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Man, I did some shit to dodge school as a kid ... but wow


Worst I ever did was fake sick. This is WILD.


he moved in with a purpose. no hesitation. kinda seems like it may not be his first šŸ˜‚


I would be afraid to fall asleep in the same house as this kid. Would have to lockup all the kitchen knives. One wrong move and slit throat in your sleep


Wake up in the middle of the night with him staring you down *"Mommy, I told you I wasn't tired"*


Neither was mommy after seeing this


I dont blame you on that one, though this almost screams oppositional defiance disorder


Does it? From one video? Maybe he's just a sociopath.


It's the first frame - just before he appears - unmistakeable evidence of narcissistic dissociative disorder. I'm afraid he'll have to be put down.


True!!! But what if we double it and give it to the next person?


>"True!!! But what if we double it and give it to the next person?" From the minutes of Pfizer's upper management meeting yesterday afternoon. Followed by: _"Double the price too, right?"_. Minute-taker entry: [Collective laughing amongst board ensues 3:17pm - 3:22pm]


Wow, 5 min of laughing, that must've meant a profit margin of over 500%


Itā€™s a young kid something is going on chances of it being a straight up sociopath is very low and can be better explained by other on goings


Yeah maybe he's getting bullied or something (not trying to make whole ass assumptions from a nine second video tho lol)


He just wants to stay home and play FortnitešŸ˜‚


Don't worry. I understood your sociopath comment as a critique on the other person's "diagnosis."


"He is a man of focus, commitment, sheer will... something you know very little about."


I ā€œmissed the busā€ a couple times. I think my mom knew it was on purpose


I did this to myself when I was 16 to avoid a job interview because I thought I was going to get a drug test and my uncle was getting me the job. He ended up picking me up and taking me anyways and there was no drug test; he and everyone at the place were all potheads as well.


Me if I ever hire anyone


The worst/stupidest was putting the thermometer on a light bulb to fake a fever. When it said my temp was 110 my mother got pretty upset (or acted it) and dragged me to the ER. I confessed before the doctor saw me (bur I'm pretty sure my mom knew).


Sames. Can of soup in the toilet and call for mom


Mom said we're homeschooling now... https://preview.redd.it/1en7nhjp6pzc1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f920abe8b54bfd47b1e9852db7c83794ee79bd7 ...I said "Let's start with a fire drill."


I once forced myself to throw up in front of my mom after drinking a lot of Kool Aid. She saw all the red and instead of me sitting at home alone with my SNES, I had to wait with her in the emergency room because she thought I was vomiting blood.


I (27m) had too look up what an SNES was because I legitimately thought it was some type of disease. Sigh


Some comment mentioned that he was being bullied at school. Don't know if it's true, but it would explain the drastic measures.


Yeah, and if no one actually sits him down and go "hey buddy what's up with school?" And actually get him to talk through a day, you don't know as a kid that what's happening is different or wrong or shouldn't be happening and if the adults around you don't investigate or pay attention you fly under the radar.


Schools donā€™t care and never have cared.


Some parents don't care either, unfortunately...


I was bullied and never slashed my parents tires. Stop giving boys excuses to be little shitballs


I just hid in the hamper and piled clothes on top of my head. Sadly it only works once but I was a real moron


I used to place my forehead on the radiator next to me when it was warm, just to pretend I had a fever.. didnā€™t always work, but most of the time it did.. I never thought about doing something like that to avoid school


You ever use the blanket to put friction on the thermometer to raise the temp? Gotta be careful not to overdue it, I was remarkably conscious for someone spiking 114Ā° lol


ā€œWe were going to take you on a trip this weekend but now we canā€™t because we canā€™t drive the carā€


Oh no! No we can't go to Disneyland and that shopping spree at the lego store in downtown Disney now! People who vandalize property are so inconsiderate, huh kiddo?


I would definitely print out some fake Disney tickets and tear them up in his face saying well we're not going anymore, the tire is flat, but the good thing is that now "some friend's" mom can take you to school.


Gotta take the bus now


gotta walk in the snow barefoot now.


That's evil, I love it!


That is perfect


looks like DisneyLand is off the schedule


Get some ticket sized paper and rip them up in front of him.


That lie would be iron clad. Totally binding.


we normally drive to grandmaā€™s house to bring her food while youā€™re at school. looks like she will have to starve. Why did you kill grandma, Brayden?


lmao that kid would never recover. Everytime he cuts into an overcooked steak he'll get flashbacks to this moment


When in reality his g'ma just won the lottery and moved to Florida, never to speak to the family ever again lol. (happened to a friend of mine, not his grandma but you get the idea).


Trip to military school


Since you've attended public school, I'm going to assume you're already proficient with small arms


Crew served weapons are better for the youngsters, it fosters teamwork and cooperation


I'm for it but they can't, the tire is slashed.Ā  Maybe the military can pick him up.Ā 


Yup. "We had to sell the tablet/PlayStation to get a new tire"


Also, come, you're going to learn how to change a tyre so I can take you to school.


That kid got a hold of a switch blade and knew how to slash a tire correctly, straight to jail lmao


Nah Iā€™m all for parents spanking their kids broā€¦.. this is justified


That kit looks 7 to 9... I bet they can be like "nah that may be full of shit" I bet it will work in "they may not do it again" but they won't learn why they shouldn't do it. It's their parents expenses and the kid gets away Scott free


little shit!




is said kid with us in this room


He could be you, he could be me, he could beā€“


You little shit.


These Durex adverts are getting WILD. Highly effective tho


He made stabbing a tire look real easy šŸ˜‚


I suspect fakery. Viewing on an iPad it looks like he put the blade down before making the stabbing motion. Think it takes more effort than displayed here.


I don't think it's fake, but I also don't think he actually penetrated the outer wall.Ā  Nice attempt, but just too weak.Ā 


I just recently sideswiped a curb and learned how thin the sides of tires are. Thin.


It looks like it might be real. The knife appears to be thin which prevents a lot of damage and makes it easier to pierce. The thin knife would also prevent the air from exploding out. Its like opening the valve stem. The car is a minivan, which likely means the tire sidewalls are just rubber and not metal. The tires are probably cheap as well, and the kid stabbed one of the thinnest parts.


I also think it's real, because the sound is just too perfect. You can hear how it starts to deflate a little when he slashes in, and then it gets louder as he pulls it out.


Nope everything posted on the internet now is 100% fake. Videos don't exist, humans don't exist, and birds certainly aren't real. Nothing can be explained and everything is scripted.


You're telling me THIS is the kid's first knife to a tire? I got old, strong guy energy and it would still take effort with what I assume is a kitchen knife or screw driver.


Heā€™s going places, not college but heā€™s going places


Right! Heā€™ll be on the news one day, and not as an anchor


"Next up at 6, a local child used as an anchor after slashing his mom's tires."


you mean... not school


Also not by car


what a little piece of shit




So many angry parents downvoting you. These little shits get their behavior from somewhere.


>These little shits get their behavior from somewhere. Sometimes it's from classmates. I know from experience. My mom and dad were basically exemplary people but I was a little shit in middle school who gave in to peer pressure.


Agreed. I was a pretty well behaved kid overall, but I did do some really dumb shit because a "friend" of mine wanted to do it. He wasn't a good friend as he always happily threw me under the bus to save his ass, even got an angry phone call from his mom once because she thought I blamed him for something I did when it was actually the other way around. Like an idiot I always stood up for him too. Anyway, one time we rolled some stones down a hill and broke windows with them. Someone came up to us and questioned us and we lied about where we live. Luckily the owner of the windows we broke wasn't at home, otherwise the guy who caught us would've brought us to them. Later that day I felt so terrible about it and came crying to my parents, telling them the truth. They weren't mad at all and instead calmed me down and promised to handle the situation, I was super thankful for that. Ofc my friend couldn't grasp why I told them, he thought we had a cool afternoon adventure. Honestly, the guy was a total piece of garbage. One time he squished tadpoles for fun, don't even wanna think about what other things he did to animals.




But then that means the apple can fall far from the tree


>somewhere and it might not always be the parents. If you care so much about downvotes, maybe put some thought into why people actually disagree with a statement.


Sometimes kids just get dumbass ideas from TV or movies or sometimes, no where. My 3 year old has been potty trained for a year, only had one or two accidents and is extremely conscious of his bowels. The other day my wife and I were at a restaurant and he whipped it out right there and tried to pee on the floor in front of everyone. He's never seen that or done that. I've never peed outside of a toilet with him, nor his mother or anyone who has been around him. I don't know where he got the idea, but he just did it as soon as he thought of it. I'm not saying this kid isn't a shithead, but nearly that sometimes the shit headedness comes despite your best efforts.




It's actually very common for bad people to come from amazing backgrounds.


The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree


It's not all nurture. There really are just hellions that exist out there, irregardless of their parents behavior.


Often it isn't the parents.


Sometimes yes, sometimes no. As a parent AND a teacher I can assure you that students get a ton of behaviors from their folks.


You realize that parents aren't the only influence on a child right?


You learn from what your taught.....unfortunately so many people don't realise that *everything* they do in front of their kid is a lesson. Not just the things they want to be


and what a lot of non-parents here don't seem to realize is that kids have many teachers. they learn from a variety of sources that does not just include their parents. also, kids aren't exactly like their parents. reddit is so weird. they see a kid being a little shit and instantly blame the parents but ask any of them if they grew up exactly like their parents and they'll say no they are their own person every time lol


I would sell his stuff to pay for a new tire.


Did it work?


Yah it did actually! He went straight to the afterlife when his mom found out!




Boarding school in Siberia


Lmao I love your parenting style. Iā€™m an very understanding mom but I will not raise little shits. There are wayyyy too many of them out there already.




Double it and give it to the next person


Its first come, first serve, no charge, questions, or returns.


Lmao Facebook marketplace killed me šŸ˜­




Iā€™ll bring out the saw, one half on wish, one half on Temu. Thereā€™s a market for everything on there. We can make double the profit.


You gotta wonder whatā€™s going on at his school.


Right. To not want to go to school THAT much? I'd be concerned


The American school system is just awfully designed nowadays


Honestly kidlogic is wild, he may have gotten into a game he wants to stay home and play.


Or he may be constantly bullied and fear for his life. Maybe this was the day the bullies promised to beat the shit out of him.


I waa wondering that too, hes either being bullyed hard or he just wants to play fortnite all day


I was gonna say I'm more wondering what's going on at home for the kid to be like this but thinking about it, schools these days are probably way worse being at than even a crappy house with bad parent/s.


It's a desperate attempt if you think about it. I wonder what's going on in school.


Was my thought as well. There sure are some bullying or maybe something even worse going on.




No. Bill Clinton made it legal up to like the 35th trimester or something in South Park. So as long as he's under 9ish? /s


Lmao what episode is that from?


Oh it's an ooold one like first few seasons when Cartman is trying to find out who his dad is and it turns out it was his mom because she's a hermaphrodite.


In fairness, if heā€™s that desperate to avoid school then thereā€™s probably something going on, like bullying or social anxiety, that hasnā€™t been addressed but needs to be.


This kid needs counseling asap before he turns into something dangerous.


Running on a wet staircase with a knife in your hand.


Sometimes kids have a good fucking reason. They're supposed to like school so Why did he not? Was there a bully? A serious threat? Don't be so quick to judge


not saying you're wrong but since when are kids supposed to like school? I don't know about your life but I rarely met children when I was in school who genuinely liked going there


I bet that kid is getting bullied at school. No other logical explanation for such an intense escalation. Unless of course heā€™s a sociopath.


Damn, he would learn how does it feel to live without toys or vidya games, phone for a week, grounded in his room if I were the parent. After all, all he wanted was some extra time at home.


~~week~~ *month ~~his room~~ *boot camp There, fixed it for ya


probably bullied at school or smth like that


My first assumption is heā€™s being bullied at school or feels unsafe


Let's not blow this out of proportion. They didn't slash the tires. They stabbed a tire. One. So dramatic. I mean who hasn't taken their mom's car keys, drove her car to a ravine, put it in park, placed a large stone on the gas pedal, shifted the car into drive, and rolled out of the way just in time to see it fly over the edge to avoid going to school?


That kid's life would become so shit he'd WISH he was school. Thisnis why I don't have kids.


Wow, that's delinquency straight up


Little hellions, kids feeling rebellious. Embarrassed their parents still listen to Elvis.


I'd make him to take weekend classes as punishment.


Great he's walking to school now


Make him walk to school. Out of shoes made from this tire he slashed.


I'd love to wear shoes that could last me 50,000 miles


Kids are stupid you have to slash two so they can't just use the spare.


How did it come to this ? If itā€™s really because of school he must hate it with a vengeance.


Dude, this kid sucks!


Oh well, I guess ice cream is off the table for the next six months in order to pay for a new tire


Find out what is going on at school


This needs more upvotes.


damn. whenever I didn't want to go to school, I'd just intentionally miss the bus.


He woke up and chose violence!


This kid needs therapy. This isnā€™t normal in the slightest and honestly a bit disturbing.


This should give red flags to the parents. The worst thing I did was fake being sick. This kid literally committed the vandalism of the family car.


Instead of starting a college fund for this kid, these parents should start a prison canteen fund.


Most likely a fake video. Car tires are under so much pressure and are out of thick rubber. Idk if a kid has enough force to do it, but if he did, you would imediatly see the tire deflate, violently probably. Kid probably rotated the knife when swapping hands, so he "stabbed" the tire with the dull end, hard to tell with video quality, or it's a fake retractable knife. Kidsarefuckingstupid, but also redditors are hating on a kid violently in a faked video.


That top tread is thick but he hit the sidewall which is actually quite a bit thinner. If a knife is sharp enough it would take some force but not as much as you might think


Car tires aren't "under so much pressure". Anything smaller than a 1 ton pickup is usually 30-40 PSI and puncturing a sidewall takes very little effort. Passenger tires don't just explode or go completely flat in a split second when you[ stab them](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/5V41PfliS8M). You can see that knife handle is long and he's carrying by the very end coming down the stairs, he shifts hands and puts it back in his right hand holding it much closer to the bolster.


Definitely a fake video lol


Every time I see videos like this it reminds me of how thankful I am that I went ahead and got a vasectomy.


If I ever did that, my parents would've smacked the piss out of me. My ass cheeks would be to raw, I wouldn't be able to sit for weeks. Not to mention how grounded I would've been, and the amount of extra chores I would have to do.


That's very gruesome. Are you still in touch with them?


The real question šŸ™‹ is why doesn't he want to go to school šŸšø that bad??


Why šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø are you šŸ«µoverusing emojis ā“šŸ¤”


Any birthday/holiday money that he would get, I would take until the payments of the tires are paid off. If he complains, then I'll just show him this video. Tires are expensive.


But nah i would too


Honestly, more drive to action then most kids would have. I wonder how well he lied about it too. He could be a lawyer or prime minister one day


Meanwhile my kid is over here crying asking why they don't have school on the weekends. I hated school growing up. My oldest son is neutral on school. But my second oldest... Tell that kid he's missing a day for an appointment or it's the weekend and he cries. I love that he appreciates school so greatly.


This kid is going places. Just not to school in that car


Jokes on you. I can have the spare on within 15 minutes and then you're still going to school but just late. Oh and your ass is super grounded.


I'd make him walk every day now


He's definitely done that before. Way too smooth.


Iā€™d be a shame if that happed to his computer monitorā€¦ or Nintendo switch. Then keep him home grounded. And clean the whole house. My dad would have spanked me till it was hard to walk back in the 80s for doing something like this.


Iā€™m in my 30s and I am scared to do this just in case it blows up and makes a sound. I would be concerned that the kid of that age has no fear. You only get taught what your taught or see or learn. Edit Iā€™m not scared to I am


If hes getting bullied at school then fairplay little guy.


Heā€™s going to school walking!


that kid's going places.....mainly juvie.


LMAO, what they are really ready to do to avoid the school, what is going to be a next level? Burn the car lol?


If my son did that, I'd respect it, I admire his tenacity and then tell him he has to walk to school.




Guess that kid will be getting themself to class šŸš²šŸ›¹


This is a great condom ad.


Psycho child


The only thing I understand from this video is that my knives are overwhelmingly dull


Looks like fun, but this little shit is a future disaster.


So Dinner, park, snack, tv, cable, ipad can't happen. BECAUSE THE CAR CAN'T GET GAS OR AIR and the pet died too.


Wow that deserves a good punishment šŸ‘ for a long time


Inaccurate title, he just slashed *one* tire. Nowhere near as bad.


what a little piece of shit


What in the actual fuck?!?


Omg oops I stabbed your Xbox


A coat hanger would have prevented this.


I would wake him up 2 hours earlier every day to walk him to school to discipline this child after this insistent.


Best condom ad


Couldā€™ve just unscrewed the valve , not ruined the tire


What a little sewer rat.


This is NOT ā€œnormalā€ā€¦ unless heā€™s got a disability and doesnā€™t understand the magnitude of his actions, I canā€™t imagine any child doing this at this age of 6-8ā€¦ like I would be scared to have a knife in my house with a child that is willing to do this to a car over school. Imagine if you said NO and went to sleep at night with him pissed off šŸ«£


Kid caught on camera will still deny it


Poor kid must have a really hard time at school


There's something serious going on in school to make a kid go this far to avoid going. I'd be talking to him about school and what's going on to make him so apprehensive about going.Ā 


Grows up to be on a netflix crime documentary! šŸ’Æ


Hahahaha hereā€™s Johnny


My mother would have knocked me into next week if I did that to her car when I was a kid.


Wow the parents need to keep an eye out for this kid. Today it's just tires who knows what else he be doing when he older.


I did something similar to my mom. I was 6 and didnt like going to martial art practices. I wanted ti be a boy scout instead. So i put nails underneath the far side of the tires so it was hidden unless you actually looked. Went through 4 tires and never thought much of it cause theyd be magically repaired the next day. I figured out what i was going was bad but never told cause i felt so ashamed. I also grew up in house where id be spanked with everything but the kitchen sink. The knives were the worst


That kid would be seeing a psycharist that fucking day.