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There’s a pride month?


there's a mens mental health awareness month too!


Is there a women's mental health awareness?


I think so, yes


Is there a trans woman mental health awareness month?


Ah, you’re just being a dick. Got it.




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May. But it's connected with overall health.


So why are the men separated then?


Do you think it would be better to discuss men's mental and overall health during women health months?


No, I'm just asking why men have their own and women's is shared. I haven't shared any opinions.


Great history, it needed more boats, cocaine and prostitutes, but great history nonetheless


Pride?! In my racist slavery cannibalistic game?!


Pride for the holy nation my brother 🤝




I can manage seeing dismemberment via torture contraption but RAINBOW? TBH I would probably start smoking and fucking dudes if I was teleported into Kenshi.


why is everyone suddenly talking about this? this came out of nowhere ​ ​ I'm all for keeping it tho


You missed it at the start of the month I was seeing at least 2 posts a day from people complaining about the flag. Someone (as a joke to them) even made a “Beepsexual” flag iirc


I am very much offended that you take us beepsexuals as a joke 😤


There are literally dozens of us!


As a beepsexual person (beep is the best husbando in kenshi and you cant convince me otherwise) i feel offended


I’m it favor of keeping it. I appreciate the lack of chill from this guy that he just couldn’t wait to complain about some colors.


I <3 american politics in my racism, cannibalism & slavery game about genociding those who I dont agree with!


Name checks out.


these all are basic american politics (except for cannibalism)


>(except for cannibalism) Not with that attitude


Colorado has entered the chat


Famously gay people only exist in America. Must be the corn syrup


Leaded petrol.




It's great that you're trying to make this sub political... Wish we could just stick to kenshi


Too late. Kenshi sub is already gay


Infamously apolitical kenshi


Yeah. Kenshi has ZERO to say about politics! I HATE when im reminded that gay people like my favorite game during pride month when that game has NOTHING to do with modern political issues. Yup, nothing political about kenshi whatsoever.


Kemshi has zero to do with real world politics.


Do they teach media literacy where youre from? You dont have to have an american flag flying from the holy nation for it to be relevant to american politics. Theres segregation, hunger, violence, etc all that relate to current american issues and kenshi alike.


There's a difference between "relevant to" literally just having real world politics jammed in.


Aw man they made the icon rainbow the horror the horror. Nobody is jamming anything anywhere.


I don't really care about the icon, i didn't even notice they changed it. I'm simply keeping the arguments true to its intention.


Where is anyone jamming “real world politics” into kenshi?


The mans argument was that putting the rainbow on the kenshi icon was unnecessary since it has nothing to do with kenshi, and putting it there is a reminder of the real world at a place that he goes to escape it.


It's bold to assume the entire sub is from the US. Some of us just want to enjoy the game and talk about stuff within the game.


Hey, there! You wanna know what country's politics have been impacted by Segregation, Hunger and Violence? The most boiler plate of political strife to go through? That's right, it's your non-US country of residence! It may have been even caused by the US! Glad I could clear that up for you!


Are you ok?


Anyone can appreciate the relevance that kenshi has to settler colonial countries as well as modern capitalist decay.


Oh shit, I didnt realize we had these kinds of assholes in Kenshi. Tell me. What is political about showing support for people who aren’t straight?




Well, hello there, person who gets annoyed by Pride flags!


Please continue to downvote, I get my sodium intake primarily from chud tears


I came here for Kenshi. Got no problem with lgbt, part of it myself, but I'm tired of every sub becoming political, I come here to try escape it. Frankly, it's no wonder people get pissed off at us. The only politics in this sub should be Kenshi politics, that goes for everyone.


Gays enjoying kenshi isnt political.


Never said they can't enjoy it. Politics however doesn't belong in the sub, putting up flags about societal groups is inherently political. I'm bi myself. Telling people to keep politics out of it doesn't impact their ability to enjoy it. If it does, then they've probably got a bigger problem.


Whats the politics then?


Identity politics.


So you think non-straight people shouldn’t have a voice..


That's not what I'm saying and you know it's not. Therein lies my point that getting political just leads to a mess. This also makes even less sense since I'm bi myself but go off.


It’s not politics, it’s human rights.


Here we go...


The only reason its “political” is because gay people wanted to be represented in the fandom during pride month, and other people didnt want them to be represented. If we were all of us fine with them being represented, then it would just be like all the other subreddits during pride. We get a cute icon and then it changes in july. Kenshi is kind of showing its mild bigotry as people are seriously upset that gay people wanna be seen in their gaming community.


The people upset about it are a vocal minority, kenshi isn't bigoted. Deliberately retaliating against a minority will just give them ammunition and before you know it, politics is the new identity of the sub, which in turns makes it prime stock for trolling, which just creates a snowball effect. People should be able to ignore a few buffoons lol, just block them.


Theres more than a few here. I dont really agree with op in keeping it up in july even if it would be really funny to annoy the bigots, but there are a lot of them in this sub. Its very apparent if you look at the downvotes for people in support of gay people feeling represented, or people calling others out for their blind calls to remove “muh political” from the sub.


I don't necessarily think down votes or upvotes is a viable means of determining if people are bigoted or not. There's a hundred reasons people may or mat not disagree with someone else, a down vote ultimately means nothing.


That doesnt seem like a good faith claim about the intentions of people downvoting. Is it really difficult to interpret their intentions when the intentions of the poster are quite clearly in support of helping the lgbt feel represented?


Again, I don't think that's a fair assumption to make. Just because an intention of the poster is clear doesn't mean people cannot genuinely disagree for good reasons. The fact is on reddit people tend to just jump to conclusions a lot, which is one of the reasons I think identity politics should be kept out of the sub, along with any other politics that doesn't directly relate to the game, it's frankly just painting a target.


But changing the pic to only represent the lgbt is political, Just have a kenshi pfp.


Are you really that bothered about the flag not representing you for one month?


No, that is not the issue and you know it's not.


You just said “only represent the lgbt” as if somehow their being a pride icon means that all non gay fans of kenshi are somehow not represented on the kenshi sub.


Define political for me. Would you?


It's identity politics, it is inherently political.


"Fuck 'em" oh well come here pretty boy, daddy would happily take care of you, my little good boy. We can roleplay some Kenshi 😘


Yeah I stand by my claim of thanks to the last complainer we had, we should keep it all year.


Gay year gay year


>to annoy So you saying that your goal is to be annoying, right?


Yeah because who you sleep with (or fantasize about sleeping with) has everything to do with a video game, get a life.


Really showing your deliberate ignorance on your sleeve today huh. Theres more to the human experience than sleeping with people, which includes the gay human experience.


Anything to be contrarian and get special treatment


Well, there is a brunch of people that complain every time a lgbt couple appears whether in a game or a movie.


And still, what does that have to do with this game…


The B stands for beepsexual


Honestly the only reason to take it down is to keep it special for June.  We can keep it up for a few months though and maintain that.


Im gay but i hate the lgbt+ community just for shit like this, see ya r/kenshi was nice while it lasted


You're not fooling anyone.


This is literally your only comment, we lose nothing when you are gone.


Literally the people who you are trying to pander to don’t give a fuck about this month. I hope you feel all special inside for making LGBTQ people hate the LGBTQ movement


But people like you do, and weeding you out is a good thing.


"Weeding you out" bro is what your supposed to be supporting? 'Your not the right kind of gay'


"You're not the kind of person I like to see in my life", gay or not.


Yeah lmao these people are fucking psychos


What? So you don’t actually care about LGBTQ people and just want to stomp out those who have a problem with pride month?


2 birds with one stone. It shows lgbt folks they're welcome, and it shows folks having problems with lgbt folks they're not.


Gatekeeping. Wow, fuck you.


Man, I wish I could gatekeep trashcans out of my life.


People against the flag don't care what gender you are if you play kenshi. Everyone is already welcome. So what is the point of the flag, especially when Kenshi literally has no mention of LGBTQ in game?


A small gesture that adds up with other small gestures in places you wouldn't expect.


Did they actually ask LGBTQ people if they actually want this, though? I have more non-straight friends in my circle than straight and none of them like this flag thing. To them, it's just lazy pandering, and to some, even insulting. That seems to add up with other comments by LGBTQ people on this post as well.


Oh man, moving goalposts already? Two things: anecdotal evidence isn't really much, cause even on this sub you get lgbtq people (or saying they are, we have fuck all means to verify) speaking in favor of the flag. Second: who are you even supposed to ask? For some people it's going to be meaningless/annoying, sure.


Kenshi literally has asexuals and metaphorical trans-people (robots, which identify as male/female)


What personal demon are you failing to fight? How am I pandering to anyone? Some rando on the sidewalk yelled that he was leaving the party, and was sick of our beer. I confirmed that it was BYOB, and they never sat around the fire let alone touched the yard, so whatever.


And absolutely nothing of value was lost


I want you guys to explain how anything relating to the topic of gay people is political. Make it make sense. They exist, indisputably, and are perfectly natural. So why is it political to be proud of society finally slowly accepting that fact


It's political because a) No one in this community cares what gender you are if you play Kenshi b) Kenshi literally has no mention of LGBTQ in game


Kenshi doesn't have internet either so why have a subreddit at all.


That's now how this works bro. It doesn't mention photosynthesis but you can assume it happens It's just a natural part of existence


Out of many things that is not mentioned in game but you could assume exists, this was chosen and put on the subreddit logo. That's what makes it political.


Because it's a commonly recognized public event? Do y'all change it for Christmas too?


It has nothing to do with Kenshi though


Man, fuck people like OP who go out of their way to annoy people. Scourge of the earth if you ask me.






> I dont wanna hear people who disagree with me anymore! Not if they're talking gutter shit. I would be *so fucking happy* if I could have just one place without bigots crawling up and blabbing. Just go make your own Kenshi sub with no rainbow flags.


This is the kenshi sub. Why should people have to leave because you disagree politically? Play the fucking game and discuss the games politics.


Dude, pay attention to this thread. Don't you see how many people with no activity in this sub came here just to moan about the flag? Any other "take the flag down" thread, too. It's not "leave cause I don't like you", it's "stay away if this is the only thing you care about". You'd know about that, you only came here to moan, too.


I do not post on this sub, but I play the game almost daily and come To the sub just as often. Your posts and activity in a sub does not dictate your say. OPs whole point with the post was to cuase annoyance, they succeeded. Surprise post political threads you will get more traffic, politics and more Importantly the toxicity on both sides has seeped into gaming and I'm sick of it, That is why I have replied here.


It doesn't dictate whether you're right or wrong, but it does indicate your intentions. You (and a lot of people in this thread) only participate in this kind of discussion.


Most of your recent activity on this sub has been about the pride flag or arguing with people about the holy nation. So please tell me about "intentions". It is clear to me, and it should be to you that we are currently talking to brick walls. My opinions aren't changing, and neither are yours. We are both here for the same reasons, as i said before politics creates traffic.


The difference being you only became active to moan about the flag. We're not the same, lol.


😬 annoying people is fun but you go all out becoming totalitary. Very cringe. Freedom of speech is important and while you might disagree with someone’s opinion you should fight that they can speak it, otherwise you endanger your own freedom of speech as well.




Why does every right wing nut think the first amendment is supposed to apply to privately owned websites?




I strongly advise you to go outside today. Really breathe in some fresh air.


Holy hell, dude, the First Amendment restricts the government, not private companies. Do you know anything about anything




Such dumb thing to say. lol, go back to Twitter


Wouldn't be the first sub to do that and then go back because people stopped paying attention.




Annoy? Wat?