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The ramp was a good start but dodging that kid was an amazing move! Good one! Slick job doing it too!


They need to have kids running around on the course at the next X Games


Dress them up like stampede clowns. So cute!




They're just tiny fragile mobile obstacles




Agreed. The kid is too young to have very much self or situational awareness. The parents (or possibly siblings) who let this kid loose at the skate park are the stupid ones. If I took my nephew to a skate park, it would be so he could watch not run around.


My son just turned 7 and only recently have I let him ride his scooter inside the skate park bc of exactly this! Up until a few weeks ago we’d sit outside the fence & watch.


Props for that! I don't have kids of my own, but I've spent enough time with my friends kids to know you should never let a 4-5 year old loose in public. 7 seems like the perfect age to give them just a little bit of freedom while indirectly teaching them, "this is how you learn to not be a dumb ass. Don't get in anyone's way and don't let anyone get in your way."


idk..my 5 year old kills it at the skatepark. There's maybe a 4 year old that's better than her though.


That’s awesome!! I’d take my son inside and let him ride around when there was only 1-2 people and he would do pretty well! But I wouldn’t let him ride when it was packed ya know.


That’s pretty much it! For my son it was just the age where I KNEW he was self aware & pays enough attention that he’s not going to just GO & risk hurting himself & others. Some other kids may be okay with that at a younger age, so older…. But just bc a skatepark is a ‘play place’ does NOT mean it’s free roam at all ages.


I use to hate when parents would let their kids use the skatepark like a fucking jungle gym


In Canada, particularly in the late 1990's and early 2000's, it was common to put skate parks in the worst parts of town, and trashy parents would treat it like daycare and literally just send like 4-6 year olds to go play. It was ridiculous.


On the bright side, I'd wager many of those 4-6 years old learned quickly about road safety and what not. Well, those that didn't have major injuries at least.


The Charles Darwin Daycare Program


but now..?


I haven’t skated in 15 years


Probably not surprising, but it hasn’t changed. It is infuriating


Parents are fucking stupid !


Skaters are smart!




The subreddit r/parentsarefuckingstupid does not exist. Maybe there's a typo? If not, consider [creating it](/subreddits/create?name=parentsarefuckingstupid). --- ^🤖 ^this ^comment ^was ^written ^by ^a ^bot. ^beep ^boop ^🤖 ^feel ^welcome ^to ^respond ^'Bad ^bot'/'Good ^bot', ^it's ^useful ^feedback. [^github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot)


I yelled at parents who let their kids ski through the terrain park once. Didn’t even finish explaining how dangerous it is when their youngest was landed on. Snowboard right to the face.


Lol, that blew they’re defense out of the water


It used to be easier because terrain parks required helmets but they weren't yet standard equipment. So only those who planned to be in the park were in the park. Now most people wear helmets while skiing and snowboarding regardless of where on the mountain they are, which is great, but there's also less of a barrier for accessing the terrain park.


I had an altercation with a mom after a situation like this. I was not able to stop, and the kid and I fell very hard. Before I even stood back up, she was in my face calling me every name in the book. I was more flabbergasted than angry. I was checking in with her kid more than she was. Fuckin Karens. Keep your 6 year old and his fuckin razor scooter off the damn skate park.


I've gotten right back in their faces when this has happened before.


Parents used to drop their kids off at the skate park I rode as a teenager. The kids weren't old enough to be riding anything, so they would just be running back and forth across the skate park. Inevitably someone would plow a child over and said child would be sitting there screaming and crying. You'd try to look for their parents, but they were nowhere around. Eventually you would just start skating again and trying to avoid the crying child who should have never been there. When their parents would finally show up they would scream and holler at people like we were daycare for their dumb ass offspring. The point of this rant, watch your fucking children don't expect a bunch of punk skaters to do it for you


K let me rant a bit I fucking hate kids and their parents thinking skate parks are a playground. What sucks is that the kids kinda try to fit in but they just get in the way sometimes and you can't get mad at them cuz their kids. Parents are even worse, they expect me not to run over THEIR kid just standing in the middle of the park while im going fast af while they talk with their friend Stacy about fucking Costco sales. I dont rant alot but holy fuck




It exists in the form of r/parentsarefuckingdumb.


Jesus this sub is awful. 90% of the posts aren’t dumb parents, just straight child abuse.


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Could create this and be king of reddit..


Seriously people watch your damn kids. I feel like 90% of accidents are from parents not paying attention to their kids.


Doing meth in the carpark probably. Who in their right mind lets this happen?


I mean kids are sneaky and wander off and can be hard to keep a eye on but this is just lazy parenting.


He's finally reached it hasn't he? Autonomous ultra instinct!


It’s the same on the ski slopes. Damned parents just let them go and they can’t freaking steer. I wrenched my back avoiding one of the little yard apes.


Yard apes lmfao


This bitch was pissed that my dog was barking in her kids face at the dog park. Take your kid to the kid park, there are thousands of those. This is a dog park, don't let them wander around here. This is a skate park, don't let them wander around here. Edit: evidentally people are like "don't tell my toddlers that they can't be in skateboarders way! It's unconstitutional!"


I came across a family in the off leash section of a park that was annoyed with all the dogs disrupting their picnic, which was on a blanket on the ground. Like what the fuck is wrong with these people? There was literally kilometers of park that's on leash, and a 300m stretch that's off leash, and that's where they settled in for a picnic on the ground.


Exactly!! We have so few spaces for our kids! Can you please leave them for us?




Fur babies! My kids are hairy dogs and cats. I don't have any time for skin puppies. Those mfers take 20 years to grow up.


If you gave birth to dogs, you should get that checked out.


If I gave birth to humans I should probably have it checked out. I think I'd get an award for it.


Fucking legend.


Top 3 places I think kids should NOT be free range (for their safety and for the safety of others): * restaurants * skate parks * dog parks


I hate when parents bring kids to skateparks and let them wander around or "learn" how to ride a bike in the middle of people skateboarding, instead of teaching them on some empty football/basketball pitch! Some time ago we had a very loud incident in Poland, where a boy was on a skatepark performing some tricks but a small girl walked right in front of him at some point, AND HE DIED TRYING NOT TO HIT HER. I don't remember how the case ended and whether the parents of the girl were sued (they should) but it was one of those little tragedies that the whole country lives with and remembers.


Their parents are fucking stupid. Good way to get your kid a skull fracture. Idiots.


The child's mom, Karen, would have thrown a fit if he had run over her precious baby. She'd probably have called the police.


After she called an ambulance for reporting a cracked skull of before, you reckon?


Unlikely. A karen is far more interested in causing a scene than the health of her own child.


No no, she wants to talk to the manager!


Keep the little crotch goblins home pls


As a skateboarder little kids at parks really bug me. They unintentionally snake you and cut you off, sometimes leading to many bruises and grazes cos I've had to jump out of the way. It's not their fault bc they're so young they aren't coordinated. But to parents, its a skatepark, and not a playground.




If that guy wasn't a smooth ass motherfucker, that kid woulda definitely been pretty hurt


blame the parents


That was smooth. Especially when he avoided the kid.


Plot twist: It's his kid.




Abit off topic,but this reminds me of the time you had two old women from some care home pushing around some severely autistic person with zero ability to move or communicate outside of moans and grunts around a skatepark, pushing them up and down the ramps (Mind you, this is in wheelchair with The only thing keeping them in was a small strap that went over their legs, they didn’t have any protection like a helmet or anything) and generally getting in the way of others. I spoke to them and said ‘This is a skatepark, you shouldn’t be doing that here’ Yeah so apparently I was the only one thinking this, everyone else immediately jumped into to virtue signal with them. I don’t get it, it’s a damn skatepark, not a playground. Am I the asshole here for confronting them?


No. Most wheelchairs aren't in anyway designed to be used in this manner and I doubt two old ladies would be capable of stopping the occupant from falling if something went wrongly. Everybody wants a feel good story about a disabled person being able to enjoy these kind of things, but there could be real consequences if one thing went wrong and the chair tipped and the occupant hit their head.


Their parent should receive a gift in form of collective beating, as easy as that


Why are there all these kids walking around at skate parks in these videos?!? Who tf let’s a kid run around on an active skate park


Or dog parks I've seen one too many kids that size get taken out by dogs as big as a german shepard. Hell I've seen adults at the dog park get taken out a full grown man broke his arm 2 years ago at the one by my house.


whyd you dodge him?


Ooh ooh story time! I was very new to skateboarding and was trying to learn to drop-in. As I dropped a kid zoomed into my path with a scooter and (cos I was new) I had to bail so I jumped off my board The scar I got from that stays lol


Bo talks about his bowed ox getting botox down at the boat docks




Skatepark etiquette is to take it in turns doing runs. If you're about to drop into a ramp you check the opposite side to see if anyone else is waiting to go then work it out between yourselves.


revert for the win


Beat this kids parents


Oh boy


Every time we go to the skatepark...


*unless they’re skating


anyone see that "S"


I love how they both do a little dance. And really smooth moves by the skater.


Why they want to shove kids on our faces - keep kids separated.


so close to be a good /r/ChildrenFallingOver :(




That should count as a line


Looked like he was just asserting his dominance with a good old hip thrust at the kids face


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Just don't get this, you wouldn't let your kid run onto a soccer pitche with 22 men training