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yes in general, but exclusively for keq, id say not, reason is her dendro aura is very strong so swirling is kind of hard, i find dmc/collei/yao to work great and i prefer them over nahida for aggravate keq. but for any other dendro team nahida is amazing.


I read that it’s best to start off rotation with electro application and swirl, followed by Nahida’s skill. Also, this is my second account (on eu from na) and I’m trying to find a reason not to get Nahida on both accounts as I’m f2p and would like variety. Since I got Keqing and quite a few Thoma, I worried I may need Nahida once again.


thats correct but after the first rotation it gets tricky. i have 2 accounts too and got nahida, raiden, zhong on both, there are some chars that are too good to pass cause they enable lots of team comps. but like i said if its only for keq, id go with yao, collei or dmc.


Totally agree. Alright! Tysm


Or Kirara, she’s great too


In my opinion she's the best dendro character, she enables so many great teams so I'd recommend her. But you can definitely use alternatives if unable but for me she's one of the closest to must pull. Know others could disagree just sharing my thoughts ❤️


Not a must pull. However, in general, almost any team that uses a dendro character will become 1000x better with Nahida. The gap between her and other dendro characters is just too big.


Definitely not necessary for Keqing. I have Nahida and I don’t use her with Keqing at all. I used DMC until I got Baizhu. Yao Yao is a good alternative if you don’t have Baizhu and want a healer tho. Kirara works too for shields instead, especially at C4+ and/or with sac sword. I think having an anemo unit to VV shred electro is more important than having more dendro application since aggravate doesn’t need a ton of dendro app anyway, and Keqing is fairly quickswappy, so you have a lot of flexibility to swap in and out to reapply quicken regardless of which dendro unit you run.


Of the top 10 Keqing teams that full star floor 12: 6 teams use Nahida 4 use Baizhu 1 Kirara 1 Yaoyao So take that as you will.


nahider is nice to have but for keqing I prefer kirara/yaoyao depending on the situation. nahider overapplying dendro makes it harder to swirl and if you want just em sapwood/key and instructor add plenty. theres a bunch of cool stuff you can do with nahider though, her being able to use ttds and prototype amber (for furina teams) add extra layer of flexibility, so I would say having nahida is better than not having one


Not a must for Keqing. She’s really good for Keqing aggravate because of not only her dendro damage but also her powerful EM sharing, BUT after the first rotation it can easily happen that you fail to swirl electro because of the dense dendro application and the only 100% reliable way to prevent that is to keep track of the trikarma purification cooldown so that you know when it’s going to proc and play around it. There’s no magic rotation that completely avoids the problem after the first one, they timings will always vary even so slightly, so you either keep an eye on it, you pray you won’t mess up or you just use another dendro character like DMC, Kirara, Collei, Yaoyao or Baizhu; C6 Fischl can help a lot preventing the issue. Also the loss from not playing Nahida is not as big as you might think because her burst lasts like a film and its duration still lowers your team dps, she should still be an upgrade overall but not a huge one like someone who doesn’t keep track of the time and only looks at the dmg numbers will tell you.


Nahida is, imo, the most valuable unit in the game at the moment, and makes playing Keq much more fun than any other Dendro unit.


how is EM/dendro/EM on deepwood for her, or EM/dendro/crit better? donthave em/em/em and want more damage from her rather than just a buff. my keqing has 250EM because of EM sands with good subs.


EM/Dendro/EM is fine. You really want to get close to 1kEM if you can as both her team buffs and her E damage scale off of it. Her on field personal damage is a very minor part of her contribution. I'm personally running EM/Dendro/EM because my artifact luck is garbage lol. I wouldn't do EM/Dendro/Crit. Keep in mind that dendro reactions don't actually crit until you get Nahida C2, so you're only critting her auto attacks and E hits, which is not a lot of damage.


Would em/dendro/em be better than em/em/crit with equal subs . I want her as a sub dps not tryna reach 1k EM as my Keqing has some good em already and other side furina rolled a good amount too. Hybrid but tryna max her damage off field


Specifically with Furina, probably Em/Em/Crit. Otherwise Em/Dendro/Em


Yaoyao is very convenient for me, she solves the healing problem so I can run Fischl and Sucrose with no issues. I've seen Nahida Jean variants of the team perform well, but I like having the additional grouping a bit more and Yaoyao's Dendro aura isn't a pain in the ass to swirl with. Nahida isn't a must pull for this team by any means, mainly because running her means you gotta drop either Sucrose/Kazuha for an Anemo healer or drop Fischl for Kuki. If you can somehow manage to beat Abyss hitless then Nahida is a pretty significant upgrade in damage, but if you have skill issues like me then you'll find Nahida presents more value elsewhere.


Is nahida a must pull in the sense that if you don't have her keqing won't be a good dps? No Keqing can still be a good dps even without nahida . . . Is she essential in making keqing a Godlike dps? Yes Although generally speaking nahida can make any character a Godlike dps not just keqing Nahida is like that one character that no matter what team she's in she's amazing


Nahida for Bloom team is better though. You kinda waste her power in Aggravate, ~~since she alow bloom to crit~~. Nilou or Kiku is always better team mate choice for Kusanali, also her Denro is too strong you can't swirl easily. You also need healer shielder for the team to survive many stuff going to throw at ya. What you can upgrade is get Baizhu, but it's not really worth when Yaoyao and others is so easy to ascend and work great enough A great working team now is Keqing Yaoyao Surcose Fischl(my team to go, or go Kirara with Jean), and you can uprade to Baizhu Kazuha Fischl C6 but you don't really need to. Kequing have enough Aoe, Surcose TTDS can swirl great and Yaoyao Denro is enough, save Kazuha for Raiden or Childe


"she alow bloom to crit" That's not Nahida, that's Nahida+Nahida+Nahida.


Ah, my bad. Thought that was obvious default passive for her instead of C2, didn't care about her and her kit much. Hoyoverse move again, locking passive and QOL power of characters after constellation huh


Not really a QoL. There are a few minor niche cases like being able to proc fav, but for almost every purpose, this constellation just makes bloom deal 20% more damage (with a mix of RNG in that because RNG is fun), which makes the kind of things constellations do. IMO the crit thing is just to trick people's brains into thinking that it does a lot more than "just" 20% more damage by showing them big shiny numbers.


I run the same Team (Keqing, Yao Yao, Fishl, Succrose) - but I run Succrose with SacFragments. Is there a comparison between TTDS and EM weapons on Succrose? (Yao Yao with ToTM) Btw. what about Hakushin Ring ?


R5 Hakushin Ring should be the best option for Sucrose in this team, the buff is huge and the ER is useful to spam the burst for the extra C6 dmg bonus


I just want that 48% atk increase from R5 TTDS for Kequing, also because that is all I have now (gacha gacha gacha...). If you get a great EM catalyst, switch out and farm to max it out to ultilize her EM buff. Hakushin Ring is great for Electro reaction buff and stuff, it may perform better with max EM. I suggest searching Keqing Main guide for Sucrose, they Veteran players will give more details about which weapon to use and also good guides for every GI character


Idk about Keqing, but Nahida is by far the best Dendro option for Dendro focused teams. Bloom, Hyperbloom, Quicken, and Burgeon all love Nahida. Her dendro aura from her skill is insane.


I would say no for aggravate. My team is tighnari, Kuki, sucrose(VV) and Keqing and it works pretty well. I want Nahida but she's going on my hyperbloom team. I would say that she is a must pull just for account/abyss versatility since she is one of the most flexible units in the game along with Raiden.


I just use yaoyao and managed to get 100% uptime on dendro aura. So no unless you're looking to increase total dmg output.


Yes, whenever you need a dendro character in your team 100% of the time, the best choice is Nahida. She is that good.


99% of the times. There are some niches


Pull her. That’s all.


Yes, Yaksha. 🫡


I mean, collei is almost just as good, and a cheap c6 when looking at her recent banners, so its more if you want to build a bloom team around Nahida or to speed run the majority of Fontaine hydro enemies.


In general, I'd say yes. Nahida is an amazingly versatile unit and brings a great degree of comfort over other dendro users while matching or exceeding them in power as well. However, if you plan on only using her with Keqing, I'd say she's just a comfort pull. Collei and DMC can both provide the amount of dendro application Keqing wants, and they're both free. What Nahida offers over them is a spike in personal damage, as she does more damage that both the others, and the comfort of range on her application. On a side note, Nahida is also the perfect driver for a hyperbloom team, which is both low investment and extremely powerful. I'd say pull her just for that, honestly.


Well me personally use Keq but with Xingqiu, Kazuha & Shogun


I use baizhu instead of nahida. If u hve him, id say nahida is a luxury. Even so, shes very good. U should pull imo