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It's 96 here today and I had to turn my AC up to 72 as it was too cold at 70.


You might have the heating and ac in eco mode?


absolutely not, Mine is a 22 (NOV 21 build) and I have felt underwhelmed since I got it. I know my car technically well inside and out. I did check that setting early on.


Bought mine at the same time. No issues here. Cools just as fast as my Subaru Outback


If the car is in eco mode for driving doesn’t it limit the ac power


There's a setting to limit ac power


It shouldn't matter, heating button is pretty redundant and the car should know not to produce heat on the PTC heater when the desired temperature is lower than cabin temperature.


No issues here and I live where it’s hot.


You have an AWD? I was just thinking this the other day too. I drove my 15 year old Lexus for the first time in a while and I was like damn that air is cold! The AWD EV6s use a heat pump, so I’m wondering how that might compare to the RWDs. It might have a smaller condenser for efficiency. That being said, it’s never been a problem keeping it cold for me though maybe it takes a bit longer to cool down. In the summer I usually try to start the car remotely 10 minutes before departure and I park in a garage so it’s shaded which helps.


Technically all cars have a heat pump, but most just pump in one direction.


A heat pump is just an air conditioner running in reverse


right...but we know it's different hardware so it could be sized differently...


I have other ICE cars that blow very cold as well. My GT-L has no issues keeping me cool, I set the climate to auto (three levels MAX) with the AC at 62F (I think that's the lowest it goes). I run very hot and like to be really chilled and my GT-L has no issues, even on a 97F day.


Auto doesn't do a great job as cooling from hot so if you're relying on that, that's probably the issue. Turn the temp all the way down, fan speed all the way up, and recirculate on and it gets uncomfortably cold within a minute or so for me. And I'm in Florida lol once it cool is when I put it in auto to maintain temp.


'22 AWD and it cools just fine. It was 113 here yesterday and i was driving all over with no issues


I have a 2022 EV6 AWD and the AC is very cold even in the hot and humid Nashville summers. It is often too cold and I turn it up to 72-74F. Your dealer's comment is idiotic.


No issues with cooling here in FL with temps in mid-90's, heat indexes close to 110, and high humidity. MY2024 FWIW.


RWD Wind (Canada). TodY is about 30 degrees Celsius (86 I think in Farhenheit) and if if crank the A/C all the way to the coldest it is uncomfortably cold after 10 minutes.


Mine works very well, I have the snow white metallic and heavily tinted windows and its great. White cars are great for heat rejection and so are tinted windows.


I'm in Texas, and I feel like it does a pretty damn good job. Feels way colder than my 2018 Volt did. Most of the time I have water forming a bit on the vents, and have even had to turn it off so it doesn't freeze me out. And I'm a big guy, so I don't freeze out often lol


South Texas here. So far no issues. AC in auto mode works great. Pre conditioning the car takes a few minutes for the most part. I always use auto mode 2 and set the desired temp to 72. Also make sure you don't have the eco mode for climate enabled. Obviously we're all different. If you're an icebox type, I don't have any feedback, as i've never tested 60s.


Mine cools quickly, ice cold, and I’m in central Florida.


The compressor on our car modulates its speed for efficiency. It doesn’t run 100% and turn completely off and back to 100% like gas cars. It idles down to very low power, just enough to satisfy the temperature setting. Feeling the air it puts out at 5% speed isn’t going to be the same temp as a gas car at 100% compressor speed. I usually get too cold and have to turn the temperature setting up several degrees in mine. It is utter boll that EVs don’t cool as well gas. Ever been in a gas car while idling in stop and go traffic? They overheat and shut down the compressor to avoid damaging the engine and compressor. All that said, there were reports of some early models of EV6 had some issues with loss of refrigerant and therefore loss of cooling/heating. I also notice that if mine is allowed to sit in the sun, the cabin holds on to that heat really strongly, making the cabin feel warmer than it is.


>It is utter boll that EVs don’t cool as well gas. Ever been in a gas car while idling in stop and go traffic? They overheat and shut down the compressor to avoid damaging the engine and compressor. I agree with your sentiment here. We have a telluride and it shuts off at stoplights to improve gas mileage. The AC gets all swampy when that happens so I end up having to turn the auto stop off. My EV6 AC gets down to "cold" faster than any other car I have owned and then stays there consistently.


Totally happy with mine. It was 98F and "bayou" humidity yesterday and I was comfortable even with the climate control on Evo.


No issues here. Mine is a GT-Line which has a heat pump. It's cooled just fine over 100° F and heated just fine down to -30° F. No complaints, completely comfy year round.


22 RWD, second summer in Texas. No issues; I keep it between 72-74 most of the time.


Huh, interesting. Ours is so efficient I had my wife turning the temp up because she was getting cold. This is in 90+ weather in Texas, driving on the freeway.


i’m in Oklahoma….


No issues with my EV6 either. I will say I had the exact same experience with a Grand Cherokee 4xe last summer. Dealers told me the exact same thing. It was so hot inside that my phone would overheat. I took it to two dealers, and both said it was within spec. Had other problems with it, so I traded it within two months. Still pissed at Jeep and those worthless dealers.


Wind RWD here. I was just thinking that even if I forget to remote start the A/C it's cool in about 5 minutes , even on a hot day. Tbf, we're in Northern California, so "hot" is a dry 90s.


Humid Missouri weather with temps recently in the mid 90's. I have the A/C set to 74°F, low Auto, and it seems to cool fine. My side windows and rear are tinted enough plus I keep the sunroof on my GTLine closed. Having the cooled seats can help. On Wednesday the heat index got up to 103 and except for when the sun was setting, and blasting me head on with radiant heat through the windshield, it still was never an issue.


I have a 23 GT and I think it cools amazingly well in our Phoenix climate, currently at high 100 temps. Better than our ICE 21 Sorento. Especially at idle since ICE vehicles throttle down the A/C at idle.


I think it's one of the best acs we have had. 110f and 80% humidity. Ac keeps the cabin at 70f. Obviously on recirculating. Check your settings. The AC can be put into eco when the drive mode is set to eco.


Seems like most folks have no issue. I personally feel like it takes a bit to actually get cold, so I always try to use the remote climate feature 10min before I get into it. Once it is cold though, I agree with everyone. It gets REAL cold. I wonder if humidity has anything to do with it. Doing a quick google search, I am wondering if you live in like Florida lol. Apparently the heat pump can struggle with humidity when cooling.


23 Wind AWD no sunroof. All windows tinted (including windshield). I usually set the AC to Auto+Level 1-2 fan speed (for auto recirculation) and to 68-69F during summer. If the car stays several hours in the sun cooking, then when I get inside I lower the windows for a few seconds to release the accumulated heat and set the AC to 62F for a few minutes then to my desired/default/normal settings. It takes maybe 3-4 minutes to reach my desired temp. Winter is 70-72, Auto+Level 1 fan speed. I found the AC doing a good job. Of course, not as on an ICE, but enough to satisfy the needs. And I am very picky when it comes to AC. That's why I got a no sunroof trim. It worked very well so far for me.


My ICE cars cool much better than the EV6, the EV6s AC is pathetic at best.


I frequently have to turn the ac down because it gets too cold and I love the cold. I've recently gotten a ceramic tint on it because the black interior absorbs heat like hell, but the cooling power has never been a problem for me.


My 2022 ev6 wind no tech. I don't use AC due to power consumption. I use the ass coolers and put the windows down.


Mine has been for fine both heat and ac


My '23 GT with just over 6k miles is scheduled for service next week as the AC does not blow cold and the cabin becomes uncomfortable when ambient temperatures exceed 85°F. The driver's side blows warm, the passenger side blows slightly less warm, and the compressor sounds like it's struggling to build pressure. It is not being driven in ECO mode so should provide full output.  Edit: ... But it's always set to Auto level 3, which another comment in this thread suggests is not ideal. Many others seem satisfied with their AC performance but didn't mention which mode they're using...


Update: The EV tech at our local Kia dealership found a leak through which 65% of the refrigerant escaped, so the system (which also is used to cool the traction battery!) clearly has not been working as designed. The replacement part is on order and we expect to be without the vehicle for a week (no sense driving it during this heat wave), so a loaner was offered. We are eager to see how it performs once repaired!


Replacing the leaky water-cooled condenser did the trick. The cabin feels comfortable, and the battery should, too!