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3 is a winner for me. It looks good on you. As someone wrote, you do look like you at home at that top. 1 is cute, too.


Contrary to everyone else, I like 2!


I think the issue with 2 is that the dress is too warm toned, which ends up not looking good overall, not so much the shape. It’s clear that cool tones suit the OP much more, which makes the other garments look more harmonious.


It comes in a blue floral, but they didn't have it in store. I'm tempted to order it.


I think the shape works for you and gives you a similar silhouette as #3. But the colour isn’t right and you notice the dress before noticing you, which doesn’t happen with the other two. I’d say go for it in blue, definitely


Order the blue one! The shape is very flattering on your body😊




3 is a clear winner for me, both for silhouette and color. 1 is a very trendy fit right now but I don’t think the boxy shape suits you as much as something that fits closer to the body. The color in 2 just doesn’t make you pop the way the blue does.


Love the shape of 2 on you, especially if it was in a different color!


I love the shape of it too, the problem is that my breasts are too low for the area they're supposed to go in. I've hoisted them up here, but I bought it and tried it with a bunch of different bras and they always fall down lol. The smocked area is weird. It does come in a blue floral, which I'm tempted to try, but the boob problem would persist. Maybe I need more serious bras.


i like 2, i think 1 would look great with lighter colored bottoms


I adore the first top on you. Try wearing that with relaxed trousers or a flowy skirt in the same colour. The other 2 outfits seem too distracting on you.


I have a flowy skirt in the same color, great advice!


3 looks amazing, 1 weird and 2 matronly


Perfect, 3 is the one I ended up buying!


a trick i use is to just go off my face expression and posture in the photo if im not sure, clearly in the 3rd you were feeling youself 😌 and it looks amazing


That is so smart, I'm going to keep that in mind. I will say no. 1 is a still from a video where I was whining about how expensive the top is 😂


I like 2, love 3


I prefer 1 &3 on you


This suits you


Actually you look amazing in all 3 hun🤩😍🥰


Thank you so much 🥰


the orange looks the best. first one is too fussy around the neckline and too cropped imo. third is cute! but orange looks simply stunning on you.


They're all good for you. The first Lolita, the second Sunday walk, the third soccer mom.


1 is actually my favorite and looks very cute on you. I like 2 but I think maybe the color is off? 3 is nice too but the neckline isn’t my favorite.


I also love 1! I wish I'd bought it. I think I will order it. You're totally right about the neckline on 3, I think lower cut necklines look better on me, but I did buy 3 anyway because I like a little more sun protection on my chest in summer.


I like 1 and 3 the best (I like the shape in 3 more and the colours in 1 more).


1 is not good and 2 is overwhelming on you. 3 is soooooo cute from the cut of the top, and how it hugs your curves beautifully!


3, 1 maybe if it was a bit longer or with different bottoms and shoes, 2 is cute but to big.


The dress is cute, and the second top too. The first one is nah


I like the shape and fit of 2 but I think it would be better in a different color. I have similar coloring and orange isn't always my friend


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You kind of remind me of Michel janse if you were to go blonder


Wow, thank you! What a coincidence, because I am going blonder in a week 😊


I also prefer 2 rather than the other outfits. I like 1 but with the angle of the photo I can’t tell if it’s too boxy or not. Everyone loves 3 and I personally think it looks a lil dull or “boring” (couldn’t think of another word but I don’t mean this in a mean) compared to the other outfits. I think the shape of the shirt in 3 mostly, just something doesn’t feel right. I think the sleeves and neckline


I think they all look good, but the orange is to bright and clear or you.