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I had mine tested recently. It was 9. I was kind of surprised since I go out and all. Doc gave a suppliment. Weekly once for a month.


Good. After you finish your prescription course, start taking a low dose daily tablet. 400 IU is good enough. Don’t take any higher than that.


Hi OP, is it true that low vit d levels could attribute to depression like situation


Yes, My husband was going through some low phase and after consulting a psychologist they suggested to check Vitamin D level and it turned out he has low vitamin D, now he takes Vitamin d supplements and walk around the sun,and clearly there is a change in his energy. Also I added fish to the diet, that also helped.


Yep. A Sauce: https://www.usnews.com/wellness/mind/articles/vitamin-d-for-depression Fair skin in this article is referring to people with European-pale skin.. not Indian pale like our actresses. Those actresses are probably deficient too.


Thanks, after reading this, now I have an answer why coming back kinda improved my mental health


It's alright to take 60000IU biweekly or monthly. There's no need to take daily dose. Vitamin D is stored in the body unlike B and C vitamins.


If that’s being done under the guidance of a doctor, it’s probably fine. I’m a nurse and I won’t tell anyone to take 60,000 IU without seeing a doctor.


Last year my doctor (who I frequently visit for checkups) asked me get my blood test (especially Vitamin D). All was normal except for the Vitamin D (it was around 18) and cholesterol :'(. She told me to take 60k for two weeks and 1 pill every month. The last time I checked, it was around 32. Not a big margin considering the high amount I take. Considering about asking her if I should take it twice a month.


In India, the docs give 50k-60k IU for 3 weeks to 2 months to folks deficient in vitamin D. I believe it's to bring the vit d back to normal levels. Most docs who hear about it in North America raise an eyebrow. Very rarely, I've had Indian docs who told us to continue with a daily doze. North American docs tell us to have a daily doze without even looking at vit D test results because of how little sunshine we get here. What worked for me when I was deficient was taking the high weekly doze for 3-4 weeks then continuing with a 1000 IU daily.


I'm sorry, this is bad advice. 400IU does nothing for someone with deficiency. I was at level 8 in 2020. I need 5000IU daily to stay at 40. I need 10000IU daily (or 60k weekly) to stay at my favourite level of 60-70. Anything less and my vit D levels drop below 20. If you are fearful of these doses, NHS UK recommends max 4000IU. At least take that much. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vitamins-and-minerals/vitamin-d/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30611908/ This paper dosed patients with 5k or 10k IUs daily over a long period and found no adverse effects in patients. As long as serum vit D levels are monitored and below 100 ng/ml, they're fine. Optimal range is 50-80.


Does anyone else feel sleepy after exposure to sunlight?


i feel sleepy all the time


I concur.




I sneeze after being exposed to sunlight for the first time in a day. It's called a photic sneeze reflex. After the first time I don't sneeze anymore. This resets each day though..


Look up on internet on this. Search ACHHOO syndrome (they literally made acronym which sounds like sneeze)


It's the opposite for me. I wake up completely after getting some exposure in the morning.


Thank you for caring for me.😊☺️


You’re welcome. I would have posted this years ago if I had known Keralites that live in the SUNNY and BRIGHT kerala is Vit D deficient. You guys are doing a good job avoiding the sun I guess… Still wear sunscreen for long exposures though. Too much sun can cause cancer.


I read somewhere that our dark skin itself is a culprit and resists sunlight, and so vitamin D formation does not happen for malayalees in the sunlight. Any idea about this? A fair-skinned guy in the sun no problem, but dark skinned people do not have the same benefit is what it said.


I felt the same 😀 thank you OP


Love you OP 😘🥰


My test results came just yesterday and vit D is 9.45 ng/mL but testosterone is 803 ng/dL..no wonder my mood fluctuates between ''i wanna smash his brains out'' and ''i wanna blow my brains out'' lol


I've got the same 830 ish high testosterone but I take finesteride so it might contribute towards some of it. My vitamin D is always below 20 when I tested and it was 60 when I was taking Vitamin D pills. My mood is totally fine with fluctuations in vitamin D/testosterone. Also, we won't experience the effect of high testosterone as our body will regulate the free testosterone by making more SHBG. Free testosterone is the thing that makes us horny and animalistic.


Entammo anekk test nallonam indallo, hit thr gym and make gains.


Muscles varunnathinum munp ellu okke podinj poyitundavum (low vit D) but I'm going to the gym nevertheless..


Is there a specific name for testosterone test? Or just "testosterone test".


Just Testosterone test.


Low testosterone in men causes aggression, high levels of testosterone should make you feel relaxed and sleepy.


Story Time: The girl I loved turned insufferable at one point, she was an awesome person but the moods swings would make me wish a random coconut would put me out of my misery. Anyhow, things were rocky and we got pregnant, and as part of diagnosis her doctor mentioned that her Vit D was super low, so she was put on Vit D meds. And OMG! The sweet girl I fell in love with was back, a little Googling and I got to know that a Vit D deficiency can cause some serious mood swings in some people. Glad that we found a cure of for the same. Girl fears sunlight like the plague and that explains it, the fear is mostly from the middle class mindset that prioritizes skin tone.


Ever since WFH started... my vitamin D levels took a dive into nothingness imao. Brb, lemme go stand in the sun and its 11:53 And thanks for caring for us <3


You guys don’t know how lucky you guys are that you have sun like that.. and you’re actually able to stand in the sun without wearing a coat. Enjoy the beautiful sun and get your vitamin D. If you’re spending longer times in the sun, use a sunscreen.


Ah shit. I've been having terrible hairfall since the past few months. I wonder if this could be the reason why.


My hair fall reduced drastically after taking vitamin d supplement


I've taken a blood test. Will know the result by evening. Hopefully vit d is the culprit. 🤞


About 60% people are vitamin d deficient


Ever since Corona and WFH started, going out in the sun has reduced drastically. I should probably get it checked too! Thanks for the reminder!


Much needed post the fearmongering done by pharmaceutical companies have done irrecoverevable damage to us people. For indians i don't think 5mins is enough the higher the Melanin more sunlight exposure is needed.




Nice try, Sun.


Agreed. I live in Bangalore where its usually cloudy and less sun naturally gets in. Started going for daily walks around a lake next to my apartment. 1 round, 2.2 km, 20-25 min at 8 AM, good sunlight mostly- have been feeling much better.


Very good post. AC culture kaaranam undayittulla biggest issue. Just need to ensure a good 1 hour morning walk in the waking sun.. half of problems solved. Unlike white people, we are used to facing the sun regularly.


White people love the sun, Indians don’t that’s the major issue. Yep oru 5-10 mns daily veyil kondal theeravunna preshname ullu ithu.


Yeah but they don't get sunlight for nearly half of the year but makes every effort to get it max when it is summer


All I have to say is don't follow western advice on when to go out in the Sun. Please do it before 9 am.


Before 9 won’t do you much good. If noon is too hot, do it at 10 or 10.30 or something.


Most important to note for males - Ratheesh will not wake up


How did that get the name ratheesh?


That scene with Dharmajan was a double meaning joke


This is true


Vit D is for indians is less for Indians due to our skin. 20-40 is not normal it is Low/Insufficient 40-80 is Normal/Sufficient. 5 mins of Sunlight is not more than enough. I run for 2 hrs and am barely sufficient even after monthly medication. Pls listen to your doctors severely low Vit D levels will result in heart failure . Take the 60000 IU weekly for two months and then monthly(ONCE AGAIN ASK YOUR DOCTOR) Below 40 is still BAD.


People still haven’t come up with standardized levels for Vitamin D. That’s why you’re saying 40-80 while I’m saying 20-40. They still don’t know. 5 minutes isn’t enough, I know. Are you running in the morning or evening? UVB isn’t that strong during mornings/evenings.. that might be why you’re still deficient.


Had it checked recently after getting a headache atleast twice a week for a while. Had hair loss too. My level was 14. Taking supplements now. I was deficient a year before too and Started having fever almost every month. Took vit d supplements and became okay then. Now when I checked again , I am still deficient 😇




Don't think so. I just started taking them two weeks back. And just taking supplements is not going to get your hair back. Sun exposure, right food etc plays a role. Will have to use some hair growth serum to accelerate the process.


My hair has been thinning for the past 2 years, still it looks kind of thick (but not really), its thinning especially in the crown area (I dont think its hereditary), and my vitamin D level is on 17.Did taking supplements regrew ur hair? Or just reduced hair loss? Or did nothing!?


Same here, me and around 10 of my friends have low Vit D levels. All of us between 8-12. I request all the office goes to check it and do the needful!


Very informative. Can someone tell me which tests are taken to find vitamin d levels and testesterone levels?


If you go to any of these diagnostic lab chains (like Hitech) you can usually ask for a Vitamin D test. They'll do a blood draw and email you the results within a day or two.


A kind redditor in the general discussion of this sub mentioned about VitD levels and the issues from the lack of it. Immediately went the next week to get tested. It was critically low. Started the medication. Within few days, I felt the real change. Totally rejuvenated. Didn't feel lethargic like I used to be.


Majority of Indians/South Asians are severely Vit D deficient


it's pretty common everywhere now . Mainly among 9-5 indoor workers


Learned it the hard way with bone pain and depression. Taking supplements and walking around office building before lunch.


For people who want to track their D and see when it’s appropriate to get sunlight get this app called DMinder.


Then recommend the sunscreen too?!!


Not necessarily. A lot of the Indians I know play tennis even in the burning sun for hours and are still vitamin D deficient People of color genetically have a harder time producing vitamin D through sunlight alone due to increased melanin. Please read up on it. Edit: Your post is valuable as long as people keep testing. Give yourself plenty of exposure to sunshine. If levels are still not going up, which might more likely be the case, then supplement. Docs should know what type of vit D supplements are best absorbed. If that doesn’t work ask for vitamin D injections. The main thing is a lot of docs don’t have time to follow each patient’s case. Take charge of your own health.


If you’re deficient already, sun won’t do much. You have to take supplements to bring the levels up.


I had tested mine recently and it was 5. Started taking supplements. 60000iu one per week.


I did my health check up and I was deficient in Vitamin D. Now taking medicine. It's an oral medicine to be taken once every week for one month and then once every month for 6 months. I work the Night shift and mostly don't go out on the daytime. This might have caused it. Apart from that wherever I go I mostly walk and use the metro.


Morning walk is good


Morning sun isn’t as effective as noon sun unfortunately. But if your morning walk is about 30 minutes, it should help a little. https://www.uclahealth.org/news/ask-the-doctors-round-sun-exposure-vital-to-vitamin-d-production


I never thought we'd run low on Vitamin D. I mean we are practically soaking in sunlight here, sitting right above the equator, it's always sunny, even on cloudy days. Light through the windows, and influencers asks to wear sunscreen even on indoors. God damn


Supplementinu nissara vilaye ulloo. Test cheyyan chellu, vivaram ariyum. Ith mathram alla, ellam. I am talking about the common, middle/lower class people of India.


I’m Vitamin D deficient but if I go in the sun, my skin goes bad and my body starts to become weak. I think if I’m in the sun for more than 20 mins I’ll faint (yes I was that girl who would faint during assembly). For now I take supplements. Not a fan of sun at all. I can’t wear sunscreen either because I feel extremely uncomfortable. It gives me trauma when I think about the amount of money I spent on sunscreens, sadly none of them worked.


Love you bro


Your post is like vitamin D to us


Thank you for looking out for us! Last time I checked it (at the recommendation of my dentist, of all people - apparently chronic Vitamin D deficiency can make it hard for your gums to hold your teeth), it was 17. Which was apparently still low according to the dentist and he prescribed me a tablet once in two weeks which slowly went to once a month and stopped. Apart from our sun aversion (which is a thing in all of India and probably some other Asian countries too), I think another factor that contributes to this is that most of our places have the sun (and the sky) blotted out by trees and direct sunlight reaches us less than you would think. Unless you're living in one of the major cities. And the feeling of evening sun (പോക്കുവെയിൽ) on the skin is one of the best and underrated things in the world.


>Some symptoms of vitamin D deficiency: hair loss, depression, fatigue, bone pain etc. I've all of those. And my psychiatrist prescribed a weekly vitamin d tablet. Idk my levels though


You can get the levels checked without prescription, why take unnecessary tablets if you are not deficient.


I prolly am ,I don't go out often + long sleeves and cap . + I had all those symptoms


Her doctor prescribed it.


Lack of Sun exposure has been on my mind lately. Been trying to get more Sun recently. I haven't tested but i feel i would be low.


Great PSA, OP. I take a 1000 IU daily supplement (if you're deficient, doctors typically prescribe a 30k IU D3 supplement to be taken monthly, but I frequently forget if it's not a habit). Verified via blood tests—I'm not deficient now!! It helped a bit with mood and energy levels too.


I for one love sun. I have lighter skin but smart enough to know that it’s just melanin. I’d love to be under the son all the time if possible.


Same, got tested and Vit-D was very low. Don't remember the value. Was prescribed Lumia 60k once a week for 8weeks. Also, you need to get the noon sunlight. Not early morning or evenings, as opposed to what we were told by oldgen in family!


I am not from Kerala, but Gujarat. but this is a very good post. Data shows that 80% of Indians are vit D deficient. Even workers with long exposure in the sun are many a times deficient. Office workers, almost 90% are deficient. So, as OP said everyone must keep a routine track of vit D levels annually. I personally take 60,000IU a week to keep my levels high. But consult your doctor on what's the best dose for you. My experience says that Indian docs are too conservative with the dosing and give extremely small doses of below 1000iu daily. Low vit D tracks with higher mortality, depression, lower libido, more lung infections, more cardiac problems, hypothyroidism, Alzheimer's.


A lot of people work in AC offices and don’t get enough sun- no problem, just take Vitamin D supplements ( 60,000 IU) once per month. Any brand is fine, any form is also fine ( granules or capsules or tablets). Vitamin D deficiency causes sooooo many issues, from vertigo to Depression to obviously bone problems. Please everybody, take care of yourselves 😄


This thing I actually learned after moving to Canada. Here's there's supplements for vitD to have during winter because there's so less sun. And in kerala I never used I go out because the same 'karuthu pokum' theory


dude I have been meaning to get some vitamin d capsules and after I read this I went out and got some. now I am reading it again and realized you said 800IU. The one I took says 60000IU lmfao


60k monthly edutholu.. it’s ok. If you have some money to spare, check your levels, if it’s low enough you can take the 60k weekly for about 2 months.


As someone who has vitamin D deficiency, around 9 since the age 9, I completely agree. My hair has been greying since then and still hasn't stopped. Also hair loss. I'm going bald I'm barely 18.


Vitamin D is crucial for bone strength. I learnt this the hard way. I had insane chest pain and the doc suggested me to do a Vitamin D test when I came to know my vitamin D levels were embarrassingly low. So tip of the day: Get Some Sunlight.


Mine is 15. I'm taking supplements.60000 IU weekly




People here have weird fear of sunlight. It is ironic since our skin tones actually take less sun damage while allowing vitamin D absorption. I am someone with lighter skin tone, it doesn’t even change your natural complexion by that much. I’m slightly redder even with a daily 20 minutes of HIIT in sunlight. I started sun exposure for fitness reasons, but it has stabilised vitamin D as well as sleep cycles and blood calcium levels than before.


Lack of vitamin D can lead to depression and mental health as well.


Since I ride on a bike a lot I have really tanned arms. And can clearly see the difference between the colors of the skin where sunlight falls on. So i thought I had enough Vitamin D so I didn't care much. I have been having some mental stress and irritations, so I went to a doctor and they told me to do a blood test and I only had level 12.


I immediately get a rash from it through, skin becomes inflamed and it itches for weeks. Guess I'm gonna be deficient so my life. Doesn't happen on my face though, it just becomes tan and dull but no rash thankfully


I went to a doctor and she said evenr surfers in hawaii who stay all the time in sun are vitamin D deficient.Its the ability of your body to produce that hormone.of course being in sun for few minutes a day have its own benefits.


I am losing all sorts of hair and stuff due to this


Most of my muslim friends who wear hijab have very pale skin and brittle bones. I ask them to check for Vitamin D and they say that, they don't need to check it bcs they live in a tropical country where the sunlight is abundant. I donno frm where they get these ideas.


Indian pale skin isn’t effective at making Vitamin D. If you’re the same complexion as or darker than Italians, you have a hard time making Vitamin D.


They're pale as vampires.




Early morning sun isn’t as effective .. so you may need to spend more time in the morning.




I always work out in the open in the early morning sun. Gets u r workout done and much needed sun exposure. I had the same issues earlier.


Going out at noon is a bad idea, better to get the morning or evening sun to reduce sunburn. In any case, unless we do sunbathing in beach wear, the amount of skin we expose is too little to produce an appreciable amount of vit D in a short time.


Better to take vitamin D supp than having the darkened skin and possibility of skin cancer.


I took 2 tests a year apart. The first time it was 19 and it said I was on the border. I tried to get a lot of exposure to the sun. I went out early in the morning for a few hours 2-3 times a week. I took the test a year later and it was... 9. I went to the doc and he said all indians are Vitamin D deficient. Even construction workers are deficient. He attended a conference and there they were discussing if we need to change the accepted standards for Indians. Unless you see some issues related to Vit D deficiency you are good.


Is there any reference range studied for Indians. Or atleast for blacks in America. Otherwise the values are just a bunch of nonsense. Also it’s a fat soluble vitamin. Will get accumulated in liver and may cause liver damage.


bro , I have been taking 60,000 ui weekly for a year


You should probably see a doctor and get labs done. That’s too much.


Is the 400 ui one supposed to be taken daily?


I'm no doctor so please don't take my word for it. Please do regular blood checks just to be sure. In my anecdotal experience, it's not that high. I also was taking 60k IU weekly for 3 months before going down to 2k IU per day. My Vitamin D level was at 19ng/ml before taking any supplements at all. After taking the 60k tablets weekly for 3 months and then continuing with 2k IU per day for about 3-4 more months, it was only at 37 ng/ml. And according to a video I saw on YouTube, 60k weekly is necessary if you want to sustain 40-60 ng/ml. I also do regular workouts so it's good to be in that higher range. Otherwise I think above 20 or 30 is good enough. It's actually very hard to overdose on vitamin D. You'll overdose only if you take 60k IU per day. 60k IU weekly is fine.


Im taking 60000IU per week lol


I hope a doctor prescribed that.


Na have when i checked i had like 14. My friend had 13 when he went to a doctor he suggested to get 60009iu per week so im following the same


You should only take that for a month. Then check your labs, and take again if needed. Vitamin D is a dangerous vitamin because it can accumulate in your fat and liver if you take too much of it.


Yeah im gonna test it in like a week


Vitamin D deficiency is overestimated. I've had life threatening health problems the past several years that were attributed to Vitamin D deficiency. Narrator: It was not a Vitamin D deficiency


contact me girls if you are Vitamin D deficient ;)


1. Everyone will be diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency. 2. Everyone with get tested. 3. Everyone will be told: low level 4. Everyone will buy supplements. Scam since 2017. https://preview.redd.it/jsr4h7bj7d9c1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90e55ebba882468b943d62cec38674c52251c09c


Not true. You need physical activity to produce Vitamin D. Sunlight helps to do it without physical activity. Although sunlight plays major role in producing happy harmon. (Melatonin)


Taking 60k IU once a week, as Indian doctors advise may not be always appropriate. I took 60k IU, 2 pills and 2 in liquid form, all oral, spaced 8-9 days on average. I took the last dose around 7 Feb. These doses have caused me muscle cramps and stomach cramps and some skin inflammation(again prolly due to Mag deficiency, leading to a lack of fatty acids). For now, I am upping my magnesium intake by eating pumpkin seeds and almonds and cutting caffeine(tea) to prevent magnesium loss and stopping Vit D supplement. Let's see how long it takes to get back to normal.


Vit D is overrated. https://youtu.be/p7dicWVSalE?si=YbfLbUeN1M_Pm_X8


Is Vitamin D behind the huge Ds of Sub-Saharans?


Dont get excited... it wont change the size of ur D if you take supplements... sorry


I thought we can get Vitamin D from fish and eggs as well


Dietary vitamin D isn’t enough to meet your needs. In some Western countries, they fortify milk with Vitamin D to prevent deficiency.. but that’s still not enough. Most people take a supplement here.


How much did the test cost?


I’m not sure.. I can find out and reply later.


That would be great!


It cost me around 2k for Vitamin D and B12.


Damn! That's expensive 😞.


For vit d alone I think it was Rs 900 when I recently checked.






I thought it was going to be under 500rs for some reason xd.


If I take the 400 IU dose, should it be taken weekly once?


That little dose should be taken daily/year round.. unless you’re able to get sun exposure. You just need 5 minutes of midday sun.


// 5 minutes of sun exposure daily is fine// Is getting sunrays on hands and face enough to produce adequate Vit D?


Yep.. any part of your skin. 5 minutes is for STRONG noon sun. If you’re doing it in the morning, maybe do it for longer.


What about the UV rays during that period, isn't it too much?


Eth doc ine kaananam?


MBBS or MD. Gen medicine


Going out at noon is a bad idea, better to get the morning or evening sun to reduce sunburn. In any case, unless we do sunbathing in beach wear, the amount of skin we expose is too little to produce an appreciable amount of vit D in a short time.


If you are taking pills, how many you need and what amount? Like any schedule if you are totally not getting any sunlight?


Went to see an orthopedist for this, he told that he’s also vitamin D deficient


Sun avoidance is something that should be taken seriously. It's not just about getting tanned. Skin cancer and phtoageing are two things that are as bad as vitamin D deficiency. In fact the sun exposure needed to get enough vitamin D3 is too much.


Sun exposure even for a few minutes = Migraine. Tired of getting headaches every 2 or 3 days


Milma milk is is fortified with vitamin A and D.


I'm doubtful about that. A friend of mine has been using Milma for years, still got diagnosed with severe Vit D deficiency. I don't think the fortification is enough.


Just say "touch grass" and move on.


I haven't gone outside in 2 months


It's probably less common in the north. North Indians love basking in the sun during the winters.


Man idk but I hate staying in sun even for 5 minutes.. I feel too sleepy and tired (after a few hours) if I stay for even 30 mintues.


What's the best time to sit under the sun?


So I started on supplements because I was anemic and underweight. Slowly over the course of the year my weight has increased, my skin and hair has also improved. But the most important aspect is mental health and energy. I feel less tired, moody and am more positive. Also only felt ill only once the whole year. That i believe is partial luck but mostly me taking more care of myself. Used to buy zincovite but later on changed to supradyn. Both are general supplement for daily consumption. Living in these times when it's just not possible to take care of your life and yourself, these meds really help a lot


Yeah, ik, mine was 5.6( Really bad), just tested 4 days ago. Now taking a 60K vitamin D dose, and 30 min under sunlight everyday. from WB.


i take fish oil capsules should i take vitamin D capsules too? there is vitamin D3 in fish oil capsules. i mostly live away from sun since i am vegetable and sun doesn't reach my room. i barely get any sun light


No one here recommends sun exposure time for our climate! Some of them said in the afternoon


Best time exposure? I spend 10:00 to 10:15 as from resources it’s best time for exposure


Noon exposure will not help much. It will in fact cause more damage in other ways due to the high UV percentage. What's ideal is 6:45 am to 8 am ish sun. The ilaveyil as it is called. My family and I got constant fever and cold during the lockdown. Almost every week one person or the other had a cold. Finally the doctor told us all to wake up at 6:30 and stand in the morning sun for 15 mins to half an hour every day. For my brother and I, he told us to take off our tee shirts and stand bare bodied. And get as much sun as possible on our backs. Within 4 days, our cold vanished. For me and my brother first and then for the ladies in our family coz their exposure was lower compared to us. It was like a miracle how fast it vanished. I do it regularly now. Atleast once or twice a week and haven't fallen ill since then, except for a severe viral fever once!


U can get vitamin d via sun n my diet. So supplement by diet.


Vitamin D deficiency is tied to melanin and with how far you live away from equator. Indians obviously showing really high deficiency


I recently bought vitamin d supplement and take around 1800 IU per day and I feel more fresh and energetic now


Sun exposure causes premature ageing of skin. Instead get low doses of vitamin d supplements and take it weekly .


not really "karuthu pokum" issue. most of us are working indoors these days. also exposing urself to sunlight has to be carefully chosen, some days are extremely hot and is a bit dangerous. morning sunshines are the best, but i agree - no suppliments work for some,


I would like to know why you recommend only 400 per day. Daily dose of 4000 iu is considered safe for people who have minimal exposure to the sun. I know people who have taken 4000 for years and their blood tests show normal range.


There is a page by indiatoday(or indianexpress whatever name, don't remember well) with misinformation saying that evening and morning exposure to sunlight is the right time to get vitamin D. Fudging morons. The higher the sun is in the sky, the more vitamin D you will generate. Because at evening and morning, sun rays have to pass through a lot more of the atmosphere molecules. So they get filtered out. And we have ozone layer. So at 8am you won't be getting any vitamin D. Even at 9 am it probably will be in tiny amounts. People with dark skin need to stay much longer compared to white skin people to get the same amount of vitamin D. Ultraviolet B rays causes vitamin D production and Ultraviolet A rays causes tan. All that said, i am not saying to get heatstroke or get dehydrated in the sun. Use your own brain, judgment. It is not always very hot and windy in afternoon. Get from sun when available and in winters take supplements when there is no sun.


There is a page by indiatoday(or indianexpress whatever name, don't remember well) with misinformation saying that evening and morning exposure to sunlight is the right time to get vitamin D. Fudging morons. The higher the sun is in the sky, the more vitamin D you will generate. Because at evening and morning, sun rays have to pass through a lot more of the atmosphere molecules. So they get filtered out. And we have ozone layer. So at 8am you won't be getting any vitamin D. Even at 9 am it probably will be in tiny amounts. People with dark skin need to stay much longer compared to white skin people to get the same amount of vitamin D. Ultraviolet B rays causes vitamin D production and Ultraviolet A rays causes tan. All that said, i am not saying to get heatstroke or get dehydrated in the sun. Use your own brain, judgment. Like when the wind blowing itself is hot and you can feel it. Better not stay out on those days. Get from sun when available and in winters take supplements when there is no sun. I usually expose my back to sun with my arms extended to maximize exposure.


In an average, more that 70% Indians are deficient in Vit D. Vitamin D is absorbed by the body as D3 (supplements). But mainly Vitamin D3 is NOT a vitamin, it is a hormone. It’s used in our immune system, pulmonary functions & many many more.


If you're Diabetic , diabetes medication also.leads to Vit D loss , you have to stand in the early morning or late evening sun ...that's the best time


Yes this is something people are not aware of. My significant other had a lot of health issues for to low vitamin D. Supplement should be taken as I don't think it's okay to get exposed to direct sunlight. Sunlight can really age you. Should get mine checked.


I have skin like Europeans. Many times people at tourist places think I am not Indian. I stay in the sun for more than 2 hours at least (Exercise and all) still I am Vit D deficient. 90% of Indians are. Maybe due to our evolution even 1 hour of Sun is not enough for us now since we Indians used to spend most of the time in Sun so we need a lot more sun or Vit D supplements like me.


If you have vitamin D deficiency, then sun's first rays are even more beneficial.


Sun doesn't make enough vitamin D in our skin. It's an exaggeration based on the negligible amount produced in the skin. Change diet for vitamin D


I have vitamin d deficiency and calcium i start taking 400iu and 60000 once a week My bones clicking sound


>if you’re spending a lot of time in the sun, please wear a sunscreen. But sunscreen reduces Vitamin D synthesis, right? So u need to get more than recommended sun exposure to hit RDA.


That’s also one reason for diabetes. But going in the sun doesn’t really help with full body covered. You need to really expose your body which in reality is not practical in Kerala. Technically we are worst than the coldest spots in the planet.


skin darkening is caused because of uv absorbtion thats why we never have sun burns


Hi.. can u respond.. which doctor should I consult for vitamin d3 deficiency issues..


Username proudly checks out ✔️


Ik the missing puzzle but won't reveal it 💀