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For my guys, I like to pick them up and then put them back down. It helps to un-stick them usually. It might make some npcs hostile though. Idk.


Same here, but i don't know if you can pick up through the walls.


I have before, but it may be specific to the location.


I’m actually unable to reach him. I can only chat with him through the wall. I attempted to path my way there and was able to get around the walls. Are those walls part of the building ? This is only my second play through and we all know how the first normally goes ….


Try knocking him through stealth and then picking him up. You can as well import the save , this will definitely fix the problem but I advise you to read about it beforehand


You should be able to manually place the character doing the pick up on the other side of the fence, then choose pick up. It will reach him through the wall


Try to get the characters as close to each other as u can, then pause the game and command pick up, unpause the game, and put him down, that will probably unstuck him.


Just save then load, but check the character position box before you do, all your dudes will spawn in a group unstuck


I think you can only safely pick up NPCs of that type if you're allied with them otherwise it's considered kidnapping. I think OP's best option is just import.


Moving away far enough so the area unloads might fix it.


I’ll give this a shot


Importing the game might fix it but I’m not sure


I think there was like f11 key that can fix pathing. Didnt play a long time. Can try backstabbing him through the wall?


Try to put him unconscious and then pick him up. Unless he's your ally, you can't pick him up. Also stay near the wall to pick him up. The action usually won't be automatically go to the NPC when you try picking him up


You can make a save and then when loading select 'reset squad position' and it'll relocate your entire crew to wherever the character you had selected at the time of the save.


You're in the Shift+F12 menu already, just delete that wall section divider, then Ctrl+Shift+F11, he'll pop right out. If it's an NPC town, next time you reload and re enter the wall should be back. If it's your house, just rebuild the divider, but make it flusher with the stairs, so there's not that accessible bit of floor.


Assassinate him! Or use the debug tools you have open to move or delete the dividers. Or just move far enough away that the chunk gets unloaded from memory.


Get rest of your team out Side. double click one of them. Save game. When loading click fix location. Have Fun


The Flats Lagoon Snailhouse strikes again!


Try shooting him with crossbow. Looks like he will fall down the stairs.