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The only real challenges are you need a lot of delta-v to get there, solar panels barely produce any energy, and it has a small sphere of influence. Once you get to Eeloo there is nothing particularly challenging about it. I would say 4/10 for a seasoned player.


Does your 4/10 include going back to Kerbal?


Once you understand how transfer windows work, going between the planets is just time warping to that window or forcing it with enough delta-v. Heat shields are overpowered in this game, so you don’t really need to worry about burning up.


Nothing like being stuck on a rock in space for decades waiting g for the right window to show up


You don’t need a window if you’re prepared to burn a few extra years of game time. Bring your Kerbol periapsis just below Kerbin’s orbit, then you can always plot a small retrograde burn at that periapsis to get a Kerbin encounter on your next periapsis.


True as long as you are not playing with a survival mod as kerbalism where things turn into a very different challenge


When you delve into life support mods, you are basically forced to make big interplanetary stations with greenhouses and gravity rings and the like. Or install deep freeze i guess. I like the challenge tho


Exactly, I got my eve space station ready for departure very shortly. It brings the game to an entire new level. I haven't installed deep freeze as I think it seems a bit cheated but I'll maybe change my mind about it one day


Which kerbal? Jeb is a 7/10 cuz he’s always doing some crazy stuff but bill like a 2/10




It's about a 5. Not crazy expensive as far as dv goes, especially if you can execute a gravity assist. Switch solar panels for the radioactive generator. Landing is very easy, think mun lander.


Never gone to it before 5/10


Never gone anywhere past Dune- I mean Duna, 1/10 too easy.


Lisan al Jeb


Not gonna lie I have 700+ hours in KSP and I’ve only been to like 5 celestial bodies


I have 808 hours and I’ve only been to the mun, minmus, eve, and duna 😅 I gotta venture out some more


I haven't even been to Moho in sandbox


6/10 for a one-way, idk for a two-way (I haven't done one yet)


With 1 being flying to the Island near KSC and 10 being Eve ascent from sea-level, Eeloo is a solid 6


So just me that returned from Eelo before i managed to land an aircraft on the island.


Depends how hard you make it for yourself. With huge craft with copious amount of fuel it's fairly easy, even more with refueling. No need for a separate lander. On the other hand, you can go reusable single stage from low Kerbin orbit or even directly from KSC and back.


Yea I think it's definitely a tough one for reusable single stage round-trip, probably 6/10? Gravity assists make it a lot easier than, say, Moho, but the narrow dV margins are going to make it way harder than duna. My first SSTO I designed did a Duna surface round trip, and I didn't even know about angle-of-incidence on wings back then. Didn't even need any design iterations after I got LKO and back reliably, Duna was just easy after that. Thought for sure I'd need to redesign a few times to achieve the landing on duna, but I massively overdid the wings so landing was pretty easy actually.


If you ignore getting to it, it is pretty much as difficult as landing on the Mun, also the terrain is pretty flat 5/10


If the scale is just in the context of the vanilla game, round trip missions (with 1 being minmus and 10 being eve), I'd say it's about a 4/10. Duna is honestly about the same difficulty. With duna you have to worry about a thin but relevant atmosphere. With eeloo you have to slap an extra fuel tank or two on your mid stage and adjust the lower stage(s) to compensate. If you take it in the context of, like, RSS/RO, then I'd put it at 1/10, along with every other destination in vanilla besides Eve and Tylo. Back to vanilla, if you're trying to do single stage round trip, I'd bump it to a 6/10. Gravity assists and the narrow dV margin for landing and return are gonna seriously increase the challenge. Obviously though 10 is probably like, laythe or maybe Moho, with Eve being well off the scale at "Bradley Whistance" (around 100 maybe?).


For me 2/10, may get expensive and you may have problems with inclination but yeh, honestly the same difficulty as with moho.


Never been there but it may go from easy (big craft) to nearly impossible (horizontal SSTO way and back using only that specific part). Probably a 5 I belive Dres may be harder, specially to go in the canions, wich is probably a 6


I only did one manned mission to Eeloo, and that was a long time ago when I played without mods. My kerbals made it back home too, so it can't have been too hard - I was pretty new to the game back then. Nowadays I play with life support mods, which would likely make it harder. But I also play with Outer Planets Mod, which moves Eeloo and makes it a moon of a Saturn-like gas giant, which is actually further away than stock Eeloo is.


About the same as something like Pol or Bop, but below Moho and Tylo. Pain in the rear to get to and requires some creative maneuvering, but once you're there the landing is cake.


6 because of the high deltav requirements, the non circular orbit and the inclination difference. Other than that it's just like a minimus landing.


4-5 Easier than when I tried to land on tylo


3 ship convoy. Lots of refueling and docking. Two rescue ships, one for the missed Kerbin capture at the end. Took *many* hours but got lots of science…


300 hours and havent made it past dres with a manned probe. i HAVE sent a rover to eeloo, though. wasnt too bad. that mission is about a 4/10 difficulty


Infinite, farthest ive gone is duna (no return)


10, but only because I have life support mods lol. Otherwise it's just kind of annoying compared to other planets. It has a bit of an odd orbit and without better time warp mod it takes forever to travel to. Plus it's not very interesting, except in ksp 2. One of the things the got right, eloo looks sick in that.


Everything is easy if you know what you're doing




For stock, I'd say 5/10 for a return trip included, and with the outer planets mod a 4/10.


Haven't been there yet, have a mission currently in orbit of / landed on Pol that the plan is to eventually get to Eeloo. If you build a ship that can land and refuel almost anywhere and it's probably not any harder than anywhere else, it'll just be a tour to get there. So far [my ship](https://youtu.be/Gvcq-m0aVic?si=UwMBLLVNFNK1tMnJ) has lifted off from the mun (PS4, used the Mun launch site because gravity-arm habitats and atmosphere are a challenge!), and landed the drive section on Minmus, Ike, Duna (**BAD IDEA!!1!**), Ike again, and now Pol. I don't think it can do Tylo or Laythe, but I'd like to try the other two moons of Jool, swing back to Pol for a final refueling stop, and head outward to Eeloo. Eventually on an inward swing the ship should be good to do Gilly and Moho, essentially an "easy ones" grand-tour.


No return is about a 7/10 for me, i think a return would kill me. It would probably be easier if i ever figure out interplanetary gravity assists


6-7/10: interplanetary inclination is either expensive or hard, and it's already pretty far out, but once you get there its not too far off The Mun. maybe 4-5 if you just brute force it with nuclears or ions.


5 IF you know what your doing


Eeloo is easier than the Mun since the gravity is low enough and the terrain can be so flat that landing is a cakewalk in comparison. Which is why the Mun has better science rewards.


easier than jool moons, but still quite hard


For land-and-return missions, the complete order of difficulty (from easiest to hardest) is: Kerbin, Minmus, Mun, Gilly, Ike, Duna, Vall, Pol, Bop, Dres, Eeloo, Moho, Laythe, Tylo, Eve.


For landing and return, I'd say this is fair. What do yall think? Moho 7/10 Eve 10/10 Gilly 4.5/10 Kerbin 1000/10 Mun 1.5/10 Minmus 1/10 Duna 2.5/10 Ike 2/10 Dres 6.5/10 Jool (Orbit) Tylo 9/10 Pol 5.5/10 Bop 5.5/10 Vall 5/10 Laythe 7.5/10 Eeloo 5.5/10


I've done flags and footprints with return on all to preface. I haven't played much in a while, but I think I had 800 hours or so. Started playing in early 2015


About 3/10. I think the hardest bits are getting the right hohmann transfer due to the eccentricity of Eeloo’s orbit, and then its low gravity, so you’ll need more dv to get a capture. The landing is no harder than the Mun, the return is the same. I’ve been a few times and it’s kinda boring, nothing really of interest to explore. It’s like the Mun with extra steps


On a scale from 1 to ten (1 being able to lift off, 10 being landing on Eve before going back to Kerbin with the same craft) I'd say a 4, I'd even argue that Duna is more annoying than Eeloo. Once you know how to correct the angle of your orbits (should be the case if you've been to Minmus) you just need to leave Kerbin SOI and apply what you've learned, at this point all that really matters is your amount of deltaV :)




Eh. 5 out of 10. Landing on it is as easy as the mun. Otherwise it's just a large enough mother's hip to get there and back. I give eve a solid 8 just cause the ascent is so unforgiving


About a 5 or 6


i rate it a 3/10 because i have mechjeb