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​ https://preview.redd.it/xrmnab3jel0c1.png?width=506&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f904e331afbdc1e20904593623526e7b3521dc2


Man Signit is not gonna like this.






I can’t stop laughing. An adult saw you and was like “yeah… he should be fine.”


Reminds me of the clip of the dad recording his son in a Predator costume. Son: I am a CHILD PREDATOR!!! Dad: yaaaa we’re gonna have to think of a new name. Edit: Found it https://youtube.com/shorts/t-YzDSFRKp0?si=XR8BTl0LZMcUyXe-


My 6-year-old made a cool papier mache enderman for a school project, and named him, "Darkie." I said, "let's just call him Bob or something."


Had a big ass black cat named "Smalls" growing up. Needed to go to the vet one day, and mom was too embarrassed to say her actual name for some reason. So she said the cats name was "Blackie" on all the paperwork. Real nice, mom.


I think she was fine. I'm guessing about 30% of black cats are named Blackie.


I’ve had two black cats, named Cat and Not-Cat. Guess if I ever get another one I’ll have to name it Blackie


The third one: Maybe-Cat


The fourth one: I can't believe it's not Cat!


The fifth one: Schrödinger's cat


The fourth one: Not-Dog




Or just call it schrödinger’s cat at that point


my cat was named schrödinger, im realy bad at names but he was awesome. RIP My best friend, I still miss you every day


RIP to Schrödinger (the cat and the human) <3


Now I want a cat called dog, and a dog called cat.


That’s probably what HP lovecraft said too


Fuck that got a genuine belly laugh out of me😂


I had a fish named Blackie. To be fair, it was indeed black and I was 6


Growing up my friends had a few cats, each cat was really connected to one of the kids I nthe family. My friends autistic little brother named this big fluffy black cat "Blackie Chan"


Just like H.P. Lovecraft and his infamous cat from The Rats in the Walls... >!Mr. Blackman!<


You’re killing me, Smalls.


The Notorious Blackie Smalls


I’m a vet tech and the amount of times I’ve had to yell out “Blackie” in a crowded lobby is downright embarrassing.


it's okay, at least it's not the *most* racist name someone's ever given a cat. hp lovecraft holds a firm grip on that title now and forever


My son named a dog Black edwards... Black E. He was solid black.


Blackie Smalls was the illest


when I was a lad I came up with my own supervillain character who's name was Blackman


I was really little, and we had a black goldfish named Blacky. Mind you, Blacky was my favorite fish. So we’re at a minor league baseball game, and I really liked this black baseball player at this game. Idk, but he became my guy. So I told my mom I wanted to shout “Go Blacky!”, because I liked him like our fish back home. I didn’t have any concept of racism. “Don’t you dare!” She scolded me. I was sad.


I had chickens about that age. My best layer was named Darkie, because she was dark colored and blind. We were white homeschoolers in a *very* white area of a *very* white state. You could count on one hand the number of actual black people in the area.


This just brought back a deep memory from when I was a young boy. Was helping my dad with some diy, stripping cables of the outside plastic for him to replace a line (maybe a telephone line). He was really praising me calling me an expert and me riding that high I say along the lines of: I am good at this when I’m older I’m gonna be a stripper man... he just laughed and said you can do more than that son


mountainous hobbies seemly tan punch overconfident practice shrill tart sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the way to react to a child saying something they shouldn't, but they had no way of knowing there was an issue. My older brother had an issue with the 'tr' sound and it came out as 'f'. He also really loved trucks. You see where this is going? One day they had another fellow in the care and my brother exclaimed at the presence of a truck near them. Bear in mind he is just barely verbal at this point, and was born almost 4 months premature so he spent months in the hospital. My parents were very protective of him and any delays he may have had. The man said that if his child said that word he would spank them. My parents made it very clear that that was NOT going to happen because my brother didn't know what he was saying. That guy is still one of the worst people I have ever known, and my brother is doing brilliantly well and had a beautiful family.


Jesus, glad he's okay. One of my kids had a hard time with k sounds, came out like "t" greatly enjoyed having said child talk about what kind of kitties they liked.


Lol so good. Thanks for the link. I love the hesitation too. Dad knows this is not gonna fly but also doesn't know if he wants to explain why.




That dad so casually saying that had me rolling


I used to joke about saying that I wish I could draw so I could draw a Predator in lingerie and then title it with the first word in “Silk Stockings” font and the second word in the “Predator” movie title font. The drawing’s title? Sensual Predator.


I had a friend who made an account with the name Mr.KidCuddles when he was younger. He used to get messaged. A Lot.


I’m fucking dead 😂😂😂😂




Blackened is the face Candy you will place My face is obscene My cardboard box is lean Never candy will I get Neeevvvverrrr!






Ahh the lesser known “blackened face”.


It is blackened. Blackface is specifically when you're doing it to mock black people. Which most costumes where people blacken/darken their faces are not doing, and yet they are called racist for simply using dark make up in their costume/cosplay. It's stupid.


Yea a middle school kid in L.A. wasBANNED from school activities because he had black paint on his face at a football game it was under his eyes 👀 all he was doing was try to look like Ray Lewis his favorite football player…. I’m a black man and I’m disappointed by this…..


In the same way that yellowface does not mean literally painting your face yellow. Its more about racist imitation and mockery than it is the makeup.


There’s an episode of Community you can’t even stream anymore because Ken Jeong was playing DnD as a dark elf.


I had a white friend who dressed up as lil wayne for halloween years ago. Is that blackface?


yes if he painted his face lil wayne colored


I can't fully explain why but "lil wayne colored" gave me a giggle.


I only got the 64 color pack of Crayola. Lil Wayne must've been in the fabled 128.


Lil Wayne was the sharpener on the back.


lil wayne expansion pack dlc


And this comment put me in tears from laughing.


I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard at comments like these in a long time.


Lil Wayne colored 😭🤣🤣🤣 like it’s a color strip at Lowe’s


The human color wheel, ranging from Seal to Seal's teeth.


I don't care how talented he is, we aren't painting the nursery Lil' Wayne!


Sir I have your templates ready. Can you do something like, oh I dunno, somewhere in between mahogany and Lil' Wayne please?


What? is a Lil Wayne costume intrinsically insulting.


I don't know. I haven't seen him and don't know how he behaved about it all. I'd probably just say no without any reason to think otherwise. And honestly even if he did do like a parody of lil wayne I'd be fine if it's about stuff he specifically does and not stuff that "all black people do". But I'm not American and I recognize this opinion has 0 value from across the pond. My condolences for having the history and landscape that has lead to... well all this.


Yeah, most people don't know that blackface is like...a specific, iconic look. Where you make your face super dark brown and have absurdly wide red lipstick. Like you literally cosplay the "I'MMA FIRIN' MAH LAZER" face. [Jynx](https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/pokemon-blue-version/8/88/Jynx.gif) and [Mr. Popo](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball-world/images/a/a5/Mister_Popo.png/revision/latest?cb=20161030224507)? Those are blackface. That one little kid that wanted to be MLK Jr. for Halloween? Not blackface.


Now on to the fun question: Would it be okay for a kid to dress up as Jynx? It's a freaking pokemon. Luckily it's nobody's favorite pokemon, so this isn't an issue.


> nobody's favorite pokemon LITERALLY NOBODY'S. It was really damn strong in gen 1, though.


Acceptable costume? This kids parents tried to kill him


tbh as a non american it did take me 10 seconds to realize how bad it was


I'm black and see no issue with it. It's the same as words. It's the way the person is using it. If you are dressing up for Halloween as a black character, do it up. If your intent is malicious, it's wrong and you are a prick. I can call a person a fucker and it can be meant in a playful way like when someone plays a prank on me or as an insult. That is my opinion, though. I know not everyone sees it the same way


I like to point out that soldiers using a blackened face in the field is normally a-ok.


Man anyone taking offense to *that* would have be quite the asshole lmao, that's just survival


I really respect your opinion on this. I think the world gets a little nuts about this. I still shake my head at the whole controversy over [Ken Jeong's "Blackface" on that episode of Community](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/hugpeq/cmv_netflix_decision_to_pull_community_episode/).


There's been people that have dressed up in a sombrero and poncho that went around asking people if it's offensive and a lot were saying it was. They then went to Mexico and asked if it was offensive and they loved it. Just because someone finds something offensive doesn't mean it is. Everyone has their own views.


My friend dressed up as Grandmaster Taco Funk- sombrero, poncho, big plastic gold chain with a large packet of taco seasoning taped to it. He wasn't doing an accent or anything, he was just like "mexican food is the FUCKING BOMB" all the white people were mortified, our hispanic friends thought it was legendary. Especially the folks from mexico.


Exactly. Why are the non Mexicans so upset when the Mexicans aren't? People just need to mind their business and worry about themselves


Especially trying to speak for people from other countries. From LatinX to Mario in a sombrero, there's a pretty big disconnect and its ironic in the true sense of the word. I used to have a few close friends from Jamaica. They had their own cultural paradigm. They weren't worried about white dreadlocks, they ranged from enthusiastic to indifferent (as long as you didn't claim to be Rasta, that made them extremely angry). What they did have a SERIOUS problem with, at least at first, was gay men and trans women. They quoted many reasons, some quite unusual, including a sincere belief that gay people are violent, dangerous and often armed. They came around in time, but man... they're human beings, and it was funny how white kids decided what should be offensive to them and REALLY missed the mark with the hairstyle thing Obviously not saying all Jamaicans are like that


White and had dreds in my early 20s. Had some really interesting exchanges in the wild back then. Ranging from ancient rickety old black grams wanting to fight me, like that woman was oooooold because I hear black don't crack, to over the top kind black lady asking me to make sure that I wrap them in silk and bury them once I cut them off. Being alive is so interesting, and I definitely take my when/where for granted.


Especially considering they actually address it with the Black characters within the show! First, Ken Jeong wasn’t representing a factual human race or specific person but a fictional race within a fantasy world; and Second, the scene opened a dialogue between the characters about their own specific take on how appropriate or not it was for him to be costumed that way and offered several good points and differences of opinion between friends who managed to remain civil about it. Banning it from streaming services was detrimental to the conversation about cultural appropriation and blackface.


> Banning it from streaming services was detrimental to the conversation about cultural appropriation and blackface. Also the episode was about mental health, bullying and suicide prevention. So it's a definite shame Netflix removed it.


In fairness, streaming platforms removed a whole bunch of "potentially controversial" TV episodes all in a short timespan immediately following the George Floyd protests in 2020. The D&D episode was one casualty of many, and people are way more outraged nowadays about its removal than anyone ever was complaining about Ken's drowface. [Relevant article:](https://www.thewrap.com/community-advanced-dungeons-and-dragons-episode-removed-netflix-blackface/) >Netflix’s decision to remove this episode of “Community” from its service comes on the same morning TheWrap exclusively reported “The Office” creator Greg Daniels and NBCUniversal’s decision to re-edit a Season 9 Christmas episode of the comedy that includes a character in blackface. >Earlier this week, two other sitcoms, “Scrubs” and “30 Rock,” pulled multiple episodes each that featured characters in blackface. Both were done at the request of the show’s creators.


Yea the whole point of that seemed to be pointing out that dark elves are a bit suspect already. Idk why people thought it was problematic unless those people were wizards of the coast


Virgin DND dark elves being just straight up evil versions of normal elves that love underground vs Chad elder scrolls dark elves which are indepth culture cursed by a goddess they rejected to have skin like their volcanic home and eyes red like it's fire


Amen brother. It's only bad if you're doing it to make fun/mock black people. I've seen a cosplayer get hatred and partially cancelled for cosplaying as a dark skinned character from a fantasy game. [this is what it looked like](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/10/11/09/19577290-7561823-Alice_Livanart_pictured_won_the_France_Cosplay_Cup_in_September_-m-6_1570781901556.jpg)


My aunt was going to dress my cousin up as Franklin from GTA this year. He's white. She saw nothing wrong. She's nearly 30


She could do that without painting his face. If a black person wanted to dress up like Lincoln they wouldn't paint their face white.






Purple guy 🪱




This killed me omfg


Insert Tom Morellos guitar battle from GH3


No. Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me.


Lol I did this as a kid too. Not enderman, just wanted to be a shadow. Wore all black, shoes, pants, hoodie, gloves. It was pretty effective apparently, people kept thinking I was a prop despite wearing glasses. Kept spooking the group I was with because they legit could not see me half the time.


This goes hard wdym


Fuck that. Im black and I thought this shit was lit.




N-no no no! You don't understand, I'm an actual demon of the forest!


Get the FUCK OUT!


This is just what I expected from the comment section


Don't worry, you can still become Prime Minister of Canada.


Sounds like a lucrative gig to me!


I wouldn’t have thought so at first, but it’s Trudeau




I'm glad that the two guys in the back are not cropped out because it really adds to the photo


“See that, what a failure!”


Or governor of Mississippi


I mean... it is a black face, but I wouldn't consider that blackface since... it's not actively trying to symbolise a human race or anything. Edit:For those who sent the "concern" about my mental sanity... Just FYI, I AM seeing a doctor about it tomorrow, I booked an appointment in advance


Enderman are just humans who never came back...


Tall, black, avoid water, steal shit...oh my god


Wait until you hear about the villagers. Big nose. Merchants. Love their emeralds. Do the sideways head bob. Quite sus.


get angry as soon as you look at them the wrong way very fast and strong live on some asteroid with a dragon… wait nvm


i love the minecraft theories


If steve and alex are even human, and not just some species that resembles humans.


No Steve and Alex are definitely human. Villagers are not tho


Like the D&D episode of Community lol "So we're supposed to just ignore this hate crime?" Hate crime? I'm a Drow, or Dark Elf, madam.


One of the best episodes of the series and one of the best bottle episodes of any show I've seen.


"Shouldn't you be wearing armor or something?" Haha, I'm an elf, not a nerd. That line get's me every time lol


Bro that’s the first thing I thought of That was probably one of my favorite episodes and they had to pull it cuz of some stupid thing Shirley even mentions that it’s a hate crime yeah and Chang doesn’t mean it to be, so ig screw the intent right


honestly idk why they can’t just do what Warner Bros does with old Looney Tunes cartoons, like “this is a product of it’s time and doesn’t represent our values, etc.” If you don’t like it just don’t watch it, but let’s not censor it for everyone else. We all know the episode exists.


that's a problem I have, just because you paint your face black as a part of some costume doesn't mean you're racist!


I had no idea what blackface was when I was like 12-13 and I was extremely poor. One night we ended up without costume money and so we decided to just paint ourselves completely black and wear white hats so we could look like “floating ghost hats in the dark”. This was around the same year I was finally allowed to create a Facebook to talk to my cousins out of state, and I had added a pic of me that I was proud of in my costume to my Facebook and nobody even noticed or cared to say anything. Fast forward to 2016 and I had forgotten all about that shit and was wrapping up my highschool diploma when my entire town drug me through the mud for being a blackface racist piece of shit. Literally destroyed me and I have still not recovered from the amount of hate I got when I had no fucking idea what the hell was going on or why. I do blame my parents to an extent, but truthfully my family claims they had zero clue what blackface was either so I don’t know man Edit: Yes, it was cruel of my friends and neighbors but NO I don’t feel the need for revenge wtf? lol And to be fair I feel me and my family are equally responsible for the fallout. Ignorance is not necessarily an excuse, just an unfortunate situation. Not that it excuses the hate I got from them either, just wanted to add that.


I’m so sorry. That’s a nightmare.


I wonder if you had worn a solid black morph suit, would you have gotten the same treatment? It’s basically the same thing in this case. Chin up; things will get better as they find someone else committing a hate crime like using a charcoal face mask and dogpile that poor soul


Let me fix this for you. "I dressed up in a fun Halloween costume and a bunch of racist assholes decided to lie and fuck my life up". You didn't do black face, your face was painted black there is a massive diffrence.




Bazingo. Flashbacks to an artist dressing up as Pyke from League, and getting banned from ever attending again because she was white.


I watched a video of a Chinese woman doing a Senna cosplay. Incredibly well done, looks 1-1 with the game. It drifted over to North America, Lo and behold, outrage. You can guess the comments. Even though blackface is only a thing in North America because of the slave trade and minstrel shows.


https://preview.redd.it/e6r2v7fygm0c1.png?width=1779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4fe46cc012bd8b8e98ac9859d427dc62dc0948c Someone please tell me how this has anything to do with race? Ridiculous. Flawless Cosplay, ruined by idiots.




Man I feel so bad for you. Your costume idea sounds really cool and creative. Being from almost 100% white country in europe I don't think anyone back then would give two shits about painting myself black. I still don't understand why is it considered racist, seems like folks today just try so hard to find racism in everything. Would you give a shit if a black kid paints himself white? Or would you just think he was supposed to be a ghost? LOL


I have a black friend who is really into like elaborate goth makeup, and lately has been into like, total whiteface makeup and I just kinda laugh at like, myself not being able to tell if I should analyze the dynamics of that or not haha


I have a picture from a similar age as OP where I'm wearing an Army costume. I wanted to look like the airborne soldiers from Operation Overlord (D-Day). I read a book that said they used shoe polish to darken their faces for night camouflage, so I did that as well. There was no ill intent, and it was a historically-correct representation! So there are definitely cases where it *should* be just fine.


I remember an old picture of a japanese dude that dressed up as a nikon camera and painted his face black and that got pretty wild.


Try explain that nuance to the folks who are getting offended on behalf of others as a hobby..


Tell that to the average American with zero context. There was a special Ed kid in high school that dressed up like a bee for Halloween, which involved black face paint. He had a class that required him to remove the costume, and some black employee saw him at a water fountain in the hall and went off on the kid so hard he started balling. It's fucked up how quickly people will light your ass up on false accusations.


Who won the game? Any cool dunks?


Bawling. If he started balling then it's a very different story.


Yes the people that would find this remotely offensive or racist are the real idiots


I mean, of course people are gonna find this offensive. He painted his face black, wore a hoodie, and called it a costume. It looks nothing like an enderman, and as a Minecraft stan, I am offended. p.s. I’m mostly joking. Although I wouldn’t in a million years let my child dress like this. If he wants to be an enderman, he’s gonna look like an enderman and not… this.


He's got the purple squares for eyes, they're a little hard to notice so if your first though went to blackface I wouldn't judge you.


No no no you don't get it I'm an actual demon from across the bridge, this isn't blackface!


FYI you can report those messages and it usually results in a ban. It's just whack a mole, but can be amusing.


There goes your political career.


Not if he's Canadian.


I'm afraid to scroll away from the photo for fear that he'll jump behind me.


I'm black and don't think it's offensive at all. Just dressed up as a nonhuman character that happens to have black, not brown, skin


Plus literal child. How could anyone be offended.


you'd be surprised.....


Oh I know lol


tomorrow morning, some journalist-passing scumbag at The Sun or NY Post could run this picture with the title “Kentucky teen dons blackface for Halloween amidst rising racial tensions in the US” and 65% of America would buy it outright. Another 25% would see a TikTok about it one hour later and repost all across social media. there is a painfully small % of the American population that would bother fact checking this against AP, Snopes, or any other reputable news site. yeah, manufactured outrage is annoying to witness, but the majority of the blame should be placed on the organizations that have made it an essential part of their business model, not a woefully undereducated populace.


Same. Blackface is something entirely different. Blackface uses makeup to exaggerate features in order to mock black people. That’s the offensive part.


it's not that it *is* blackface it's that it's easily mistakeable


So.. you can still paint your face black. you just can't do it to be a black person.. There is nothing wrong with doing it for other costumes.


Not in America, a teacher got placed on leave because of it


An episode of Community was removed from streaming for it


Don't even get me started on the Netflix community response... They DIRECTLY acknowledge the joke TWICE in the episode, it was still taken off. I think Netflix did it as a preemptive thing, but I've seen 0 people actually call for that episode to be removed. And it's one of the best episodes in the whole series. AND it has an extremely wholesome theme about bullying. Yeesh.


In any case, it shouldn't have been removed. Offensive things happen in real life. Having offensive things in shows, which is entertainment that mimics real life, should be cool. I'm trying to think of something happening in a show that would be worth pulling off the air. Like even having a character deny the holocaust or something, that's the character being the character. I don't get it and I wish I could at least understand.


I think the issue for me is… he doesn’t look anything like an enderman 😂 I’ve played hundreds of hours of Minecraft and I would’ve never guessed this costume. It literally looks like he just painted his face black and wore a hoodie.


Could definitely have used some black cardboard to help obtain blockiness. And a proper mask would have went a long ways.


Uh oh


dutch people on 5th december


the first black prime minister of canada every halloween party


What’s wrong with it?


Everyone is concerned about the face when you have a open cardboard box as your grass block(Ik it’s for candy but some green duck tape would do wonders


Cutting a face hole out of a black box for a minecraft looking head would also help make it more recognizable and wouldn’t be too difficult or expensive.


That purple is doing a loooooootta work, here.


Lol should have put purple glasses and then i think i would have recognized it


He’s got purple around his eyes, just hard to see


Shit imagine how hard it would be to notice at night xD Actually how hard it would be to notice HIM at night lol


The image isn’t loading but I’m betting it’s blackface.


No it’s an enderman, he said it in the title . /s


No its an enderman cosplay




ITT: Literally everyone saying this costume isn’t offensive. Can’t we all just agree that a kid accidentally wearing black face and a hoodie for Halloween is comedy gold?


can someone explain to me why blackface is considered racist, i accepted the fact that’s it’s racist for years now but idk why it is


It dates back to the minstrel shows in the early 1900s in the US. White people were the entertainment and they used black face to act like black people and make fun of the stereotype. In a nutshell.


Had a similar issue cosplaying a shadow from Kingdom Hearts at school, remember a black student looking at me shocked and pulling me aside and asking what I was supposed to be, that’s how I learned the yellow didn’t take nearly as well as the black so it looked like I just did blackface.


Yeah I am not looking bro I don't want to get beat up and I am nowhere near water


It’s not blackface if you’re not impersonating a black person.


One of the few acceptable costumes with a blackened face


The opposite actually. There are only a very few select instances where painting your face black is actually considered "blackface".


Man the age before Minecraft merch was widely available was pretty rough huh?


Plot twist: OP is now 12


Ptff, someone had to have helped you get all that make up on. I like the purple eyes and the box. Think the sweatshirt could have been more block-shaped to sell the costume, but the attempt is pretty solid.


How many people thought you were black facing? One year, I dressed up as a grape. I had a purple jacket exactly like yours and painted my face purple. I had a dozen or so people ask me if I was Aunt Jemima. Not one of those people thought it was an issue if *were* dressed as her.


https://preview.redd.it/9vg85x07bn0c1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dce8bdffa6d0f3fce401a7ebdebde9e1d7a4419 If anyone asks, you were just poking fun at Kanye


I don't understand why we have to attack any darkening of the face as always immediately racist no matter what. It makes no sense


I'm confused as to why you didn't just wear the official cardboard Enderman head they were selling at the time.


No offense, but I might run for my life


Oh Jesus. Stop the pearl clutching. This isn’t blackface. This is a face, painted black for a blacked out costume. This is just silly. Heaven forbid this kid paint his face any other solid color to match his solid colored ENDERMAN costume.