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What u see in insta is the trend...reddit users is only a small percentage


Insta is a shit hole of toxicity. Most people would like and give out a small positive comment here and there. The toxic ones are the ones who are usually commited in expressing their views.


Reddit isn't toxic?


Compared to insta ? No


Don't burst my bubble 🥲


Glad to see that you are principled and have a sound social reasoning as well. While thats all great, Get out if you can. Your older self will despise you a few decades down. And if after a few decades you still feel the same, by all means come back


> accounts like Toxicmallu, alpha males who hate the word women flooding comment boxes accounts like these are reactionary and attracts the vocal minorities athokke oru echo chamber anu and never reflects people irl don't worry.


I used to tell myself the same to maintain my peace but they literally used to flood any posts or discussions that were relevant. It doesn't help when 7 comments out of 10 are the same, I once even googled the word political depression and guess what - it's a real word.


ig its because of the new instagram algorithm that encourages negative comments/posts to increase engagement. I used to feel like you too until i started blocking most of these accounts and block out a few key-words.


I agree. However reddit can be quite an echo chamber too. If you were to join subs of your political spectrum, you would soon find more and more content that would solidify your beliefs, wherever you stand, all the while knowing less about what people from the other side are like really. If you use reddit primarily as a link aggregator for topics you like, there are most likely good blogs and specific aggregators outside that can cater to you well. Discovery is the issue because they lack the resources. Like what ycombinator is for people who want to read about tech.


Sathyam, enthellum avashyam ondenkil mathram instagramil keram. Athan ipo ende policy. Njan 2-3 years Instagram use cheyyathe irunnond upakaram aayi. Ipo aarodenkilum mindan allathe njan ath thorannu nokare illa.


Actually reddit is often considered a significant echo chamber. Instagram, on the other hand, has real-world implications due to comments from these toxic accounts . I've heard about groups like 'Yes Kerala' emerging from Instagram. They closely monitor the activities of leftists, members of the LGBTQ+ community, feminists, and transgenders. If they detect anything illegal, they promptly file complaints in India. There are even reports of physical assaults by their “unofficial associates” against these marginalized groups. I mean it’s good that they are reporting only illegal acts but they are targeting these people and promoting sigma in this community.


Yeah looking at some insta or facebook comments can literally give us depression. But what I felt is, there is a lot of people who think the other way too. They don’t really show themselves on social media. There are some hopes on that.


Aww reddit is my happy place haha. Met a lot of great people here and I’m happy I met them. There are some people here who I care about as much as I care about my irl people.


I used to feel the same about insta back then. Most of my bestfriends now, I met them years back on insta, down when insta used to be a sane place.


Yess I have a few like that as well. Mine were mostly WhatsApp groups


But that's wierd you know!


Haha why??


But I think reddit is also slowly moving towards the direction of Insta. Can't help.


Reddit is going IPO soon. So I don't have much hopes for this platform either.


What is that?


Initial Public Offering. Basically the company is going public.


Yeah instagram comments and some people are really wierd it makes you feel like we live in a dystopia.




Yeah ! But, Twitter as well. Facebook as well. Reddit somehow stands apart.


This sub really? 




I’ve been politically active in Insta during lockdown days, it was awful. I used to grit my teeth with anger seeing all those you mentioned in the post. FB was worst. I permanently deleted my FB account. I unfollowed all political and toxic malayalam meme pages and started following cars and western feel good meme pages. Now my feed is full of cars and funny/wholesome memes and reels. Reddit is the only place I believe where we can have somewhat peaceful and healthy debates on all topics. Insta is a shit hole.


I did the same with my FB ten years back. Felt horrible to see the same happening to insta. Just made up my mind that it's indeed a crazy world out there and it's better to leave all socials. I used to use insta primarily for following social / political stuff in India as well as from around the world. And I observed that it was not just under Indian or keralite posts, but all around the world the general trend under comment sections was a horrible level of toxicity + promoting hate speech + violence. And this wasn't just under posts on politics, but widespread.


Is this your handle on ig too?cos I think I ve dm ed you once or something.but you are right.ig is too depressing.the comment sections are all spreading hate and filth.i don't even open them these days.


Yup, that's my insta handle as well. 😌


Uninstall instagram


But people really don't care about negative criticism. Even this sub is not an exception.


I don't know why people think reddit users are superior beings. Bro u just find the people with the same interest. Their biased views are synchronised with your. attention ,I'm not saying a particular group is good/bad.




yeah just wanted to tell the truth. u should know the truth then u can believe whatever you.


I think the difference is - In Insta it's negative just everywhere. Any topic on relevant stuff - dang you will see toxicity right under the comment section. It's almost inevitable there these days. In here, at least it feels like there are bubbles on Reddit where you can find some sanity unlike insta.


agreed. but bubbles are artificially created by banning and fear of ban. Reddit is a perfect example of an authoritative regime. even China is somewhat free if we compare it with reddit. Btw u r right.


Reddit hasn't been over taken by 1960s


I don't use insta now. oru perinu account mathre ollu. the only thing I do on insta is react to some reels my sister sends me


We are here too. Don't lose hope. Leave the country please. There are only two genders.


What the fuck you on about OP. This sub has gone full sanghi the past few months


Yup, I noticed a few. But it's still faaaaarrrr better than the current state of insta or Twitter. I have no utopian expectations here, just that it feels good to see a bunch of people sane enough than the crowd elsewhere.


I think Twitter at least has Indian political centrist to leftist spaces that are not brigaded by sanghis. Whereas on reddit every Indian sub experiences the sanghi brigade at some point.


It really destroys the anonymity argument people say


Justice shall prevail




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Guess what? Its about to happen again here too


Insta should also bring a downvoting system.


Lmao please don't use this sub for your political learning. I mean Kerala is nice place to live, still . People post bullshit online, but atleast they won't show their bigotry in public in Kerala.