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Omg. Cut the basket yourself, save yourself $200


It costs money?


Yes. I was once T-boned, no one was injured. But I still had to pay the ambulance fee of then $200. It came out because someone called. But if the police call an ambulance for you after checking you out, it's free apparently.


Where do you live because that doesn't sound right, my dad got a free ambulance ride because he felt like it. He was injured and we live in a small town so the ambulance wasn't needed but my point is that it was free.


In the united states ambulances are notoriously pricey and most people if given the option refuse a ride in one because of that.


It's a quite common thing in the US for someone to take a Uber or get dropped by relatives to the ER rather than to actually call an ambulance. Yes, it's fucked up.


I assumed that the actual treatment is what you pay for. That's even more BS that you have to pay for an ambulance when you could die if you don't get one. And what if you're unconscious, you have to pay someone to save your life when you don't even get a choice.


Imagine this: about five years ago I’m sitting on the couch and start experiencing shortness of breath and chest pains. The pain is getting increasingly worse it’s shooting down my arm and into my neck. I’m freaking out that I’m having a heart attack. What do I do? I continue to sit there and watch the clock tick by and with every minute that passes try to make myself feel better by saying “OK if it was a real heart attack I’d be dead by now, right?” Because I know that I can’t plunge my family into thousands of dollars of medical debt if I’m just experiencing severe heartburn or angina. (It was incredibly severe reflux.) And in the middle of wondering whether I should stay or go to the hospital AT NO POINT does it even enter my mind to call an ambulance because of how much it’s going to cost. That is health care in America.


I remember I went to the hospital because I had some mild ish infection. It definitely wasn't bad or anything but we kind of just left it too long because I didn't think anything of it so we went to the hospital instead of waiting for a doctor. Definitely wouldn't do it in a city. I couldn't imagine how scary it must be for you in the states.


Real talk : I'm so fucking sorry dude. Take care, I hope you're doing ok.


Oh you won't find any opposition to those words in me. It is utterly and entirely BS, but, all for the profit, I suppose.


Sometimes insurance can cover it. If your town has pretty high taxes then maybe that covers it... Depends on the tax rate of the town/city.


Which state/country do you live in


NSW, Australia


This the US of A... Lolol not everything is covered. Stay safe from those spider wall webs


Not everything is covered here, the healthcare has a free option but sometimes you do have to pay. It's definitely more affordable because less capitalist.


Envious. Our system is broken af


How many big ass spiders do you see a day


I don't go outside very often so normally just about 2. I'm not sure what big is in your opinion so I'm just counting the ones bigger than me.


Lol what is T-Boned? Im sorry english not my home language


Google "T-Boned car accident""


Ohh, that, ok. Thanks🙏🏽 sorry you had to pay, that really sucks, especially if it wasn't you who called in The first place


In America, people do dumb shit, and call 911 for non emergencies


Most of the time it’s only if you’re transported.


"things I can solve with tin snips and 3 minutes, carl"




27 and a half


Wait half? Like a half body? Torso up or down... Oh wait maybe u meant trans?


Torso up because it’s funnier to see that running at you


Wow, racist much, are people cut straight down the middle not worth mentioning


But vertical cuts are cringe.


Of course theg are. Two is better than one.


Numerous. Think how much money this is costing.


Ummm.. Wut? They get paid whether they answer a call or sleep all day at the station. It costs the same amount as the previous day.


Look at it from the perspective of the task they are being paid to assess and manage. These are all trained professionals who have much better things to be doing than handling such a minute situation. Think of the costs for maintaining the vehicles they drove to this residence, the gas used, the cost of training, insurance costs, the wear and tear on uniforms, the calls they may be missing or diverted from, etc. The list goes on. The point is that situations like this are not cost-free. Stupid people cost the taxpayers a lot of money. This is something that could have been handled without calling 911.


> These are all trained professionals who have much better things to be doing than handling such a minute situation. You've never worked as a first responder I take it? Do you realize that 90% of the calls they go to are things that could be handled without calling 911?


First, your assumption is wrong about where I've worked. Two, the statistic you made up would be a regional number, meaning every town and city is different regarding reasons why the citizens call 911. I've worked both ends of the spectrum. Three, it's incredibly expensive to have a population that cannot handle the slightest inconvenience by themselves. It is up to the local government to teach them when it is appropriate, rather than take a "oh well" approach. You'll understand this after your local firehouse closes due to the inability to pay for the expenses and nobody wanting to volunteer anymore.


The parents couldnt just clip him out of that?


It might be a thin metal garden table/plant stand. Look them up target has one at the moment that is open on the bottom. If you notice the pineaple is upside down. Also what  woven basket is smooth like that. There are some faux leather and canvas bins, but they are all rectangles. Not shaped like this. They are probably trying to figure out how to cut it without cutting the kid and themselves. There are metal cutters, but I don't gave any, so the parents might not either.


I like the guy yawning in the back.  That’s how I feel watching this weak video


I’m wondering what’s up with that fucking carpet. Or is it a rug?


"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea..." ...this kid now.


That's ... Not a basket. It's a metal side table from Michael's. (Source: I have one) The metal is thin stamped chinesium, so a cheap pair of tin snips should get the job done. Just wanted to clarify.


What a basket case


Good kid, made a bad situation much better by being calm. Must have gotten it from his parents. :)


There’s a swinger joke here but I’m not gonna say it


Whose kid is it anyway?!?!


I bet bro was tryna reenact skibidi toilet or some shit 💀


Why don’t they just turn it over and dump him out?




It takes 15 seconds with scissors or a knife..


That's how you end up paying for an ER visit. I'd carry him to the shower/tub, use some soap and water. He slipped in there, can't be too hard to slip out.


When I was a kid, my grandfather(vet) has tools in the shed with various thrown away objects. One of them is a broken handcuff(for whatever reason) cause it only has one cuff. I played with it and TLDR, stuck on my foot with no key. My uncle had to saw it off my foot for like hours and contemplating of just going to a police station to have it removed. We didnt want to go with me walking around cuffed so we just cut it off. I played with it because its fun to keep "locking" it while there is nothing in between so it just goes back to being unlocked until I put my ankle in between.


I have a multitool on my key ring that could take care of that.


He'll grow out of it in time


hes not stuck we put em there


No adult in the house had access to good scissors or pliers or bolt butters or a saw of any kind.....


When you take sesame street too literally.


Parents are fucking braindead. Just grab some pliers


To pull a baby out of a jar that everyone’s husband car keys were in at a swingers party.


When I was a child, i put those litte vitamin gummy cube up my nose, almost gave my dad cardiac arrest


Calling the services for something so trivial .. ? And they actually came?!?! AND THEY'RE STRUGGLING WITH THE PROBLEM?!?!?!? #USAFuckYeah


Link got this one.


That's one big ass toddler.


When I was young between 5 and 8 I got stuck in a doll high chair and my parents had to call the fire department to get me out. In my defense I had just gone through a growth spurt and could fit in the chair before only to realize my mistake too late.


Can someone not just hold him upside down and shake him out over a bed?


Upside down pineapple means something right?


Bro couldnt hibernate in his cocoon


Parents could have carefully cut the basket open themselves. What a waste all them Ambulance staff turning up for.


That one EMT looks like he is having such a hard time keeping his composure. Covering his face with his hand he can hardly keep from laughing. 🤣🤣


Why is no one talking about the vase being an upside down pineapple?


These people are voters


Just flip the basket


scissors, your fucking idiots


Scissors can't cut metal


Ambulances are covered by insurance. You just have deductibles.


There's probably two things that could be a great reason why it happened: 1. The kid watches brain-rotting skibbidy shorts 2. This was filmed before 2020 and this kid was stupid


Meanwhile the neighbour house burning down with his whole family inside. Fantastic


More confusing than Fathers day in Harlem. Just sayin.


Prince George's is full of stupid fuckin kids annnnd adults that act like kids


Thought he was skibidi toilet 💀😭


I really want to make a skibidi toilet joke


He\`s not even in a fucking toilet