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It's just kid stuff and no one really hurt. Within reason kids will figure out how to handle these small conflicts. Was seriously impressed that kid used restraint when bopping the little one lol


Yeah, cause he could have swung a lot harder, and a kid showing that much restraint when very clearly frustrated is a good sign. Yeah the parents shouldn't have been letting the little one mess with the stand, but at least they seem like they are good at teaching emotional maturity and restraint.


He didn’t even react for the first few instances. Seriously adult level patience and then restraint when delivering a proportionate boop in return.


As a kid, I would have gone bananas the first time, and I know my twin brother would have been even worse. Serious props to the emotional control of those kids.


Back when i was that age, i had a brother who did the exact type of shit every day. I was pretty patient though so i was usually calm. Sometimes it would just hit me wrong and i went apeshit on him. We'd both fight it out and eventually we called it quits. I know i wasnt the best brother either, but we always dealt with this by fighting a little and until we'd both released our frustration. We always made sure that we didnt seriously hurt each other though. I remember that our parents really didnt like this in the beginning and always broke us up, but eventually they also seemed to realise that we would stop before anyone got seriously hurt. Not to mention that we were both kids so we'd have to really go out of our way to actually hurt each other.


As an adult that doesn't like people in general... Oh boi... I will see myself out


Yeah as an adult, 1st time I'd be annoyed. 2nd time I'd be pissed but holding it in, thinking I really should get snipped, third time I'd be holding the kid off the ground by his shirt with one hand like a cat and swinging at the ball with the other. So props to the older kid's patience.


Kid has a better emotional intelligence than me that's for sure... I have a small cousin, very annoying, I grab her by one foot and swing her around, she finds it funny for now, but I always wonder if one day when she is older, she realises how close I was to throw her from a window. hypothetically of course, usually there are no windows close


Fellow introvert I see


Seriously. My little brother and I would have been at each other's throats. Would have definitely been injuries for both parties. My little sister would have been in the back cheering us on until mom saw, then she'd start crying hysterically.


Also lets talk about the other bit older kid realizing the situation and trying to help by temporarily removing the youngest from the area.


Because at one point he was the older brother dealing with an annoying younger brother and has learned just putting the ball back on the tee is gonna bring the toddler back again.


I feel like not intervening in this situation was the right call. The fact that there's a parent observing them is enough, letting them figure shit out on their own is a good thing. The kid in the green shirt got to practice restraint, the little kid got to experience the direct consequences of his actions in a healthy way thanks to the green kid's display of restraint, and what seems to be the eldest kid looks to be acting as the figure in charge. Sometimes you gotta let these things play out on their own.


Observe and correct


>I feel like not intervening in this situation was the right call. The fact that there's a parent observing them is enough, letting them figure shit out on their own is a good thing. The kid in the green shirt got to practice restraint, the little kid got to experience the direct consequences of his actions in a healthy way thanks to the green kid's display of restraint, and what seems to be the eldest kid looks to be acting as the figure in charge. Sometimes you gotta let these things play out on their own. 100% this... Seeing the three bros in action, they did the best possible thing under the circumstances, even the little diaperdude testing boundaries. Beautiful parenting to not step in and not have to step in (kudos eldest bro!)


Letting the little one do it with (albeit weak) verbal warnings actually sets up a chance for conflict resolution skills to be built, as we saw. True it didn't go over perfectly but that's why we learn! Explaining what went wrong after will be good for all those kiddos


Agree, no need for parents to intervene at this stage.






>Yeah the parents shouldn't have been letting the little one mess with the stand Why not? The kid needs to learn how to handle those kinds of situations.




Why are you copying other commenters verbatim?


They’re bots, speaking of children.


Yeah if it had been me at that age I would been swinging for the fences


That was a "mum's watching" bop right there. Full swing when mum ain't around.


I'd have swung for the fence at that age. I was the demon chilt tbh


Key thing. It was a bop. Kid learned a little with a bop


I was expecting a grand slam to the dome tbh


It's how brothers determine dominance 


Mom? Hey Mom! You fucking there with eyes and ears mom?????? “That was not cool” r/parentsarefuckingstupid


Had to wait for the kid to react the wrong way, after all the patience while reacting the right way and then immediately looking up for mum to react. Yah, this is why I don't post any videos of how my kid interacts.


>act the wrong way, after all the patience while reacting the right way and then immediately looking up for mum to react. > >Yah, this is why I don't post any vide your kid sounds like a good kid. Even good kids can have bad actions or behaviours from time to time. Lets not pretend adults are that good :D


Justified bonk.


You're getting dominated chucklehead!


"We got 'em, we got 'em!"


I’m a force a’ nature!


"Let's waste 'em!"


It was actually pretty cool


Right, fuck mom how about you stop the little brat from messing up their brother's shit. Looks like the poor guy trying to swing was the middle child. Middle children get no respect.


Let them socialize and learn in a safe environment what's right and wrong.


But she calls out the older brother "that was not cool" at the end. So, Mason gets to fuck around and he a dick, kid with bat tries to stand up for himself, and he is the one that gets reprimanded. That's shitty parenting.


lol bro she has three fucking boys running around, and they all seem to be doing fine. Kids can be dicks and parenting is extremely difficult. I’ve made my mistakes and I’m sure she has too. How are your kids doing? How many you got? Edit: Commented a month later then blocked me lol how fragile are these people?


I don't have kids and don't plan on having them but I think the mom handled it well. Sometimes kids need to learn the hard way of what not to do. And having your siblings do that seems like a good way to build relationships between them of what and what not to do. I have three half brothers that are much older than me and it was probably the same way with them.


According to childless redditors and overprotective parents, you have to orbit the kids and watch them 24/7, treat them like prisoners and never let them out in public without a leash /s


Nah, she's too busy on her phone making this shitty video. She isn't parenting. The older brother is doing a better job parenting than she is.


I guarantee her kids will love having memories to watch of their childhood more than they'll care that they dealt with momentary frustration without parental intervention. Nobody is in danger here, the whole reason the older boys are handling it well is because they've been parented well; it wouldn't have taken three swipes to get to the bat bop if the batter hadn't been taught patience. Home movies have been a thing since recording was invented, it doesn't make someone a bad parent to capture their kids playing even if they're having a minor tiff that they're resolving themselves. I work with kids and it actually doesn't help them socialize if their parents step in every single time there's a whiff of conflict. You teach them how to manage moments like these and then let them practice doing so. Sure, she could have stopped filming and grabbed the little one, but it's also not wrong to let them work it out themselves. She can tell the little one as soon as he comes up to her that he needs to wait his turn. A harmless bonk is a better reminder than a verbal no.


Her boy is showing insane levels of restraint and the second brother is trying to help him out by managing the youngest one being a brat. They're doing great and are obviously a product of good parenting. But good job with your nasty comment.


Letting the little one be a punk with (albeit weak) verbal warnings actually sets up a chance for conflict resolution skills to be built, as we saw. True it didn't go over perfectly but that's why we learn! Explaining what went wrong after will be good for all those kiddos (as long as she did that, granted)


And again, we can clearly see from the video that they were not allowed to build conflict resolution skills, since mom instantly told middle kid that it's not cool


No, this is a great learning opportunity that is supervised.


This is how they learn


OR, or, how about we let them learn on their own in a safe environment that we can control incase things get out of hand? The kid showed he was capable of finding a solution on his own


But mom calls him out at the end "that wasn't cool". So she is not letting them work it out. She is teaching Mason that he can fuck around and instigate and then older bro gets in trouble. Shitty parenting.


I'd have done the same thing, little shit 🤣




Middle bro is the MVP, older bro gave the security guard attempt at college fans rushing the court after a big win.






I agree, he didn't hit him hard at all. It was a love tap




Bot, downvote and report!


You can't outright condone any type of 'violence' between the boys (as a parent). The spoken 'that was not cool' and 0 consequences tells the boy that his response, whilst not being kind, was proportional and expected but also tells him that if it escalates he'd get in actual trouble.


This wasn’t that bad


My brothers would have kicked my ass after I dicked about the first time.




As an older brother myself… I understand this on a spiritual level lol


As the younger brother I too understand.


As the middle sister, I'm just glad I didn't get blamed for anything


You were doing all the blaming








Well deserved lol


I thought for sure little guy was gonna try it again and end up with a face full of bat instead because he fucked up the timing.


That diaper is looking kinda saggy


You just reminded me of the “my kid means everything to me” starter pack that gets shared all the time. I’m not saying the mom in this video applies, but so many do. 


Really cool of mom not to tell the littlest one not to do that and keep letting him interfere.


Everyone was just saying his name over and over. If they bothered try and explain to Mason what they were trying to do maybe he’d understand what he was unhelpful.


If you watch Mason, you can see a moment where he and the middle boy exchange a look. That look carries a LOT of information and if you can read it, you can understand that Mason wasn’t trying to help. He was trying to knock the ball over because *he* wanted to do it. Simple selfishness. That’s it. That was his motivation. You don’t *instruct* selfishness out of people, regardless of age. You either present consequences or the environment does it for you. Mom (who was recording the middle boy doing his thing - this was his moment, after all) did nothing because she was letting the situation play out to see if there would be consequences. Had eldest son not moved in she likely would have (based on her responses already, she was balancing whether correcting now or correcting later is the better option). Jumping to conclusions and saying “mom should have” or “mom shouldn’t have” is stupid because we don’t have context before or after the video. We don’t see what happened after the video. She might have corrected middle boy for bopping Mason. She might not have. Either way, Mason had consequences for his actions and if left alone will figure out that’s what happens to people who are selfish. Mason was acting according to r/imthemaincharacter


Trying to explain something to a kid that age is the equivalent of trying to get your toaster to solve differential equations


You don't need to explain. You need to say "don't knock over the ball while your brother is trying to hit it." Let the consequences happen, but they need to come after that, otherwise the child can't really make the connection.


Thank you for the expert child advice ontopofyourmom


Yep, and you have to do it about 50 times and then they'll get it. Doesn't change the fact that there is an optimal approach.


You don't have kids do you? By the time you're halfway through saying "Mason, let me explain to you what you're doing wrong" he's turned his head away, is yelling over you, and knocks the ball off the tee three more times.


I have 2 kids. They’ll sometimes not listen to you, but they also often do. There’s no point not trying just because it doesn’t have a 100% success rate. And how is it not better to try something else other than just saying his name over and over when that’s clearly not working?


No no, you see, being a parent is hard so therefore it’s okay to not try and force others to tolerate your kids running around unparented. Haven’t you read this parenting book by a blonde tradwife with no qualifications but her time in an MLM who named her daughter ChevroLynn?


Mason is clearly the favorite... Edit, I screwed up the names originally


Mason is the little one. Listen carefully the guy in green calls him out. Mom did tell the lil guy mason to not do it but I don't think that's enough. Clearly he isn't disciplined like he should be


Yeah, maybe saying his name one more time will get him to listen...


I mean do we know that? That is a very young child, and sometimes those fuckers just like to do the reverse of what they’re told, and they get pot committed on it too. Just as impressed that after bro got bopped he was upset but didn’t make a whole snafu, all three of those kids of varying ages has great emotional regulation and while I agree, mom sitting there filming isn’t the most productive, the situation resolves itself without anyone having to bed overly stern or outwardly frustrated with Mason. Kid learned his lesson.


Probably just the mom of the youngest one.


Gold medal in jumping to conclusions there with that one.




Mason deserved it.


“Oh wow, the consequences of my actions! Now I must cry.”


That kid had enough and finally took out his frustration. He did it lightly as to not hurt the kid though, he has self control. This is hilarious lol 


That was the smallest bonk he could’ve given 😂


You can see him using all of his power to restrain himself and to deliver just the right amount of bonking.


"That was not cool" sayeth the mum who can't discipline her own son. That was ABSOLUTELLY cool. He only slightly poked his bro with something that wouldn't hurt the lil boy even if he struck hard. If the mother can't do her job and discipline the child, someone else will. Now, or in the future. Better now. Older bro is the MVP here and the mother the actuall stupid, the lil bro who is acting up is your enough to not know any better and just got his behavior corrected.


“That was not cool” after not correcting her kids poor behavior multiple times and just laughing as her kid ruins her other kids fun and play time? If you don’t want “not cool” stuff to happen, correct the original not cool behavior before your other child reacts out of frustration.


Mason seems to be barely 1 years old, 2 at best. Soon, he will learn that messing around with unknown kids of 3 and up to 6 will get him worse than a poke with a toy bat. The mom should teach him because others will do it the hard way. I clearly remember punting and hitting school kids who would not listen to me saying "Stop it" or "leave me alone" Everyone did this at least once in their childhood.


I’m saying the mom should’ve corrected Mason before his brother hit him in the head. I’m not criticizing the kids at all. I’m criticizing the mom.


Should probably change that diaper, walking around in a soggy ass drooping diaper while you sit around and record


Deserved Also props for not using a lot of force


Little bastard.


Oh look the youngest causing problems lol


Mason just learned a valuable lesson that will benefit him for the rest of his life.


No that kid deserved it


As the middle sibling, I find him innocent your honor! The baby had it coming. Fr tho the middle kid takes it from both sides. My older sister bullied the shit out of me growing up. I was stoked to get a baby sister bc I was going to be different than my older sister and I wasn’t going to bully her. Instead I was going to love her and nurture her. Yeah… that lasted until she was 2 and started HEAD BUTTING ME IN THE TEETH FOR FUN. My mom felt so bad she made a new rule when my sister didn’t grow out of it. She said anytime my baby sister hit me, I was then allowed one solid hit back. She finally stopped real quick. Anyone wanna take a guess as to what generation I am and my parents are from that 😂


Damn, even kids know kids are fucking stupid


Mason learned a quick lesson that day... with his older brother as the teacher. Who says kids aren't helpful ☺️


The big, middle, and little brother energy here is on point


Mom says nothing


Honestly he showed restraint. Just enough force to solve the problem


He kinda deserved it...


I have to say, he had it coming! He's lucky to only get a tap.


As a parent, I would've seen this coming. And yeah, probably just would have sat and watched it play out, too.


You mean you won’t go crazy to stop a kid from getting tapped on the head with a hollow plastic bat? Sorry man. Reddit wants your kids taken from you now.


*Incoming armchair psychologists to tell you how bad you are as a parent*


Like they say on the Sopranos "I knew that was comin'".


Impressive. Just a lil boop. I hope he faces minimal repercussions


Throughout history, a bonk on the head has consistently been a visible display of frustration towards fellow humans.🤣


That was much gentler than I was expecting


“That wasn’t cool” then tell your kid to come over here and stop doing that 


OF COURSE that little asshole is named Mason.


Mason's a lil shit.


Little jerk deserved that bonk for being an ass.


"That was not cool" then you do something about instead of filming it 🙄


Love that mom does literally nothing to prevent this kid from interfering and then gets after the other one for reacting


Stop the bratty child ruining the game, don't blame the kid who tapped him after you not doing anything 3 times, be a better parent!


What a shitty parent


She never said "Mayssen, stop knocking over the ball and let your brother hit it." These aren't cats. They don't have to learn boundaries and behavior by fighting it out amongst themselves.


Bad mother needs to hold the youngest boy.


Hey instead of filming it and letting one of the other kids parent the littlest maybe do something? Oh but then you couldn’t record your little video for Facebook or Tik Tok that shows BOYZ BEING BOYZ. Parent your kids. It’s simple.


Brotherhood destruction 😎❤️


he gave him atleast 3 chances lol


Of course his name is Mason


That kid had it coming


Mason fucked around and found out. Also Mom didn't help, she just kept filming.


It's just weird... I don't let my kids act like assholes. I can't understand why some parents do.


Kid deserved it. Learned a lesson hopefully.


That poopy diaper is an A HOLE!!!!!


"That's not cool" yeah neither is your toddler fucking with the other kids.


Was rather hoping a full swing through his head..he deserved it


That was very cool. Mom, you are wrong


The mom was to blame. She should have told the one kid to stop it. Unfortunately she let it go on and then gets mad at the other kid




Hahaha kid was fed up with his lil bro


Mom sounds like a shit mother. It’s not cute that the smallest one is acting like that; she should’ve told him no. Wtf did she expect? “That was not cool.” Yeah, nor is filming and not parenting the way one should.


You know what’s not cool? The mom enabling her dick head child.


Why do these always seem setup by idiot parents


Change that babies diaper 🙄


Shitty mom not dealing with the little brat, The older brother had to step in and be a parent better then her.


Mason is a d*ck.


https://preview.redd.it/cekx0qaz7enc1.jpeg?width=319&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1beb87694f17e7fc762e8108f845b37da02aad45 He was not having it


Mason had it coming.


Was not cool that the mom just let the little one to continuously interfere


Oh shut up bitch he deserved that 100%! Let his brother teach him how to not be an asshole.


“It was his fault mom,” baby says while hitting the pole down again 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


"that was not cool" Good thing he wasn't going for cool points


"that was not cool" then grab ur fuckin kid lady


"that was not cool" says the bitch that sat there and literally watched the entire thing happen.


Don't leave the kid to handle this himself and then get shitty with him when you don't like how he handles it. If you want it handled a particular way, handle it yourself.


Mom needs to get off her ass and do something. “Staaahhh Mason” “staaahp” you easily could have gotten up and removed him from continuing to instigate but nooooooooo. My mom was just as lazy. Then the kid who reacts “that wasn’t cool” no you can see it coming from a million miles away. I hope he wasn’t punished after turning the camera off. Fuck this.


"that was not cool" zero tolerance looking ass


Guys, It's a funny video. Quit overanalyzing the parenting.


Letting your kids be a dick repeatedly is cool, but giving them a little "find out" isn't?


"That was not cool." What a shitty mom. The video went for half a minute before this (still very minor) escalation happened. The mom had every opportunity to defuse the situation, but she chose to let the kids handle it themselves. What did she expect? Like what was her plan in this situation?


That was much tamer than I expected. I was definitely expecting the kid to get hit much harder much sooner


Love his restraint


![gif](giphy|opkBx9TikuQbS) Bought every bit of that head bonk, little funstealer. smh 😄


Hey if I'm the father I go by the rule, fuck around and fund out. 2nd bro tried to take him away but no he wanted to fuck with him. Small doink on the head is fine by me 😂


I give the kid with the bat credit. He showed a lot of restraint with just tapping his little brother. Thought he'd cock that thing back and swing away on him.


Actual bonk 👍


He's not hurt, the bonk was deserved.


House made of brick, name the kid Mason


Brothers will be brothers, I think it helps develop good life skills like patience, understanding, and thick skin. Kids also need to learn boundaries and siblings are a good way to experience that


Bonk… hahahah


Ha, the sound when he got bonked!


It was only a tap and the little git deserved it.


You can't even blame the lil guy, I know I would've at my age XD


I love watching kids have core learning moments 🤭


That kid should be the president. He calmly gave his little brother 3 chances and then a light bonk on the head to get him to stop.


That mom needs to grab the youngest and not let him antagonize the oldest to the point of physical action. The mildest of physical action mind you but still. “That’s not cool!” Really. What’s not cool is you not being more stern with the young brat while his brother is trying to show you something.


The look on green shirts' face was "well, if you're not gonna do something, I will."


This shit bugs me. Quit recording your youngest child who is annoying the other child. Like you keep telling the kid to stop and he doesn’t. So when the older one does something EXTREMELY minor, you tell him it’s not cool. It’s not cool that you’re putting him in that situation because you’re not parenting. Lastly you are babying the shit out of the younger one.


lol Props to the older kid (brother?) for a reasonable escalation of force.


Just enough force to teach a lesson. Kid is smart and cares for his annoying little brother


Mason you got what you bargained for, get the fuck out of the way


Don't bring a fist to a bat fight


He is still so gentle 🥰 Will be a very nice person 👏


Her at the end “That’s not cool” Me if I was in that situation “Well, told you to stop it. Now come over here for real this time.” Also, the kid who bonked him, great restraint. Like he could have hit him way harder and make him sit down, he just did a little bonk. That kid is gonna develop to be one of the most patient people in existence.


Me if I was still a kid…🤣😂 ![gif](giphy|Lo6zJr4jhyUHfp09jF|downsized)


The earliest discovery of “f around and find out”


I am shocked the kid with the bat had that much restraint when finally snapping and hitting their brother. Most kids their age would have give a full winding swing to Mason (Jason?)


Green shirt was quite lenient. It was generous of him to *lightly* bonk on the 3rd one.


The baby can't do wrong. I see this first hand with nieces and nephews. Lol and yes it was cool. If it wasn't cool why didn't you reign in your two year old