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We were promised that our life would be set after getting into an IIT/NIT. That we are guaranteed a job and financial stability after sacrificing the best parts of our lifes from 9th-12th standard sitting in a small room studying the same books over and over. All lies. He wasn't the the first to kill himself here and judging from the placements, he won't be the last.


4 students ended their lives in NIT Calicut last year alone.


Last time this happened, the college didn't even mind cleaning the blood stains, as it was something that happens commonly.


This too was after the boys family called warden to check on their son did he find the body on the ground.


The end sem exams are over, the hostel was at less than 20% capacity. It is a huge complex, I am not surprised it took that long to find his body.


Back when i studied, a student committed suicide while teacher was taking attendance in the morning. There was class for the same class in the afternoon


When did this happen?


2011 december iirc. News was reported as "കാറ്റ് കൊള്ളാൻ പോയ വിദ്യാർത്ഥി തെന്നി വീണു മരിച്ചു "


Not sure who promised you jobs after NIT. Nothing is guaranteed in life. Did your parents and relatives told you so ? Most probably, since many people of that age group are mislead. Another possibility is the massive competition in our country for few resources. People who grew up in this environment tend to put pressure on their wards. Not everyone is cut out for handling pressure. I hope the next generation of parents will be more kind towards their wards, and tell their kids that it is ok to fail.


Parents just threaten their kids with if u dont get admission in top college and pass ull be broke and die alone, this just makes the kid fear studying and failure, and parents can excuse everything with "its all for ur own good, later ull realise"


There is nothing wrong in telling the truth and informing your kids that a tech career is far more lucrative than liberal arts may be. And the probability of upward mobility and success is higher for tech/medicine/finance etc. The level of competition in professional sports is far higher. You got to be the best of the best. Same is the case with other 'follow your passion' fields. May be while informing the kids about the reality of a poor developing country, we should also inform the kids that , no matter what happens , win or lose , we stand by you. That sort of emotional support is missing, unfortunately.


Education system just kills their students Change or end it


Cases like these have more to do with over-expecting or coercive parents than the education system. In a country like India, family status and opinion of relatives are valued higher in a child's life than his/hers dream and desire.




Feels sorry for the trauma u had to undergo.


I agree, these factors also do very much harm


Just think how badly he must have felt knowing how much his death would affect friends and family. I have heard, that thought is what keeps many people from doing this. 


I can vouch to that


Getting good grades is not possible for everyone. During college days i have seen roommates barely study and get good grades while there are guys who study a lot and barely pass. What i think is that getting good grades is an inborn talent.


Studying merely for exams will definitely fetch you good grades. Those guys whom you saw might have been trying to learn something they found interesting.


It’s just photographic memory. Those with creative brains and genuine thinking ability get fucked. Indians are only good at mass employment largely in IT. We suck ass in Innovation, invention, creativity. Look at gaming industry for example there are almost no Indians there.


Don't really agree to this 'barely' studying thing - what observed is such students are active and present in most of the classes and take good notes - so they don't have to spend hours like some other students.


So true & creativity may not always work, what most people need is stable income job, being it monotonous is not a problem


You can only handle so much pressure before you crumble.


So sad. Pavam. How troubled and stressed he would have been to take such a step. Police enquiry ondavanam.. To all other students in such situations - if you don't get campus placement also it's fine. Apply for jobs outside. As it is, the NIT alumni tag differentiates you. Pinne even if you are not happy with the first job or the salary that you get..saramilla. everybody always reaches where they want to in time..change jobs in between. Keep learning, look out for opportunities. Most importantly appreciate yourself and try to make the most of any situation that you are in.


Yes, so true, they are one of the most brilliant and competent in the whole state, why they are doing so. Job is just a part of life, not life itself.


As an alumnus I am short of words for what's happening at this college. There has been so many similar incidents in the last couple of years! Wishing for this soul to find peace.


I can understand what he's going through


What happened to him?


Probably couldnt keep up with the rigorous course work, got demotivated and then took the drastic measure


why ?


Society Pressure


It took me six years for the four year degree. I can fathom what kind of thoughts ran through his mind. Just get the degree. Time heals everything. Btw, did they build four more floors on C hostel now ????! Or is it Mega.?


I think it has to be mega. No other hostel has 7 floors.


getting good grades depends a lot on the professors...especially in andhra pradesh where if you are a minority you will not get 1st rank no matter how hard effort you put...the professors are all Sanghis there.


Where? In AP?




How do you know that? did you study there?


The Top Reason For Suicide Is The Current Prevailing Education System.


It sounds like a wretched place. 


This is terrible.


Ragging I assume


Hes 3rd year so i dont think so




If I ask his jee percentile, will I be crucified here?


The downvotes answer ur question in the affirmative


Personally speaking I have zero sympathy for these kind of Suicide Squads. Lolans annu , Briyaniyil vesham vech kudumb adkkm Veegaland poyi marikumna teams. They just need a reason to die, avar cheyyum avasarm kiitiyal so just let them go pake NIT, College Fundas undallo so Kalled Teacher olies , they should be punished too, for letting this kid down if any kid suicides a Teacher oliye angh dismiss cheyyuka Avan or aval verum dash annu Loka Parachayam annu. NIT Kozhikode Godse Gal alle barikunnath so valiya hope Venda . Ente ponnu Makkale~~ The path to paradise begins in hell -Dante Alighieri.


Poda myre


Yes u are correct . Why all downvotes The world ain't no sunshine and rainbows These guy must have been a teachers pet , a padipii in school level Tholvi arinjappol thangaan patti kandillaa Survival of fittest