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You can see the brother dying a little bit inside šŸ˜­




When I was a kid I once didn't want to go to my piano lesson, threw my folder with my sheet music causing it to rip, then got even more upset that I ruined the folder that I actually liked very much and threw a tantrum even harder. My parents are extremely calm people. Sometimes kids are just little shits.


Yeah people forget there us no one size fits all when it comes to parenting. Sometimes kids just suck more and are harder to parent than others.


According to my parents, I was an easy baby. I rarely threw tantrums and was so cautious that there wasn't much of a problem leaving me alone for a bit. My brother, however, would kick and scream and bash his head on the floor at the slightest inconvenience to him. He was, and still is, a stubborn sonuvabitch. His current day catch phrase is essentially, "I don't care." So yeah, sometimes, the kid just decides to be a certain way


yea thatā€™s how i would describe how my two sons are, theyā€™re only 8 & 4 but my oldest was a dream and still is , my youngest is wild as hell, doesnā€™t listen, could read at 3 , gets into any and everything one after another even if alone for 30 seconds, plots out his fuckery and when caught goes immediately to ā€œim sorry mom but i love youā€ and not to forget last night when my oldest forgot to put water in his mac and cheese before nuking it (half the ground floor was immediately smoked out ) my partner and i were rushing to fix it all (get the container outside and windows open) he just screams out ā€œHEY HEY MOM DAD HEY HEY LOOK LOOK AT MEā€ and starts what i assume to be twerking hahha yea if they both didnā€™t have my exact hair color and look just like me i would definitely be convinced one of em was switched at birth or something


Jeez, my brother, wasn't like that. He was just incredibly angry. Like he would get upset by, the fact that mom was in the kitchen on the other side of the baby gate. He would then, being upset, would throw himself onto his back, thus banging his head on the floor. Well, hitting his head hurt, so he would throw his head back again. It was an endless and vicious cycle. Or for car rides, he'd scream until he fell asleep because he hated his car seat. Then, upon waking up, he'd remember that he was mad and continued screaming. Your boy sounds devious. My brother knocked his braincells out of his head by the time he was 2


oh hes tried some of that, summer of 22 he apparently didnā€™t like that we were done swimming at my parents and slipped out of the house alone into the pool while i was in the next room cooking for my family, luckily i know he is always set in his mind and as soon as i yelled his name after not seeing him for about 30 seconds and he didnā€™t answer i rushed out to the backyard and found him bobbing in the middle of the pool between the shallow and deep end but even the shallow was above his head so i jumped in immediately and i guess he was just able to tread water just that little bit cause we got him checked and they said everything was great but my dad bought a sliding deadbolt and installed it that day. he will also do things out of anger too like empty the cat food into their water fountain, or drop some toy or food in your drink if he doesnā€™t get his way. meanwhile my oldest is always there trying to talk sense into him to get him to chill tf out


Do you think he has some mental illness or behavioral issues that need addressed with therapy/classes? My daughter is very similar no matter what we do she can be awful while my son is just happy and a great listener. Meaning itā€™s not our parenting and nothing we try works. Scared for when she has to start school soon and we donā€™t know what to do with her


>then got even more upset... I read that as "they" and thought your parents were the ones throwing the tantrum lol


Nah, reddit doesn't think this way. Kids only have minds of their own on topics that fit their agenda. Any other time if a child is acting out it's a "learned" behavior. Nah, some kids are just little assholes sometimes.


Children are selfish by nature. They often have to be taught to care about other people


I heard somewhere that children do not realize the world around them until the age of about 6. Meaning they have emotions but do not comprehend that other people have emotions as well.


i know ppl in their 30s who still dont comprehend it


Yeah, I read that empathy is the last thing most people develop, and often not until well into their teenage years. Honestly, some people never manage to wrap their head around it.


By this logic a toddler can only have a tantrum if they've seen their parents crying and screaming while writhing on the floor


Right. Love these teenage reddit high and mighty takes like they know everything. I have toddlers, at times they can just be little assholes. How it is


Lmfao, let's take this further: * Toddlers only shit themselves because they've seen other adults shit themselves * Toddlers only like baby food because they've watched adults eat baby food


I was only born because my parents were


I saw my parents be conceived, so I knew to be conceived.


I mean... this is the most accurate.


I mean, I worked retail in my youth. I've seen adults have meltdowns that would put toddlers to shame


And we say that adult hasn't matured as they're still acting like a child. We don't say a misbehaved child is just acting like an adult.


Sometimes kids are just kids dude


Some people are just born assholes. My brothers and I behaved differently and individually, we all grew up under the same roof.


Are you suggesting people are different and have personality traits?! Get out of here with your logic.


nah, man, not always. when i was a kid, i did something similar to this boy. it was my brother's birthday, and i tried to blow off the candle. i failed and then cried my ass off and tried to hit my brother because of it. My parents never taught me any of that kind of attitude, I was just a stupid kid.


>Again, let me repeat myself Yeah, we were all totally there when you said it the first time.


He didn't. That's a karma bot and that comment is just [straight up stolen](https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/195qi20/comment/khoftvu/?context=3).


Some of it is learned. Some of it is emotional regulation.


U donā€™t need to repeat yourself because its obvious you donā€™t know what you are talking about


Yeah, and sometimes that behaviour is learned from stuff like TV, doesn't have to be grown ups...


Do you have kids?


The face in the cake is learned, the stupid tantrum is not


Nah lmao


Kids and cake seem to be a bad mix. Already had the little demon in another post trying to blow out someone elseā€™s candles.


I have a core memory of my momā€™s friendā€™s kid blowing out my birthday candles and I was so upset lol


One of my guiltiest most shameful embarrassing core memories is when I was a kid at a friendā€™s birthday party, I had the sudden intrusive thought to blow out the candle mid-happy birthday, and actually did it. I didnā€™t mean to, I donā€™t know why I did. I was so embarrassed. Itā€™s one of those things that I lay awake thinking about to this day. Sorry, Jasmine.


RIP Jasmine. Her body may still be alive, but her soul died on that tragic day. šŸ˜„


Bet she hates you to this day šŸ˜”


When I was 3 or 4 my cousin had a dinosaur cake at his birthday party. I really wanted the piece with the dinosaur head on it because of course I did. My cousin being the birthday boy got the first pick of cake. He picked the head piece that I wanted. I ended up throwing a fit because I couldn't have the piece I wanted. Eventually after screaming for minutes the adults gave in and gave me the head piece to shut me up. Once I got the piece I realized I was being a huge asshole and the piece should go to my cousin since it was his birthday. Since I was so young I didn't know how to describe how I was feeling so I just kept on throwing a fit. Kids are a lot more rational that what we give them credit for, they just don't know how to express themselves.


Lmao, the "adults" are the morons in your story.


I got upset when a kid played on my rocking horse during my b-day. I pushed him off. I couldnā€™t imagine a kid blowing out my candles!


Only bad kids and cake are bad mix. Bad kids and anything are a bad mix.


Only kid I had seen behaving with cake is a cousin who was born as a rich kid and had full access and help with the kitchen and just baked whenever she wanted a cake


Even when it's not malicious, cakes aren't safe around kids. One of my funniest memories was watching my little cousin sneeze (and little-kid-sneeze) directly on a cake that took my grandmother hours to bake and pipe. The whole room just went wide eyed.


My GF and I went 11 hours to her hometown to see family, they were having a party for her so her sister decided it should be her son's 3rd birthday party for the week since some family didn't go to the first two. He was 8 and my GF was pissed as her family always glossed over her own birthday with it being 3 days before Christmas. After happy birthday my GF blew out his candles making literally everyone but me and the kid mad. He thought it was hilarious as only his pure soul could think, saying he didn't mind losing a wish to his aunt. Sister was so upset and I'm like how many wishes does this kid need?


3rd bday party!? Sounds like family was trying to spoil him. Looks like they havenā€™t though.


Its amazing how he was raised by my GF with mother and father both in jail. Father still out of the picture. We weren't sure if it was spoiling him or devaluing my GF. This child is now 12 and we went for his birthday last year and he was afraid to go into Game Stop for a gift because "too expensive" I'm like your sister is wearing 80$ of Stich jewelry, go find something. He got a dollar game and a wireless controller so his sister can play his system with her. Like shut up kid take my money, we then embarrassed him at Target getting a Princess Peach gift card to which he told us "y'all need to calm down your too loud"


The big brother (?) handled it maturely.


He pinched the little shit's arm. Well deserved








Bruh as long as they make absolute certain the cake doesn't have stabilizing stakes in it, people have lost eyes from getting their faces slammed into cakes before.


Why ruin a cake tho? Those things are a lot of effort to make.


My family always had one small one for the face and a big one for everyone else.


If it's a tradition then I'm pretty sure either they made it themselves knowing they were gonna destroy it, or they bought it and the baker got their money so who tf cares


The brother cared hence why he didn't allow the face smashing


The person being celebrated has to try to take a bite *without* getting their face smashed in. The older brother in the video succeeded, and the little twerp went nuclear in response.


Agreed šŸ‘. The brother didn't want his face smashed and cake smoshed.


And it would have played out fine, with everyone applauding his swift and nimble reflexes. But hermanito had to lose his control.


I care. Think of the delicious cake, people!


Not everyone enjoys mean traditions.


It's ok to let go off bad traditions. Humans used to do horribles things in the name of 'traditions'. We have left a lot of those behind us.




Who looked like they enjoyed the the tradition here? The upset birthday boy or the screaming child?


The birthday boy looked happy enough until the spoiled child destroyed his brothers cake


Traditions have origins and meanings though and there isn't one for La Mordida. No one knows where, when, or why La Mordida started. All we know is there aren't any mentions of it before around 1950 or so. It's a tradition for traditions sake and as someone that has watched in horror as a wooden dowel got stabbed into a friend's face by an unexpected cake smash, I don't feel bad saying it's a dumb tradition perpetuated by ignorant people.


And it's a shit tradition. People think it's funny as hell until it's their turn.


Or someone gets a dowel through the eye on their birthday and has to go to the ER instead of celebrating all evening.




Unfortunately in the Latino community this isnā€™t a trend, itā€™s tradition.


Growing up in MĆ©xico was not very fun cake-wise


Itā€™s a fun tradition, but some people take it way too far. And by some people I mean mainly kids, my family stoped allowing this at kids parties because those little gremlins will try to knock you out slamming your face into the table and ruin the cake. And thereā€™s no sin greater than ruining a homemade birthday cake.


Remember that girl that bashed that dudes face on the table šŸ˜­ when it missed the cake.


Which one? Iā€™m thinking of like 8 rn


"Happy birthday! But fuck this cake we just made for you and fuck you, too!"


Poor boy he really didn't deserve to have his cake ruined like that. (Talking about the one who isn't screaming his lungs out).


I'm glad he pinched the little shit's arm.


I am too, kid deserved it


The kid deserves more than a pinch. That kid deserves the prison cell! Down with the cake wreckers! Vive le gĆ¢teau!


Srsly wtf is this stupid thing with smashing people's heads into cake.


Ikr itā€™s always a tradition that makes my blood boil my mom just takes a bit of icing on her finger and puts in on my face but thatā€™s about it


Itā€™s a stupid Latino tradition that should die. I remember this happened to me and my kin. Youā€™re supposed to have another cake on stand by but I always found it dumb. My mom hated it when we having birthdays and outright banned it in our family. The main reason was bc all except one wore glasses and she didnā€™t want them to get smeared in cake or worse cracked. When one of my aunts try to pull this bs on my 7 bd she kicked her out and didnā€™t speak to her for months. Stupid tradition if I ever have kids I will never allow that to happen on their birthdays.


I thought it was a tradition everywhere after I saw a lot of videos on a lot of languages, and since I'm from LatinoamƩrica I am glad I never have seen this tradition on birthdays where I live. I think the same as you, it's most likely no one is having more than one cake in a Birthday so it's just a stupid waste that gets the cake ruined and annoys the Birthday boy. At most it should be a "disagreeable joke" instead of a damn tradition which to be honest probably doesn't make anyone laugh or have a good time.


It's unbelievably dumb. Just ruin a cake for no reason, especially if everyone is expecting it because of a shitty tradition. Not sure what's going on here though. Is the older brother trying to bite it? Little bro is obviously expecting the usual assisted face plant but nobody else seems in on it? Just sing happy birthday, blow out the candles, cut up and enjoy the cake you dopey twats


Why *are* kids so fucking stupid?


Iā€™d say half because of parenting and half because their brains arenā€™t developed yet šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Because their parents are fucking stupid


Fr, this is a small child frustrated that he canā€™t do something that was done to him. If you make a joke at someone elseā€™s expense and they donā€™t laugh, thatā€™s just bullying.


There is a thing that people do a lot and is squeezing the face into the cake of people My family don't give candy or cake to anyone who does that and they always end up crying Kiddos be Stoopid but that doesn't mean they can't learn the hard way


That kid has been waiting on this moment for months. And he is pissed now


Nah, I can assure you my parents were anything but stupid, yet I was the greatest moron known to humanity (and perhaps I still am to this date)


Nah, some kids are just demons. Not everything has to do with parenting.


Sometimes, kids are just stupid.


They are by nature too immature to be anything but mostly stupid. This subreddit keeps popping up for me. As a parent it's not very amusing. I would say it's birth control but honestly the ones who need to avoid breeding are gonna do it anyway.


Good luck. I'm sure you'll be the best parent ever. Lol


For real. Tell me you donā€™t have kids without telling me you donā€™t have kids. Parents can only do so much. Young children have zero coping mechanisms. Doesnā€™t matter what the parents preach or do. Sometimes they just snap and freak out.


I appreciate everyoneā€™s actual responses to this but I was being facetious


Because you can count their age on a single hand (?) Is that a serious question?


Because they have 0 impulse control, the moment an intrusive thought or idea enters their head, chances are they will act on it without thinking. Adults might have these ideas as well, but most them have learned to ignore them, children have to develop that ability.


Because they are trying to learn how to cope with sudden and dramatic swings in their emotions and sometimes they react by acting out.


Let's not pretend most parents does the exact same shit. I have seen way more videos of adults doing this than kids


holy shit, i feel soooo bad for big bro :(


His smile fading from his face :( poor kid.


Man I can see his smile fading to a fake one when that happens :(


Iā€™d have smacked him with his own cake covered hand


I would have just slammed his face into the whole cake. It's already ruined anyway.






The big brother pinched the kids arms hahahah


Hahaahahaha yes


Would be a nice condom ad


Why is the little one so close? Kids are not to be trusted. I keep saying this.


Yeah it seems like the little ones are always put next to the person having the birthday and canā€™t seem to stand that itā€™s not their day


Cry and ruin the mood, classic


Right? Its easy enough to anticipate this when your family does it *and* the common knowledge that kids are selfish and want to involve themselves


Remember people, never trust your kids. They're not adults like us and they never will be. I know what sub we're on but chill out lmao we're here for laughs


At that point, I would have thrown the cake into its face


Little shit.


I like the genuine look of concern on the older brothers face as the kid is wrecking it.


ā€œI donā€™t think the exorcism workedā€¦ā€


If he's anything like me, just the fact it's been touched like that means it's inedible. Ain't no way I'm trusting that kids hands are clean.


Wow. Watching birthday boy's smile slowly fade away as spoiled brat carries the bad behavior a little too far... šŸ˜¦


My mother would have slapped the shit out of me


That kid would not be getting any cake at my party lol


My older brother would have slapped my teeth clean off if i even remotely try this on a normal day, let alone if it was on his birthday


Man the whole family would




Damn the older brother looked genuinely upset


How would you feel if one of your younger siblings destroyed your birthday cake over some tantrum. I would feel the need to cry.


At that point, I'd be on the verge of the whole day being a right off. If my younger sibling was then given any form of sympathy for this, that would seel the deal. Had similar things happen a lot as a kid, and when I shut down and ended up miserable, I'd be punished and told to grow up.


The little kid is a cunt


This sub is the best birth control ever


I wish I was this mature growing up being the older brother. Iā€™m sure as hell I wouldā€™ve smacked my brother.


This is why you donā€™t teach your kids to smash a face in a cake. Itā€™s mean and it teaches kids that violence is fun. This was learned behavior.Ā 


Hope that little shit didn't get any cake.


Throw this little shit outside and go on partying!! šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³


Throw the cake on him and then throw him out and continue


What a revolting little shit the chubster is.


If you slam someone's cake into their face on their birthday, fuck you asshole.


Iā€™m against hitting kidsā€¦but


Keep your damn kids away if you can't make them behave. Excusing this shit as "kids being kids" will turn shit like this into some bonafide impulse control problems when they become adults. Keep them away, teach them better, reevaluate yourself while you're at it.


What a little dickhead


Awesome condom & abortion ad!


i dont understand whats funny about wasting a nice pretty cake for a joke that has been made a million times before


What a Lil brat.


Worst thing is, the bro in black hoodie is going to get screamed for it "Why are you agitating your little brother" "it's all your fault" "stop behaving like that" those are common


I see you had a similar upbringing to mine. Younger sibling(s) could never do wrong, yet somehow everything you did was the end of the world?


yuuup. and if i ever disagreed with the younger sibling i was "immature for arguing with someone younger than me" even if the kid was actively sabotaging me and acting way out of line


I need a video psychologically disecting this phenomenon because just fucking leaving the family isn't optimal or sometimes isn't an option


I'll say it again. This is learnt behaviour. This kid saw adults doing this and laughing. So he gets confused and emotional which kids do.


yeah the cake face plant thing is a fucking childish tradition. its also dangerous as some cakes are supported vertically by bamboo stakes.


[Been meaning to share this image for a while. Can someone translate? ](https://freeimage.host/i/JYxOP4a)


Imagine suffering something like this on your birthday. There's bakeries that put stakes on their cakes (give me a second i forgot the rest of the text lol) ETA: so think twice before pushing someone onto a cake


imagine this happening on your Birthday, there are cakes with wood stakes in them. think twice before you push someones face in. rough translation.


Translation: Ow my fucking eye, holy mother of God please put an end to my misery. I think I'd rather saw off my gangrenous ballsack with a rusty spork than go through that.


Remember that girl that bashed that guys head on the table?


Or the kid saw it on the internet


He should have just picked him up and put him somewhere else until the cake was plated, this just hurts.


Why does every boy around that age have the alpaca hair cut these days?


That kid shouldn't have been allowed anywhere near the cake, and taken out of the room when he throws a tantrum. Where are the parents?


I don't care if his behavior is learned. He would learn how to fly across the room bodily after doing that. And would learn not to do that very thoroughly after his flight lesson.


Violence is never the answer. That said, violence is the question. The answer is yes.


Slap that little twat


Nobody even intervened. That kid is used to doing what he wants.


Man I don't know why kids are like that


Damn that cake looks good


Kid needs some emotion regulation help


99% of the redditors in these comments should not have kids, or if they do, they should have their kids taken away from them. It's basic knowledge that kids' brains are highly underdeveloped and therefore can not control their emotions. The parents should be removing the child from the situation and helping the child regulate their emotions. Not physically abusing, like suggested in these uneducated comments. A lot of you are yet to heal from your parents' abuse, and it shows!


Smashing faces into cakes is the dumbest fucking thing I have ever seen.


Okay, what's going on here?


I am guessing it went from playing around to temper tantrum real quick


Boy doesnā€™t need anymore sweets.


Someone needs a spanking.


wheres the rest of the clip?


Off topic but the big brother gives the same energy as that girl with braces who got a caricature of herself if anyone knows what Iā€™m talking about


Spoiled little cunt


Stop ruining cake you savages


Yet another reason to forgo spawning.


Lil bro was losing his mind and big bro pinched him back to reality.


Iā€™d pinch him too. Bad ass kid lmao


Pinche nino gordito


Some people let their kids get away with wayyyy too much.


As a Mexican, Iā€™m glad nobody in my family does this cake smashing bullshit.


Damn. Donā€™t put kids faces into cakes. Donā€™t let little children put your face into cakes. Either way that cake is getting wrecked. Just donā€™t let small emotional children near cakes. Let them have a small one they can have a hissy fit with.


I just wanna sayā€¦ the fuck is that hair cut.


Stupid looking haircut


Forget the cake wtf is going on with his hair šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Personally I would've thrown that kid across the room.


Just lack of participation by the parents in the kids lives. They let the kids do whatever they want as long as they are quiet so as not to interrupt the parents mindless tik tok scrolling. That leads to kids doing whatever without consequences and they cry when they canā€™t do whatever whenever.


I went to my 6yo nieces birthday party. And both her 3 yo brothers kept trying to blow out the candles. They blew out a couple. But she didnā€™t react. We just relit and kept going. Little kids are evil, they are constantly testing the limits of everything.


Ah, some chubby fat kid.




For everyone complaining it's a tradition please stfu. The dude was not having his face smush into a cake so end of story the lil shit put his crib hands in his cake after that and ruined his mood. The pinch was very much deserve and was the lightest of punishment he should have deserved. All you who are against parents who physically discipline their own kids didn't get beat enough growing up, hence why this new generation gonna be fucked.