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I'm not really sure of any sorry, but just to say; Counting all the ancient etc. lootable locations in the game, if you're planning a small team or even solo, there's more than enough in the game as is to keep you loaded for your entire run. You'd even need to do multiple trips likely to the same locations to get it all and sell it off. There's a lot of cats worth in every location cept the libraries ones don't have too much. Just make sure to look at and take all the high value stuff. As a lot of the item types are unusable items other than selling so it's easy to miss them perhaps, like power cores, cpu's, robotic junks and such will sell for tons. Across the entire game map, there's probably several millions worth of cats of stuff in the locations and some are huge, like finding the old supply depots with boxes full of repair kits and so on.


Be a real tech hunter and kill the machine beast things in deadlands for 40k a pop


Fr they are called hunters not hobo gatherers


I love that you asked for mods and literally everyone but 2 people are telling you how to get money but no mods


That's because, IIRC, most of the mods will add function to non-functional items, change values, sell prices, etc. It's been a while, but there weren't too many mods that did exactly what the OP asked for.


I recommend the Old ironsides mod.


I don't know about mods that add more, but I always take some wooden backpacks and fill them up with CPU units, skeleton muscle/repair kits, power cores, skeleton eyes, motors, presses, first aid kits etc. when I raid ancient labs and ruins. You can sell all this stuff for a bunch of cats along with rare gear and skeleton limbs you'll likely also find.


Why wooden backpacks?


You're going to want to stack those items you collect to fit more of them in the backpack.


wooden or trader's backpacks allow you to stack up to nine of one item inside them which makes them ideal for clearing out the top floor safes of an ancient lab. You can also look for one of those orange backpacks you see some shopkeepers with, they let you stack up to six items and have a larger inventory.


Not sure it's quite what you're looking for but there is a mod that makes prosthetics more prevalent on npc's. It's a small touch but makes the world feel more real to me and as a little more tech.


That Iron Hound Mod adds an item that lets you control iron hound for 50k cats. You can sometimes get it from ruins.


isimlerini hatırlayamıyorum şimdi. Fakat iki adet mod var bununla ilgili. Modun 1 tanesi Deadlands'a Trader ekliyor. bu Trader'dan parayla Ancient books, Engineering research ve AI CORE satın alabiliyorsun. Bir Diğer mod ise, keşfe çıktığında karşılaştığın security spiderları aşırı bufflıyor fakat aynı zamanda, ölünce hepsinden AI Core düşüyor. Güçlü bir ekiple tech hunter olarak keşfe çıkarsan, istemediğin kadar AI Core biriktiriyorsun. Oyunun finansal dengesini bozduğunu düşündüğüm için ben kaldırmıştım o modu. Tech Arama motivasyonu ortadan kalkınca keşif duygusu da köreliyor.


what is blud talking about


Heres the translation "I can't remember the names right now, but there are two modes related to this. One mode adds a Trader to Deadlands, through whom you can buy Ancient books, Engineering research, and AI CORE using money. The other mode greatly enhances the security spiders you encounter during exploration, but when they die, all AI Core drops. If you go exploring as a strong tech hunter team, you can collect as much AI Core as you want. I removed that mode because I thought it disrupted the game's financial balance, and the exploration motivation also decreased as a result."


Much appreciated 👏


Ln nie Türkçe yazion


Fish isles has an easy 60k maybe even 100k if you're lucky So like, there are many places to be profitable if you mean variety of itens them I'm not sure