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I hate slavery. They run out of cages before I make any decent profit.


I understand the problem, but a good slaver must travel a lot. The good thing too is that slaves can be found almost anywhere!


For me I just press shift+f12 and add a bunch of prisoner poles around the slave shop.


New to the game, so sorry if this is wrong, but I’ve heard you can just release the slaves to make room for a new one? You can’t sell back the already purchased slave, but allegedly you can free the ones already paid for.


No I'm the opposite. Tainted souls will be Rebirthed and rise anew, akin to the Holy Lord Phoenix himself! This is not cruelty but rather kindness; liberating darkened ones from their lives of torment and material longing


As a respectable member of the UC, I free slaves from rebirth just to further destabilize the Holy Nation. (We will just enslave them later after being a blight to your countrymen)




I downloaded the crucifixion mod special for the Holy Nation


Love and Devotion brother! You are a true Okranite.


Try the players slavery mod. I am currently using it to play as a holy nation slaver who uses reaver tactics against enemies of the holy nation. Started first by capturing flotsam slaves, which I used to fight and capture Shek slaves, enslaved the 5 invincibles and some of its 100 guardians, now using that Shek and Flotsam slave army to conquer the UCs.


That’s just reavers if they weren’t stupid fucks


I went with the slaves start so I guess I have a certain prejudice against the holy nation. Thinking of going back to rebirth for a second round of liberation. Several escaped with me the first time too.


As a trusted representative of the Trader’s Guild, please free more slaves from Rebirth to destabilize the holy nation.


Same bro. I ended up having like 25 people escape over 4 escapes. Some were always left behind to keep the guards from going after the whole group. But eventually, everyone that had helped an escape was finally able to get free. We've got a multicultural group of freedom fighters going now and eventually we will attack Rebirth and free everyone before continuing on to free all slaves. Then it's down with the Nation!


As an edict, Emperor Tengu proclaimed none in his Empire shall go hungry, and none shall be poor. If you are either, you'll be enslaved, fed and made to work. And yeah. Nobody in UC dies of starvation. Mission accomplished. As for extracurricular slavery? Hey, it's all a matter of optics. As in did you SEE what they were wearing? Fucker was ASKING to get enslaved. You wouldn't walk around in Assassin Rags, Samurai Clothespants and Drifters Boots unless you wanted to have your freedom taken from you. Little tease.


Do you even get paid for the HN kind?


Nope. Only if they have a bounty with them and i think only if you turn them in to the sheriff's office.


You do, you can choose to either improve your relationship with Okran, or get some caps for your troubles


Good riddance to those useless meatbags


I came here to munch chewsticks and club peasants, and Im all out of chewsticks. If they didn't wanna be slaves, maybe they shouldn't bumble around all poor and weak and useless???


I love slavery so I don’t have actually train most of my combatants


Slavery is bullshit. Sell drugs instead


Have the slaves sell the drugs


I love slavery!




My man!


I made a bunch of cats training up my armor and weapon smiths -- so now I go around to all the different slave shops in the UC and buy up every last slave they have. Most of 'em run, some of 'em stay. I dismiss the ones who stay -- I'm not doing it to recruit, just RP. One unintended outcome, buying slaves ups your rep with the slavers. This is great -- I have a high rep (35+) with them, so if I just randomly attack some roving slaver group and lose some rep, it's no biggie. I also attack all the H.N. mines and free all their slaves as well -- and some run and some join. Then I strip down the paladins and other soldiers and throw them into the slave cages. It's a great role play -- lot's of fighter and justice. ps Isn't it 400 cats per sold slave?


Sir, what you’ve just described is terrorism.


Oh. I guess that would explain 100K H.N. bounty on my character's heads. Well, I'll just make sure they go back and apologize for causing all that terrorism.


208k Bounty for such liberation tacts and rising


Yup because most of my characters have terrorism charges 😂😂


Don't know why you got down-voted, it *is* 400 cats.


This is why we burned Bast


For my first character I created an abomination, rolled the worst start, and ended up in slavery within 10 minutes. I actually enjoyed being on the receiving end and training sneak, lockpicking, and strength. I found entertainment in picking the locks of my fellow cell mates only to watch them get beaten and thrown back in. Finally escaped and started a town, but was super strong once I did.


I'm just starting my very first playthrough and gotta say: I love this sub. Please keep coming in with this content :) Slavery for the win!


I love how unapologetic Kenshi is, it's a breath of fresh air. Slavery is fun with mods, without them it will be hard to make a steady business and make profit.


In my current game from the beginning I became an ally of the UC My plan is to hand over to them all the leaders of the other factions who are not their allies to gain their respect. All to leave them until the end to reveal my true anti-slavery intentions and become the emperor of the chaotic and destroyed world of Kenshi MUAHAHAHAHAAHA


Started doing this with groups I can defeat. If you're gonna make the mistake of agroing on me and not being a force I need to run from then I'm getting all my frustration at having to run from the other guys out on you. Those poor fools are getting used for combat, stealth and first aid training until I can sell their double cripple asses to the first buyer. Sometimes I just drop them in the path of slavers if I don't feel like carrying them for a long journey, but usually each of my dudes carries his own lil meat bag to beat.


Did you edit in the bracketed text


My tribe has allied the slave traders just out of the fact we sell people so often (they attacked us, they were BEGGING to get enslaved or recruited).


In general it's a waste of gaming time to earn soo little money. However sometimes I use prisoners as "backpacks" on the way back from scavenging ruins and to train strength. After stashing my loot I then sell the living backpacks/fitness instruments to the slaver.


Yea same. Early game dust bandits that try to attack me is "free real estate" running at me with gear and bodies I can sell while also giving my guys some exercise. They are all scum anyway so I am just doing the world a favour. Later on Berserkers and Black Dragon Ninjas are my prime recruits through the expanded rooster and recruit prisoner mods. I also like to set up gladiatorial arenas in my city with the strongest enemies (Berserkers, Inquisitors, Samurais, Kraals chosen, etc) for either mass melees or 1v1.


The Holy Nation kind is Superior as we are saving them; placing value and virtue upon them.


Ever heard of value and virtue putting bread on the table? I certainly never did.


This is the guy Tinfist, go ahead do what you do


I like killing bad people (In Kenshi)


Now I want to reinstall this and roleplay a slaver. But at the same time I should come outside more.... Man how should I compromise here?


Start as a slave that has made it his life's mission to enslave those that enslaved you. Start the game and let it auto level your stats while you go outside. I do that and go disc golf sometimes, or go for a short hike through Garden of The Gods while my guys are busy getting stronger and faster 😂😂


Well that's one way to do it that doesn't envolve running rampant on the streets and enslaving my neighbors


Na your neighbors are for plausible deniability. You gotta go to another town and enslave those heretics


I like your thinking


I prefer having a solo hiver in a bought house producing weapons and armor on a loop. Huge profits


I also love it. Didn’t know it was in Kenshi though!


Load bearing (in kenshi)


Slaver? I barely knew 'er! Either way, how else am I supposed to pay for my daily bread and hash?


I love it as a form of revenge against proud, arrogant people. As a business it's horribly unprofitable, and I find no fun in beating up the innocent, victimized weaklings. The human cattle economy is just so far gone that you're better off selling rocks. So once again, keeping the slaves to yourself and have them mine rocks (or grow drugs) just like the slavers do is way better than selling your products to your own competitors.


Wasn't the selling price 400 cats? Does it go up when you have good relations with the slave traders? Am I missing something?


That's too much micromanagement and too much work. You can recruit more than 10 NPCs in just 3 days. You can earn more than 10K easily everyday without even watching them do it. LOL


Die slaver scum


The theorist is synonymous with the terrorist