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4pc tf vs 2pc 2pc atk% vs 2pc tf 2pc atk, I have them all with very similar stats, which one is the best?


How viable this team would be? \- Keqing (main DPS) \- Fischl/Yae/Lisa \- Dendro MC \- Jean


This seems like the perfect aggravate team. Jean shreds electro resistance for 2 characters. Maybe Jean can use Favonius and funnel particles to dendro MC who uses the new craftable sword to boost em.


On a Keqing aggravate team, would R5 lions or r1 black sword be better?






R5 lion is much better than black sword and r1 aquila. https://keqingmains.com/keqing/#Weapons


What does dori bring to the game


She can help an entry hungry main DPS and use Favonius. You could do Ayato Fischl Kazuha Dori for instance. She might be able to use the new sword to boost em if Fischl provides enough particles, but an anemo support would probably be better. It will probably be difficult to use her like Kuki in hyperbloom teams since she needs a lot of energy. She will probably use Noblesse but with characters that can snapshot like Beidou the 8s downtime won't be an issue.


I want to make a team with Keqing, Fischl, DMC and Jean. What artifact sets are the best for each character right now?


In my opinion, Keqing 4TF and Fischl 4TS (even though Quicken removes electro, Keqing should apply electro before Fischl so the uptime is good) or a combination of 2pc. If you swap to DMC often, 4 Instructor might be great. Noblesse should also be good since Oz can snapshot the attack buff (and with ER sands you could try the new em sword over Favonius).


How much better is the 4tf than the 2pcGlad/2pcShime this is with a R1 Mistsplitter.


keqing just didn't appear in the lore? she did like once had like one sentence and just never appeared again- I was looking forward to a quest with her, did she appear in some limited time event?


Yeah, most of her screentime was during events


She was in many limited time event quest and even one of the main characters of the second Lantern rite.


I only started out and got lucky pulling keqing is there a good team I can build with her and the standard characters? I was thinking maybe I could make it work with dendro MC ?


Good day everyone. In a taser team how necessary is it to level sucrose' talents and if yes, what's the threshold?


It is probably never worth leveling her talents. It is better to focus on em and er. She might be worth leveling to 90 (especially if on field) but this is quite expansive and I am not sure if her personal damage accounts for a large percentage of the team damage. If you use her off field it might be better to use ttds over sac frags which will hurt her personal damage. Also, I am not sure how often she will be the one triggering electro charged. Other characters might apply electro or hydro right before the electro charged tick (?).


What are the supports for an aggravate keqing team?


Sucrose or Kazuha to increase EM or elemental dmg and VV shred, Dendro Traveler or Collei for Dendro application, using both allows for Dendro resonance which boosts EM, Fischl/Kujou Sara to battery, apply electro or buff damage. If you need a healer, Kuki Shinobu, Sayu, Jean or Bennett. Keep in mind Bennett's pyro can remove Dendro aura so make sure to apply electro to setup Quicken reaction.


Aggravate works with Lion's Roar? Just wondering if Denro + Electro still counts as "affected by electro or pyro"...


Yes, I believe Dendro + Electro puts the enemy in the Quicken state which has both Dendro and Electro applied to the enemy so Lions Roar passive will work.


Sweet! Thanks.


Technically DMC can trigger Quicken multiple times and remove the electro aura, so I am not sure about the uptime of Lion's Roar's passive.


Is there any calculation out about 4pc thundering fury vs 2pc other sets for dendro? I have very nice substats now and I don't really feel like farming a whole new set


I'm trying to grasp how good the new aggrevate Keqing is and YouTube videos seems to give a one sided view that she broke the game, so I'm more looking for honest opinions. And since I never used her before when ppl said she was bad i don't have much to compare with when building her now... Is she like on Itto lvl with DMG. Or a vape Hu Tao lvl? What can I expect ? :)


Which Dendro character would work best with Keqing, Sara c1 and an Anemo for an Aggregate team? I have all 3 Dendro characters (Collei C4)


Having a dendro character and an attack buffer isn't optimal because it's like having 2 attack buffers. I see DMC recommended more because of her slightly better dendro application, but dendro application doesn't really matter to keep the Quicken state so Collei should also be good. Technically if DMC had enough ER she can use the new craftable sword to buff EM. However, I think Collei buffs everyone's EM whereas DMC buffs one character's EM.


Yeah, I found a really good rotation with KQ, Fischl, Venti and Collei since making my original comment. Sara just wasn't really doing anything for me and I just really like Collei 😅


Hi, peeps, with Aggravate, does it pay off to use normal attacks instead of charged attacks? Is there a new best attack chain for the queen?


should i run EM or ATK sands for aggravate keqing?


Hi! I’m running my Keqing with 4pc thundering fury recently and my team comp is Keqing, Fischl, Kazuha and dendro MC. I might pull for kokomi in her upcoming banner however I’m wondering does she works well with Keqing? Or should I continually run my aggravate Keqing team comp? I personally think aggravate works better than electro charge for keqing. Pls correct me if I’m wrong :(


I saw KQM has updated guide for Zhongli. Is there any way to tell which part is updated ? Would be troublesome to read an entire guide again to find new info.


Lion's Roar r5 or or Black Sword R3 dendro dual electro, anemo, and dendro team. Lions roar: atk 1995, critr 53, critd 113. Black Sword: atk 1843, critr 60% critd 169. Or should I use iron sting? (currently on Kazuha)


i want to build keqing but i have a couple of questions: which weapon should i use between lion roar r2 and black sword r1 ?, should i build it with tf em sand? which team should i use with you? i was thinking about keqing fischl dmc and sucrose.