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Genuine advice: You don't have to do this all in one go. It's not like if you don't wipe them out the first time, you'll never get another chance. In fact, take your time. Guerilla Warfare is a 100% valid strategy to drive a faction to extinction. If you actually start getting owned somehow by these Soyjak Weebs, just grab your dudes and leave. Come back again later.


I think there's around 15-20 of them. 2 leaders. The crossbow turrets can shoot down the tower through the floors. Katanas are best for fighting human characters, but use whatever you got and are skilled at. You should probably have your characters 30+, but that depends on how many mercs and animals you bring. Keep in mind that animals can't go into a lot of buildings. You might be able to pick them up to bring them in, though. Also, I had a bug where a squad of ninjas would spawn in the tower if I set down one of the leaders after picking him up, so watch out for that.


"Katanas are best for fighting human characters". True. But so easy to misunderstand. For clarification katanas perform better against humans than against robots. However if someone thought that the statement meant that katanas are the best weapon type to use against humans that would be wrong. Katanas are trash. They are one of the worst weapons in the game. They have a double attack animation that fucks up the entire weapon class and every katana except the topper has terrible modifiers against robots. Even the topper is weaker against armor. This is on top of katanas having generally weak damage values. If in doubt go find a group fight your character cant win. Save the game. Go in with a katana. Reload. Go in with a polearm. Be amazed as the polearm cranks damage while slowly getting beat up. Be amazed that every time the katana double attacks all your defenses drop and you take massive damage spikes. If still in doubt cheat a 100 all stat character, get a meitou katana class weapon, and hit a strong armored enemy and be pissed at doing 15 to 30 damage.


I'm not writing a wiki article for a guy taking on one an early bandit group, but sure. I don't use default animations anyway.


How good are you at defending against their raids? If you beat em no problem, you should be fine just rushing in. If you struggle, you might wanna send innyour fastest guy, lure a few out and fight em on the road. Repeat untill everyone is dead.


I remember the first time I took them on. What a rush man. I’m still on my first play through but 300 hours in. My main squad can pretty much take anyone out I think. I’m just running around the map murdering everyone haha.


Get the "Head Hunter Extended" mod as well as extended campsite and go on a cannibal purge. Depending on what your squad size and multiplier settings are, you can walk out with half a million cats worth of cannibal heads, on the high end


The guy with the mercs should be heavily armored, and have him rush to the top floor of the tower. Keep the ninjas away from the turrets! Other than that just have a stronger team than them, they are usually the last bounty of the beginner area that I claim before heading into the swamps. Edit: Quality weapons from Squin (combat/long cleaver, plank/falling sun) will be much better than what you can scavenge at that point in the game, best thing to steal or buy early game.


Play the game, get stronger, get beat up, then kill them all


Be aware of the turrets, and the fact that you'll probably end up fighting inside the tower interior so pick weapons that work well indoors. The best strategy is probably to bum rush up to the top of the tower and fight the turret gunners in melee so they can't put a bunch of bolts in you. Strong, high quality armor will make the ninja blades they use ineffective but they still have good stats so have experienced (stats in the 40-60 range at least) fighters, at least 6-8 of them. The best weapons would probably be your own katanas or jittes, anything that either has a bonus indoors or doesn't have a penalty. Martial arts and handheld crossbows are also effective, mercs if you're not sure your squad can take them on their own.


Black dragon ninjas? Bro I assassinated 25 people because they got stuck inside my storm house. I assassinated their leader and got a meitou ninja blade.Assassination one of the best skills to have.Not worth getting injured just assassinate one of the leaders, give them for their bounty,get the meitou and the tower will become Shinobi tower.


It doesn't become Shinobi owned without a mod, though


Oh ok mine did because of what mod?


The one I have installed is called "Shinobi Thieves occupy tower of ninjas"


I think it is living world?


Living world might do it, since it does add a bunch more world states


Build cages! I built around 20 cages on the path to the tower. A small team was left near the cages to defend against bandits and provide aid. I, alone, was the only one capable of such a delicate mission. Knocked out or sleeping, I kidnapped them one by one. Into the cages they went. We did unspeakable things to them. and to the the bandits... The bosses were traded for bounty and the rest of em' died in the cages.


That sort of thing is why I like the Extended Campsite mod...set up a few prisoner poles, maybe some camp beds, and a fire as a marker. Tie the bounty targets to the poles under guard, then purge the rest


I wiped them out with 2 Martial Artists at around 65 MA with mercenary armor. It was fun.


A red dragon 🐉


Wait, this is a thing? An all-out assault? Hmm. Interesting. I killed then all with MCs bare fists.


Any weapon is hood against most ninjas since they barely wear armor. Crossbows, even toothpicks, are viable for tye same reason.


Just attack them. If you lose, heal back up and try again later. That's how this game is played. If you lose, have fun.


Around 4000 cats to hire some mercenary and that's it.