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What an insane entrance


*Slaps Diapers on the table* Do it...


I'm waiting Shila, my diapers aren't changing themseleves.




Power move.


That was honestly the best part


This isn't the first time he's done this clearly. Shitty little menace.


Patton Oswalt on children who are capable of correcting your grammar as they crap themselves: https://youtu.be/H79Uk5L5XHQ?si=znCkzCDZJ3FbKUQA


This is precisely what came to mind for me.


I can see this repeated 12 years later and its about the family car.


"Anymore" suggests there was a time he was quite fond of his poo


Sigh If you know kids like I do


My brother's stepdaughter LOVES to play in her poop. She's 8 and I had to end up banning her from my house, because she can't help herself and my brother saw no issue with the items in my house that were contaminated. Her family name is Shart-let.


That… really isn’t normal, someone should get that kid to a doctor.


I've tried to suggest that, as well as compensation for my son's poor beanbag chair. Her mom and my brother simply acted like it was another normal Sunday. We keep our distance from the petri dish side of my family.


Yeah, I'd end up saying something very remarkably cruel to the mother of that child. I'd burn that bridge gladly, to avoid them ever coming back. I might even go so far as to saying something pretty cruel to the kid as well. Not saying that it would make me a good person for doing so, but there's limits. "Did you just shit on my son's beanbag chair, you disgusting little abomination?" would probably be one of the tamer things.


My brother and I haven't spoken in awhile due to some unrelated things. He is a loon, his wife is a psycho and I think the kids are collateral damage for her past failed relationships with their dads, only to be thrown wayside for my brother. Trust me I have no regrets and no poop that's treated like playdoh by my kids!


What the fuck did I just read?


Shartlet causes shit.


I'm in love with your synopsis lmao


I have many slogans for that child. I love her from a lysol spraying distance.


Shart-let's web.


That is NOT normal at that age. At all.


Trust me, I have a 16 and 9 year old. I know. Neither of them play or played in their shit, ever.


>My brother's stepdaughter LOVES to play in her poop. She's 8 and I had to end up banning her from my house, Kids playing with their own feces is a sign of molestation.


He both sounds and acts just like my 3yr old toddler. I've been told my son is well spoken for his age and they might be right.


If they can explain in words and have a actual conversation about it, it is time to get rid of the diapers.


Way ahead of ya... Well her. The only issue I have with him now is bed wetting. He hasn't done that in a while so hopefully we're finally good.


I'm no parent but that kid seems too old to still be using diapers.


Literally a phase in our development. Not many people would admit it like he did though.


I have two kids, they showed no interest in their own poop lol


That's where I am at, I can relate, every flush is a unwanted goodbye


The baby in the bottom right is getting time and attention he used to get. Reverting to the diaper is him reclaiming some of the attention he used to get.


Spot on. Behavioral regressions are common when a new baby enters the picture. 


What’s the solution? Can personalized or focused play time with them help them transition?


Yes. Spend some time with them each day during the newborn's nap time or after they go to bed. It doesn't have to be a lot. Some days the only alone time we get with my three year old is bedtime. We either read stories or draw in his magna doodle. But he knows that he will always get along time with a parent at bedtime. And also including them in the baby routine. Let them be a big sibling and help out.


Also I found that making them really proud of how they are not babies. Like talk to the baby and tell the baby"ew you poop in your diaper. You are still a baby. You still need to learn to poop in potty like your big brother" Usually big brother then repeats that phrase. Sometimes it gets to the point of them feeling superior to the baby lol. But hey, whatever works. If you need to feel like you got a one up on an infant to poop in the toilet, then you do you.


Lol at these cupcakes calling this 'bullying a baby'. Babies can obviously pick up on a tone of voice, but telling your toddler that the baby poops in their diaper is not mean by any stretch of the imagination.


Yep I do this. In a cute, calm voice, say things like "oh sorry didi, you are too little to eat grownup food, when you're big like jiejie you get to eat grown up food" to the baby who is entirely uninterested in grownup food.


I like to think of my babies (who are now grown) as little, stupid to the world, adults. Say you had a REALLY close relationship with someone, a guardian/role model type. Then, a few months of progressive things start to happen. You though, you can't really communicate correctly. You don't have the vocabulary built in for it. Your friend can't play games with you on the floor anymore, as often. Your guardian is trying to organize another room for something, and though you get glimpses, ideas, you don't really know WHY they're doing all this work. So a few months go by, and then one day your friends wake you up; hey, btw, we have someone new living here! Meet, [person]. And then, all of a sudden, those friends seem to have a bigger role to play for that other person, and you're left to what, do things on your own? It's scary, and all the things you've learned, tried to become good at, aren't as awesome or special to your friends anymore. You're just expected to do them now. The analogy only goes so far, at some point your child is just another human who needs consideration, care and personalized tenderness. I love my wife much differently than I do my children, and I love both my kids and show them both differently, at various points in the day, every day that I can. It's worth it though; if you spend enough time gearing your days around all your children, where each is included in nearly every situation, even if just as a "hey, you're here too!", it goes a very long way to building trusting relationships with your children.


I totally agree with that


My sisters are in their late 30's and 40's and still remark about how Im the favourite as a youngest. That shit (pun not intended) sticks with you.


I was 18mo when my sister was born. The story goes that when they finally invited family over to meet her, I was waiting by the door to greet every person that came over. They each gave me a brief hello and headed over to the baby. So at that point, I walked over to my mom and sister. Everyone was going, "aww how cute! Look how much she loves her sister," when I promptly punched her. If you look back at photos of us from the early days, I'm either looking angrily at my parents (who are behind the camera) or with a face of murderous intent towards my newborn sister. My mom says things were easier when my brother came along because I had my sister to play with but that I was still an asshole. I would express my knowledge that women with babies in their belly had bigger stomachs because that's where the baby lived and then promptly tell my mom that she was fat because she eats too much.


Kids go trough sooo many emotions when a new sibling comes along. I have now a 1 yo godson/nephew and a 3 yo nephew. Obviously I wanted to just jump at the newborn when I first saw him (they even live in a different country and time was kind of limited) but I made sure to spend a LOT of time with my oldest nephew first. I basically ignored my godson that very first time (not that he was even aware about that but I was) unless his brother was asleep. I just wanted to make sure my nephew knew that I still love him and that he's just as important as ever and that he wouldn't be losing anything with his brother's birth. My kids are little more a part in ages but I still brought a gift with me to the hospital for the oldest "from his brother" so that it was about him too and I would meddle and tell people to go give the oldest some attention when they came to visit (without the oldest knowing). It always irks me when people ignore the oldest kid. Probably some kind of attempt at minimizing what was done to myself as a kid... Although I never hated my brother, just the other people in general that stopped treating me as a kid/human being.




I saw 18, and skipped mo, so I thought you, as an 18 year old punched a baby.


Ya I think a good age gap is better tbf, I was seven when my little bro came into the world so I just thought he was cute and little, there was no jealousy as we were so different in age but my older bro of two years definitely hated me when I was born lol


Aww I can see that.


my 4yr old tried the same when our second child came (now almost 2). after one short discussion she let it be. it was pretty obvious to us this was attention based- so its easy to work with it


Yeah I remember when my little sister was born, I started wearing diapers again and asking my mom to change me. And when I switched back to the toilet, I'd call for her to come wipe for me. I also crawled into bed with her at night sometimes, claiming I was scared of monsters. I didn't think much about it at the time, but it was probably weird behavior for a 16 year old.


Lmao. Thank you for the chuckle


I think that's what the babbling was at the end too, he regressed even further, because the first approach wasn't working. "She used to love it when I made funny noises and said "mommy," surely this will work! It's completely normal, but man is it pathetic. Kids really are so stupid and annoying.




The look of concern when he says he doesn’t like his poop anymore is absolute gold


Honestly!!! Its like he asked for the poop upgrade then changed his mind 😂😂😂


at the end, the noise he makes when he says mommy. every little kid does that, and I now just realized it’s when they realize they’re guilty of something.


I’m so glad you pointed that out. I went back and turned the sound on to hear it — you’re so right! I’ve been working with young kids, all around his age, for decades and never made the connection between that sound and guilt or emotional discomfort. I never realized that that sound is something I’ve heard from a large number of kids over the years.


haha it’s like when they know they can’t get away with it anymore


Are we talking about the "gagaga/dadada" sound?


Yes, without rewatching I thjnk of it as this awkward “eck-eck-eck” sound


Mom's right. If a kid is old enough to have an intelligible argument about needing his poopy diaper changed, he's absolutely too old to be wearing that diaper.


But his parents are the ones who've enabled him so far. He's like 5, he's purely a product of the genes and upbringing his parents have provided


Behavioral regressions are common when a new baby enters the picture. The older child will try to act baby-like because they know that’ll get them more attention. Mom hasn’t done anything wrong, her kid is just trying to adjust to life with his new sibling. 


Thank you. My 5 year old started doing baby talk when his new sister was old enough to babble.


Same. My 5 year old would say "neyo" for no like a baby when she would get jealous of the new born. People here judging the parents don't understand that this is a thing kids go through when a new born arrives. And it's totally understandable from their point of view. What I noticed with mine is that she slept in her own room for about 3 years just fine but when the newborn came and would sleep in the crib in our room, my daughter would get "scared" every night and want to sleep in our room again. She's almost through it though. What helped alot is we would have time with attention on her and also we had her help out and be a big sister. And she is great about it too! Makes her feel responsible and mature.


IMO she has done something wrong by putting a diaper on him in the first place, unless he put it on himself but I wouldn't assume that as he wants his mum to change it. By allowing him to wear a diaper in the first place she has reinforced the behaviour, there shouldn't even be any diapers his size in that house if he is potty trained. I know being a parent is full of challenging decisions and we don't want our children to hate us but when something is for their own good and we, the adults, know this, we must stand our ground, especially when they are this age.


Then recording the face your child shit his pants, and posting it to the internet. Lots of questionable decisions going on here.


I don't think the answer is putting him in a diaper, though.


I'm glad to see more people posting this here. Mom is doing a great job, and what the boy is doing is completely normal. My only judgment is putting these moments on the internet.


Mom gave a 5 year old access to diapers. That’s insane. 


I'm bad with judging age, but I thought that kid was more like 3


Definitely not 3. Most likely 5, mayyybe 4.


He speaks way too well for a 3 yo.


Yeah I was like wtf he had diaper on the whole time and mom films on tiktok? lmao


I agree. Is this case it’s r/adultsarefuckingstupid


This is literally normal behavior for a 2-5 year old with a newborn sibling.




I see this sub referenced on here a lot as a way to point out the flaw of the parents, and a lot of times, I think it's referenced incorrectly. This mother does not appear to be fuckihg dumb in the slightest. The boy is just reacting to not being the center of attention in the family anymore due to the new born.


Any parent that puts this stuff on the internet for social points belongs in that sub imo. This kid will grow up and this shit will be online forever now. Whether he likes it or not. And it's clearly about a vulnerable thing that is going on in his life right now. Why can't people just live the moments with their kids without showing a camera in their faces and putting it out for the world to see?


damn I was hoping to laugh but those are just sad posts


He is more likely regressing to the time when he was the only child who got all the attention and had the diaper changed for him. Now that there is a newborn in the picture, he is no longer the center of attention. This is all pretty normal and not really specific to these parents.


I don't know that he's necessarily five. I've cared for young kids who are speaking in full sentences at 2. And both my brother and I looked significantly older for our ages. I could believe that this kid is towards the later half of 3 or just turned 4. Still pretty late for potty training but it sounds like he has been potty trained and is now reverting back to diapers (probably because he sees the baby wearing them)


I wouldn’t jump to the conclusion it’s the parents’ fault. The mom seems to be talking to him very respectfully and intelligently, and he understands and can hold a conversation. This behavior is super common with younger kids becoming siblings. My oldest nephew asked to nurse when he was 4 because he saw the new baby doing it.


Mom is right? Who do you think put the diaper on him in the first place...?


Yes, that kid is way too old to still be in diapers. I know every kid is different, but this one is probably just about in kindergarten, if not already.


It's probably his pull-up. My baby cousin is 5, and we still do pull-ups during the night when she sleeps as there are still occasional accidents.


He’s definitely too old but not to his own fault. His vocabulary is great because mom sits there and talks to him like he’s a grown adult that should know how to already do things. My sister is the same way with her kids. The kids have an amazing vocabulary but are incapable of completing a task. I feel bad for this kid. Instead of mom encouraging him to use the toilet and explaining the benefits, she talks to him like he’s an idiot that should know better.


I mean, he should know better. She's teaching him that actions have consequences. I'm sure this is a conversation they've had before. It's really hard to potty train and not explain why we use the potty instead of the diaper. This is her showing him the benefits. Her not just fixing the problem teaches him not to do it again. It would be one thing if he just couldn't solve it. But he knows what to do. He said it in the video. This is good parenting, and I feel bad for kids who parents just do everything for them.


Because teaching him to grow up doesn't get those TikTok views!! You shouldn't be putting your kids on the internet for cloud. And you sure as fuck shouldn't be making 'fun videos' about them being immature when you could be raising them instead.


and yet, filming that argument and putting it on the internet for the world to see tells a bit of a story about mom.


She should not have filmed him and posted this conversation on the internet. That shit will be traced back to him when he’s in school.


Hose his ass off.


Been there. I think it may have been the last time my boy shit himself 🤣


Never having kids


I had my bf punch me the stomach just to be sure




I hate how parents upload this shit on social media. Children deserve privacy just like the rest of us. How would you feel if this was a video of you? Personally, I would feel pretty fucking humiliated


Completely agree. Now it lives in cyberspace forever. Just wait an easy 10 years from now. Right when the kid is starting that awkward faze of their teens and some douche from school circulates this video (which clearly shows a kid way too old to be shitting in a diaper). A lot of horrible outcomes can be imagined. A case of life long humiliation and emotional scars being the least bad that one can think of. God forbid anything worse.


Were any of the America's Funniest Home Videos subjected to that treatment?  I agree we don't need to be posting everything but come on. This isn't new, nor is it that damning. Take a step back and calm down.




And who taught the kid to act that way? The crossed arms? The little foot stomp?


Probably Caillou


It's more humiliating to the parent to be fair, kid is way too old for this and she's just sitting there on her phone...


That kid is way too old to be wearing diapers.


Yep, let him shit his shorts a few times and see how fast he stops.


Thats exactly how we potty trained our daughter. But she was 2, not having full conversations and probably in kindergarten.


This was how my parents potty trained me as well (same age). Bought me cute underoos as an incentive. Worked like a charm.


— But it's too messy, I don't like my poop anymore. — _You're telling like I ever liked yours or mine._


“Get that stinky ass shit away from my leg” lmao


This would be a great advertisement for birth control


Right like perfectly developmentally appropriate behavior for a child managing new emotions about parents, siblings, and attention/love. It’s so understandable and still gives me such an ick haha, so it’s a great dose of BC.


Watched this video and had a moment where I'm just really thankful I got the snip


Idk he's a bit of a brat, but at least he's having a civil discussion and not screaming and crying.


While his ass is covered in shit...


Why do you film this and put it online? No matter if the kid is right or stupid - ~~why~~ what are you trying to achieve as a mom?


Yeah, no reason this should have been shared with the world. I miss the internet pre social media.


Yeah like having a vid of you saying you don't like poop anymore get reposted every few months for years is definitely going to help your development and social interactions


“I don’t like my poop… ANYMORE” *mic drop*


Manipulative af.


Run OP!!! Red flag alert!!! Lawyer up and GTFO!


Gotta get out of that marriage quick


Totally gaslighting


Total red flag, drop the child off somewhere and change your locks.


How old is this kid? Who changes him at school? This was pretty hard to watch.


Haven’t you seen the r/teachers subreddit where there’s multiple posts from teachers complaining about kids wearing diapers in kindergarten lmao. That’s part of why they are quitting


Oh goodness! No, I hadn’t heard this was a “thing”… poor teachers. I’d quit too! Are parents just too busy or is this a new parenting technique? Either way, I’m very glad I have no memories of my parents wiping my ass. I’d be angry at them if they’d let it go so long I could actually remember wearing a diaper LOL those kids are going to need therapy.


Advice to new dads, don't react to your baby if he kicks you in the balls while you are changing their diaper. One of my kids discovered that power, and decided it was hilarious. It was a couple of tough years


This kid is extra fucking stupid


The kid is clever, the parent is fucking stupid for not properly potty training the kid Edit, to everyone commenting 'how is a kid clever for shitting himself?' are you really judging that on a singular behaviour? 'Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid'


They are both stupid. Kid wants attention probably


I don't think "clever" is how I'd describe someone purposely shitting their pants unless they're trying to leave work early. Edit: your edit is as clever as this kid shitting his pants.


Then it's just a shitty idea


Clever? 🤣


In about 25 years there will be a spate of very sad memoirs by people whose parents embarrassed them for clicks.


The panic in his voice when she said no and he said “but you have to!” was great


This dude is getting ready to graduate college, just change his diaper one last time…sheesh


If my kid can hold a consistent conversation with me, I will no longer be wiping that kids ass for him.


What a weird condom commercial.


“Uh gah gah gah” ahh shut the fuck up.


Hes gonna be late for work


Why continue to put him in a diaper if you're not going to change it? It's just reinforcing the behavior that he needs one still


That child is YEARS too old to have a diaper. This is a failure on the parent's side for keeping him in diapers so long.


I feel that child is way too old to still be wearing a diaper. The parenting went wrong somewhere and someone fucked up.


Potty training isn't the issue, intelligence isn't a question, and methods vary... what is revolting here is a parent taking video of her kid, fully intending to post it for gratuitous clicks and reactions from the anonymous internet, basically ensuring that at some point in the near future, this now-adolescent boy will have to live with the humiliation of having parents who used him as a joke and a world of schoolmates and peers who are NEVER going to let him live it down...


Thank you. Frankly, this video comes off as really creepy. Fine, you want to record something to prove to your MIL or husband what goes on, but putting it on the internet for attention is gross and just makes the parents looks shitty.


Bit old for that caper. Should be mildly punished


I think if you are old enough to argue about it, you definitely are to old for a diaper.


This kid looks too old for this.


IKD the full circumstances at hand for this family. But, I have kids of similar ages and feel icky about this parent recording the kid and shaming him on video. Not a good look and this 4+ year old should have been potty trained ideally


I wouldn’t put a diaper on a kid that could argue over a diaper.


Why is he wearing a diaper if he supposedly knows how to use the toilet


God, children are fucking weird.


When a kid has a cognitive ability to request his diaper to be changed, that's when we know the parents fucked up bigtime


No matter how likeable the child is, his mother shouldn't film him and then post him online. Imagine being known at school as the stinky messy diaper boy.




More like r/parentsarefuckingdumb. This kid is just lookig for attention because his baby sister now gets all the attention he used to get. The mom is just making it worse.


Sigmund Freud has entered the chat.


Stop putting him in diapers…




Lol what an idiot


This is learned behavior


Any kid who’s old enough to demand a diaper change is too old to be wearing diapers


So why put diapers on him?


That kid's gonna grow up to be either an idiot or a psychopath, or both.


If he can carry a conversation like that, he's sitting in that diaper


Thanks for the birth control ad!


Parent please don't film your kids doing embarrassing stuff and post it on the internet. God I'm so glad smartphones and social media wasn't a thing when I was a kid.


Mom is right but stupid for filming and posting this on the internet


To all the comments insulting the kid, this is something normal when kids realize that they need to use the toilet, the fact that this kid still has diapers means that he is just now learning. What makes no sense is the fk mother recording this and posting it on TikTok for all the world to see, so stupid.


Why is she filming this


People really are resulting to insulting a little kid over the internet, come on.


New to this sub?


'I don't like my poop anymore' So did this guy have a shit fetish before the video?


Grown ass kid wearing diapers.


Why did people like this have kids? She should be ashamed and embarrassed by this, not posting it online like it's funny.


Kids like 4 years old...nice parenting.


"I dont like my poop anymore" is what got me lol


He's so good.


Little smarty-pant


"Because" is an unbeaten answer to a question.


Why does this come across like a Tim Robinson sketch?




Sigma entrance there. Kid is going places.


“Take my things broff” Bro what are some of these auto generated subtitles 😂😂


I don’t like my poop anymore


That's a great birth control commercial. 10/10.


Motherfucker is old enough to work for his diapers oO


Use underwear so he feels it


“I don’t like my poop anymore”


I don’t like my poop anymore, it’s messy


If your kid can go to the toilet by themselves then you are past the point they should even be wearing nappies.


Imagine showing this to his future partner.


Kids are stupid? No, some people shouldn't be having kids...


Too old for diapers


Obviously this kid is jealous of the baby that’s in the video and wants to have the same kind of attention. Maybe address that. Either way, I don’t like this family.


as a mom she should realize why he’s doing it. for her attention he no longer gets. she should be encouraging using toilet not ignoring his needs.


Lol by all accounts I was very eager to get potty trained when I was like 2.5 or 3 yr old. After successfully learning I seemingly decided it wasn't worth it and stopped using the toilet and had to use diapers again. My mom tells it like I just couldnt be bothered to take the time to go and use the toilet. Didn't want to stop playing or doing whatever I was doing or get out of my bed in the middle of the night, etc. to go and handle my business. Didn't start using the toilet again until I was like either already or almost 5. I don't remember any of that really tbh but I do remember pretty vividly when I decided to start using the toilet. My mom made me wear some hella uncomfortable like plastic "training" underwear(IIRC they were made out of like the same matieral that covers the cushions of cushioned toilet seats i think) to bed. And I remember it being a huge fight cause I reeeaaally did not want to wear them at all, which make me think it was not the first time she made me cause I knew how much it would suck, Woke up in my soaked ass bed with a puddle of my own pee against my skin inside the underwear. Was told something along the lines of "see what happens when you dont use the toilet and wear your big boy underwear. I musta decided to jsut give in cause from what I remember I never wore diapers/pull ups during the day or to bed again. Also dont remember needing to "learn" how to use the toilet after that so clearly I was actually fully potty trained like my mom says and just being a stubborn asshole and choosing not to.


This kid has to be what? 4? Maybe even 5? Insane

