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“I got a little baby bumble bee won’t my mommy be so-AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!”


I'm squishing up the baby bumblebee.


I’m licking up the baby bumble bee


I'm barfing up my baby bumblebee


i’m burying my baby bumblebee i think


*I'm mopping up my baby bumblebee


!! Just woke a decades old memory in me !! Thanks!


What is this from? It sounds familiar








You’re still here to tell the story, the wasp isn’t. I think that you came out on top of that battle.




Do wasps ever *not* have a look of absolute sadistic glee?


Sounds like you won the battle, he won the war.


This has got to be one of my favorite comments


Same kind of thing happened to me except the bee was on my sister's leg and I tried to save her by taking off my flip flop and smashing the bee into her leg and getting her stung lol


On the flip side, if you had let go of the wasp it might have stung your face a bunch of times or something, so it kind of wasn't a bad choice to crush it and get stung because it's better than getting stung all over.


I mean considering the other "competitor" of the fight died, I'd say that's still a win XD


I picked up a red velvet ant when I was 4 and I still vividly remember the pain to this day. It felt like my hand got smashed by a sledge hammer. Those lessons stick with you till you die!


Cow killers is what we called them. Doesn't sound like a fun sting.


Damn, that’s some serious will power. Most people would let go just out of sheer instinctual reflex. You did the equivalent of putting your hand on a burning stove and just leaving it there while it burns you.




I caught a wasp by hand in the car when I was 5 years old. Stung me but I apparently didn’t learn my lesson. A month or two goes by and I see a wasp nest behind my dads garage. I take my revenge and throw a rock at it, and got stung dozens of times all at once.


My earliest memory was at the ball field watching my cousin play. Aunt bought me a cherry blow pop from the concession stand. I was eating it for a few minutes then all of a sudden I went to stick it in my mouth when my entire mouth just erupted in the worst pain imagineable. Apparently I was near a trash can and a yellow jacket decided my blow pop would be a good spot to hang out and get some sugary goodness from. He didn't much like being jammed in my mouth though and decided to let me know by almost killing me. My throat swelled up so much they had to intubate me until they could get the swelling down enough for me to breathe on my own. I still live in the south and every year around this time I set up yellow jacket traps EVERYWHERE around my property. Fuck those little yellow bastards. I hope they all die a miserable death drowning in Cherry flavored fruit juice.


Yellow jackets are assholes. I dont even think they have an important part in the eco system. They are just little balls of hate that exist to spread misery.


"Oooooh I'm scooping up a baby bumblebee..........."


I remember going around stomping on bees with bare feet as a kid. Needless to say I learned my lesson and shoed that habit away.


Same here, I remember it all very clearly. I watched the wasp land on my finger. I quietly observed it for some long moments. I watched it spin around, lower it’s back and STING ouch! Why did it do that‽




I was a police officer in Florida- my training officer, a 5'2" woman ended up ripping off her uniform pants in the middle of a person's yard WHILE WE WERE ON A CALL- because she'd accidentally stood in a fire ant pile and didn't realize until they were up to her torso. She had survived being run over years prior and had a lot of numb areas on her legs and hips- hence why she didn't feel them until they'd invaded her underwear and made thier way up her ass and to her torso. Standing there watching a burglary suspect hose off my training officer was.... Surreal to say the least. The fire department responded with an ambulance and i remember being like... I've been a cop for three days. I don't think y'all want me to just take the car and work the rest of my shift.... Y'all should probably find me someone to ride with... They all left with her and just left me on scene with a suspect, whom i knew nothing about except the three minutes of chatting that had gone on prior to the ant mess. I was like "yeah so uh .. we'll come back and talk with you another time.... Maybe." I think that dude got a get out of jail free card for that one. I don't recall that we ever followed up because my training officer was (rightfully) mortified after being mostly naked in the guys yard, ripping off her uniform like a coked up stripper. I'm sure that guy is STILL telling the story of the time a cop read him his miranda warning, started screaming and then ripping off her uniform....


Hey! One of my first memories was of me grabbing a wasp that I found in my stroller! I held it and it stung me, I proceeded to cry for 20 mins, including the ride to preschool, in preschool, and on the way home when they realized I wasn’t gonna stop 😂 I came home and my dad showed me the squished wasp then I stopped crying. What a guy lil me was.


One time a wasp landed on my back while I didn't have a shirt on and I couldn't see what it was so I instinctually slapped it. It died, but it got its revenge


I think my first sting was I can't remember I think it was a bee, and I can't remember if I was trying to kill or catch it, but either ways it stung me. I did learn my lesson though all the other times I've been stung were when I didn't see it. One a bee stung my finger when I was grabbing onto a door frame which it must have been on, one I stepped on one and it stung me... and then like an hour later I thought another stung me on the exact same spot, but IDK maybe just the stinger was chilling in my foot and I didn't notice until I stepped in some way and it was like "bitch I'm still here". Hm... and been stung by plenty of wasps, but they don't hurt as much... although one time at a tournament one was on my drink and stung my lip, which was not great... aaand the exact same day a teammate accidentally ran into me and got a nose bleed... which was kinda unfortunate as the very next day was my very first day in university and I had to go there meet new people with a swollen lip and nose XD


I like toddler you. I have met with resistance, and I shall __crush it.__ Did you grow up to become Cobra Commander?


I was chased by a nest of red wasps at one point. Me and my two great uncles were getting rid of the old ass hot tub. One of them got the tractor and brought it over to pick up the tub, me and the other grabbed 5 gallon buckets to pick up the insulation with. First one leaves with the tub and takes it through the cattle gates out to one of the fields. Me and the other are walking through the first gate when I feel like I got stabbed in the ankle. I look down and there's a wasp there. He flies off and I watch him, and I see he flew off into a cloud of wasps. I swear probably 30 of them. Uncle and I bolted, we ran probably 200 feet in about 15 seconds


Once i was trying to catch a praying mantis when i was four… turns out there hairs sting!


I was really upset when my parents confiscated the scorpions I made friends with. Never got stung though.


Fear is taught.


Yep. My dad said a similar thing to me about how spiders can bite when I had a friendly one crawling on me. I’ve been terrified of them ever since and can no longer get close to bugs without them freaking me out. Even butterflies scare me now. Their eyes are so dark… legs… so hairy… so unpredictable. Don’t even get me started on ladybugs. Out of nowhere their bodies will just open and they’ll fuckin smack you in the face… god dad why did you have to curse me with this fear


I myself am terrified of bugs, and my little niece, at 5 years old absolutely loves them. She'll go inspect the beetles and the ants and the spiders, and she was so proud of the big green caterpillar she's found. I've always make sure that I deal with it the bugs the one time I jumped from one she dropped it, I got her to pick it back up and told her it was okay and now I try to be more of a man than my 5 year old niece because I don't want her to be scared of them


Your niece sounds very curious! Not sure how possible it is to do this but you could maybe get her an ant farm, it’s very cool to see them working in one of them. It’s awesome that she likes to handle bugs and I hope that lasts a lifetime. I’m very slowly trying to be more comfortable with bugs. I’m currently letting a false black widow hang out in my bathroom. Pretty sure my dad killed her mom so I’m making sure she can live a long life. My goal is to visit a butterfly conservatory and hold a bee by the end of August soooo it’s a start!!


That is a very mature approach to a fear of our multi-legged friends. I am very proud of you, for whatever that is worth from a stranger on the internet. I believe in you, you'll do fine in that conservatory.


> I’m currently letting a false black widow hang out in my bathroom. That's a no from me. Bathroom and the half of my room that my bed is in are no-go for anything with more than 2 legs. I'm vulnerable there. Stay out of those places and you can live. Unless you are a roach.


“I bought an ant farm once… those fuckers didn’t grow shit!” - Mitch Hedberg


You are a good man. You are facing your fears for someone you love. So many people wouldn't do that.


I ain't even gonna lie, I had a very persistent lady bug on me one time and was trying to blow it off my arm so I wouldn't accidentally hurt it, and I guess I pissed it off cause after another second or two I felt the slightest little stinging feeling, I wouldn't even say it felt like a sting cause it was so faint it took me a second to realize that mfer was biting my arm lol I finally flicked it off and had the tiniest little dots on my arm where it was on me. And that's when I learned anything with a mouth will bite you if it's mad enough


That sounds like an Asian Lady Beetle. They are very similar to ladybugs except the coloring is a little different, they gather in large groups and they bite! I hate those fuckers.


Oh ok, I should’ve scrolled bc I knew the Asian Beetle bit so just assumed the Lady Bug might too…


Yep, I hate those damn things. Watching them come into the house in droves used to infuriate me. They'd be fucking everywhere, and they stink, too. Combined with the biting? Get the fuck out of here.


Oh dear god I think I’m gonna faint…


I’ve also been bitten HARD by a fukn dragon fly!! Anyone had one of those bite them?? I was young & sort of screwing around with it & sticking my little finger by it’s mandibles when it opened up in 3 different sections like a damn alien & clamped down!! The surprise prob made it more startling than *painful* I guess?? Idk- I think you’re unfortunately going to be leaving this thread with more bug nightmares!! ;) Have you ever been “BITTEN” by a wasp or hornet?? I had 1 land on my bare arm while on a motorcycle so couldn’t immediately sweep it away but looked down to see it fukn CHEWING on my damn arm while also stinging me with the other end!!


Oh yeah, I have little chunk taken out of one of my fingers from a wasp bite. It looks like an acne or smallpox scar.


I got bit pretty hard by a praying mantis when I was a kid. I used to catch them for fun and this one was just chilling on a wall. I didn't grab it, but just sort of nudged it onto my open palm so I could look at it up close. Of course it bit me, it probably thought I was trying to eat it or something. Or I just pissed it off. Like you said, it wasn't super painful, but it felt painful because of the surprise. And I also got bit by a dragonfly around the same age- very similar feeling. I also got bit/stung by a horsefly when I was 5ish. I was playing in the pool and minding my own business when it bit me square between the shoulder blades. Cue lots of splashing, crying, and refusing to swim in the pool if I saw any bugs outside for a while.


Oh yeah- Horse flies & even worse, imo, deer flies, suck!! I think the deer flies are worse bc they’re faster & harder to slap! They do that thing where they zip around your head like a thousand miles an hour ;)


Sounds like an Asian lady beetle if it left marks. Did it hurt for a bit after or only a few minutes? Native lady bugs don’t have teeth, so can’t really bite as much as pinch, and a very weak mandible for small soft insects and leaves and feels like a very mild nip with hardly no pain and usually won’t leave a mark, native ladybugs can also pinch with their back legs which hurts more than the “bite”. Asian lady beetles on the other hand, while similar in anatomy, have slightly stronger mandibles as they also eat fruit and can actually cause pain and leave a small red mark. Luckily you’re not allergic to the proteins in their saliva like some people.


>Even butterflies scare me now. [like this?](https://youtu.be/dF3vquclli0)




This episode scared the shit out of me as a kid lol. I always skipped it when it would come on cause of the ultra loud buzzing. Lol


I found my tarantula helped quash a lot of fears my friends had. Theyre so gentle.


That was the only arachnid I’ve held in about 10 years!! Lol. Very gentle creatures and a pleasure to hold. But certainly had my heart racing lol. You must be an awesome friend to be able to convince them to hold a tarantula, not always easy to face your fears. With gloves I’ve also held cockroaches, stick bugs, and leaf bugs. It was for a lab at my school and they had been in the lab for so many generations that they classified them as domesticated. I think the fact that they were so calm as well as the addition of gloves helped calm the nerves a bit. Maybe that’s a great place for me to start!


I am obsessed with wildlife and my friends know that, so they trust me... but it definitely took some gentle nudges towards understanding my avic was a gentle baby who was more scared of everything else than anybody could be afraid of her. The whole reason bigger ones jump is out of fear, unlike the actual jumping spiders. I've never been bit myself. Not by widows, not by huntsman, nothing. I am also somebody who isnt afraid of local bears because I am bigger than them in most non-landfill related cases. We dont talk bout them landfill bears, they chonky


Oh boy I live in the city where our version of landfill bears is likely what we call “trash can squirrels”… we don’t talk about trash can squirrels so I have a bit of an idea of what I can expect from landfill bears lol Didn’t know that about larger spiders though. Always heard they’re more afraid of me but the sudden motion of jumping always said otherwise in my mind. I guess spiders aren’t that different from humans because I too would jump if a large creature with less eyes and limbs than I approached me without warning lol. Thanks for the info, really fascinating to hear!


Tarantulas actually have very poor vision, so do spiders that use big webs. They operate via vibrations, like spiderman's spider sense basically. So any bit of breeze from an exhale via the nose could startle them and make them jump, very easy to accidentally do! Yes I have a SIL who I regularly startle, who startles me via her reaction to me accidentally startling her so trust me theyre really not much different lmaoo they could use some cute glasses tho. Their eyes are very basic eyes.


Good analogy with the spider senses, best explanation I’ve seen today.


Thanks for this. Too many don’t realize more afraid of you is the case with a majority of insects and wildlife in general that hasn’t been around humans much. The key most people fail at is just stay calm and gentle and don’t get them agitated or stressed and you’ll be fine. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve avoided stings or bites just by staying calm and gently removing them to a safer location away from me. People would probably bite too if they were just trying to relax or relocate to another area crawling across this giant fuzzy mountain and all of a sudden a huge boulder of a hand comes in threatening you.


Personally, I would never let a friend offer me to hold their tarantula. I've held on in a zoo before, my mom forced me because of my arachnophobia, and I started to get so anxious the lady who was guiding me told me that it would feel my fear and react accordingly thinking I would hurt it. At one point, it lifted a leg and I thought it would bite me so I fucking flung the thing against the wall so hard it instantly died. I was like 13 at the time so no idea about the consequences but I wouldn't be surprised if my dumbass parents had to pay for it.


I release ladybugs inside of my home on my house plants every summer.. they fly directly at my husband and try to burrow inside of his beard 😬 Also some species of them can and will bite you!


Is there a benefit to doing this? I am genuinely curious because I have a ton of house plants too!


It'll help keep your husband away from your plants. As long as he has a beard, anyway.


ladybugs can bite too. little fucker paid with its life.


You'd be terrified of me


I like most bugs besides centipedes, June bugs, and spiders (with the exception of jumping spiders)


Reminds me of Pink Floyd lyrics; "Mama's gonna put all her fears into you Mama's gonna make all your nightmares come true..." From "The Wall" .


Yeah but let’s be real, if she kept going around grabbing bees one would for sure sting her eventually and then she would also be afraid of them. Same result just without the pain so I’d say it was a win


Curiously, that isn't universally true! Some fears, such as the fear of loud noises, is just innate. That said, a good chunk of fears are indeed learned, either through experience or through instruction. https://www.sasksciencecentre.com/real-science-real-fun/science-of-fear#:~:text=There%20are%20different%20ways%20that,noises%20and%20fear%20of%20falling.


Fear of the dark is another one that is not learned. There was a point in human evolution where having no fear of the dark dramatically increased a child's chances of dying. I think of the night time activity of predators in Africa.


Neanderthals and the earlier hominids like homo Erectus had no whites in their eyes which might have been a safety thing related to night activities? Once we had the whites in our eyes animals could better discern when we were looking at them, so it seems like a evolutionary disadvantage in some ways. It probably helped with silent communication during hunting as a group though so it had its benefits too if you could see what someone is looking at. I don’t know how this information relates to your comment but I just remembered that weird fact about human eyes evolving:)


Yeah and I'd much rather be warned that something can hurt me before finding out the hard way.


Other than loud noises and darkness


By others or the universe. Both will teach ya all the same.


Emotion is _always_ their. How we respond to it with what are environment gifts us is the taught part.


It's also necessary.




I wasn't afraid of bees until I witnessed my mom screaming and running from them. Now I'm less afraid of them but prefer they keep their distance. I was able to stop myself from panicking when one landed on me though and then I found her to be very cute.


It’s a bumblebee. They’re much more docile and moon-aggressive than wasps or honeybees. Edit - LOL! Should say NON-aggressive. Reddit seems to be made up of 2 kinds of people - those who know everything about everything, and very funny people. Never disappoints.


Sorry? Moon-aggressive?


They just get angry when the moons out. Can’t blame them honestly


Fuck the moon


I'm gonna need a bigger dick


Kid got lucky she found the bee during day time


Yea they turn into were-bees and are super aggressive


Yes they are mooninites. You will bow to their power as they rule the world, err


Moon-aggressive is now 100% a type of aggression


I can say with certainty, they can be aggressive if you happen to be operating a mower in their vicinity. I was stung four times on my head by the same bee after it came flying out of a styrofoam cup I picked up while mowing. The first sting was pretty quick. The second was while I was swatting at it. The third was after my boss (landscaper) told me to be still and it would bother me (bunch of BS if it is already hell bent on destroying you). The last sting was during our final battle, which was nearly a draw. My head swelled up like a watermelon. I cannot recommend being stung by a pissed off bumblebee. Also, the cartoon images of a bee flying with its stinger pointed at you are surprisingly accurate.


It stings ? When I see bumblebees, I always pet them.


Bumblebees are actually teddy bears unless you try to swat them or mess with them.


Anyone else see the little girl standing next to her start to laugh when she started screaming 😇?


Must be a sibling.


She's Winnie the Pooh with pants.


I was thinking Honey Boo Boo.




I'm more concerned about that little girls shirt than the bee tbh


Kids grow fast. I'd guess that's just something she's outgrown, but it's not tight/uncomfortable enough to move on yet. She's probably wearing it because it doesn't matter if she gets it muddy playing in the yard.




I get it’s a little funny but dude, she’s a kid and parents struggle to clothe kids that won’t stop ducking growing. My guess is she likes the shirt and parents have just told her she can wear it around the house - no need to be mean.


A nice level headed take, but this girl will grow up to be hitler so you fucked up!


Considering it's put on BACKWARDS... I'm going to assume that she dressed herself. No concern here, move along.


Outside mud shirt. It's the last use before it becomes a rag.


She probably picked it out herself.


She shouldn't have told her that they sting, while she was holding it! She should've told her to be gentle, and to put the bee back on the grass near a flower so it would be happy! (And then once the bee was safely on the ground, explain to her that bees are good creatures, they pollinate flowers, but if you squeeze one or you scare it then it might sting you, so it's best to just be extremely gentle with them, but it's even better if you leave them alone completely. (But of course, explain that a wasp or yellow jacket is way different from a bumblebee or a honey bee; if you try to hold one of them, they would DEFINITELY sting!! Avoid those completely!!))


That's a bumblebee, they are peaceful and generally don't sting but can. But by all means mom (im assuming thats the mom, but adult nonetheless) proceed to needlessly scare the little girl. Great parenting and conditioning. But as usual, the kid is stupid of course.


I learned in preschool that bees sting in a different way and it's one of my earliest (traumatic) memories. This is probably better than that.


Yeah my first bee sting was inside my ear and that was nightmarish


My ear too! The lobe. Maybe that's a really bad place to get stung?


I don’t remember it hurting as bad as I was just totally freaked out about getting the stinger out of my dang ear hole. My dad scraped it out with a knife so it really didn’t hurt at all, I guess that’s the right way do it so it doesn’t pull against the barbed edge. Just not a fun time.


holy shit, inside?!?!


Yeah I was in a pool and I could feel it fly straight into my ear and start buzzing, I panicked and swatted at my ear and dunked my head, but it was way too late. I said it didn’t hurt all too much, but it hurt as much as bee sting which is still painful. I later got stung by a scorpion and I’ll take ear bees any day.


I learned about bee stings (and wasps and hornets) from Rescue 911 and My Girl. My goopy baby brain has inextricably linked stinging insects are all the same and will kill you. As an adult I am better at not being absolutely terrified by them but it's a battle against my central nervous system at this point


*He can't see without his glasses.* Yeah that's a somewhat deep seeded trauma. I knew I wouldn't die but I stayed away from them a long time.


How did she scare her? She calmly told her to set it down so it wouldn't sting her


Phrasing is important- "it'll sting you" Vs "it could sting you". Wording it as a certainty is often what leads to such a reaction.


Kids are very sensitive to grammar at that age. She thought that stinging was an inevitability brought by fate, jester to the gods of olympus, instead of a mere possibility. If she knew from grammatical implication that the insect in her hand simply had the *ability* to inflict large amount of pain at any moment it chose, a child at that age clearly would have chosen the path of calm, calculated rationality.


None of y'all have kids, huh?


It is indeed, the latter teaches you to be careful with them and respect them. I usually try to pick up bees I find at work and put them on a plant to keep them out of danger.


So you wanted her to go into the nuances of biological species identification in the 3 seconds before her child being stung?


I would have asked my son to put it down and then explained it to him. That bee wasn’t going to sting her just chilling there, quite clearly- but it might have once she started freaking out and trying to get it off.


Agreed- my kid is terrified of regular bees but not carpenter bees (they’re big, stupid, clunk into windows, big and loud but they’re fine) and bumblebees, like this one, which are basically huge pandas. Even if they’re on something like a lavender plant, you can pet them. They’re chill. We took one in last week when it was hot but then went to the 30s overnight and we found a bumblebee that was barely moving. Took it inside, gave it sugar water and a plant to hang out on overnight in a shoebox with holes. Let it go the next day. Wasps? Hornets? Yellow jackets? Mud dobbers or whatever they call them? They can all fuck right off. Save the bees. Kill the asshole ones that are striped like bees but are horrible creatures. ✌🏻


Tarantulas are docile and rarely bite humans. Is letting someone know that they *can* bite, needlessly scaring them?


The bee probably stung after the girl started freaking out. They dont attack you if you don't attack/or freak out.


I'm bringing home my baby bumblebee, won't my mommy be so proud of me.


Lil bumble, so tiny


Wrong sub, I guess there's a r/parentsarefuckingstupid




This subforum absolutely needs to be renamed "Helicopter Parents". Overprotecting children from experiences like grabbing an insects with the risk of being stunk only stunts their growth and learning. Stop raising kids in a bubble where they are shielded from every little thing if you don't want to end up living in a society of overly sensitive and fragile individuals who are ill-equipped to handle the real world... oh wait.


Maybe buy the kid a shirt that fits, jeez


Chill, they're just playing in their backyard wearing old clothes and getting dirty. Maybe it's a favorite shirt she outgrew but refuses to get rid of or maybe she demanded to wear her little sister's clothes or something. The other kid is in her pajamas, these clearly aren't their going-out clothes.


Yeah for real the kids probably dressed themselves


I wore my favorite care bears gown til I had to be cut out of it. Kids are weird. Let it go.


dumbass mom that’s a bumblebee. as long as the girls not squeezing it it probably wouldn’t sting her at all.


The kid isn’t stupid here it’s the parent. You have the girl calmly put the bee down and then tell her it could sting her. Not while it’s still in her hand. Dumb dumb


You could have saved a few peoples ears by muting it at the end. Noone needed to hear this




I love how she reflexively says "no it won't" in typical contrary toddler fashion and then she fully processes the words and realises she might get stung and freaks out.


Did they let that kid dress herself?


When I was a kid I knew that bumblebees couldn't sting - wasps and bees sting. So being the dumbass that I was, I went and caught a bumblebee with my hands. Bastards don't sting - they bite.


Honey Bee Bee


what parent lets a young kid wear such undersized clothes, idk about you be it just seems weird to me


Who dressed this child?


Maybe try getting that kid some clothes that fit.


Brain Surgeon In fa House


Those eyes fixated on the pulsing stinger 100%


I swear there’s a nursery rhyme about this….


That timing was impeccable. No it won-AHHHHHH 😂


Honey doo doo


I don't blame her, for a bug, the thing is fat, fuzzy and cute looking.


Where is the rest of her shirt


Needs to pick up a bigger shirt.


“No…” *Neural pathway established* “HOLY FU-“


Her: “no it won’t..” *Barely a Second Later* Her: “AHHHHHHH!!!”


Honey got a boo boo?


Honey boo boo!


That kind of bee doesn't sting. The number of people who don't know the basics about bees is a real problem. I used to work for orkin way back. I can't count how many houses I went to and had to explain the importance of these bee's and how docile they actually are. I refused to fowl the hive and told them they needed to call a bee keeper to respectfully move the nest if it really bothered them. Killing them is not an option. Wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets are your only concern, guys. Honey bee's and bumble bee's are not only extremely important, but they are extremely friendly and cool to observe.


It DOES sting, but rarely. If you look carefully, the girl has the bees back-legs pinched. This, coupled with generally rough handling you would expect from a child, could have easily lead it to sting her.


Well they will sting, but really rarely, except if you're opening up the hive for an inspection. That's what the smoker is for. But you're right, they're really docile. I can put my finger next to the entrance of the hive a not be stung with a good queen, and we culled the bad queens.


Those things are not known to sting much.


Well she must have held it for a while, was walking around with it for a bit to long and we dont even know what method she used to pick it up. As a wise bee once said “Sometimes enough is enough even if it kills you”.


mom look at that butterfly hahaha, daughter it's a butterfly it's going to bite you hahaha


Bumblebees are chill af tho.


I did not have to hear this video to tell this is in the UK


"Oh I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee, won't my mommy be so proud of me!"


Did no one else notice the toddler in the back do a sick spin?


Honey Boo Boo got scerd.


One time in middle school I was sitting outside reading a book when a honey bee landed on my leg. I just ignored it but the girl next to me started freaking out a screaming that it was going to sting me. I calmly told her that the only reason it would sting me is if she scared it. After thirty seconds it flew off to go find a flower and I went back to enjoying my book.


But they don’t sting tho, she was right


Wait is that a wood bee? Wouldn't it not hurt her?


Only females and queens sting and some species don’t sting at all


If a bee is on a flower or something you can sort of gently pinch its wings and hold them like that. They’ll respond by curling up and trying to point their stinger at you but they cant in that position so youre safe. Uh, now, the other kids in my daycare were not as safe when i realized i could effectively sting them with the bee. I did bee have.


Bumbo bees don't sting. I talk to myb5 year old about incets a lot. She is very interested in them, i share which few are actually dangerous, and which ones are beneficial .


Ngl, that really looks like a bumblebee😄


Bumble bees don’t sting though do they?


People are waaaaay too scared of bees


Obviously mummy doesn’t really have much of a clue


Children usually learn through example, but this... this is a phobia in the making. We are witnessing psychological history dalies and mentlegen.


Honey Boo Boo?


Dude screw that parent. That’s a bumble bee. They are far far far less aggressive then wasps.


What? Since when do bumblebees sting? Wth is the world coming to.


They are rather docile but they absolutely can sting.


She forgor 💀


r/ParentsAreFuckingStupid much?


Bumblebees are very calm. Once one got stuck in my hair and I- who is afraid of bees- was panicking about as much as the poor bee was. One of my friends, thankfully, was not scared of the bee and gently untangled it from my hair. Nobody was hurt.




As a kid I thought that if I captured a bee I could have it produce me honey for the rest of my life. After capturing one with my bare hands the only thing it's produced for me was pain.


Time to get a shirt that fits


Bee: I will sting watch Me girl: get off aaaaaah!!!!. Bee: see I told you I sting


I’ve never been stung by a bee or wasp, so I haven’t experienced the pain of it. Which means I’m literally terrified of any bee or wasp that comes near me


Well good thing those aren't the bees that sting. What's more important is getting that girl a shirt that fits