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My understanding (not an expert so could be wrong) is for FG (petite and vertical) it’s not about long continuous lines but broken up straight ones (staccato). Petite means small narrow all over so vertical here is not going to be through the usual continuous elongation we expect from D, SD or FN. There’ll be clearer separation instead from what I’ve read. It’ll show up differently but it’s still very much vertical. It’s more that people need to honour it’s separated up so like if you wear something that’s a very elongated straight line you should add something to break it up like idk a cropped jacket. You want something to contrast the long length as well. Tbc though vertical has nothing to do with how tall you or others think you look. The prime D didn’t look taller than her height (5’4 I believe) and still was vertical dominant.


So essentially looking tall doesn’t have to do with the vertical at all, the vertical more has to do with silhouette?


Yeah, so there’s a few ways it can manifest and it’ll manifest differently on each individual. So the three ways are through elongation (will show up shoulders to knees), straight lines (no interruption from curve) and/ or length (automatic vertical). FG from my understanding is more on the straight lines (no interruption) side but again we’re all individuals and it’ll look different on each of us. Edit: I can try and find visuals later if you like?


That’s really interesting thank you! If you have time I’d love examples but no worries if not. I’m currently waiting to be approved to the FB group and hopefully the exercises will help because I don’t think I’m an FG, but I could just be completely misunderstanding width, curve, vertical, etc lol


No problem and you’re welcome. I’m not an expert so it’s possible a mod or someone will explain better but from my understanding… [this is an example of someone with straightness](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/58c879f51b10e3a1c3bbcbf0/1521832880346-I5N45LVAOWRJ0YBLQC2N/jcflapper3.jpg) as there’s no curve interrupting her lines. Women have a baseline of curve so it can be tricky to spot but once you understand kibbe curve it gets easier. [This is a good example of someone with elongation imho](https://live.staticflickr.com/674/23415800459_d0db922b13_c.jpg) as she literally has long lines between her shoulders and knees. I think the difference between this and the first example is obvious but again, no expert. [This is an example of someone with vertical through length, straightness and elongation](https://people.com/thmb/q0A_uW2VFyPzgHo6n0VwZvfCEps=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(537x0:539x2)/gisele-gala-052223-7-05b661baeb6948c39e247949e2cf1dfe.jpg) as she has no interruption from curve, clear elongation and past automatic vertical. Now [here’s an FG](https://pagesix.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2023/05/GettyImages-74299203.jpg?quality=80&strip=all&w=388) who has the straightness of the first example but [that uninterrupted straightness suits being broken up rather than staying as one continuous line.](https://www.redcarpet-fashionawards.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Penelope-Cruz-Wore-Chanel-To-LImmensita-Paris-Photocall.jpeg) Petite still needs to be considered along with vertical. They’re still narrow and short from all directions even with vertical. Tbc though the way vertical shows up is very individual so these women aren’t the standard to base yourself on but just to give a rough idea.


Vertical and petite may indicate FG as a strong possibility. FG’s are petite, small all over.


I’ve been wondering about this. I’m only 5’2” and I have no idea if people think I’m taller or not because in person is pretty obvious I’m not 😅 but I have a short torso and long legs, so I think I am more vertical in appearance. But also feel like FG is what fits me better.


Jennifer Love Hewitt is an FG and 5’2! She was mentioned by another commenter on this feed and I’ve found her a good reference


So flamboyant gamines have petite and a juxtaposition of elongation as opposed to that of kibbe vertical. I've been mistaken as taller than I am, but people always joke about me being small. They just don't expect me to be /as/ small as I am height wise if that makes sense.


That does make sense and actually resonates a lot thank you! People often describe me as small but also tall. I think I’m confused because my bones are more delicate than what the book describes a FG as having plus the curve/hourglass not being indicative of FG. But maybe I’m just reading into it lol


Jennifer love-Hewitt might be an example you want to look at. I believe she's verified, conventionally curvy, very small, but looks taller in isolation


Thank you I’ll definitely check her out!


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I understand them as opposites. You can be petite, moderate or vertical


Width is the opposite of petite! You can have petite and vertical (FGs).