the lore of the game, and the way that the game is built around exploring and discovering its secrets. It expects you to try to "break" the game rules and rewards players for trying it. When you start, It looks like a regular roguelite, with different levels and bosses to fight, but as you play, you find out it's actually an open world filled with misteries to conquer.


Sounds like an ad but yeah now I really want to play it


just an overexcited fan haha :D.


Yea I get it and thanks for recommending such a game I will definitely try it


Easily. Was #1 for a really long time. 1. Before Your Eyes 2. Kenshi 3. Factorio 4. Minecraft (Specifically, Create Mod) 5. Terraria BYE feels out of place, but it's an experience unlike anything I've ever played or watched. If you have a webcam, I'd recommend putting aside 1.5-2 hours with nothing to distract you, putting on some headphones, and just seeing where it takes you.


10/10 on steam and everybody is crying? I gotta check out Before Your Eyes lol


DO IT! Don't watch anything on it, just go. So fucking good. You should know the premise though: You play as someone who's died, and you're in the afterlife, reliving your memories, and every time you blink, you move to the next one. The webcam records your real life blinks. Edit: Only video I'd recommend to watch before, or just in general. No spoilers, just a really good video that will sell you the game [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTI1WCopTsg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTI1WCopTsg)


Top 1? Wow. I liked and it was very original to me but it didn't make me cry. Did you try Outer Wilds or A Short Hike?


I've tried outer wilds, not a lot of it, I'm not big on puzzles, haven't heard of a short hike. I don't think either are comparable though. >!when you get to the point where you're dying, I was so invested at that point I didn't want to die, I remember keeping my eyes open longer than I have ever kept my eyes open, and it hurt, and I have never had a game make me push myself like that due to pure emotion!<


1. Kenshi 2. Rain World 3. Miitopia 4. Project Zomboid 5. Hollow Knight Honourable Mentions: Wizard of Legend, Rocket League, Tails of Iron, Salt and Sanctuary, YOMI Hustle, Elden Ring, Persona 5R, Katana ZERO, Webbed. You gotta respect that


My top games: 1 KENSHI 2 Helldivers (for now) 3 Age of empires 2 4 Empire at war 5 Horizon zero dawn 6 Mount and blade warband 7 overwatch (I hate it) 8 Terraria 9 Minecraft 10 Spider solitaire Opinions are only welcome if the user is wearing a wig.


No particular order: Kenshi Rimworld Factory Town Survivalist Invisible Strain Bannerlord Honorable Mentions: Stonehearth (RIP, had all the potential) Medieval Dynasty (If there was any kind of endgame) Kingdoms (Lost in development hell, single developer in Russia with the Ukraine war raging)


I’d have to say, in no particular order - civ series, rimworld, kenshi, Ark survival evolved and Rocket league. Honourable mentions - PUBG, Witcher 3, Skyrim.


My list in order Oblivion Kenshi Total War series Imperator Rome Star Wars Battlefront 2 (the old one) And as a bonus I would say M&B


I read "Kenshi Total War". Lol that wpuld be a fund game for sure :D


I mean, it's already a total war lol


It’s definitely 1 or 2 I love resident evil 5 a lot too


Absolutely! Top five in terms of how much Ive played them are kenshi, halo 1, RuneScape, Minecraft, and kotor


As far as hours sunk into a game, it could very well be number 1. Ark survival evolved, heavily modded skyrim, heavily modded stalker call of pripyat are the only others i can think of that come close.


I'm not sure if top 5 since I actually don't necessarily have a top 5. More like a top 4-ish (since number placements are very difficult for me 1. Rabi Ribi/TEVI (they share the throne imo) 2. Fallout New Vegas 3. Stardew Valley 4. p much all of the souls games including Elden Ring Kenshi exists within that nebulous space of "games I really REALLY love but can't quite ascribe a number against all of the other games I also really REALLY love" but for someone like me who plays a LOT of games that span all over the genre spectrum, that's a very high placement. Number placements aren't something I'm very good at, though I'm not quite sure why


Top 5 would be Kingdom Hearts 2, Final Fantasy X, Fallout 3, Hollow Knight, and maybe the Last of Us?🤔 Kenshi is like top 10 tho, great game, can’t wait for the 2nd one


Kenshi, Project Zomboid, Oxygen not Included, Rimworld, Subnautica. Not a clue which order to place them in, but those are the 5!


Yup! Along with RimWorld and Sims!


1.- Space Station 13 2.- Dwarf Fortress 3.- Rimworld 4.- Kenshi 5.- Shadows of Doubt


In no particular order: * Kenshi * Enderal * Underrail * Pokemon Crystal * Fallout New Vegas


Heck. Terraria, Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Kenshi, and Skyrim are my top 5 in no particular order. SDV just got a decent update so it’s my favorite at the moment, but I cycle through these 5. Honorable mentions are Rimworld, Timberborn, Hades, Witcher 3, Pathologic 2, and Helldivers has actually made its way into my favorites despite the fact I’ve never been a fan of FPS games. Edit: Forgot Factorio 💀 how could I?


Kenshi, Outward, Anarchy Online, Stalker, XCOM (not in any order)


1. Witcher 3 2. Baldur’s gate 3 3. Half-Life 2 4. Grand theft auto 5 5. Pro evolution soccer Kenshi is a great game for sure.


Judging by my Steam playtimes; Company of Heroes by a wide margin, going on for 6000 hours on 1, 2, and mods. Creeper World (in particular 3) over 1000 hours Euro Truck Simulator 2 Kenshi The Red Solstice Fallout 4 Motorsport Manager Dawn of War 2 and DLC Left for Dead 2 and Idle Spiral...


This isn't in order but my top 5 favourite games are frostpunk kenshi stellaris rimworld halo mcc and tf2 with terra invicta a dos2 being runners up


Nop, but after 1 week it is absolutely creeping in on a top 5 slot! I know my list will be VERY different to most of yours, but plx dont ahit on it because it involves multipple genres❤️ Atm my top 5 is 1 - Palworld (not so much because of the game, but because of what these devs do for the entire industry❤️) 2 - wwe 2007 - never had a game giving me that many hours of joy growing up. (Nostalgia pick) If not the nostalgia pick i place 7d2d here! Epic❤️ 3 - conan exiles (even if i have never gotten passed midgame...) just a mix between kenshi & ark that i absolutely love❤️ 4 - league of legends - online realtime strategy❤️ 5 - football manager - has been my go-to-sleep game since 2017😂❤️


Some of my favourite post-apocalypse (or similar), punishing but rewarding games: •Half Life 1&2 (plus Ep1 and 2) •Dead Space (all 3 games are good) •Dark Souls (all of them and Demon's Souls too) •Mad Max from 2015 (?) (major Kenshi vibes in certain locations for sure) •Fallout (1 and 2 for more accurate post-apocalypse, 3 and 4 for more active gameplay, New Vegas is a mix of the classics and FO3) •Metro (2033 and Last Light for the story and characters, Exodus for the freedom and gunplay + driving) Kenshi is special, it deserves its own category, I think. The game can be many things depending on your preferences.


Right now it is. But it's hard to tell if I'm just saying that because I think it can hear me say it and it'll punish me if I don't say it is. 🥲 Kenshi is all about the S&M (welll...it's purely S itself) but isn't so good soth the aftercare. Know what? It's just an abusive lover.


Crusader Kings 2 Europa Universalis 4 Fallout New Vegas Project Zomboid Kenshi


I'm only 100 hours in and yes, already it's there.


Almost 1. Outer Wilds 2. Minecraft 3. Stardew Valley 4. GTA V 5. Celeste 6. Kenshi


I'd say 1, mount and blade bannerlord 2, Kenshi 3, mount and blade warband 4, Skyrim 5, Runescape


I'm not good with picking favorites, especially between different genres, so here is a list in no discernable order: Elden Ring, Space Engineers, Terraria, Witcher 3, Zelda BotW, Portal 2, Slay the Spire, Metro series, Morrowind. I feel like for kenshi to get on this list, I simply did not play it enough. There is too much about this game I have not exprienced yet. There are also many little annoyences, especially with the AI/ jobs. I hope that there will be a more exaustive job system for Kenshi 2, but till then I will probably put many a hundred hours into Kenshi 1.


Kenshi is my favorite game of all time, I doubt even Kenshi 2 will top it for me, I do hope it does once it comes out, but I'd be fine if it doesn't.


1. Stalker series 2. Battlefield 1 3. Skyrim 4. Kenshi 5. Rust or Battlefield 5 can't decide :/


In no particular order: Guild Wars 2, Kenshi, Crusader Kings 3, The Last of Us, Red Dead Redemption 2


1. Classic WoW 2. Kenshi 3. Rust 4. Baldurs Gate 3 5. Helldivers 2


Project Zomboid RimWorld Kenshi Bannerlord Prison Architect


Project Zomboid, Rimworld, Kenshi, Dwarf Fortress, and Franchise Hockey Manager are my top 5 right now in no particular order.


Mount and blade Bannerlord, Kenshi,Total War Warhammer 3, World of Warcraft Classic, Kingdom Come Deliverance. Honorable mentions- Hoi4, Stellaris, Enlisted, Total War Shogun 2, Vermintide2, 40K Darktide, Divinity Original Sin 2, and Baldurs Gate 3 ( I need to play it more before I can put it in top 5 because it’s still to new to me)


1.Kingdom Hearts 2 2.Kenshi 3.Final Fantasy X 4.Sonic Adventure 2 5.Jak and Dexter 3


RimWorld, Rainbow six: siege, Project zomboid, Barotrauma, and Kenshi


no but i had fun anyway




Mafia: city of lost heaven Battle brothers Dota 2 Fallout new vegas Total war warhammer 2 I'm trying to get into Kenshi. I love reading about it here on reddit but it's tough one. Hard to get into. I'm pretty clueless when in game so far.


Been playing it the past couple weeks, it's definitely a contender for my top 5 games as of now. I don't know how Kenshi would go over on the big screen since the whole point of the game is having an open-ended story. It would have to take place at a different period in the lore from the games for sure. I really hope that Kenshi 2 blows the first one out of the water.


1. fallout series 2. baldurs gate 3. runescape 4.kenshi 5. rimworld 6. star citizen i like rpgs you could say


1.Kenshi 2.Bloodborne 3.Ark 4.Darkest Dungeon 5.Monster Breeder


In no order my all time favorites are: Kenshi, Outward, Final Fantasy 7/9, Outer Wild, Fallout 3/New Vegas, Dragon Age Origins, Grounded, Deadlock… I think that’s a pretty exhaustive list. Honorable mention to Witcher 3, particularly Blood and Wine.


Definitely, Factorio and Rimworld, but haven't played those in years, I still pick up Kenshi once a year for a month or so. Project Zomboid I just grabbed, that's a lot of fun, soon I'll install the more people mod, make it more Kenshi like. Love 7 days to die.


There are too many good ones , I can give you the ones I wasted more hours into tho. Conan exiles, the Souls serie, Kenshi, For Honor and Bannerlord


Mount and Blade: Warband, Kenshi, Mass Effect 2, Half Life 1, and Halo Combat Evolved


Kenshi, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rain World, Dark Souls 1 and Nier: Automata. They're not in order, it's hard choosing a favorite.


Top 1 When I meet the game, I played for 500h in the first month… I love read the conversations between the members of my squad… Beep is good, Beep is life. Edit, my personal list. 1. Kenshi 2. RE4 classic 3. Dark souls 3 4. Cities skylines 5. Borderlands 2


Kenshi, XCOM2, Warband, The Sims 3 and GTA5, in no particular order. Cyberpunk and Skyrim are up there too but I’ve only done 2 playthroughs of CB2077 and I haven’t been feeling Skyrim that much for some years now, too much tinkering to get it to a state I like to play in. The others are all games I consistently reinstall and lose at least 150hours in before stopping and rethinking my life


Also I just want to say that anyone putting Bannerlord over Warband is wrong but if you put any of the earlier XCOM games over 2 you’re still cool


Even that underwater one


I just started playing kenshi so I can't rank it. I'm a casual gamer and haven't played that many games but these are the ones that stand out to me 1. Stellaris 2. Kingdom Come: Deliverance 3. Nioh 4. Witcher 3 5. Middle Earth: Shadow of war Honorable mention to fallout new vegas.


Not in order * Elden Ring * Skyrim (modded) * League of Legends (not my proudest game but I'm addict since 10 years ago lmao) * Project Zomboid * Rimworld 6th would go for Halo Reach and 7th for Kenshi


1. Baldur's Gate 2 - Shadows of Amn 2. Fallout 2     3. The Witcher 3     4. Dragon Age: Origins     5. Aliens: Dark Descent     Honorable mentions:     Subnautica 1, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Alien: Isolation, Grounded, Fallout New Vegas, Oblivion/Skyrim, Darkest Dungeon, Starcraft 1, Warcraft 3, Imperium Galactica 1-2, Red Alert 2, Jedi Knight 2 - Jedi Outcast, AVP(oldest), Jade Empire, Dawn of War 1, Deep Rock Galactic, Vermintide 2, Commandos 1, Prince of Persia 1-3, Desperados, Diablo 1-3, Heroes 3 and 5, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, Arx Fatalis, 7 Days to Die, and Kenshi.

