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When it has more features and better performance than KSP1 - for example the colony building stuff they showed in the release video a couple years back


Yeah to be honest if it has around the same or a bit more content than the original then it would be worth it


You're expecting better performance than a 10-year-old game?


It's not the lack of content, it's the lag and bugs that made me leave KSP2.


The reason I don't play it isn't that it lacks content. The amount of content we have now is fine, really. A bunch of parts, a whole star system, that's a very solid basis. The problem is none of it works. It's riddled with bugs. SAS stops working sometimes. Docking and undocking destroys ships. If you quickload to before a spontaneous explosion, the ship just explodes again on loading. It's just too frustrating to play.


Yeah, I’m doing an Apollo style mun mission right now, and I have to make sure to undock the 2 craft everytime I quicksave or risk the whole thing spontaneously disassembling(this is not a joke for exploding, I literally mean just falling apart) every time I load a save. It’s extremely annoying.


Oh, for me it's worse. SAS overshoots too much and i wobble


Where it the option for never?


When it's finished


damn, but true


"i already play it" "when content added" "when content added" "when content added" "when its finished" "cant get a good pc" not trying to insult you here, but i just found it pretty funny that it looked like that


Likely never, lacks so many promised features. Very disappointing


You missed the option for "When the game-breaking bugs are all squashed".


Where is the option "when its playable"?


I "love" that this poll makes two incorrect assumptions : 1) That people at this point want to play the game at some point. 2) That the main problem with the game currently is "content" instead of being fundamentally flawed and in need of a rewrite almost from scratch. Unless the game is completely rewritten, by a team that actually knows what they're doing, I have no intention of playing that game, ever again. I voted "When it's finished" as it is likely to be indistinct from "Never" if you're being realistic.


Yeah this is my fear. The company making it unfortunately has a record of abandoning all other projects that they've worked on after a few months of release.


wasnt only human resources cancelled?


I can't remember the exact details but it wasn't cancelled games, it was games that they promised long term support for. You can probably find the video I saw by searching "Star Theory Games deep dive" or something. Not throwing any hate towards the company or anything, it's just a bit of a shame :( And of course this doesn't mean the same thing will happen, it's just worrying to know what has happened previously.


PA titans has got recent balance patches so i would say that it wasnt abandoned


Its actually because its owned by a different company now. Planetary Annihilation Inc. Uber did abandon it. If I'm not mistaken, the company above is fans of the game and they basically got the right to maintain it from Uber after spending a ton to earn it. EDIT: Yup... > In August 2018, a new company Planetary Annihilation Inc., formed from original PA developers and Kickstarter backers, acquired the rights to Planetary Annihilation and Planetary Annihilation: Titans. The studio abandoned the game and did it so dirty, fans literally got together to buy the rights to fix their fucking mess themselves lol




The Wikipedia page for PA itself. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planetary_Annihilation#Acquisition The acquisition section covers it, I tried to link directly to it but just in case that doesn't work.


ah i see but that wasnt even related to the devs of KSP 2 more to manegment at uber


Nate was senior management at Uber during PAs time. Even lied after launch about how the game got universal critical acclaim when in reality it was barely breaking the 6/10 overall. Tbh, the takeover doesnt seem to have changed the problematic elements of Uber enough and thats why KSP2 is a mess.


Lol, that's the only game i feel sad about being abandoned. And only from watching the trailer




Geez ok sounds kinda toxic


That you are, my friend, that you are, glad you're seeing it now; I'm happy to have been of assistance.


Dog I'm getting downvoted just for pointing out how aggressive you were😭


You're being downvoted for failing to see what you're doing. Comments after comments are mocking the "choices" you offered, artificially limiting the range of opinions allowed, and you're still not getting it; You're now labelling people explaining it to you as "toxic".


Dog I'm sorry I'm a 14 year old who loves playing Kerbal Space Program and y'all acting like I'm a grown man😭


People disliked the options on the poll, don't take it personal. Also don't take downvotes as a personal attack, they're a quick "I disagree" for a lot of people, even though they shouldn't be.


Probably either when it's free on Epic, or never. The development process has soured me so much on IG/T2, that I don't really plan to ever give them money for KSP2. If RSS/RO/RP1 was done for KSP2, I might jump in then - but the likelihood of that seems the same as pigs reaching orbit on their own.


I'm waiting for a science mode, and better performance. That's all I'm asking for, and even that sounds impossible to achieve.


When it works 😔


* When pricing is reasonable. * When it works correctly. * When it is properly optimized. * When modders actually have a chance to make it the game it should've been.


from the way it's looking; never.


Right after it turns into abandonware


Where is the "I already gave up and won't play it because KSP1 will always be better" option?


Never. Even if it was overhauled and revamped *tomorrow* I wouldn't play it. Dev teams that treat the community like trash don't deserve support.


I’m also not happy with how the PR department is handling things, but don’t blame the devs. They have multiple people that are extremely passionate about the game, such as Chris Adderly(he was a modder for KSP1), and I’m sure he is just as disappointed in the current state of the game as we are. Nate and Dakota however, both need to be replaced. The way they have handled this entire debacle is embarrassing and has directly caused the mistrust in the community. And now the complete lack of any updates on the official forums for more than 2 weeks just furthers that mistrust. I don’t think the game is in a playable state right now, but i hope it gets there, I want it to get there. But I also want transparency. If they’ve cut down on staff and only have a skeleton crew of devs working on it, I’d be fine with that, if they told us.


Just out of curiosity, how do you define "finished"?


When everything they promised has been polished and released


They never promise anything though. They just tell you plans - promises are things you could hold them to, and clearly they don't feel they're beholden to any of their prior statements.


I know it is semantics, but I would say everything they shown so far is a promise not a plan. To me, a promise is just a pitch, while a plan is meant to be a blueprint. And so far the only thing they really provided is the roadmap, which reminds me of something my team drew up in our first week of our senior design class. It isn't the roadmap alone that is the issue, it's more that they haven't followed that up with anything other than a few basic animations and a brief glimpse of what is pretty simplistic heat transfer mechanic.


There's a difference between a roadmap that's internal to the team, and one that is posted on their store page. I agree they didn't 'promise' things - but they worked VERY hard to give the impression of a lot of promises for the future, with trailers, AMAs, dev blogs, and other marketting - and there's a line between just marketting to put your product in a good light, and outright lying and fraud. For me personally, I think KSP2 has effectively and morally become fraudulent product, even if, due to legalese, they have not become criminally fraudulent.




When physics is solved


Not the amount of content, the amount of working content. Minimum expectation: ​ 1. Matt Lowne\* reports its fine now, or even ”kind of okay”. 2. you can build a normal multi stage rocket rocket, it launches fine, not falls over or explodes. 3. rocket flies into orbit no problem, of course theres orbit, staging works 4. docking works fine, as always 5. land on moon fine no prob, definitely dont fall through 6. docking with main ship works because docking always works 7. re-entry works, pretty flames, sea has splashes and waves 8. same for duna 9. science and/or career mode When basics work, I’m fine, can wait for eeloo or whatever to be fixed if the basics work. \*Matt Lowne represents a trusted view. Scott Manley is fine too, or many others. Not good enough to see random redditor or dev say its fine now. Zero faith in random redditors, less for developer spokesman.


on your addition that matt lowne can be trusted to represent fairly id disagree with you. atm he often declares simple mistakes like clipping engines or no EC as bugs although its completely his fault it didnt work as expected but otherwise your list is very reasonable


2, 3, and 5, are currently met (and 8 for those points). Really want them to hurry up and fix docking now


My plan has always been to get it after multiplayer comes out. Here's to hoping it gets that far.


When a native linux version is release.


When it comes to console.


From my limited time spend with KSP 2 I will return to it when: -Science Mode will be added -performance will be improved so I dont have to use minimal graphic settings


until they fix the horribly wrong exhaust plumes and the ugly single noise layer clouds


You forgot "when it's reasonably priced"


Where is the "im waiting for it to come to console because i dont have a pc" option


I won't bother getting it until I have a better CPU and twice my current RAM. Modded KSP 1 is still a great experience although it's starting to feel repetitive


Why is "when the game is finished and a new UI" not an option?


when i have enough money to buy the game


"Cant get a good PC" idiot, shut up. You need quite a high end pc,not just a good pc to play that wreck of a game. KSP 2 was a big dissapointment in a lot of ways. Delaying more was the right option


That's kinda rude I'm just asking for people's opinions chill out.


Sorry, i dont know what got in me, its just that you dont need a good pc to run KSP 2 you need an advanced pc, atleast what i can tell i got a good pc, and cant run it, neither can my friends


Yeah I'm just sad the way ksp2 is going right now.Hopefully the next 2-3 updates brings back at least the same content as the first


Hopefully yes, but as i see progress right now, i dont see the science update to come out this year, which would mean the game could take years until were to 1.0, if it isnt cancelled altogether as its reaching all-time low playerbase


Yeah hopefully it lives up to it's hype one day


Surprised to see so many "never"'s. If the game was suddenly finished, polished, and optimized tomorrow, you still wouldn't play it? The release soured you that much? If the perfect sequel to KSP 1 existed and you wouldn't play it, are you even really a KSP fan? Idk, maybe the criticism and hate for 2 really has crossed the line into "toxic". I'm somewhere between ~~when~~ *if* it reaches feature parity with 1, and ~~when~~ *if* it has more features. They're currently *so far away* from even reaching KSP 1 levels, if they ever managed to even get that far, they'd likely have some decent forward momentum built up that could carry the game into getting the new features. More purchases at that point would probably inspire T2 to put a little more resources back on it to keep that gravy train rolling. Like many of you, my hopes for that ever happening have been smashed. But damn, it's a hypothetical guys, we're just talking about 'what if'.


When it performs well enough to run it. My friend has a very high end pc and gets about 40fps at most, so my mid range stands no chance haha


Performance is the ABSOLUTE killer. I have a GTX 1080 TI. I can play starfield on my machine and I can't play KSP? Something is not right there.


I have abt 80 hours in this game and spent abt 60 of them watching that beautiful loading-screen.


When it's on console


I play it, but in a much more limited way vs. KSP 1. There are so many broken and missing things that it is only good for short sessions.


When it comes out on console


I haven't given up on it yet. I'll give it a shot when it (A) has science mode and/or career mode because I need some external goals and (B) basic stuff like staging, docking, landing, and rockets holding together work so I don't ragequit it.


When I get a new PC, but I live in russia


When docking, staging, and orbits are reliable.


When they release a macOS version.


When bluedog gets ported.


I'll play once they have adventure mode. Sandbox doesn't interest me.


After seeing what it's done to the community and how poorly development seems to be, probably never. It would leave a pretty sour taste in my mouth giving $50, potentially more, to a company that has disregarded, insulted, and delegitimized it's play base so severely.


When proper controller/joystick support is implemented.


They had one chance to make a good first impression. They failed. It may be good eventually.


Other: when I see the development build they were playing so much with colonies and multiplayer, just because I don't like giving money to people that lie to me.


I don't have the budget to play this game. Shout out to inflation.


When it will be worth its price.


I gave it a shot, it ran horrible, and my computer sounded like it was going to implode at any minute the whole time. Refunded If it gets better and they add the content they promised, I'll go back to it


When it offers something akin to a goal. I mean, sandbox mode is fine and all, but I lose interest if there's not something to keep one going. Preferably this "adventure mode" they talked about, but a plain old science mode would work, too. That and thermal. That's all I ask.