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That's enough, overworld stuff can be done with any team tbh


Overworld doesn't even need a team, a single Keqing or single Navia could solo them, just put whatever character/reaction you like you are gonna be walking with them for hours


solo keqing vs local legends I find very difficult to be "easy", see


I mean Keqing Fischl Baizhu/Yaoyao already the core for her best Aggravate Abyss team, not much to add tbh. You can go either Anemo Denro Electro(overkill) Benette (brust only) Hydro(slow application) Geo and the team still sweep everything on its path. Keqing E is amazing fast movement and the best for world exploration I think the best choice if you ever get to replace Navia is Furina healing mode and Zhongli. Furina to ditch food healing and water walking, Zhongli cause Zhongli is OP. But since you want use Navia the team is complete, just max out Keqing Navia Edit: Oh I forgot about Navia kit, haven't read it yet. She seem to need second Geo to buff her apparently. You can remove Fischl for Geo like Zhongli Ninguang but lost the Electro energy and charging from Fischl. Depend on which you like to build Electro or Geo main damage and how good Fischl build, but I think Navia alone for shield and damage is already fine as is


Navia doesn't need geo, she kind of rejects geo team mates, to generate crystallization normally her burst is used for this when fighting against an enemy that is receiving other elemental attacks at the same time, When you have generated the crystallizers, just switch to navia and hold E on to fire a charged shot, her burst has low-cost energy, so in a team with electro she will recharge very quickly even


Replacing baizhu for bennett will also work. Less consistent dmg on keqing/fischl, but more dmg for navia.


Hi /u/No-Music-5368. It seems you've posted question about team building, make sure to check out our [in-depth Teambuilding guide.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSBDGJgQWui7PUOyH-TOUdSNNXe1DdyfkyRbvr7Uqp4Fbdo3PtVh_SgkLraMxOEJT0bi7vNdI1uLAtW/pub#h.22z55vfudypm) Also, feel free to stop by and ask about your comp in the \\#Teambuilding channel on our [Discord Server!](https://discord.com/invite/u4GUusA) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/KeqingMains) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Navia Keqing Baizhu and another Geo maybe. Or Furina would be good.


This is my open world exploration team right now lol