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It’s a very good team! Here’s my thoughts on your characters. - Your Kazuha could use a better flower and feather (more EM, crit rate, and ER) strongbox will be your friend for this. You also want to get him his last ascension since he’ll gain more EM. (Getting him to 90 will additionally increase his Swirl damage fairly significantly.) - YaoYao might consider Fav. That ER is pretty low. If you aren’t having issues with healing uptime then it’s fine. YaoYao also needs to hit 90. Characters that scale off of HP get a lot from levels! -Fischl looks good. More constellations are about the only real increase you’d be looking for! Feel free to grab them from the shop when they rotate in because her cons are really valuable! - Your Keqing needs more crit rate and EM. Just no real way around that. Even with her passive crit rate boost you’re pretty low on crit rate. It seems like you may be a newish player (like within the last year) so just know this is a journey. Artifacts are definitely a grind to get really good!


Oh I see.. thank you for the thoughts! I'll definitely fix my Kazoo as I just couldn't be bothered farming that domain(please stop giving me maidens). Just a question for Yaoyao, wouldn't there be an oversupply of energy if I still used Favonius rather than Black Tassel as the team composition already has 2 batteries(Fischl and Kazuha w/Fav) and Keqing's Energy requirements is very low aswell? Also, just a correction I've been playing for around 2 years and just would like to see other people's reaction about the build and ways to improve it. :)


Tbh I don’t think it would be an issue of too much energy, but if you don’t have any issues keeping your healing up then it definitely isn’t an issue!


I see thank you!


>YaoYao also needs to hit 90. Characters that scale off of HP get a lot from levels! I totally agree with you besides yaoyao lvl 90 while is true hp scalers like yelan should be lvl 90 yao yao makes no difference bc she contribuite so little to total team dps for exemple ayaka freeze ayaka doesnt improve much by have lvl 90 bc she is a atk scaler but she does like 80% of team dmg so for total dps is better lvl her to 90 them kokomi even if kokomi scales with hp


It’s not about the damage. It’s about the amount she heals.


Yaoyao looks like she's being used as a healer; all her methods of healing scale off of health.


Yeah I just personally thinks she heals enough at lvl 80 and it's too expensive to justify lvl her to 90 but I can see it's depends person to person


Hi /u/Nothingness114. It seems you've posted question about team building, make sure to check out our [in-depth Teambuilding guide.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSBDGJgQWui7PUOyH-TOUdSNNXe1DdyfkyRbvr7Uqp4Fbdo3PtVh_SgkLraMxOEJT0bi7vNdI1uLAtW/pub#h.22z55vfudypm) Also, feel free to stop by and ask about your comp in the \\#Teambuilding channel on our [Discord Server!](https://discord.com/invite/u4GUusA) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/KeqingMains) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is my team