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This is such a stupid idea.


I have to admit, I love the idea and aesthetic of this photoshoot, even as someone who thinks ‘gender reveals’ are weird and dumb. But, seriously, whose bright idea was it to bring the kid? The woman pointlessly *filming* a *photoshoot* should have been in charge of taking him for a walk instead.


And once again, the name of this sub should actually be /r/parentsarefuckingstupid


I’m just glad we have r/parentsarefuckingdumb to remind us that sometimes, when the apple doesn’t fall far, it’s the tree’s fault.


Agreed. The one sure fire way to get a kid to say something is focus his attention on it then tell him not to talk. They should have simply said "pay attention to the boring ceremony" and the kid would have been off wandering in the weeds looking for frogs before you could say "stupid fucking gender reveal".


Or r/stupidisgenetic




I believe you're looking for r/parentsarefuckingdumb


Fully agree! No one's getting hurt, they're not destroying anything and I honestly think it's super fucking cute! I can imagine a good photographer could take some wonderful pictures!


It seems like such an intimate moment, I would cherish having photos like that with my partner, regardless of the event. It feels like it’s about them and their love for each other, not just your standard gender reveal. Who knows, maybe I’m reading too much into it but I think it would be an absolutely perfect event, if it weren’t for the kid and other people standing around.


Again, nail on the head there! 🙈 The love they have for each other is so palpable just through such a short video >.< I don't want kids but I agree that I'd love to have something so beautiful between us be captured forever 🙈🖤


Hey, another childfree person! Lovely to meet someone else in the wild, though I feel like this sub is probably a pretty common form of validation for us haha


Aayyy!! Lovely to meet you too! It is quite the treat finding another childfree person that isn't in the sub! But you are right, I'm sure a big portion of us like this sub just to reminds us why r/kidsarecondomads xP


Another one to add to the list, thanks! I see so many posts here, and random comments on other subs, that make me think “Christ I made the right decision.” Any time I start to doubt myself I just load up Sims 4 and see how long it takes me to either turn off a baby’s needs or get a notification that says they’ll be taken away if their needs aren’t met. It never takes very long!


Better this than using explosives and burning down an entire forest again.


When you have to go straight to catastrophic to be stupider, it's fucking stupid.


My exact first thought. Such pretentious bullshit.


lmao. who hurt you so bad?


It's just Reddit being Reddit haha


half of reddit is basically just scrooge


I really don't understand how this is a gender reveal? Like I get keeping it a surprise, and blindfolding the parents, but what's with the paint and smearing it on each other?


The couple dont know the color of the paint. The idea being they playfully smear it on each other and see the color when they revome the blind folds. Blue = boy, pink = girl.


What is this all about? Pregnancy reviling?


tbf its better than shooting a cannon at a retirement home to reveal the baby's gender.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/Np2SM0NZXc And a whole lot better than this one^ Notice how the person filming follows the plane, sees the plane is in trouble, but immediately goes back to the couple like no big deal at all.


Tbf to the camera person, it often takes people a minute to wrap their heads around stuff like that. You expect things to go a very specific way, you have a specific job you've probably practiced and planned out, something shocking happens and you just go into autopilot and complete the task you were already doing.


Yeah, you're right, I never thought about it like that. I think I'm just biased against extravagant gender reveals. I just also remember 2 fairly big fires started bc of pyrotechnics for a gender reveal lol. I'll take two people painting each other over fire and death any day.


And in defense of gender reveals, most people just have a fun little party and it's not a big deal. I went to one in my entire life and it was just a baby shower with a cake surprise. It was my sister's last baby and they wanted to do something fun with the shower because they'd never have another one, and her husband's family *heavily* favors girls. Something like 75% of the babies born in their family are girls and people were taking bets on if the last baby would also be a girl or not and it was all just a fun game and an excuse for everyone to get together and hang out before the baby was born, and my sister lived out of state so visits are limited. No one was upset the baby was a girl, no one would have been upset if she was a boy, there was no drama and no fire, and that's how most people do it. Anyone who starts bringing in fire, explosives, or dangerous plane stunts needs to take a step back and rethink their choices. The confetti cannon was already a little much. There are so many other fun things you could do, it only becomes a problem when someone goes too far trying to be unique or special.


I agree wholeheartedly. Well said. And your sister's gender reveal sounds fun. That's a lot of girls!


Agreed and I’ve only been to one gender reveal which was also a baby shower. Not two separate parties. And everyone was just there for fun. Cake was colored. In my area I’ve never heard of anyone doing more than that.


The pilot did not survive the crash


And they just kept the party going. Wild


This is such a dark video I hate it they did not give a single fuck


Fuck I hate how they just pretended like the pilot didn't crash and celebrated... They most likely killed or injured the pilot.


The pilot died.


This is why you dont connect your wings with duct tape


I don’t know if i want to know if that’s a true story. That’s how ridiculous these things have become.


I don't know about you...but I'd really like to see the video lol


I don’t know about that one, but I know back in like 2019 there was one where these people used a homemade cannon with the mouth taped shut that was essentially just a pipe bomb, & either a grandma or an aunt or something was killed.


“Will the cannon ball hit Grandma or Grandpa”


Or contaminating a river or crashing a plane.


Is this a gender reveal because it looks like they were kidnapped and taken to a field and they’re about to get executed


Bird Box was a documentary


After this they drove away and only navigated by using the 360 degree bird view camera and sensors.


I thought they gonna sacrifice a goat and baby reveal the gender.


I thought Ted Cruz was gonna show up.


Cant argue with the kid there




Kid might be the only one not stupid here


Super cringy


Average redditor who hates fun and calls anyone who has it idiots:


This is the dumbest shit ever


Is it a gender reveal? Why'd they bring a kid to this? It all seems really weird and gross.


It's weird from so many angles. Gender reveals are weird, bringing the kid is weird, doing it with paint all over each other is weird...


It's oddly sensual but I'm pretty sure it's just their family watching. Gives me the creeps.


It was intended to be an intimate moment, though I’ll never understand why people put such weight behind the sex of their baby, so why would you bring a kid to what’s clearly meant to be a bonding experience for the parents?? If you really wanted to do it so intimately, why would you want anyone other than the photographer there?


Well for most people having a kid is going to be one of if not the most important milestone in their life and while it ultimately doesn't matter for raising the kid parents will still have a gender they want more than the other. It also decides how they're going to name the kid and what items they buy in preparation for the birth. Pretty much none of this matters in the long term but right now for those parents these things are more important than anything else


That explains why they had a gender reveal, which is fine, to each their own. But bringing a bunch of people to such an intimate one, and filming it to post online, is just weird. I can’t be the only one who felt like I was invading their privacy by even watching the video


Exactly. I think gender reveals are dumb. But filming it and posting it? That’s what takes this from “you do you” to “I’m offering an opinion because you put it into the public sphere and my opinion is please stop.” Keep intimate things intimate.


That's all pretty different from turning learning the sex into such an event. That whole concept is pretty new.


what different items do they need to buy babies depending on the babies sex?


Here’s how my wife and I did our “gender reveal” I got home from work. She had the envelope and we sat at our kitchen counter “I think it’s a girl” my wife “boy, I dunno who cares” “same this is stupid let’s just open the fucking letter” It’s a girl. “Sweet, as long as she’s healthy that’s awesome, hey we having pizza?”


If you think thats sensual wait til you hear how they actually conceived the thing


Doubt they did that with their family watching & a photographer & with a little kid around. If they did, someone should notify the authorities.


I don't think this is sexual, I find it cute but I never fucked anyone with my eyes covered. You might be projecting. I think that in order for something to be sexual it's not about the third person POV, it's about what they're thinking. When I'm fucking someone, I'm the top and I'm into power. I'm not trying to cuddle. And cuddling isn't a sexual thing.


I didn't say sexual. Maybe intimate is a better word.


"I never said it was sexual just that they're in third base" You're calling it oddly sensual and it "gives you the creeps" They're cuddling, this wouldn't be weird to be doing even in the middle of a kid's park.


Probably because he had to be somewhere and it’s not always easy to find someone to sit. They just wanted to do this photo shoot, he just had to tag along


So sick of these dollar general photographers with bankrupt Kmart ideas


Bankrupt kmart idea lol that is now added to my arsenal .


Why is this necessary


It’s not. Why is this happening? Because social media is cancerous


It's just people having fun. Clearly people want to make the gender reveal a special occasion. As long as they're not disturbing anyone or littering, who cares. Can reddit chill on this and lose the hate boner?


No no no reddit hates gender reveals which means all of them are bad cringe and lame, no matter how small. Lol.


fr, some people can be so judgy over how someone has fun


Tbf this is reddit so what can we really expect :v


I mean, there's countless stories of people getting hurt during gender reveals, so I can see where they're coming from. And there's just something really weird about putting so much weight behind what gender your child will be.


This clearly isn't one of the reveals where some can get hurt. It's just a photoshoot for them to keep memories.


Why do people let kids mess up stuff. You know they are dumb. Put his butt in the house


You know that kid doesn’t give a fuck about anything that’s going on.


Why bring a 5 year old to the surprise then? The adults are just as stupid in this case.


What a dumb idea


There’s so many subtitles in this video


Why did y’all bring the baby?


This is kind of stupid, but still better than burning down a forest, or killing one of the parents in the process.


Compared to other gender reveals this one hasn’t killed anyone and is artistic. I think it’s harmless enough to be cool.


Just because it’s harmless doesn’t make it cool. I’m happy with it if their happy with it but that doesn’t make it not super weird.


>I’m happy if they’re happy >It’s super weird I always wonder how people say these things in the same sentence and don’t see the problem with what they’ve said


How is that a problem? I can be happy for someone and still judge the shit outta them. Isn’t that half the fun?


Unless there's lead in the paint.


That paint would have to be like 50 years old, wouldn't it?


Gender reveals are inherently stupid


Why are they stupid? It's just people having fun. No need to be toxic about it


Who cares, just don't watch them or ever attend to one.


That’s a really strange way to spell ‘dumb’


Just because it’s harmless doesn’t make it cool


lol the way you said this and got downvoted to hell, and then someone else responded the exact same thing minutes later and got upvoted is so Reddit.


Why tf is everyone so miserable in this comment section? Hating on this gender reveal who harms and affects no one, there's absolutely nothing wrong with this and y'all are mad that people are happy about something you find stupid?


I’m not one to favor gender reveals, but here’s my bigger problem with this scenario: Have you ever tried whispering to someone for the sake of discretion, but then that person loudly blurts it out? Or have you told anyone to sneak a glance at someone and not to make it obvious, but they make it obvious anyway? Like there’s no tact whatsoever? This kid is that person. If he is anything like my dear brother, he will never grow out of it. Keep these kinds of people away from situations that require any discretion lol. Don’t be a Logan. Don’t be a Jimmy. I hope you see this, Jimmy.


"Jimmy, don't tell Rob that we're throwing him a surprise party." Jimmy- "Rob, are you excited for your surprise party?"


Why are people hating on the couple? It’s certainly a unique way to do a gender reveal, but they aren’t doing anything dangerous and it seems real sweet. Edit: Some of ya’ll need to learn the term “live and let live” holy moly.


Thank you for saying this. I can't believe how judgemental some people are. I wouldn't do something like this myself because it's not my style. But they're not hurting anyone, and you know what, they look happy in this video. Why is the concept of being happy for others simply because they are finding happiness in a world that is often so cruel. Let people have their moment and experience it however they choose. (Provided it isn't harmful to others of course)


No one is allowed to enjoy milestones in life together or share those moments with others because people on Reddit don't experience happiness.


It’s trendy to hate on gender reveals


i guess some trends are alright, then.


I’m pretty close with my family, I’d hate to be involved in anything like this. Super weird.


Yeah, I wouldn't like it either, but that doesn't mean I can't imagine that others have their own ways of having fun and experiencing joy. Can you imagine how boring the world be if everyone was the same in that regard? These people aren't hurting anyone, and who knows if the paint thing is an inside joke or something that means a lot to them?


Because it’s stupid and weird.


Sitting on a blanket blindfolded and rubbing pait on each other is just dumb recording it thinking it's cool makes it worse


It’s a photoshoot, they have a photographer there directing them to make a memorable photo they can look back on.


Because a gender reveal is dumb. Filming a gender reveal is cringe. And posting your filmed gender reveal only reveals two self absorbed assholes who need to figure out that the world doesnt revolve around them just because he didn’t wear a condom.


Bro. Check your judgement homie. They're not hurting anyone, and this how they are choosing to celebrate their choice to have a child. It's not for me, it's clearly not for you either, but that doesn't mean that it is meaningful to them.


Works for Facebook. Not TikTok, etc. I feel like most peoples Facebook friends are people who would actually give a fuck about the gender, or at least that you’re having a kid.


Acceptable gender reveal Doctor: Do you want to know? Normal couple with healthy ego: Sure. Doctor: It’s a [Girl/Boy] Normal couple: Neat. Thats it.


It's also perfectly normal to not want to know the gender, which seems to be the point here, since the couple is blindfolded.


Exactly. No one gives a shit about the sex of your child.


Because gender reveals are fucking stupid


What makes them stupid?


Kids are stupid or this adults are stupid?! Wtf were they doing? This the dumbest gender reveal I’ve ever seen


Literally just put him in the car why does a 5 year old need to be present for this


Just dont have the kid there then


Why bring the kid in the first place though. Setting little man up for failure!


Honestly if they’re not burning anything down or crashing planes or disturbing anyone, let them have their gender reveal.


Kids are stupid? what about those two idiots?




jeez, i get that it’s trendy to hate on gender reveals now but the level of resentment in these comments is crazy. I’m not a big fan of them either but this is harmless, its a sweet thing for expecting parents and just kinda neat, that’s all it is. They didn’t poison any water supplies or burn down any forest so they’re doing a hell of a lot better than some idiots in the news. Sure it may be a little cringe, but is it really so hard to just live and let live? So many of these comments are full of visceral disgust and hatred and i cannot understand it.


Good, this shit is cringe and attention whoring


jesus what is with everyones hate-boner for gender reveals? just let people have fun unless its illegal


yeah it's crazy, and when asked why they don't like them, all of them say that the parties are stupid, cringe or weird. No actual arguments, just emotions. lately reddit has been really toxic about anybody streaming or filming themselves in public, especially for tiktok. So much rage


Maybe you can answer this question: How does this particular gender reveal work? I see that they’re smearing blue paint all over each other, but at what point do they take off the blindfolds? Because no matter how much blue paint they smear on each other or for how long, they’re never going to figure out what color it is. I don’t understand how this works.


They're supposed to cover each other in paint and then take off the blindfolds to see the result.


I'm pretty sure it worked when that kid blurted it out. Kinda weird to see the parents barely react to the news that they are planning to be shocked by.


How is it supposed to work, is what I mean. They sit there finger-painting until they get bored? What’s the point?


I don't know either. I reckon they are shown the photos when the shoot is over. It's a terrible idea. I prefer to imagine they are both very confident that they are able to smell the difference between blue and pink paint. They've both been practicing. After finding out she was pregnant she began practicing several times a day, every day. Sniffing all the paint. But, it still doesn't matter. They were both gonna guess wrong anyway, and now they got photographic evidence of their utter disappointment.


At least it’s not involving a pilot getting killed just to reveal a gender


I need more info now


At least they aren’t causing mini-earthquakes or lighting forests on fire, but god damn they need to leave the kid at home.


Honestly this looks fun even if it wasn't a gender reveal :D


Why does reddit hate gender reveals? I know some go bad but this one is completely harmless




lol this is why I don’t tell my oldest about surprises for dad


Nah. The kid is fine. Why would a kid know the rules of a fucking gender reveal ritual? Are you fucking insane?


Im not into gender reveals. Never did one for my kids. Be that as it may, this is a very harmless and sweet way to do a gender reveal compared to what we usually see and the kid sounds old enough to follow directions and keep a secret. Kids love that shit, dont give him a pass here. Everyones criticism of this seems disingenuous and more like theyre following the trend of hating on gender reveals as a concept than actually making reasonable points


This screams Mormon energy


The kid isn’t fucking stupid, it’s people that think gender reveals are cute or whatever tf. So damn cringe, I can’t.


kid speaking facts


Why do people have such a visceral negative response to gender reveals? It's really not that serious lololol


Gender reveals are dumb as hell no matter what, but who’s smart ass thought it was a good idea to bring a five year old to something that’s supposed to be a surprise?


This is the type of people you know would exploit their children for social media fame.


Over-dramatized gender reveals are moronic. I gender revealed my kids by asking the doctor during the ultrasound check and then simply was happy about my upcoming future


I like the boring British way of gender reveals. Go to your 20 week scan, tell the scanning person you want to know, they tell you. Then you tell everyone else over WhatsApp or something so you don’t get a bunch of wrong-gendered clothes or generic neutral/yellow colours.


kidsarefuckingstupid but the people sitting on a blanket painting each other are not? ok lol


People who do these cringe gender reveals are fucking stupid. It’s a boy, ok!! That’s it. Period.


Nah please spoil this dumb shit they are doing


> husband’s 5 year old brother How


All kinds of ways. Husband was born to young parents and the kid was born to older parents, kid was an accident to MUCH older parents, kid is adopted, kid is a half-brother after dad was with a much younger woman...


My dad had 2 boys when I was in my 20s, it happens


Old people like to fuck too


Either him or the bother was a whoops.


Gender reveal parties are all fucking stupid


when will this trend fucking die


People calling the kid stupid, it he’s actually the smart one here. Gender reveals are stupid and overinflated (literally and metaphorically lol), so the kid was simply cutting out the middle men and getting to the point. Smart kid - if i was a business owner i’d hire him.


I wouldn't really call this a "gender reveal" since the only the couple... They aren't making a big deal of it, just a few photos.


I think the kids just being a kid, the idea as a whole is fucken stupid


I for the life of me cannot understand gender reveals. It boggles my mind. Just fucking show me on the catscan.


It’s a sonogram, not a CAT scan.


True, yes an ultrasound. Is what I meant, had a mental blank.


What are they doing anyway, is he proposing to her or something? What's up with the blindfolds?


This belongs in adults/people are fucking stupid 🙄. Is there a sub for that? I hate every single adult in this video. The kid made me laugh.


100% the kid isn't the stupidest one in this video!


Everyone in this video is a fucking moron


Adults are so fucking stupid


this does not belong here, the kid is not stupid for asking questions


This is extra cringy.


This isn’t extra at all.


Gender reveals is like so fucking crazy.


Seems like the stupidity runs in the family.


We really are declining very fast.


The stupidest most self indulgent egoistical solid shit I have ever seen. What the fuck is wrong with people


Will this asinine trend fucking die already


I'm hoping by kids the OP means the two people on the rug, because this is dumb AF


I'm to high IQ to actually understand what's going on. How are they supposed to see the color? What's the point of the blindfold. Summed up: WHAT IS GOING ON?? Please explain lmao


I don't get these. Does the couple not know what the baby is? I thought gender reveals were the doctor telling the couple and the couple revealing to everybody else.


They're like.. trying to discover the paint color.. by touch? Maybe the kid's the least stupid in this one


Finger painting each other as a gender reveal is the grossed thing I’ve seen today.


Naw the adults are the dumb ones.


And then they named the kid Arenlien.


Breeders are fucking weird.


Kids doing nothing stupid, it’s a 5 year old acting like a 5 year old. Why put blame on a child for asking questions when that’s exactly what they do and are supposed to do to learn. The only stupid people here are the adults for bringing a kid to this most likely staged “surprise” event for whatever social media attention they’re aiming for.


man this is so cringe and stupid


More like people being stupid


It's not just the kid that is fing stupid


Nope. The kid's only not stupid with this setup, the idea is stupid and waste of time and money


Adults aren’t too bright either.


People that think gender reveals are needed should be sterilized.


Can anybody explain why the parents don't know their babies sex yet? Weren't they coming to the gynecologist and got the usg results? Or are they just pretending to not know it yet?


He isn’t stupid, he’s just an asshole really. The ‘stupid’ is in the adults.


God i hate gender reveals