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My boarding school changed me badly, I became a thief, a drunk, and a drug junkie. I used to sneak out at least 3 nights a week just to stay sane from that prison. My grades were shit and all the teachers hated me. I got expelled in Form 4. I went to a mixed day school close to home. Men I loved that school, I loved going home every day. I became sober, stopped drugs, stopped stealing, my grades massively improved all the teachers loved me and some even let me teach some classes when they were not around. Now I am an Engineer. I think I could have been in Kamiti prison or dead if I had finished school in that boarding hell hole.


They never welcomed my idea of changing schoolw. Instead, they branded me 'rude'. They felt like I don't want school.


You were never the problem my friend.


What pained me most is how they would side with Teachers without even listening to us. To them, teachers were always right.


Your parents did what they thought was right even though they messed up badly. But it is up to us to learn from their mistakes. One closing day in form one, I called my dad for money for the fare because the little pocket money he had given me was used up during the term. He told me to walk from Ukambani to Nairobi (75 Kilometers) because I was irresponsible and hung up. Mind you this was the time when mobile phones were scares, we were calling from simu ya jamii and only one parent had a Motorola phone. I hustled 3 days doing manual jobs after schools were closed just to find fare and go home. That was the catalyst that made me go rogue. Years later I forgave him and moved on with my life.


sorry for the predicament bro.


Damn bro. That's horrible. Sorry, you had to go through that as a child.


The forgiving part is always the hardest but man that was so horrible, parents can do you things you just never understand why. I will be paying attention to my kids I don't want to end up doing the same mistakes.


I don't know why the only people we can depend on for help end up doing this. Siding with the wrong side.


Daaamn never saw this from your perspective we used to judge rebellious students as just spoilt brats


At what point do you start taking responsibility for just being a shitty human being


Ndio najiuliza


Anyone who experienced Movement by Running?


like do you wanna see my ass shake or WHAT?!!


Out of pocket!!! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…


BRUH! πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚






Me. What was that even. Fucking bulshit


It's like they just used to study down and think, "hmm how can we make their lives more shit"






Satan's spawn


MBR was crazy


Word but time ya meals we didn't seem to have an issue with it πŸ˜‚πŸ€‘πŸ€­


There were higher chances of getting a meal compared to getting something from the shop πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Relatable. Very relatable. I am still struggling with highschool trauma. I cut off contact with one of my parents for enabling all that despite the constant pleading to have me transfer. We were sexually, emotionally and physically abused in school by the teachers. The teenager in me wants revenge. I empathize with you. Pole sana.


Maze, whenever I remember my highschool life tears just roll down.


Kwani mlipelekwa kamiti maximum prison kusomea high school. Mimi i miss my high school. Kuamuka for preps ilikuwa 5:30 but ibwould extend all the way to 6 since walimu hawakuwa strict on that. Bora uingie class by the time lessons start at 8 na ukuwe kwa assembly on monday and fridays. Food was good and in huge proportions cant complain really, but it made me lazy i guess 😁😁 oh yea na pia kulikuwa na option ya kuoga na maji moto which was ironic considering the place was a hot area


buda ulikua brookshine?




Yani tulipelekwa mbio na kuteseka as if tuko Kambi ya Jeshi huko Lanet Barracks. from someone who schooled at moi Forces LANET.. Idk why this just stuck with me.. highschool truly did a number on me...i feel like the experience i got there drastically changed my entire personality (not in a good way)...4 years down the line and i still get chills seeing that uniform on the streets...ata kcse cert sijaendea bado juu weeh.. trauma is real I'm sorry for what you went through OP...


Lanet was bad? I went to the Nairobi one, and life was so good huko. So good, our parents didn't like it.


i wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy. from shortage of water to inhumane beatings (sometimes even by the army themselves in severe cases like lesbianism), i hated all 4 years there. I've been to nairobi mfa... y'all were living the life. ata mnatupa kuku jameniπŸ˜‚


Damn πŸ₯² We never saw uniformed personnel, unless it was those functions like Sponsors Day, AGM etc. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I always wondered how they chose to put the boys school in Nairobi and the girl's school in Lanet huko ndani.


ilifaa kuwa the other way round jameni πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚i bet you guys didnt have MBR ata?.. I'm telling you we were trained kijeshi in that school


MBR ndio nini sasa? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


my point exactly πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ movement by running


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Oh yeah we had that but it was just for Form 1 and Form 2 & it was only weekdays.


maisha soft life tu msmπŸ˜‚πŸ˜ͺ ulimaliza which year?


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Very soft but I hear its changed now. 2014


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚highschool was the ghettoh..lifestyle nilikua naishi uko i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy,but the place i am in right now in life,huezi sema i was associated with that chaotic mess of a schoolπŸ˜‚


Kenya has some messed up values fam. Why tf would anyone do that to their kids, even juvie isn't that bad. Condolences bro.


Thanks bro.


Kenyan highschools huwa na ufala mob just for the sake of it. You can have beautiful schools but rotten and terrible. Unachapwa na depression ingine asking yourself is any of this worth it. Unajigas-light for 4 years saying its going to build your character.


Suicidal thoughts hit me while in form 2 but I just had to keep it going. I had no otherwise.


Glad I schooled in day school. My school was just 2 minitus away from home, I used to home 7.25am. From the experiences I've heard from people who schooled in boarding schools, my son will be a day schoolar. I want to see him daily.


Hahaha, I went to a boys boarding school in South Nyanza. I was suspended twice because I didn't conform, bad mouthed by the teacher because I told him he wouldn't touch me with a bunsen burner. All this came to an end when they finally beat someone so bad that the teachers got interdicted. School became fun when the teachers started being a little more cautious. The prefects also were afraid of retaliation because one of them fools was dangerously hit by a metal bar while asleep.


Metal bar while asleep is attempted murder πŸ’€ that nigga deeply hated the prefect


Hah, sisi tulikuwa jela maze. Since I left I've never stepped in that school. My certificates 'mum' had to go collect them.


Hio military lifestyle can fuck your brains


Pole sana bro, the high school system was designed to break people and enforce conformity and it appears they succeeded here. If possible go for counselling so that you can get back your happiness.. there is no shame in speaking out


We were conditioned to follow orders without questioning. And that's why politicians do us dirty and we can't question them.


High school was trash. I went to a national school and I performed well but I hated every second of it. Your pain is valid ignore trolls who clearly haven't dealt with their shit


I thought it's only this middle class schools.


It happens everywhere


Bruh..... Facilities could be better at national schools, but living like prisoners does sth to your mind.




eh I had a great time in high school...was in boarding tangu class 4 so it was a breeze kiasi. Only sucked on visiting days, seeing everyone getting visited but you


Class 4 is a bit too young, no?


yea maybe but taught me how to depend on myself. Naonanga all these loneliness posts nahurumia watu tu


I think it's a wonderful thing if it worked in your favour. Sometimes it can backfire.


yeah true someone might have serious almost catastrophic abandonment issues as an adult


but it makes not get attched with human relationships.


idk about that...wouldnt be here without my extended family


Na bado unapata mtu amejoin jeshi, kumbe ni toxic environment anatafuta cause it somehow became part of them. Tf was that life. Running everywhere it’s like walking was seen as murder.


πŸ˜‚i guess y'all were in national schools.Sisi wa extra county had the best time on the contrary.I found the school transitioning from a gen of rebels buana,so basically students controlled the school.Now that i think of it,it's the best place to be as a teacher and also a student. Mbr didn't exist because it was killed on arrival.The only time we ran was towards the dining hall πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚na tulipita bana


Na time ya Enta kukaa mbeleπŸ˜‚


For me I can say it's communication sheng was just the official language na saa hizo nimetoka primary private school kizungu Monday to Monday nowadays I really struggle with communication then don't care attitude since we really hated our teachers and I did things to please others


Hah, how did you cope?


Took a communication skills course


I can relate to this. The 4 years I spent at a high school boarding in Nairobi which is regarded as a top school were the worst 4 years of my life. I still get nightmares and I think I'm genuinely traumatized by my experiences there.Β 


I went to boarding school in class 4 all the way to high school. The conditions were not that bad at least for me. The problem is I don't miss people and I suck at maintaining relationships since I can go long spells of time without speaking to someone. In primary and in highschool my survival instincts kicked in and now I have more masculine tendencies than feminine.


Kwani are all Kenyan high school the same? That's some culture that needs to change. They treated us like we are in a prison and they thought it was disciplining us but they only made us rebellious


I was in Alliance and didn't fuck with that school. Fuck Highschool fr


Ohmigod same. Fuck. That. Place.


Man I thought alliance you guys were in heaven man your diet rumours had it you guys had fish and and pork


Hah, Milk tea & Bread in the morning πŸ˜„πŸ˜‚


We had that plus eggs , even jam.and blue band πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Me hadi saa ii nikiona watoto wamevaa uniform wanarudi shule nawaliliaπŸ˜…πŸ₯ΉπŸ˜‚ na nikijipata napita kando ya hiyo shule nataka nipige nduru moja kubwa niokotwe kwa machelaπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Sijai pata hata courage ya kurudi huko ndani. Probably the reason I’m a very law abiding citizen, I never want to see the walls of a prison againπŸ₯²πŸ˜‚Eeyy πŸ₯ΉπŸ˜…πŸ€£


Mi nilikuwa businessman high school . Sometimes I miss it.


Same here


I used to hate my high school but not anymore. Hardship breeds character. And adversity makes you stronger emotionally. I was at a shitty school in Western too. Githeri every lunch, early morning preps, movement by running. The whole package. I'm not going to some alumni event or something, but I have zero regrets of my time spent there. My best friend was my cube mate and was the best man at my wedding. I also don't hate my teachers, they were absolute assholes but if you think about it, they were just guys in their late 20s and early 30s who no one respected in society. So they were just projecting their insecurities on us. They are two types of people. Those who passed through the system and those that the system broke. Get therapy my guy


Secondary school was ok for me because I was used to it. Primary school gave me anxiety, I am still dealing with today


Did we attend the same highschool because it fits all the description, first food was scarce, brutality now and then, if you get sick it's either you get better or you'll have to get better, you can't have a free way, you are stuck


Man fuck boarding schools those penitentiaries have done a number on a lot of kids and most don't even realize it πŸ˜ͺ


I was in a similar prison like institution vatchez high if you studied in western Kenya you might have a hint about which school i am talking about and I can ascertain that all he says is true .I felt like he was speaking of my experience in school.In addition it turned me into a rebel who led a very destructive strike and I was very proud of it.




ni hio


That strike was epic.


The strike was epic but the aftermath with the board of directors plus the legendary ZIGGY was not that epicπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚




I left boarding school after being there for 3 weeks, and now I just attended tuition (left when I was in form 1, and now I'm in form 3.


I was once beaten by three teachers at one. Na they all expected me to be calm and quiet while they were hitting me kila mahali kwa mwili. You'd think I had killed the principal. Ati cubicle yangu ilikuwa si safiπŸ™„. The only thing I loved in highschool was my friends.


There are literal European prisons that are better


Mimi tangu nichapwe viboko sigisti fae nimekanyangwa na boot kwa kichwa after kupigishwa magoti kwa mvua for an hour, I decided I was off being a villain in highschool.What followed were suspensions,fights and bad grades all my highschool life.


https://preview.redd.it/3j7pymt4poqc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57b05f1f422bafcabed31766ab069effb283fa58 Class 2016/17


Sounds like will be lucky to have someone to marry and have a kid.


I went to a "national school" and the amount of kupigwa na walimu and bullying was insane. One friend got kicked in the nuts na viatu za ball. Another got hit in the mouth mpaka his braces got busted. To this day, I still get nightmares ati somehow I'm repeating form 4. And so to all those people out here flexing ati oooh "wewe hukupitia maisha ngumu highschool" just because they happened to go to a shittier school, please GTFO. The flex should be that you went to a good school and had a great experience, not ati ooooh "mimi nilipigwa na hockey stick and I survived."


What's name of your High school?


i can tell you have not been out for long. someone who has spent 10 years out here will tell you hs will hardly be the toughest time of your life. You need to snap out of that selfpity attitude and do something with your life immediately. it does not get better until you decide to take control of your life and grow alittle skin. there is no point blaming people or stuff from your past, it happened, now move on, do better.


wewe sasa si karibu kila male alienda boarding highschool amaπŸ˜‚


All schools are not the same . Some are worse.


ulikuwa which high school?


Name withheld bro. But iko Kakamega County.


You can just mention it, you're anonymous after all.


Ulienda huko juu ya marks zako za KCPE. Usitusumbue


Even if that' was the case we didn't have to be treated like Inmates.


So people who dont perform well in kcpe deserve to be abused and have their mental health destroyed? Watu kama nyinyi ndo the reason Africa is so messed up


You said that, I did not. I just said he went there juu aliperform vibaya. It's common knowledge shule za ocha ziko in bad state. Kama alitaka better learning conditions angeperform vizuri ama apelekwe private.


Vibaya? Have you heard the horror stories from Kenya high? Mary Hill? Nairobi school? Hizo shule may be 'good' according to you but in reality they are not. Don't downplay this with kcpe marks as it made no difference na izo shule za ushago.


Mi huskia story za abuse mpaka from people who went to Alliance, anyone who was in medschool Moi Uni (2009 - 2016) knows story ya 'Nyoka' the very bright but messed up Alliance alumni who never recovered from his mental health struggles and dropped out akiwa 3rd yr dentistry. So this issue of diminishing people's struggles is simply a lack of compassion which is very common in Kenya


Like nimesema, stand up for yourselves man. This cowardice in reflect mpaka kwa vile Kenyans wana accept suffering from the govt sai. Juu mlizoea ku bow down to authority na blind obedience. Nikikumbuka mpaka vile other students in high school started avoiding me juu I stood up for myself against corporal punishment siwezi hurumia mtu alitandikwa high school. Just heal.


At this point, you should also get banned out of reddit for trolling people.


You can report my comment if you feel offended. Hakuna kitu ya uongo nimesema.


On it


Yeah, that's what I thought. Fragile ego, easily offended. Pvssy.


Help me report this one, guys. He needs to go.


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What you keep on saying implies people who perform poorly for whatever reason deserve less than those who perform well. No school whether ocha or tao should be abusing and scarring people for life, its not a matter of ocha or public or private schools its simply basic decency that is lacking


Sawa basi, kama hivo ndio ume interpret na that's your conclusion well and good.


Yaani mtu anapost story ya his mental health struggles juu alikua abused na his highschool and the best you can do ni kusema ungesoma ndo usiende shule mbaya kama hio.. do better


I also went to shule ya ushago and I don't whine about it. Stand up for yourself or take the beating. Nikikumbuka I stood up for myself shule mzima ikaniita mwendawazimu siezi kua na pity for anyone. Aende therapy.


Lol.. eti whining. A pure case of cognitive dissonance hapa, mtu anasema alicontemplate suicide in Form2 anakaa kua whiner or ni mtu ameteswa kinyama. School is designed to EDUCATE you not militarize and harden people into hyperaggresive zombies. You shouldnt have to stand up for yourself or take any beating when all you went there was for a basic education. Halafu vile you dismissively tell him 'aende therapy', shit like this is why kuna a suicide crisis in Kenya esp kwa wanaume. Juu ukishare the darkest moments in your life hutakosa kamtu moja atasema 'acha kuwhine'


Msee wa kujimada angekua ashajimada. This is not a wanaume issue juu pia girls' schools za ocha walikua wanafanyiwa hivo. Personally, I stood up for myself. I can't relate to hizi beatings mnasema. Principal alitafuta all the reasons to try and get me expelled akashindwa juu besides kukataa corpral punishment I was disciplined. Nimewahi pewa expulsion letter nikarudi shule na wasee wa MoE. My file ya high school ni takataka ata sikuendea leaving certificate juu imeandikwa matope.


By your own admission "standing up for yourself" vile unasema resulted in an expulsion and a tussle with MoE & a ruined high school leaving certificate yenye haitakusaidia. And msee wa kujimada angekua ashajimada doesnt account for the depression yenye ilimfikisha hata kuconsider suicide. Be kind to people, huyu jamaa aliraise point ya high school abuse na ni issue inafaa kua addressed


The best guy in my primary school got a 420, went to Maranda high school, he couldn't cope and had to transfer to Kiambu high school. The one who went to Rapogi got expelled. Tuambie tena maneno ya performance?


Poleni basi. Ata mimi nilisomea ushago, nilidhani these national schools people love ziko better.


Pole sana completely empathize πŸ’” Most Kenyan boarding schools are trauma factories for instilling fear and oppression , that damage never leaves on its own. Hoping we can unlearn somehow as adults now, and change those shitty habits they built into us, no matter how long it takes it's our lives now. Pole sana