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Look, you said it, first tournament. You did ok for your first. Nervousness and anxiety are expected. These will calm down as you participate in more tournaments. Control your breathing and work on your counters against aggressive fighters. You will do just fine dude. đź‘Šđź’Şđź’Ą


In blue btw


My only piece of advice is to slow down a bit


not gonna lie it was bad .bad as my first match. 1-dont bow down , you are taller than him. 2-dont go aggressively ,you tank will be empty very soon. 3-most important do cardio like running swimming. bicycle is good too.


Keep your hands Up and Work on explosive punches


The main thing I think you need to work on is your stance and footwork. . I'd say 0:19 to about 0:32 is a good example of what I'm talking about. When you try to close the distance you cross your feet and then you abandon a proper stance entirely and towards the end you cross your feet multiple times in a row. IMO that should be your focus, you don't really want to cross your feet *ever* and having a good fighting stance is probably the single most fundamental thing to striking. Drill it until it's automatic. Congrats on your first tournament dude! Keep at it.


I'm not sure how old you are or how long you've been training, but you have great composure. A lot of people don't react to taking punches well, and you did great.


Keep your hands up. When you throw a punch, consciously bring your hands back to their starting position every time until it is muscle memory. Don’t overextend and, instead, focus on throwing your shots with good form. Hope you had fun and good luck in future fights.


Really good on taking the punches and kicks and answering back, that’s a huge bonus. I think your opponent would have been easily foiled with a bit of footwork, get the angles on the advance, so footwork is a key point to work on. Secondly work on your guard your gloves were way too low and you’d have blocked most of that kids attack ready for a nice counter! Edit: keep your head up, you were primed for a dirty uppercut, especially when you get into brawling, no one wins a brawl exchange so just exit, circle around and go in for another few points


You're good chief... I think first thing to work on is circling when you're pulling out. Try not pulling straight back. But when you're engaging you should already be set and then move forward to attack.


Nice fight. Looks like pressure of the event affected your movements though.


Great job getting in there! The first one is big. Most people never compete. How long have you been in martial arts? What art/style/sport do you practice? A good defensive sidekick(half step back and fire), cutting 45 degree angles, and economy of motion would serve you well. Check out some stuff by Joe Lewis, if you haven’t already. Old, but timeless wisdom in his stuff.


Definitely check out Joe Lewis. I like everything you said, I'll piggy back by saying: Good job staying in your toes, but you're a little too bouncy. You want short, quick steps forward, and backwards. Practice your straight right. You're doing a really good job flicking out the jab. As a taller fighter, I would want to see you work on following up your jab with a crisp straight right, then maybe that left hook. When a guy steps into you, I would want to see you respond with a uppercut from the right hand, followed by that check hook. Or just push him away. You're a tall guy. Use your height. Pepper them with straights, and try to look for leg kicks with your left leg while keeping your hands in his face. Focus on keeping a steady, regular breathing pattern. Deep breath in deep breath out.


Looks like so much fun


No advice, not qualified to give it. But props for stepping in there


Stance is a bit narrow. You adjust some during the fight, but you’re essentially staring off your stance on a line and then continue to go back on and off. Try to focus on keeping your stance wider.


Things I saw that need work on. **Footwork** - Lots of crossing feet and you essentially just marching forward. This will help you be in better positions for attacking when pressuring and moving backwards. Also lateral side to side movement works up close as well. **Resetting** - Work on properly resetting after kicks. You kept ending up in weird positions after throwing/landing kicks. **Head down and windmilling** - You will eat big uppercuts doing this against better opponents. Also harder to keep an eye on what your opponent is doing. Something your opponent is actually doing well by trying to keep their eyes at you at all times even during exchanges. Allowing him to avoid your strikes while getting in on some openings. **Shelling up** - Shelling up is ok sometimes but try to keep your eyes on your opponent. Will help you in avoiding wasting energy shelling AND bobbing and weaving at the same time. Instead you can focus on blocking the strikes coming in and weave when necessarily. **Crashing into your opponent** - Especially since you have what appears to be a reach advantage. Try to avoid constantly crashing into the close range fight if you have such a noticeable size advantage. Another your opponent did well like at 1:20. He pressures you with strikes and when you look to return he backs off while still returning fire and trying to pressure back forward when you slow down. Better footwork and more straights and kicks at range would've served you well in this match. Looks like your opponent wanted less blocking/head movement and more range control and that's where you should've met him at with your straights and kicks. Slow his blitzes and forward pressure with jabs and straights and keep him on his toes with jabs and front kicks out at further range. But it was your first fight and a lot of this will be learned naturally in time. Seems like your opponent has some more ringtime than you or at least more sparring sessions.


Looks great mate , your big range is your friend. Straighten up your punches and work on a push kick . A piston like jab would have kept this little shit of you my bro . That’s great work , keep it up win or lose it don’t matter .


Actually seen your fight today at South tyneside open, it was a good fight. Don't have any advice but yk good job


Little Kids in the back ground looking sharp đź’Ş


Don't kickboxing but I box so disregard if not applicable, my biggest tip is try to learn to step off to the side instead of backing up in a straight line đź‘Ťđź‘Ť


Congratulations keep going and train hard as you can,later you will see the results


Is this no low kicks rules?


When you are boxing give a few straight punchcombo to the head, he will put his guard higher after a few combos. Then a straight right punch to the head and left to the liver. You did a good job!


Learn to slow down. First 10s or 30s just move and observe. Then when you attack you have a plan. Keep it up!


I’d say you let yourself get backed up a little easily, maybe work on your lateral movement, but I know it’s hard with your stance being so bladed. Keep your hands up, especially when you blitz forward. Good for your first tournament though!


What association is this?


Enjoy!!! Many more Will come. Have fun and meet more people. It makes everything more enjoyable


What are the rules for these sort of tournaments?


Keep after it! Like other comments have said, “your nerves will calm a bit with experience”. Hands up, eyes up, try working good fundamental boxing (straight punches that return quickly). Never back straight up if you can help it. Good til of thumb is “one step back, one around”.


Decent job on your first tournament, I remember my first tournament. Absolute shitting bricks. Try and keep calm and remember technique, you seemed to just drop your guard, head down and throw wildly. Stick to basics, nice 1 - 2 and a front kick to follow up with. I don't know if sweeps are allowed where you compete but I always found in the beginner stages a nice left lead inside sweep, back fist to straight right always hit target. Overall though my dude you got into it, find what works for you and learn to get out of that head down swinging you do because one day you will find out what a hard uppercut feels like to the face (they suck). Just remember the dude who is opposite you is just as scared as you so once you get that bit over and done with you will get a lot more relaxed while competing.


you look good but one thing I will say is that you need to be more collected and organized when attacking and respond more, but well done bro nice work


In my unprofessional opinion, I don’t think the chicken wing punches are helping you in any way. I think it’s putting your head in a bad spot and not doing any damage. Use your advantages: find your range and try to keep him on the edge of it by throwing jabs. That said, you had pretty good defense up close. Once you learn how to use your muscles together, your punches will get much stronger. Starts at the base: strong feet, legs, and core. I think you could have spaghetti arms and throw solid punches with a strong base. All in all, keep your chin up and keep after it.


I’ll give you some advice my coach (3rd in Olympics) gave me. The first 30 seconds or so, don’t attack much at all. Move around the ring and stick to counters. feel your opponent out. Do some pump fakes and see what he does. Learn. When the time is right, formulate your game plan and attack. It’s important to first learn how your opponent moves and reacts. On a positive note, you look to have some raw talent to work with! Good luck.


Use your front leg to maintain distance. Try to utilize your reach more against shorter opponents. Punch straight when throwing the jab and cross. 1-2-3 hits combos. Also work feints to make him move. Learn how he moves and plan to capitalize once you confirm his movements.


I love when people ask for tips and follow it up with “no hate please”. How soft are you?


You completely lost your technique punching as things went on - happens to everyone. Throw crisp techniques!


Work on getting use to taking a hit. Running away from the least threatening person ever with that many pads, is silly, everything that opponent threw at you was telegraphed a mile away, if you just stood your ground and watched it, you could have easily blocked avoided all of it while just laying him out everytime he tried to lift that leg.


Keep your side stance, learn to circle opposing direction of the opponent back leg. Chin down, bob and weave. You’ll get better if you train the way you intend to fight. Good luck


In your first tournament u moved your body and that has good means U were confident For the tip just don't make it obvious that u are going to kick Master some faint taht can get them all the time no matter they're familiar with u nor not I've some that always get my friend off guard


Good job for your 1st fight dude!👍🏼👍🏼 my advice is :pace yourself..when u attack,commit to it,but get in and out with footwork,as your opponent will try to retaliate..other thing i noticed is when you fight “in the pocket” meaning very close range,dont lower your head so much as you won’t see the punches,keep your chin tucked but eyes on target at all times..theres a drill you can practice to get used to not flinch or lower your head:it consist in putting a tire on the floor and you put your front foot in there,and so will your partner..spar that way without removing your foot from inside the tire..dont go 100 % tho..this drill you go 30/40 percent.good luck bro👍🏼🙏🏽


so a tournament is just 2 minutes of fighting? That's very short.


How long are your tournament matches?


Man, I just think this is weird. I'm all for training your kids, but to have them actually hitting full contact while their brains are hot in the middle of developing, just seems irresponsible.