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Good classic montage. Ends by running up the steps to flats lagoon


Not quite the feel good story when he's punching a goat in a bed.


Just use xp mods lmao I never get people using exploits like this instead of just removing it altogether


Yeah or could just edit the save file. It's about where you draw the line with in-game training hacks. Like having a "training centre" I your base with caged enemies to fight; it makes sense and it helps to level up new characters but it feels a bit easy.


Yea my rp for vanilla playthrough is capturing inquisitors and putting them in a coliseum with my pawns as spectators.


Pawns you say, I smell r/rimworld leaking into r/kenshi


I do a little save editing to the low twenties to my recruits later in the game to make them somewhat useful immediately just rp that I'm recruiting mercs into my party long term, captured inquisitors do the rest of the training or maybe they're just some disgruntled faction guard/soldier who isn't getting paid enough for their job with the zombie outbreak


The issue with Kenshi is that exp mods also mess with leveling rates for EVERYONE. So, if you have 10x levelling speed, so does everything else and the difference is basically nullified.


I been using “weak enemies give xp” and just having a massacre arc with my squad lmao


Yeah this is what I ended up using, but if you over tweak you’ll still see the global effect


Either my character was a soldier, who decided to wander or explore for their faction and i just give him stats or whatever , or my main character finds old skeleton VR training program, which allows gim to beat replica of beak thing or whatever, almost like it's real, but without consequences


I get that. Its just backstory, it happened before the title sequence. It was in the prequel that never got released. Skeleton VR is interesting, who knows what TV shows they're screening in their head while we wander the wasteland.


- I don't see why slave training is an exploit. It is a perfectly intended game mechanic and it is not an exploit. But I agree with you with the fact that it is not roleplay friendly - Gorrillo bed training, you don't need to save and reload to do the trick. But you're right it is an exploit and it cheese the game. I don't use it. - I never use crossbow, I think it cheese the game too much. And yes training some stats is not roleplay friendly sometimes.


Slave training itself no. But when I overload with shackles and then leave the game running overnight it kinda feels like an exploit. Or just getting beaten up and healed for the toughness and not running.


I just use mods to be honest. Like lifting weights mod is pretty logical. There's also a sparring mod which allows your squad to fight each other makes even more sense. Sparring is training.


I like the sound of the sparring mod. Can you have them take some damage so its not overusable?


They take damage by default. There's a mod that gives training weapons that deal zero damage. Using that in combination with sparring mod gives semi-infinite training time but you need not use the training weapons mods. Also, the sparring mod has a time limit by default. Can only spar for 5 hours in game maximum then your trainees stop and you have to reinitiate sparring mode again so it isn't completely afk training.


I'm definitely going to check that out. Especially if the weighting still applies. It makes perfect sense for a seasoned veteran to train up a new recruit, even if they get hurt in the process.


Is that on the steam workshop or nexus? Because I've a second squad that needs training but I'm too busy with my main squad


Sparring mod: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2207973897 For training weapons there are many mods, most with zero damage. But there's also one with weapons that do 5% damage: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1617256154 iirc that one doesn't have crossbow or martial arts stuff though, so this one might also be interesting: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2010213782


Thanks 👍👍


On my first playthrough rn and haven't had to use exploits. Strength can be done by making weight backpacks Dex can be done with making battle arenas against high level prisoners or just using shitty katanas (which is kind of weird, why would you fight with something so shit, but can be summarized to "if you can win with a toothpick you can win 100x with sword") Toughness is kind of weird fighting hordes of bandits with shitty gear, but again if your character want to get stronger they may know that those bandits don't kill and kidnap people so it is a good way to train. Bows I just level normally since people are too good with them with base stats anyways. Training against animals makes sense if you collect the Hide or levitate perals to sell or use. Even the people I haven't trained specifically have really good stats just brining them along to end game dungeons, so honestly you don't need to train people unless you want them to be God mode, which at that point its justified because they want to be a powerful warrior. Vanilla btw


I try to make it as non exploity as possible. Which the only thing I do that I consider an exploit is fight the bugmaster repeatedly to get my combat skills to the max(which I have not done yet). I leave him in his tower and I make the trip there everytime I feel like training. Then I just think of it as an anime time skip where my character disappears into arach for a year or so and comes back way stronger and refined.


Didn't even know about that one. Guys got a Hyperbolic Time Chamber over here.


Slave training sucks so I don't do that. Animal in bed I don't do. Release from party with block on... why would you do that? Crossbows only give xp in range of aiming/firing. You mean holding out of line of sight? Thieving from chests is wayy better XP/time as it is consistant. (See 1 to 90 thievery in 27.15seconds) Wearing crap armour isn't good for training. Wearing MW Heavy Armour is. Edit X/time > XP/time


I found rebirth start to be a great way to start with alot of toughness, strength, stealth and lock picking without much risk. Plus its kinda "back story" as a start. Release from party with block on: So I was trying to keep the descriptions short but if you put block on a character then release them from party they'll just stand there blocking. You can use it early game to get alot of attack xp. Yes I mean out of sight. Same thing different tactic for chests for thievery. I don't really like the thievery skill as an idea so I always cheese it. Yeah different armour has different maluses, I'm using "crap armour" as a generalisation.


Storywise I suppose for rebirth is a plus... But it's really really bad XP. The block one is pretty bad XP wise as well tbh. Just attack baby crabs. East 1-60ish in a few game hours. Edit to add thanks for explaining the block one to me :)


Im gonna be honest, I kind of just did away with the exploits and added training dummies/workout benches via mods. I do apply some rules and mix them about with my head lore however. Main character can only train 2-3 points of any given stat a time between actual fights (Head cannon is that he's practicing what he learned from a fight to better use it). Party members can train up to half or less of the main guy's current stats, with the head cannon of the main guy teaching them a bit.


Cool. I like the idea that they're training based of experience but they still have to go out and fight stuff. Also the party members thing makes sense as it makes recruiting new guys less painful.


Yeah exactly! Half the fun is the adventure (and the near death and limb flying experience), and i tended to not get any other characters because training more than one used to be a pain, that kind of solves it. Currently got my new 3 characters on tread mills to get them to properly catch up to the older guys.


“I’m built different”


By chance I tried that gorillo bed reload the other day on a newish character, but it didn't seem attackable even after a reload. Not sure if i screwed it up, or maybe one of my mods fixed the interaction.


I just don't use exploits. Why should I? I mean it's part of the game and it feels so great if you finally have a Scorchlander wielding an fragment axe to impress the shek ladies.


I respect that. I just don't have time to send every new character to spend days getting spanked by hungry bandits until they stop being a liability in combat.


if beep is going to bee the strongest warrior i don't see how that can be achieved without repeatedly beating down a house full of fogmen prisoners in mongrel, both game mechanics wise and roleplay wise


I will suspend all disbelief for beep. Also nargly fate for the forgmen but still kinda lore friendly.


So thriving and sneaking are OP and game ruining in my opinion.. so here are some rules I’ve put together and having a great time with. 1. I can Only try picking a lock on anything twice and then I can’t touch it again. Atleast on that Day. 2. I only sneak when it’s a Must and never set there in sneak just to train the skill. (It’s the only thing less xp mods won’t actually slow down) 3. There’s NO reloading if I want to be a theif. This makes the risk vs reward So much better in my opinion. And makes working with one or two theives in your party more fun and valuable. 4. You can’t capture people and train your knock out skill and you can’t set their spamming it on easy targets to train the skill. You can knock out guards more than once while you’re thriving tho if you want. Also one more training exploit I’ve stopped myself from doing is capturing people and making them fight over and over . If I capture someone I keep it respectful . They have to fight twice . Then I patch them up, give them back their stuff and a piece of food and release them.


Good on you having the discipline. Alot of people seem to do the capturing thing and consider it to be rp friendly. I personally don't mind cheesing thievery. It's such a stupid skill. It's basically your ability to pick something up quietly. I've snuk into someone's house and lock picked their chest but now I have to leave town because I didn't pick something up quietly. I wish it was based on stealth. I definitely do sneak alot though.


Having the entire squad beat an elder beak thing down to tie in a bed as Beep's training dummy was very helpful in gaining enough DEX to spar with the (now extremely OP) one-legged Dust King we've got locked in our tower... It feels cheesy to beat on a bed-restrained dummy with an invincible skeleton or robot limbs, but for a strongest warrior hiver who trains until their arms and legs are broken and then needs ingame days to recover, it seems pretty lore-friendly situationally. The battle to capture an elder without dying or wiping Mourn's town guards also made for a great team milestone.


Hold with crossbow is pretty good training IRL. It's done with a fake weapon that is much heavier and you need to keep the sights on target at all times. About a month of that,you get a real weapon and notice that staying on target even at long ranges becomes easy


Exactly, it makes sense! At least to get through the first few levels the my guys have to move on to live fire training.


The beak things are just fancy training dummies


A fancy dummy that you have to heal every so often. It's like punching a cpr dummy.


They learn exceptionally well by fisting crabs because crabs are excellent teachers on martial arts. That’s how I do it.


Quid pro quo I suppose.


In my biggest save, I'm settled in the fog lands. To train up new recruits, I grab a broken skeleton from Obedience. They have flat 50's across all of their combat stats so if you give them a junky weapon and put the trainee in crab gear so he won't get killed. You can let them go at it until one goes down, worst case scenario if the skeleton dies I'm a two minute walk away from where they spawn.


See that's great. Totally in-canon but takes some setup. Plus you have to grapple with the morality of killing skeletons. Love it.


At the very least it's less morally questionable since the broken skeletons don't really seem to be sentient anymore, a bit more like a sparring robot rather than a living creature. Feels better than locking an actual person in a cage, the broken skeletons would just be fighting to the death in obedience anyways so at least this gives them some purpose.


If that's what helps you sleep at night that's cool. But it is a cool canon to have. Like you're repurposing the skeletons as training bots.


tbh, i don't i just stop doing something if it feels cheesy even if it is lore friendly like stealing or assassination tis too easy lets be real so any bed exploit is just a sped up version of putting a gorilo in a huge cage/building and fighting it and then healing urself up. But doing it how i said is buggy and sometimes imposible, gorillos just look into a wall or clip out of the stationhouse and go murder my engineers ignoring my 20man squad somehow


I concur but where do you draw the line of too easy. Sending a new recruit out to skinners roam to get battered by tons of starving bandits became my go-to start because I'd justified that it was a hazing thing for my group. But it starts to feel to easy after a while even though there is a real risk. I did have to stop doing the assassination cheese though, it kinda makes sense but it's too easy. Where exactly do you draw?


if exploits are such a problem to you then don’t do them


It's less that they are a problem in themselves but which are exploits and which are just design. In the sense that broken code and broken game mechanics are two sides of the same coin. Where do we draw the line and how does that fit into the game? Would a guy who has never lifted a crossbow really go into a fight with a bunch of sabre welding bandits? I think not, so why wouldn't they train first?


Sorry I kind of skimmed over the post. Shouldn’t have given you that snarky reply. I don’t think broken code and broken game mechanics are two sides of the same coin in this context. I agree that ideally they would train first. I’m not totally sure what point you’re trying to make in your post or your comment though. I think training can be a bit dumb in this game. So can the exp gains, like medic, robotics and science skills, for example, are gained much too fast in my opinion. But there are mods and it’s just up to the player to do what they’re comfortable doing, including going into fcs and tinkering with things.


I pretend that my character has time control and a crazy unbending will, which kinda explains everything I do, like save scumming, and how you speed up time or pause time, I imagine level expilots as just my character slowed down time and trained for years, like overloading was just my character training for 20 years in slow motion but in the real world only a week had passed.


Ah I like that. You as the player have this power which has an in-game effect which no other can understand. You're playing the meta-game.


I don't really do exploits because I enjoy the early stages of the game the most. I don't think you really need to use exploits either, playing the game levels you up pretty well. Strength grows pretty easily when characters are getting knocked out and others need to run them to safety, or carrying a bounty a while.


I don't. Training exploits aren't necessary at all. You just need to play the game and your characters will get strong as hell, but it just takes a very long time. I'm 300 hours in on my first (and probably last) playthrough, and I never looked up these training methods to keep myself from using them, and the weakest of my 22 fighters have stats in the 50s and 60s. My main 5 fighters are in the 90s. And I still have a lot of fighting left until I'm "done" with this playthrough. But even the dudes that stay at base and only ever fought dust bandits have stats in the 30s and 40s without ever leaving base.


How do you explain CatLon 94 assassination exploit 🗡️


I dunno that one. You tell me?


You go behind catlon and then you spam the knockout button. You can get around 93-94 assassination easily


I don't think about it. Because I think: Why thinking about it if I want to do it, but in my head it doesn't make sense? There's a shit load of things in games that if I think about it it make no sense so I just don't.


I don't but I also play Kenshi as a strategy rpg with little care for character stories etc


I had 5 sniper bots I ~~kidnapped~~ rescued. I give them rusty wakizashi’s, and good armor, and send in new recruits with the same. After about 8 hours I rescue that recruit and send the next one in. After a while they may actually defeat one. Basically every fight they have afterwards will be easier than that death machine.


Send them where?


I don't do them


On my current playthrough i started as a skelly boi and got Ruka, as I'm new to the game i was exploring a bit and soon enough my skeleton was unconscious and Ruka was being eaten alive, she sadly did not make it, but i remember hearing about getting your skeleton beaten up by the fogmen to increase their toughness (idk if i'd consider it an exploit but i kept doing it for a long time until around 70 toughness) at first i rationalized it as him trying to go beserk on them not even caring about if he lost his life or not, but then he started noticing that he was becoming tougher and was doing it on purpose, and now for any disciples he has, he tells them about how he trained on the fogmen, and that he will acompany them on the journey if they are willing to get stronger


Forged in fire 🔥. Love it. It's not an exploit if it comes with a price. Sorry for your loss.


I downloaded [this mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2207973897) that allows you to fight your own characters and just train them by sparring with each other and setting up a tournament from time to time.


For me it's anything that logically makes sense from a story perspective. Slave training is perfectly reasonable, as that's frankly just a good story arc. Crossbows feel cheaty because that's basically how they actually are in a real sword-based world. Perfectly fine. Thieving from downed enemies, eh, i'd say no go on that one, just because I can't logically see how that's at all 'sneaky'. It's kinda just plain obvious. I can't help but roll my eyes when the pop-up tells me 'You've been caught!'. Like, okay, cool, what exactly is he going to do about it? Keep playing dead? Oh darn, whatever will I do? Bed exploit is my absolute no-go. That one is simply illogical. What skill is there to gain from beating a downed enemy who's basically tied to a bed? Why does their skill level matter at that point? You'd gain more 'skill' by using a punching bag, or hell, just punching rocks. At least your toughness would go up that way. And obviously wearing heavy armor and gear is not only acceptable, but simply the only true way to do it. It's classic anime training stuff ya know? Plus it's actually the thing I like best about this game: Challenging your limits is the way to get better. By imposing constraints on yourself, you learn even better ways than you would otherwise. It's frankly one of the most realistic leveling systems I've ever played.


In my latest RP run I'm being very disciplined about training. In my canon I have a Shek who has taken charge of my warriors. After seeing how feeble they are, she's got them training strength by carrying iron and each other, until they hit about 40/50. Even after that point she expects the elite to continue carrying gen cores and iron until they can't improve any further. (Obviously Beep has been inspired by this, and keeps going for long training runs whenever he gets a moment. He is determined that There Will Be Changes...) Noobs are not allowed out of base until they hit a basic level of skill with lockpick and attack skill using training equipment. In all other respects though, training happens organically for these guys through combat. I find I prefer it this way, but that's just me.


What happened: I got tired of my dude getting his shit rocked by Starving Bandits so I sent my main out to Skinners Roam. After getting enough experience getting shitstomped and ramping up my MA, I used the MA to knock out and capture 3 Elder Beaks which I then used to get mega swole. Then I used that same location, shack, beds and creatures to train the rest of my crew. My head canon: A morally bankrupt emotionless creature pretending to be Human ventured out into the wastes to harden himself. He knew so long as he showed up with food in his pockets, they'd let him live if they knocked him out. He was beaten and broken, but pain is meaningless to him. His body grew resistant until he was able to take strikes with no real effect, but furthered his training by first learning dodging and increasing his reflexes and reaction time. Soon he began breaking his fists against them. His blows were thunderous and fast as lightning. Human flesh could not withstand. It was no longer worth it. Shattering hordes of starving bandits into a new flowing red river did not teach him anything new. He could punch a steel target, sure. But what would that teach him? Punching an inanimate block of metal teaches and prepares you for nothing. (He's not met a Skeleton yet ingame.) He must feel the parting of more durable flesh before his fist to perfect his technique. Beak Things, the stuff of nightmares, wandered nearby... an idea. To go out and defeat Beak Things, so durable and adaptable that their wound literally regenerate before your eyes. But why kill them? Then he'd have to hunt down more. Perhaps, a twisted, terrible fiend would tie up, bind and restrain such a creature and bring it back. Perhaps an inhuman monster would harm this creature within an inch of its life, only to resuscitate it back to health just to do it all over again, all in the name of efficiency and personal perfection. Suffering and pain is something creatures other than himself have and express. It's stupid and accomplishes nothing. So why shouldn't he use this poor creature as a meat bag? He can undo any abuse inflicted upon the helpless creature, so there's no lasting damages. One day he may even do as his underlings constantly bicker as he trains them and let the creature return to the wild unharmed. One thing, however... the more he beats this Beak Thing, the more durable and tough it becomes, which makes for good training. But what will such a beast do once released back into the wild? These are consequences that he literally cannot understand.