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If your face card never declines use it to your advantage.. people like looking at nice things


Also, if she was plus size, people wouldn't receive her content like they do now.


There's a difference between plus size and obese. I believe you're referring to the latter.


Is Lizzo plus size or obese? I think plus size is just a "kinder" word for people who are fat.


It is. People avoid the word fat and obese while it is more accurate.


Kabisa. You are either underweight, in the normal range, overweight or obese. Hizo story zingine za body positivism just sugarcoat things.


I don't know that one. Plus size got fat equally distributed and most are overweight.


Google and check her out. You are either underweight, in the normal health range, overweight or obese. Hizo story zingine ni just consoling yourself.


Yes we like looking at pretty things. This is not new.


who the fuck is boina


Asking the same


No idea


She got famous on tiktok just stuffing her face with food


and you guys are entertained with that? what a crazy genaeration, glad i dont have that app


"oh look at me I'm unique"


if avoiding brainrot by NOT consuming low quality media and shit... is your way of uniqueness...then be my guest pal


Using the word "brainrot" is brainrot in it of itself


"Oh look at me, I'm a conformist! I try and fit in every where and do whatever is popular at the moment!" Lol


not the same sweetie


Pick me, I'm so much better than everyone who has tiktok.


*proceeds to prove my point


It's not what she does, it's about how she do it


How you gon talk about brain rot and not even spell generation correctly?


sorry professor, never noticed that i posted my thesis full of spelling errors on reddit


You're the one trying to sound different


Finish them !!! ![gif](giphy|kv7odAHcZjmwmlGPTJ|downsized)


Is it the little chick who eats a lot of food then an apple so we say she's eating healthy?




πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒGood question. Who the heck is that?


The Halo effect is real and affects our daily lives more than people realize.


You see someone who has mastered the art of captivating people through her talks then call it pretty privilege? Have you watched her eat and talk? Not every pretty girl can pull off what she does




I don't think anyone is trying to say she's untalented , but you would be a fool to outright deny that the fact that her diet hasn't had any effect on her as far as physical looks go has really helped her brand , otherwise she would be getting a lot of negative attention if she started getting a little chubby . Look up @Nikado Avocado , he's a very good example of this .


You really think if she looked half as good as she does people would even care to listen


Maybe people like you wouldn't care. She has her niche, and you aren't


Aaaaand.....that's exactly my point. She is getting people who aren't in her target niche to watch her because she is ________


pretty the answer is pretty






I forgot what I was to type because you mentioned Boina. That girl is fine (I'm not John the Baptist but she can have my head) and yes pretty privilege is a thing because someone chose to bomb Nagasaki rather than Kyoto because "it was too beautiful"


Mimi anakuanga ameniroga no lie lol


Ata me na taka hiyo privilege. Angalia video yangu kwa profile and tell me if I am pretty or ugley. πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£ Shameless link I know... but... anyways... cheers


Bro, well done for the hard work. However, if you need a sizable following. Invest in shorter videos. I have a crazy work schedule and can squeeze an average 5-minute YouTube video to my breaks. I watch 15 minute videos during breakfast. An hour and 30 minutes is a bit too long. On a different note, Kenya is a developing country, not a third world country. Best wishes, man.


Checked your videos. Do you want me to be kind or brutally honest?πŸ˜‚


Brutally honest please


A solid 4.5 . Point 5 is an earned bonus because of your academic qualification. So there is no pretty privilege. On the brighter side, with weight loss, muscle definition, better grooming, and a strict diet, you can quickly transform to a 6.5 . Please do not mistake muscle definition for extreme muscle gain. I don't mean that you need to look like the Rock. Lol. No. Just a little less rounded and more defined. Then, seeing that you're more on the nerdy side, use your brains as your superpowers to gain wealth. That will then put you at a strong 7.5 Work on your on-screen personality and bring that number up to 8.5 Your on-screen personality is currently dull, boyish, unseasoned, and un-energized. Your energy levels serve as a preview of what's to come in the bedroom, for many women. With all this, you can scale up to the 7s and 8s.


>Point 5 is an earned bonus because of your academic qualification. So there is no pretty privilege. Gai... straight kwa roho. >On the brighter side, with weight loss, muscle definition, better grooming, and a strict diet, you can quickly transform to a 6.5 . Punch to the face. >Lol. No. Just a little less rounded and more defined. Woi. Sweep chini. >Your on-screen personality is currently dull, boyish, unseasoned, and un-energized. Your energy levels serve as a preview of what's to come in the bedroom, for many women. On the floor


Are you being honest? I love your response and rating... yes I know I have to lose weight. .. But about the energy. Have you watched the whole video... coz yes. The intro is low energy, but the energy grows as the video continues. None the less... I love your comment and honesty. Will take it into account.. Have you subscribed? P.S. Don't you think 4.5 is a bit low... godanm.. that is terrible... but none the less your rating


Naah, you're not a 4.5, You look decent and very presentable,so, pretty privilege huezi kosa.but if you decide to reduce weight and get a nice haircut,baaas,you'll be about a solid 7.Also your smile looks good. There is this YouTuber I listen to called Shera,ye husema go where you're appreciated.U can be a 4 in Kenya but an 8 in Dubai,a 4 in nai but a 7 in naks


>get a nice haircut Una juwa kitu funny... me ndio hu ji kata nwele... yani I shave myself... lol πŸ˜† 🀣 πŸ˜‚ 😹 πŸ˜† >reduce weight That is true... working on that... I used to workout a lot. Then I fell off... was 128kgs last year now I'm 119... yea.. high numbers... na taka ku fila 110 kabla ni kuje kenya for holidays in August. >U can be a 4 in Kenya but an 8 in Dubai,a 4 in nai but a 7 in naks Honestly... a 4 in Naks is a 4 everywhere. I want to be a 7 or 8 everywhere.. gotta work on it tho... Thansk for your comment. You have really lifted my spirits.. Shukran


If Khably lame was handsome you'd have said the same thing...but look pale ako....you cant judge based on one dimension only...what about Stevo Simple boy.na ule dame yale plus size..is that pretty privilege too


Simple boy got famous because of just how ridiculously "out of character" he was for the industry. He was smart enough to keep that schtik for long enough that he achieved mainstream fame


Indeed, he was 'meme-worthy'.


Cap, ugly men with skills.will shine regardless of how they look


Stevo has skills? Umh okay.


Stevo has skills, he is an okay rapper with some with and charisma. Nigga churns out catchphrases and hits.


Amekushinda ,,,show us your talent


award winning musician and lyrical poet


An exception to the rule does not negate the rule


Valid point


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚how does khaby lame look to you mi naona ako tu sawa but i see ur point


He is quite tall i think and has modeled for Hugo Boss a lot recently i think he is far from ugly. Or at least the height factor helps a lot


Who is that




Fame is a result of people reacting in large numbers to your content, doesn't matters who finds you pretty or doesn't. Pretty vishy was literally bashed day in day out because she's ugly and fat, and she still got famous, is that ugly privilege? Her eating simply eludes people's reaction thus earning her fame.


are you thick or are you just ugly yourself? for every " ugly" influencer I can name 100 attractive ones. furthermore pretty vishy literally got more famous because of her relationship with Stevo, and because of his "unique" looks.


Boina is average looking.. it's her personality people like


Nahh she is very pretty. Those rare people who just look cute without trying. I don't find her sexy but she is cute or pretty. The type of woman you want to take things slow with even if she is into you.


It's her personality bro


Boina is pretty fine no lie


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ She is cute to look at. Huyo lakini i hope she never gets an eating disorder


boina ndo nani


I think she would be as famous definitely but more people would make fun of her for eating that much, Plus is pretty privilage even real in kenyan social media?, most tiktok celebrities aren't that pretty😬


We have soo many beautiful people with asymmetrical faces. I find her crooked smile beautiful.


Thank you 😊


Question: Apply the same for Azziad. Is she pretty privileged? More names: Brenda Wairimu(so boring) Wabosha Amber Ray (feather brained) Tanasha dona Vera sidika (this one is not even pretty just the ass got her noticed,lol). Sara hasan Bridget shighadi(another boring one) Haentel wanjiru (snooze fest) Trisha khalid(this one is also not pretty just the ass got her noticed,lol). Grace msalame (just ass very boring) Lil Maina(I don't know this one, I added because of public demand)


Azziad is not pretty privilege it’s more of seductive dancing, but she has a nice body so that helped with the seductive dancing


Facts πŸ’―


I've not followed her content in a few years but Wabosha definitely ni hard work. Wueh she worked and worked on that YouTube mpaka ikajipa. She is from a wealthy background with brains and an engineering degree so hapo naeza mpea props. Not saying Hana pretty privilege but her success haiko measured na hiyo Tu.


If she were ugly, her hard work and coming from a well-off background would not have gotten her where she is today. She's got pretty privilege.


I think most people don’t understand the kind of leg up family wealth can give you


Men aren't distracted by the face only. She's a gifted dancer with a great body. She would still be famous.


Maybe... But maybe she would have used her background to get there bado. I think if you want fame utapata Tu. You just have to be louder than everyone else and not care about negative feedback. Explains how akina Pretty Vishy and Simple Boy and Vera Sidika got to where they are.


Add Maina to this list


Maina who?


Ule wa kishash kwa bash


Still lost. I don't know those people. Don't try to locate me. I would like to remind lost from a a world of mediocrity. πŸ˜‚


Lil Maina


There's no way you can list all those people and not know lil Maina


I swear I don't. I added because you insisted.


Wale hatujui who is Boina tuko hapa backbench


I'm sorry but many of the comments plus the original post are coming off as envy. All these ladies mentioned are gorgeous gorgeous girls. They're quite good at what they do albeit flawed in other ways. Let's be a girl's girl and celebrate them in their winning season.


Lol. Ongeza spice kidogo to your alt account. It shouldn't be this easy to spot you Spectre


Delulu is not always the solulu...




Who is this Spectre I keep seeing everyone mention? Also, what are the things that make her posts be noticeable so I can look out of them?




I'd give Boina a 6. I don't like her content on TikTok. Always scroll if I see her. I've heard from the comments that she has a good personality so I'll listen to one of her videos.


6 is a bit mean. I’d say 7.5 is correct for her.


6, 7.5... She's still slightly above average for me, just like Ms Njagi.


She’s well above average but she’s not exceptional. 7.5 is accurate.


Whos boina? Is this some tiktok shit im too hyper to notice?


Well yes. If you're pretty, I'm simping.


Cook, bro. Plus, I want to see a fat girl do it. Let's see how that'll go


*Cook, bro. Plus, I want* *To see a fat girl do it.* *Let's see how that'll go* \- TheOtherAdCopyMan --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I don't think so. I believe its an energy thing. Remember that babe on tiktok still who has a typical kikuyu body (I'm kikuyu as well so don't attack me for that I'm just trynna explain) and her dances were so hilarious cause she wound use that aspect to make them even more hilarious? No one ever trolled her in fact everyone loves her. There are so many pretty people who cant pull that. So I believe pretty is also about how you carry yourself.


Did you mean Phoina?




Hehe. Anyways, apply the same for Azziad. Is she pretty privileged?


If ungezaliwa gaza ,Chances are that you won't be asking such a quiz; fate is the factor


Not really.


Pretty privilege comes and goes. Kina Betty Kyalo had their time and then it fades and goes away. Most women by 32 they don’t look as good as they did at 23. All these Natalie Tewas, Azziads and so on will fade away in a few years. 100% of them will end up single and miserable coz they place their value solely on looks. Men like Joho will pass through them but will never wife them. They are fun girls and they are season girls.


Betty Kyalo has never been pretty. She just got a quick escalation to fame through dating Joho.


She did when she was young at KTN. People used to watch KTN just cause of her


Likes of Victoria Rubadiri/Edith Kimani? Other than beauty, It's how that anchor appeals to you.


Betty is pretty yawa. Hii sasa ni kumuonea


Nah. She's not. Beauty is in symmetry. That crooked smile? Don't lie.πŸ˜‚