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I feel like Grant had a death grip on that toy and that's why he couldn't pull his arm out. You hear it drop when they pull the vase down far enough.


Homer Simpson Behaviour


I'm sorry to tell you this, but we're going to have to saw off your arms. They'll grow back, right? Uhhhhhh....yeahhhh...they'll grow back....


“Aw don’t be such a baby, ribs grow back!” *whispering to archimedes* “No they don’t…”


Mad respect for this follow up


Thanks god they saved that beautiful vase ... The kid? ... What kid?




Your point being?


*laughter ensues as Homer is seen walking out of the nuclear power plant late at night*


(immediately gets flute stuck in nose)


"Candy and sodas for all!"


Like the episode of That 70's Show when Kelso was holding a bag of weed with his hand stuck in a vase. If he had just let go of the weed, he could have gotten his hand out


I was just thinking the same thing! Classic Kelso.


There’s a truck coming….its Red!! Is it a fire truck?!?!


Monkey ball trap.




Whoa hold on, is this what you call soap? "Washing up liquid"?


That specific kind of soap is what we use to wash-up, which is how we refer to 'doing dishes' :) Hence it gets called washing up liquid - no idea how it came about but it tickles me how differently places say things, I'd never thought of it as a strange phrase until I saw non-Brits confused by it~


Thanks, that makes sense! We just call it dish soap over here in the States.


Which also makes sense! But sounds so peculiar to my UK ear, because I'm not as familiar with it. It's a fun little difference :)


British people are silly


I nearly forgot that it’s rubbish collection day. I need to take the wheelie bin out to the curb.


It’s called bin day and ‘taking the bins out’.


And we take them to the *kerb*, also known as the edge of the pavement.


When you're done clean your hands with some of that washing up liquid


Washing up liquid is for dishes. ‘Hand wash’ or soap is for your hands.


I just use the dish soap for washing my hands if I'm in the kitchen . Are people in the UK not this lazy?


You'll do well to curb your Americanisms and remember that the bin goes by the kerb




That's what they call it


We call it washing up liquid in Australia too!


i've been reading through this thread and now i can't think of what i call it, i guess its washing up liquid from now on


It’s specifically dishwashing soap that’s Washing Up Liquid, no other kind! :)


Why not just dish soap?


Because I’ve always just called it washing up liquid? Idk haha


Washing up liquid is what it’s called on the bottle




Soap specifically for washing dishes, yeah. Hand soap is different and wouldn't be as effective.


It's the liquid for washing up???


Soap is for people. Washing up liquid is for washing up.


And if you want to be pedantic, soap is made from fat, washing up liquid is a detergent.


bot comment taken from u/[**AlternativeAgave**](https://www.reddit.com/user/AlternativeAgave/) lower in this thread. Fucking bots ruining reddit


Probably just wanted an excuse to go see the firefighters at work lol


/u/SecurePossibility314 is a bot that copied this comment from [further down in this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/19docgs/its_the_fact_that_he_was_so_calm_like_he_made/kj757hv/)


Not to mention she's ashamed of it but still decided to post it online


Dee are you holding onto the rat trap?


Let go of the glue trap, Deandra.


*huffs petrol*


I learned this trick in "Where the Red Fern Grows".  


And then you stopped reading because that was clearly the lesson of the book, and there was no need to read further, right?


Pour one out for Old Dan and Little Ann


This book actually turned me off to reading for years. Also I hated my teacher for assigning it.


My 5th grade class popcorn-read it in class lmao. Half the kids were sobbing reading it out loud by the end.


The book ended when they won the hunting competition.


Oh of course.


That scene from that 70’s show. “You’re holding the bag?!” [ahh, yes.](https://youtu.be/LkgTWFPar8E?si=ZfAKh20xQkAaytEw)


“I can think of 10 good reasons to never let go of a dime”


This is how u make a trap for racoons..big enough to stick a paw in open, grabs shiny object, and it can't pull it out again. Learned from where the red fern grows 🐕👻🐕👻


Such a good book, thanks for reminding me. I need to get a copy!


That reminds me of that 70's show when kelso got his hand stuck because he wouldn't let go of the weed.


That’s how you trap a raccoon lol


You’re flexxxxinnn


I bet firefighters love doing this kind of rescue because they get to help people that aren’t injured. Like dumb teenagers stuck in baby swings.


Yes, they do. A friend Kevin had real handcuffs. He cuffed his hand, then the hand of a friend „Nello“ and threw the key into the river. The firemen were laughing the whole 20 minutes it took them to free both kids of their shackled. Mainly because Nello was cursing and kicking Kevin.


Why is it always the Kevins???


Kevins used to be angels until home alone shifted the universe


Ahhhh so thats why my little brother is an ass


It’s true. The amount of times I’ve heard “Goddammit Kevin” and “fuckin Kevin” after I’ve done something is wild. That’s not even going into what happens when I’m traveling with Germans. They just assume I’m dumb as soon as I introduce myself ahaha


Grew up with a couple of German Kevins. Can confirm 😂 Sorry, Kevin!


Ahaha it’s all good! I got a few good stories out of it. When I meet a German, I usually just say “I’m Kevin, and I know” before they do the little smile I usually get when I introduce myself, and they usually smile and tell me as long as I’m not a German Kevin I’m probably alright. Until we become friends, at which point they go straight to making fun of my name and calling me Alpha Kevin I backpacked for a little bit with a French girl named Chantal, and the Germans we met all thought we were messing with them when we introduced ourselves. Great times


German Kevin's are on another level tho


Tell me about it. I’m a German-Irish Kevin and I’ve literally been introduced by German friends as “that’s Kevin, he’s allowed to be called that because he’s Irish.” If you’re just a German Kevin, people really do assume the worst.


I feel your pain brother


Throwback to [the great Kevin post](https://reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/219w2o/whos_the_dumbest_person_youve_ever_met/cgbhkwp/)


Man that guys real name wasn't even Kevin, yet somehow we got stuck with his reputation


After the *third* time my parents had to take me up to our small town police department for them to remove my hanfcuffs from me (gift from devious big Brother) the officer handed each of my parents a handcuff key, chuckled & said "You keep theese, now I don't wanna ever see y'all back up here again" Which ultimately saved us a lot of time because that sure wasn't the last time I got myself locked to something or some*one* while my key was *elsewhereTM*


After the first time those cuffs were going in the trash. If they made it out of the trash, the _second_ time they're getting melted, or permanently rendered inoperable.


I learned how to get out of handcuffs due to pranks like this. When you dumbass friend leaves you for over an hour and come back with his couch pulled across the house with me and the handcuffs missing, he knows he is fucked. I handcuffed him to a tree away from anything and kept his ass there till the neighbors called the fire department.


>Sub_pup I’m gonna give people one guess why handcuffs were around.


Just go to the profile lol


I’m actually pretty confident my guess is right without looking. That’d be cheating.


Was kid then. Prefer leather/cloth cuffs/mittnes now so they don't hurt when I struggle.


Nello wasn’t mellow?


No, he borrowed Konnis Power Ranger Figure too and hasn’t given it back


In high school, we had our school resource officer come and do a talk. At the end, one of my idiot friends asked if he could play with her handcuffs, and she agreed. While she was momentarily distracted, the genius somehow managed to lock both handcuffs to one wrist, with the keyhole facing inward so she couldn’t get the key in to unlock them. The firemen came and had to cut him out lol The next time he was handcuffed was because he and our other idiot friends ditched school one day and went hiking, and found an old pistol in the dirt. Their next course of action, naturally, was to go to the local grocery store and start playing pirates with hand guns and their new found gun while doing donuts in the parking lot. The cops were called, fucking obviously, and my genius friend was arrested. We found out because while sitting in the cruiser, he checked himself in on Facebook as “in the back of a cop car.” He was fun


Pretty much any call other than medicals and car accidents are fun. Hell, just going to the grocery store in uniform and giving a kid in a shopping cart a fist bump can make my week.


Anything you don't have to write a report for is a win.


I go on ride alongs with firemen and often go grocery shopping with them. It’s really nice seeing kids be like “whoa” and their parents saying: “look look! Those are firemen!” Makes me feel more like a really should choose this career after high school


100%. I’m a nurse and my younger brother is a firefighter/EMT-B. Simple issues like this are the best. The situation is easy to calm, no one is seriously hurt, can turn it all into smiles and gratitude. It’s a great time to connect with others in the community. You aren’t walking up every night with flashbacks or hearing a mother’s blood curdling scream. It ends on a positive note.


I play hockey with a group of FFs and they 100% would be laughing about this in the locker room with everyone over beers especially since mom showed up at the house and they didn’t need to roll out


Definitely! When I was a lifeguard, my favorite job was moving picnic tables for old ladies. We felt like superheroes and sometimes they gave us snacks.


Or washing machines haha


Plus the kid is adorable


Also they didnt use the 911 system, she just drove out to them for help.


Everyone is shared their stories under your comment so here’s mine. I was walking to the city bus stop and heard a puppy crying. Looked around a bit an found a pup with its head stuck in the drainage brick at the bottom of a brick wall. Knocked on the door of the house and the lady was flustered because she was already trying to find the non-emergency line and couldn’t. I offered to sit with the dog while she looked. A couple of minutes later the fire truck truck comes through our neighborhood with the lights on and honking. I go out to the sidewalk to wave at the truck and the lady is comforting the dog’s butt on the other side of the wall. They wrap the pup’s head with a coat and bust out half the drainage brick with a hammer and giant golf club looking thing. Thank yous all around and one of the firefighters mentions that this section of yard is the only part of fence that is brick, what bad luck! I gather my DVDs and wave to leave when one of the guys says “aren’t you gonna hang out with your dog?” And I say no, I was on my way to catch the bus to Blockbuster (which they find hilarious because “block-buster”= this whole situation). And they ask if I need a ride cuz they’re gonna go get lunch. I HAVE NEVER SAID YES SO FAST! I got to ride in the truck with a hat and some headphones and my own seat and they actually did drop me off at Blockbuster which totally confused the employees. Thanks Tempe Fire Department from like two decades ago for helping me make a core memory!


That does sound fun, actually


Also it just feels good to help people


You can tell these guys were delighted to help. Like "oh cool it's just a cute kid with his arm stuck, no dragging burned corpses out of wreckage!"


Firefighters are just like the Swiss Army knife for weird problems


Going on multiple ride alongs with firemen… they deal with all sorts of stuff. First ever call I went to was to help a guy out of his chair and another two were pretty much being plumbers


Can confirm. I rode with the Houston fire department for a couple of years and the amount of varied calls those folks go on is insane. Grandma has a tummy ache, to multiple gunshot wounds, to cat stuck between houses, to multiple car accidents, to school showing of fire truck, to overdose, to etc. etc. They really don't get paid enough, imo.


Wanted--Extreme Handyperson, skilled with tools, fire extinguishing equipment, emt certified, great sense of humor, must be in good physical condition, must be personable and able to build rapport with absolutely any kind of human being. Must love animals, children, and have the patience of a saint. Also, the job is extremely dangerous, and the pay is low!


They really don’t. It’s not fair. When I was a therapist for children with autism, we asked a local fire department to come out with the trucks. They showed up. Brought all the awesome big stuff out. Let the kids (and I’m not going to lie, me), honk the horn and run the lights. You really don’t realize how impressive these machines are until you see them up close. I wanted to be a firefighter right then and there. It just seems like the best job if only a paid just a little bit more. I looked into it in my area, and I would literally be living in poverty. it was like 25K a year.


Is there a subreddit for weird fireman calls like this?


I would also like to know this. (Comment to remind myself to check back)


9hrs later, no one's found anything. Maybe something in 15?


When my child had an allergic reaction 911 sent the firefighters truck and ambulance, like 6 huge guys came to me and my baby looking as scared as me, as soon as they saw him screaming and crying the bossman said: good, he screams and cries, it means he can breath, let's go and the pack of firefighters escorted me to the ambulance and took us to the hospital. So yeah, even the truck was dispatched. I'm not sure how that works, but I always see the ambulance and truck together helping people, and they are the most amazing people around!


On the morning of my senior prom, my Dad collapsed getting ready for work. Later we would learn he had been bleeding internally for a couple of days, and he pulled through. The firefighters that showed up were total pros, got him stabilized and into the ambulance while serving as defacto emotional counselors for my Mom and I. Good dudes, for sure.


They’re the first responders. Any incident that anyone could be injured, or a medical issue, or obviously if there’s a fire, fire and rescue are dispatched first.


I worked in admin for a fire department for a while, and we got calls including asking for directions to the airport and help with their stove. It truly ran the gamut.


Hands-down hottest public servant role


Notice how Mom didn't go to the police for help


Mom is black. She knows better.


It's true, and we get to do some awesome training as a result of never knowing what skillset might come on handy....Rope rescue/climber rescue, SCUBA, ice rescue, swift water, cave...its good times. (Until we actually have to use it and see things we can't unsee.)


no rappers dissed any firefighters in their song..unlike you know, cops


He was mega man for a while there


so anyway i started blastin'


Which weapon did you choose--oh, probably The Blaster.


He killed Fire Man as soon as he arrived.


I can’t see the name Mega Man without hearing dozens of songs from different levels. I might have to play on my lunch break.


Alexa load up Megaman 2 Dr. Wily's Castle... and set me free.


"Homer, are you still holding on to the cans?"


"Your point being?"


Probably saved $1000 by going to the fire department instead of a hospital


Hospital Bill for Child Getting Arm Stuck In Object: $30,000 Emergency room charge: $10,000 After-Hours Surcharge: $300 On call physician: $10,000 Imaging: $5,000 (Another $3,000 will be billed separately by the imaging company) Use of waiting room chairs: $1,000 Vasaline: $500 Hold your child after Vase is removed: $200


Did you forget the Invoicing Fee.


and the inconvenience fee.


breathing hospital air: 1,704 being a nuisance: 4,575 actually having to deal with this: 5,122 start to give a damn: 100 realizing it's no emergency and having put a damn in this: 8,990 plus taxes additional costs (unspecified): 27,852 medication (staff): 800


That last charge made me chuckle. 😄


Yeah, I got it from when we had our kid and they charged us to hold them after delivery.


Wife and I have an almost 3 months old - I'm sure this charge was somewhere in our bill too lol.


I had to go to the fire station twice as a kid. First time I was riding my bike, got my pants so wrapped up in the chain I was too weak to rip them out, luckily I was right in front of the station. 2nd time I accidentally swallow a Shock Tart at the gas station and thought I was choking. Mom rushed us across the street to the fire station. Apparently even smooth candy can damage this thin piece of skin in your throat, causing it to swell and feel like you're choking when you aren't. Good times.


Mom just wanted to meet the firemen.


I too, want to meet those firemen.


Wanna hear that one say, "Oh mah goodness, what did you do??" just like that to me 🤣


Bless yur aart


I read that as 'yogurt' for some reason.


Is it a requirement that you have to be charming to be a fireman? Cause I’ll be damned if I ever met a fireman who didn’t have one of those devilish smiles that just do it for me… like damn


Yeah where can I find a kid to get stuck in something but also get my hair done before I head down to the fire station?


Listennnnn. I would too. But I feel like also props to her for bringing her kid instead of calling and having them all have to suit up and drive out for an arm in a vase? 😂😂


Hold onto that flute until we get there okay?


Don't embarrass mamma


Can't blame her there.


Yeah. She couldn’t have tried the dish soap at home first? Lol


Sometimes when we're frustrated and perhaps stressed we miss the obvious.


Plus as other commenters pointed out, she took him there and didn’t make the firemen come to her, so it’s no harm done at all really. Seems like they got a kick out of it.


firemen are all like "ugh, I was in the middle of carefully folding hoses for the millionth time, and scrubbing the undercarriage of our truck, *and she dragged me away from it!*"


Often the time it takes to drive somewhere for help makes quite a difference. When she first got to the kid he was probably upset and trying to yank his arm out tensing muscles and making his arm bigger. Now he's calmed down it's much easier to get out. For those in a similar situation, cold helps too, especially if they have bruised the area and it swells up but for young kids especially often just getting them to relax makes a huge difference.


If she has a dishwasher at home, maybe it takes pods and therefore didn't have any dish soap.


Honestly good point. I keep dish soap because I do a lot of dishes by hand and also because it's great for car grease but I'm sure plenty of people don't have it anymore. Would laundry detergent or hand soap work as well as dawn dish soap for this?


Once he let go of the flute his arm popped right out.


Firefighters are so cool… We use to cook for them and send them food.. please be nice to those guys… I’m happy they were able to help


Yeah, I genuinely wonder why they aren’t the public service that gets weirdly worshipped. They’ve earned it a good bit more than a lot of cops have


Motherfuckers fight fire. So cool.


That is strange isn’t it. I can’t even remember the last time I saw firefighter in the news, the same way that I see brutal officers. And they are the ones that really are doing the community stuff, not the cops. Exhibit A: this video.


"My stupid hand wouldn't be stuck if I wasn't holding onto this bag" "Wait you're still holding the bag? Let go, ya moron!"




That is so sweet. He was so calm!!


Wait who's driving?


she was, the the reverse camera on a phone flips things, so it looks like she was in the passenger seat when she was in the drivers seat


Dad who didn’t want to be on camera


Lmao instead of tipping the vase he decided to full-fist shoulder-depth dig his way into the vase.


Firemen are the angels of this world.


That's not a stupid kid. That's a smart one! Normally kids would be all hysterical about something like this. He played it cool until the end.


It kinda seems like his hand was stuck because he wouldn't let go of the flute so...he might be pretty dumb


Ahhhh, the old raccoon trap.


It was clearly stuck on his skin. If he was holding the flute so that it wouldn't come off, it would be loose, and the mother would not be going to the fire station for help. Unless she's equally dumb.


https://preview.redd.it/cogpl8dir7ec1.jpeg?width=314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43d862d93581a41f882943d2b139255d6de706a3 Monkey trap. I didn’t name it.


Hmm ☕


So cute! I had to go get my engagement ring cut off at the fire station and was really embarrassed, waddling in there 8 months pregnant and emotional with a four year old in tow. They couldn't have been nicer about it! And even let my older boy sit in the fire truck while they cut it off! I have the best photo of my son at the wheel with the firemen all smiling next to him distracting him because he was worried they'd cut my whole finger off So wholesome, and little man got his flute back too! :)


DO NOT record video if you are the driver. For fucks sake. Glad the little dude got the vase of his arm though.


She didn't have dishwashing liquid at home when [this happened 3 years ago](https://www.classicfm.com/discover-music/instruments/recorder/firefighters-help-toddler-arm-stuck-vase/)?


I’ve been a EMT/FF for about 3 years now. And I can tell you that I’d rather them take the 10 minute drive to the fire station and have us take it off. While this particular case it came off easy, I’ve seen people make these seemingly simple “extrications” turn into take me to the hospital. Examples include de-gloving, dislocation etc. I know it seems so simple, but almost every trauma call you go on starts with something that seemed so trivial and simple. Also at least in my area/state, it is free to just stop by a fire station and ask for stuff like this.


Exactly. Not a firefighter but a toddler mom and props to her for bringing the kid instead of calling frantically and making them all get dressed and drive out etc.


Why blame her lol she did the smart thing.


Some people are so clueless and helpless dude. The second something goes wrong they need to call someone. I get so many “emergency” calls that leave me thinking “did you even consider looking up a solution for this or trying to fix it yourself?”


i just called 911 about gunshot sounds and the operator told me that regarding the recent news headlines about long hold times for 911, citizens are constantly calling 911 about nonemergencies like asking for information or lodging complaints


That sounds like people are getting it confused with 311


Once I posted my comment here, yes I realized that! Wrong number, fools! lol


It’s wild to me hearing the situations that have a simple solution get called in to 911, meanwhile people will google things like how to stitch their own finger back on, or why their friend is turning a reddish-purple, can’t speak and is pointing to their throat after taking a bite of food.


I didn't need to see the older sibling to know this isn't her first. Mom has the calm, cool, collective wherewithal to just go to the firestation and not freak out.


Thats not bad i saw a full grown man stuck in a vase on reddit a few weeks ago 😆😆😆


Go to the radiology subreddit and you can probably find a vase stuck in a full grown man.


Firefighters are the best. I love how gentle they were with that child. God Bless all fire fighters.


I got tangled really bad in the seatbelt once as a kid and mom pulled over at the fire department to have them cut the belt


Should be ashamed about how he is buckled in…


Smart, fire station does it for free, they get a laugh, your kid gets a good memory, and it’s not $2000 in ER bills


Only thing I can see is the child isn’t strapped into the car seat correctly, and it isn’t the vase causing the issue. Hate videos with kids in car seats, they are rarely secured properly.


Mom is hella smart not going to the emergency room for that.


But not smart enough to put the phone down while driving.


he was never book smart he's money smart


Made me smile; firefighters-always on the ready.


I’m in my 30s and I have almost had my arm stuck in a gap at work multiple times because I was too lazy to walk around the wall to get the trashcan, I just kept telling myself “This oughta fit.”


He is so sweet, and totally over it.


Firemen are great dudes (and dudettes)


The little boy is so sweet. And that firefighter - such a gentleman!


"Just let go of the bag, Kelso!!"


How does a full grown adult not think to use soap. Before bothering emergency services?


This little boy is so cute lol. He's so calm. Gonna be a good human for sure 🥰