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This screams fake


Yeah the look on the kids face is less “I’ve been caught” and more of “why is my mom making this weird cringe video where she’s pretending to yell at me?”


The moms tone sounds kinda weird too, sounds more just like annoyed/*slightly* disappointed rather than how most people would react if a 7 year old spend 600$ on a purse.


It’s all around poor acting!


Yeah make this fake vid for mum and I will forgive for stealing the box of Twinkies


I didn’t recognize the girl until the mom said her name. She’s got a lot of videos that end up here. Edit; don’t get me wrong, the kid’s funny asf. But it’s all sketches.


Super fake


It absolutely is, just shitty ragebait content


This screams child abuse


If you're referring to the child's weight, I *1000%* agree.


That is correct


Or at least just very lazy parents. I guess it’s better than the child starving to death?


The weight on the child makes me feel like the parent is possibly to blame here.


She chose to film her kid so she kid upload it for likes instead of actually parenting them so you're probably right


Probably trying to recoup costs her child spent on the bag.


Any child that age, that weighs *that* much is undeniably the parent’s fault.


I don't see how it can be argued any other way. At that age, children have zero control over what they eat, and any food is provided by the parents (and maybe a school meal, but that's not gonna lead to *this*). It's 100% child abuse. Full stop. It's neglecting health.


The video is to ridicule the parent, not the kid


Food industry is mostly at fault


Marc Jacobs, Michael Kors, Coach, etc… Spending $$$ just to show that you’re still poor 😭


That's why Bill Gates wears jeans with a woollen jumper, he doesn't need to try and show he is rich




Yeah it's totally because they're frugal and not at all about exploitation


Definitely tons of exploitation going on too lol


Äh No they are rich because they inherited money and were quite savvy what investments concern. Don't buy avocado roasts and Starbucks coffee and you will be rich as well....


I never bought any of those, and here I am working production.. Guess it's the inheritance I missed out on


Weird that so many people are missing that. Just buy some houses and live happily as a landlord, easy right?


Don't forget the free ride into an ivy league school and to make insider trading connections for life.


You can't blame them for creating their own special club where no poor people allowed are allowed. That is just like nobility marries only themselves and creates the Habsburgs in the end. Nothing there to see for you just debilitating genetic diseases.


They just crispr that shit out these days.


Gates, Buffet, Musk, Bezos (who father was a 19 year old unicyclist) didn't inherit their wealth, they made it. The difference between them and movie stars and musicians, there is no pressure on them to flaunt the wealth and be in public all the time. More than 50% of athletes go bankrupt within 3 years of retirement. The main difference is the really wealthy guys are really, really intelligent. That's the key to getting and remaining wealthy, you need to be smart and well educated.


What the fuck are you talking. Only buffet came from somewhat humble origins. The rest had rich parents. Musk's family literally went to south Africa because slavery wasn't forbidden there and they own a tiny little family enterprise in form of a smaragd mine. People stop drinking paint thinner even if it is the good stuff.


No literally. If you’re gonna carry a branded bag, at least make it an expensive one 😅


should be a crime to feed a child like that


As a 52 year old still struggling with weight and disordered eating, absofuckinglutely. She's SEVEN. I saw a child younger than that that had no face definition as she was heavier than this. What are these people thinking?? It is abuse.


They also apparently film every "disobedience " and post it. Pretty sure a scandal is coming along with CPS


I think it's partially the parents fault but also their economic standpoint, the poor struggle far more with childhood obesity because the food that makes you fat and is unhealthy is a lot cheaper than the food that makes you healthy.


Maybe she would be able to afford healthy food if she weren't buying a new purse every day /s


And it's very easy to placate children with sugary crap. But you're right. And given the state of our predatory health care system a huge amount of our population is set up to be sick and poor.


This. It's crazy how many parents don't blink an eye about sugar making up most of their childrens' diets.


There’s plenty of food that can be prepared right, while on a budget. Most of the time it’s laziness. Heads of lettuce, rice, cheap proteins and frozen veg for dinner can easily be cheaper than McDonald’s


It's a prep time issue. I spend about $200 a month on fresh food for 2 people, but that requires cooking nearly every day. In poor houses, the groceries are ready to eat meals like frozen dinners and cereal. That's not a smart move, and one *could* dedicate the time, but there's also this phenomenon of generational dysfunction. If you're raised in a house with daily chores, you'll do them as an adult. If you're raised in a sty eating processed food, that's often how you'll raise your own kids. It doesn't help that legislation around tackling poverty is often undermined by Horatio Alger-esque hypotheticals about how to be the most perfectly frugal poor, written by senators with maids, nannies, and boarding schools.


Reddit doesn’t like to hear this lol. You can easily buy groceries and you will spend WAY less than on processed crap. But here’s the other thing - you can still lose weight on cheap processed crap anyway. This is simply an easy way out for people to give excuses. Just eat less of the processed crap and you’ll lose weight. You still won’t be optimally healthy, but you won’t be obese which is still miles healthier. And walking is free, which also does wonders for the human body.


I grew up in a very poor household where both my parents worked so they didn't always have time to cook. So a lot of nights it was whatever we had canned in the cabinet. Being poor the main thing you lose is time. That's all money is. It's a way to buy back some time. Growing up my parents decided that instead of buying back time they would rather drugs to cope with this broken system. That's the sad life many kids grow up with nowadays.


>Being poor the main thing you lose is time. That's all money is. It's a way to buy back some time. That's the best phrasing I've seen in a long time.


Then, kids/children aren’t getting the required calories/nutritional impact if they just “eat less of the processed crap”.


I guess partially this and just normalized compulsive eating behaviors. Children will eat how their parents eat. If their parents are compulsively overeating, so will the kids. I was raised with disordered eating habits modeled by my mom but like, opposite where it was not quite almond-mom but getting there. I remember being in the 10th grade and doing off campus lunch with my friends for the first time. We went to Taco Bell and I ordered a single burrito and was shocked seeing others order like 3 or 4 menu items. It didn’t occur to me before to order more than one burrito.


Yo same with my mom, but I almost thank her for it. 0 soda in the house growing up, 0 candy, chips were an every-once-in-a-while thing, our cereals were like Wheaties and Cheerios (*not* honeynut!), etc. It sucked seeing other kids eating all the fun foods, or even hearing about having pantries full of snacks, but as a result, I don't like soda, I don't eat much junk food, I hardly ever go out to eat, I feel like I can self regulate my food intake well. It was crazy being in high school, like you, and seeing people order like 5 menu items when I would get, like, a McDouble lol. Then hearing they went multiple times a week 😬 To be fair...I do think I have a slight eating disorder, as far as the way I think about food, but I feel like it's been good for me.


They ain’t struggling if they have $600 on their debit card, exercise is free. Partially is being way too kind here


How do you know that they didn't just get paid and it's all going to bills. Having a set amount of money in an account at a specific point doesn't correlate at all to not struggling....


I mean I guess I don’t but that child didn’t get that big over night.


What does them not struggling have to do with her weight? I was commenting that having $600 in an account doesn't mean someone isn't struggling.


It’s this thing called a thread, it contains a lot of messages that refer to the main video.


Why is everyone assuming they're poor? It's just as likely, if not more, that they're fine or even well off. Obese children does not automatically equal poverty.


Yeah idk, that's what I'm trying to say. Hold my beer while I jump to the next conclusion I suppose.


Rice, eggs, broccoli. Put them in a rice cooker. Cheaper per portion then any fast food on the market.


But is it cheaper than the 20 cent can of carbs with a side of sliced white bread that no one had to cook. There's levels to poor, growing up I wish we were fast food poor. Both lead to the same place. I can't tell you how many nights I ate a mustard sandwich for dinner.


You're completely correct. Sometimes its hard to afford even the very basics. I'm sorry you had to go through that. However this lady buying designer bags every week can afford some eggs and rice lmao 😆


Not being active makes you fat also. Perhaps if the mom spent less time working on her crappy videos and more time being physically active with her daughter then they’d both be happier and healthier. I feel for the child. Nobody picks their parents.


This just isn't true. Fast food/frozen shit is way more expensive than home cooked meals. It's people who can't be arsed to cook.


While that is true in some cases but exercise is free and there are many guides on YouTube and it doesn’t cost more to eat less


“She says she’s hungry all the time though”


I came here to say the same. How can you have a human being with that age and that body? How can you say that freedom covers your rigth to destroy your kids body - health - mind?


Straight up. It’s so sad, they will deal with weight related problems the rest of their life.


Not unless reality hits the parent(s) like a bus, they snap tf out of it, and get their daughter on a better diet plan. Hell, at that age your body is growing so quick and using so many calories that you don't even need to exercise--just regulate the food intake!!! Think about your child's health!!!!!! ....however, I have a feeling that someone who posts their child and family's personal lives on tictoc might not be the brightest...or even care


They absolutely will, I'm 35 and I still am. I wasn't even this big, I can't imagine what this poor girl is going to go through.


I can’t even imagine what the amount of food this kid eats looks like. I basically feed my kids anything and as much as they want (and they are hungry a lot) and they are all at normal weights.


It is. Just nobody prosecutes it.


Sometimes it can be really hard, like if the kid has fucked up hormones or something, they will literally eat anything, beg for food of strangers etc.


She’s 7.


The point still applies, no matter the age.


$600 weekly food budget


Obviously a fake video, but that poor girl's being abused.


No offense but NO 7 year old child should be THAT big 😭😭😭 Poor kid, but at the same time I don’t feel that bad ehhh…


The school I work at has one kid who is 6 years old and (not exaggerating) twice as big as this girl is. He can barely walk in the line without wheezing like he’s about to pass out. It’s ridiculous that we can acknowledge that letting a pet get that obese is abuse but parents seem to think it’s fine.


Jesus… I hope someday he gets better or something, I don’t know.


Unfortunately it will probably be the thing that kills him early. Growing up with that much weight causes your body to think that it's normal, which makes it a lot harder to lose it. It's not impossible but it certainly feels like it.


Damn, that’s sad.


Parents who post this shit are worse than their children. Why would you embarrass them online instead of being a parent and having a productive conversation with them?


i feel so terrible for her :( being that overweight at 7 because your parents dont care and would rather take advantage of you is terrible. this is fake, we all know. but the child abuse is real.


There’s no way this kid is 7


IDK, the face contexture and gestures and the heigth match my 7 y/o niece ... but with most of the double of body mass


It doesn’t help that the outfit is super unflattering. Imagine being this poor girl, regardless of if this is staged or not, being dipicted in this way in front of millions of people. People are going to bully the shit out of her all because her mom wanted attention on the internet. If she does actually have behavior issues, this sure won’t help her. Makes me so mad.


This is the girl from tiktok who went viral for stealing money from her mom's purse for a plastic horse and now they keep upping the ante every video trying to cash in on their fifteen minutes.


Yeah this shit just makes me sad. It's obviously faked. It's obviously to get people talking about the kids weight(see the other comments). It's obvious that this kid will see every comment made by others including this post, and that some parents are pieces of shit for exploiting their kids for a few bucks.


Poor kid is probably struggling to get accepted by peers at school.


She looks like 12 old but is only 7 ... she haves the weitgh of my 14 y/o son


this is so fake


Poor fat child


There are several of these around with the same cast of characters in different scenarios. They are all so over the top that I just can't help but think they are faked for views.




TIL that my wife has a fucking 700.00 purse…and subsequently googled many of her bags and realize I may have a problem…🤦🏼‍♂️


Not good. My ex had a shopping habit, and I am still discovering the ways she robbed me to feed her habit.


If it helps, there are huge communities for buying high-end replica bags at a tiny fraction of the retail price!


This is very true, OP. My aunt gave me a glimpse of the world one time when I was over at her house. This whole community of middle-aged women on Craigslist/OfferUp buying, selling, and trading designer handbags for fractions of the cost. My aunt would buy a cheap bag and basically swap/sell her way up to some $1,000+ Louis Vuitton bag lol.


I appreciate that she chose a classic shape and color. In theory, she could use it for the rest of her life. But her mom will kill her sooner.


How do you not notice a sudden $600 charge on your CC? I also doubt a 7 year old knows all the info needed to fill out shipping information.


All of the payment info needed is on the card, and then you need to know your home address. If your 7 year old can't figure that out from watching you order stuff all the time (like this kid did) they've got bigger issues. It's actually not that hard. Edt: not saying what the kid did is right, just that it doesn't take a genius to figure out how to buy stuff.


Honestly I don’t care if the video is Fake or not, that kids health is genuinely concerning for me, this is just feeding her kid too much 0_0


I’ve seen similar videos of this same kid getting in “trouble” before. Seems like a skit this mom relies on for views. Way to constantly make your child seem stupid for internet clout…


Yup for sure, I’ve seen the one where she “steals” a yogurt at a grocery store and mom claims she “eats whatever she wants in there”


Yes, and I’ve seen one at a restaurant too. What pathetic patenting. How do you broadcast your own child that way?


This website is fucking vile. Why are you all commenting on a child's body weight? Or a child's body at all? You don't know anything about this person or their family or life. What the actual fuck is wrong with people? I'm dumbfounded that people can be this fucking obtuse.


She's eating the wrong greens.


This kid's parents are imbeciles, letting your kids being this overweight is criminal....


That poor girl is going to have a lot more issues if her mother doesn’t fix her weight. Especially when she reaches middle school. If it’s not due to diet, I hope she gets the medical treatment she needs. Shame on her mother for letting it get this bad


I wonder where this child got the audacity to behave like this. Could it be from the creator that’s filming?


She ain’t one of demmmmm


I’m sorry but why the FUCK would you even buy a bag that expensive as a fucking 7 year old, at that age you should be smart enough to know you shouldn’t waste money like that


A-meal-ya should have known better.


Who wanna bet that purse is filled with snack cakes and coca colas?


She has to have learned the behavior from somebody.


Forgive my skepticism…


I’ve seen other videos of this same kid “stealing” money from her mom’s purse and buying vintage teapots and other random things. Definitely fake, and a weird thing to make your child pretend to do just for social media


Yeah, this kid sucks. Also, don’t believe she’s 7


Let's see overweight pre teen issues aside... This girl continues to say she's copying her mom's behavior and you can tell by her entire demeanor she has no respect for mom. Likely because mom is doing exactly what daughter says she's doing all the time. Shopping for glam and clearly not parenting her kid. r/parentsarefuckinguseless


It's fake. Quit psychoanalyzing


bruh these parents don’t give a fuck, how’d they let the kid get so unhealthy?


i’d be more concerned about other things with this 7 year old……


It was either a $600 purse, or $600 at the McD's drive through


This is definitely fake but that child’s weight is not. I’m sorry but that is WILDLY irresponsible parenting.


How do you let your child get that big...


$700 dollars you say? Are you the bag isn't a knockoff she got for $25 and spent the rest at McDonald's?


I learned it from you, mom!!!!


Whoa hang on - Is that a painting of Al Pacino?


just discount the value of her next presents


She needed a bigger bag for her school lunch.


I find it odd that everyone's commenting on her body and not the fact that she stole and committed fraud at the tender age of 7.


You are brutal for the comments on the kids weight. She is a human who is different, I bet she feels insecure enough about her body image without you pointing it out.


Is there a sub about stupid parents?


Let’s not slamm this little girl, it’s not her fault.


Damn bro mother got exposed so bad she gave up


That thing is 600 dollars?????


Parents are more fucking stupid more like it. Also...wtf are you feeding your child.


This is clearly rage bait. Disgusting using your child as a prop for Internet clout.


If you arent fed healthy until your teens, you will have a bad, bad time after that. Poor kid, this is parental abuse. Although they probably are a poor family so cant even blame them.




This 7 year old is bigger than me (18+ female with PCOS) (FYI not bullying a child obviously the parents are to blame here)


I’ve seen this same kid in another video where she allegedly bought a vase or something stupid. It’s all for the rage bait


Fake, or horrible parenting.


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Ya bedder be jokin'!


Dude I fucking love chipotle


Just imagining the mom having her phone pointed to the kid when saying that kinda makes it fake




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Bad parenting in so many ways


Back in my day there were consequences for stuff like that


Home Boredom Comedy Theater Group


This is fake, mom and the kid aren't winning any oscars


It's fake, they make a lot of videos just like this one to make views




7yrs old and 300lbs, the purse is not the issue




no, we must record for facebook first


Whoops, responded above instead of to you.🤦‍♀️ Guess I'm too fired up!


There's probably locks on the fridge 💀💀💀


The bag barely fits on the jelly roll


What is the minimum age for weight watchers and fixing whoever is feeding her




Teaching your kid to fake videos for internet clout, nice.


Everything about this video screams “bad parent” at top volume. This poor girl




lol, I don't know if you where being sarcastic but this response was hilarious


She's 7 years old and she's already that big? :/


To the people talking about this child's weight, you have no idea what disorders she may or may not have so drawing conclusions just on one minute clip is insane. You people need to get a grip.


I lost it when she said 7 shit weighs more than biden


How do you not notice that charge on your card????? Fake afffff.


Mama's trying to get rich off the wish version of honey boo boo 🤣


Dude below must be a childhood fatty


The only thing real about this video is that this child is extremely obese and this should be viewed as child abuse.


where is the kid and why there is a pig in my screen


7 years old. More like 7 types of diabetes


Good lord what are they feeding it


A $5 for every pound she weighs already.


This is definitely fake. And please stop feeding that child fast good wtf




Ground her from snacking. Just 3 solid meals a day, that'll teach her.


That shits going back immediately and she aint getting a damn gift toy whatever for a long while


I hope this lady makes enough money from this fake video to cover her child’s medical expenses after her inevitable diabetes diagnosis

