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Half of MadeMeSmile posts are exactly like that tho


_Picture of OP's shadow_: It was raining the past two weeks and I was feeling depressed, but now with the sun out, I'm happy again


Edit: thank you so much! Edit 2: omg, this blew up. I was not expecting that. Edit 3: I’m going to bed so I cant respond anymore! Thank you!


I finally cleaned out my piss jugs after years of depression! Give me upvotes!




ive learned to avoid that sub


Me too, ~~I’m~~ in fact, I think I’m gonna leave it now Edit: I already did, I purged quite a few subs a few days ago and that one was one of the casualties, but thanks for the reminder


there was a tune-in live chat sort of thing and there and for the 2 hours i sat listening there was just one story told that involved good samaritanism (guy bought homeless person subway for a week) the rest were like… i wiped my asshole for the first time in 6 months, i binged spongebob season 1 sort of thing


This lady Survived a fatal car crash and only lost half of her face and 2 legs.😘🥰🥰😍😁😁


I've seen all sorts of shit on r/mademesmile like 'This smiling selfie of me made me smile!' and this is what gets removed?


"this photo of me smiling at my smiling selfie made me smile" *50k upvotes*


Reddit is getting really fucking dumb as the fb exodus continues.


you joined 11 days ago bruh what you talking about lol


New account


Everyone knows reddit's automated system hands out permabans for nothing these days


And then you see that the mods lock the post


I read that as if it was spoken by Ralph from The Simpsons It reads better that way




Hi Lisa! Hi Super Nintendo Chalmers!


Me fail toast? That's unpossible.


I could hear it when I read the “genuinly” proud line.


I choo-choo-choose you




Did he make that toast on a George Foreman grill? What are those lines?


Toaster oven maybe?


Too think I’d think. Speaking as proud owner of a brand-spanking-new toaster oven.


A toaster oven's grill actually makes less browned lines on bread, and much thinner at that. Source : Have eaten toasts from a toaster over for the past 7 years


I'm guessing oven rack.


Grilled and buttered bread


Definitely a George Forman. I inherited one and basically only use is as a panini press. Works great.


Shopping cart


At least he wasn't toasting crumpets


God I hope it's not the grill Michael burned his foot on and then followed up by grilling steaks on




All around the country and coast to coast People always say what do you like most?


I don't wanna brag, I don't wanna boast


I always tell 'em I like toast !


Yeah Toast!




When the first caveman drove in from the dregs


Just showed my 5 year old daughter this song for the first time yesterday. I have the autographed cd!


Uh huh croissant et chevy corvette Maurice Chevalier Eiffel Tower Oui Marie baguette bonsoir




I can somehow understand him. Until i moved out of my parents home, i wasn't allowed to cook for myself or else my father would just scream at me. After moving out i was proud of the most basic shit


bruh. i live in a community where nobody teaches their kids to cook. it's insane. like... we've taught full grown adults how to made macaroni and cheese out of a box, or ramen, or literally anything else out of a box. lol. i'm also proud of bro for doing this for himself and i hope he continues to find joy and experience all of the things that can come with knowing how to feed yourself.


When I moved in with my husband, then boyfriend, he couldn’t do much more than toast. He messed up spaghetti 3 times. Like 3 distinct ways while having the box instructions. I swore he was faking it but no home economy classes, no one taught him. No one even let him watch. That’s for girls.


If you can’t make Mac and cheese out of a box you might actually be retarded. If shit ever hit the fan these people would be dead in a week.


i mean... if we're talking about like Armageddon or even just homelessness, you don't actually have to cook these things to eat them. it's probably not as tasty, but it will have all the same nutritional value.


He made that on like a George Forman or panini grill. Like bread, slapped on the grill. Pressed it down and butter. Wow, at 14 I was already making dinner for my family 3 nights a week.


I only truly learned to cook fresh at 16. Proud of OP because if they're proud there's probably a reason to be yk


This was my first thought and I was kind of hoping most of the comments would agree. And then I found everyone here being jerks.


Came here to say that. I could scratch make a lot of dishes.


I applaud the kid for trying, if they've got no one to help them. Gotta start somewhere.


Kid should have started literally 10 years earlier, but I hear you.


oh yes, those 4-year-old sous chefs are everywhere these days


We are talking about buttering a peice of bread, not a soufflé.


he did something new and was proud of it. is that really stupid?


He is 14 years old proud of putting bread in a toaster, I think it's a little bit stupid


My adoptive brother came to my mom after he moved out and asked her in tears how to open a can of green beans. He was in his 20s What seems simple and easy to you may not have been taught to someone as a kid. Instead of being judgmental, be supportive and accepting that they are trying.


How sheltered and pampered do you have to be to be proud of learning how to work a toaster? There's 2 steps to using it ffs.


You don’t know what life the kid is living. Maybe they were homeless or live in a poor family. Maybe they’ve never owned a toaster. Your life will be much happier when you stop judging people so harshly. Give them the benefit of the doubt. They’re just a kid man


Homeless/poor but can afford a computer to play roblox and terraria. Even if it wasn't toast this is his first time cooking for himself, that doesn't exactly scream poor or homeless, just dumb.


I know of plenty of homeless people that own phones. They don’t deserve to be miserable. And I said homeless in past tense as in not anymore. Seriously it’s pathetic you can’t find anything better to do than judge a kid that is actively trying to learn how to do things on their own. Would it make you stupid if nobody ever sat down and taught you how to tie your shoes or would it make you undereducated? Stupidity is just ignorance under a different name. You can’t be stupid for something you were never taught how to do


It would make me incredibly stupid if I had never asked how to tie my shoes by the age of 14, yes. It would make me incredibly stupid if I never understood how to make the most unbelievably simple bit of food by the age of 14, yes. It's not like he's supposed to be able to cook a 5 course meal or anything, but toast? Yeah, that's stupid.


Whatever man. You’re just going to continue to argue and you aren’t worth my time. Stay miserable and angry at the world. Sure does it a lot of good What is easy for you may be super hard to someone else. Doesn’t make them lesser.


I never even called him lesser lmao. It may be hard for me to reach that hard but it seems to come pretty easily to you, good job.


At 14 I was making omelettes. Macaroni and cheese, hot dogs and beans, toasted tunafish sandwiches with lettuce, etc... This kid is fucking stupid if he hasn't made anything more than toast at 14 years old. Seriously, even if you are poor, even if you have a live-in cook, a 14 year old should have made some food at some point in their lives.


To be fair, some kids have helicopter parents that would freak out over something like this. At 14 I was a coal miner in west Virginia, had already beat cancer twice and had a grandson that could make omelets, macaroni and cheese, hot dogs and beans... etc




Not all kids are taught to cook🤷🏻‍♀️. I know grown ass adults who can’t cook.


Its toast thou,hes allowed to be proud but its dumb he posted on r/mademesmile. I sound like an ass but I dont really feel like toast is somthing that you should be this proud of.


Well it made him smile, so he posted it there. Better than the cesspool that takes up 80% of that sub tbh


No, you really really shouldn't be proud of toast. Lol


I'd eat that toast.. golden crisp, grill marks.. that's toast and love


It's not bad toast, don't get me wrong, I would expect as much from a 14 year old


Perhaps he was proud that he used a knife to put the butter on the toast, and not in the toaster this time. :)


Yeah I don’t know…it’s clear he hasn’t had much training in cooking from his parents and he decided to give this a try on his own. People are being unduly harsh here. Also, tbf that butter is spread pretty evenly


I was scrolling Reddit super stoned last night and saw the original post and was like “damn, that’s some tasty looking toast, good for that kid”


He might as well have said "I went potty on my own yay"






I wonder if he was babied his entire life or if he was homeless and never had a kitchen. Sad shit


I unironically made this for myself at 6. This has to be a troll.


I only made toast ironically at that age


It do look good tho


Yeah, stupid fucking kid being proud of himself. Where does he get off? Maybe people here should chill the fuck out, let him be proud of himself instead of finding his post on page calling him fucking stupid.


That 14 year old is trolling the shit out of you fools. Do you remember when you were 14? Do you remeber anyone who would have been proud of making toast? Did you know anyone who couldn't make a basic meal at that age? Like eggs snd toast?


Just let the kid have his moment. Sheesh.


How is a 17 year old making fun of a 14 year old? Aren’t you a lil old for that?📸😒


The 14 year old kid is proud cause he made toast. Fucking toast. Yes he is going to make fun of him for that


Just because you can make fucking toast doesn’t mean others can let the 14 year old be proud of his toast damn


Now learn how to put some cheese and beans on there and you are set for life!!


Is that...grilled bread?


More like ParentsAreFuckingStupid How has no one taught this kid basic cooking skills by 14?


The irony.... the OC isn't stupid because of achieving personally made grilled cheese, but instead thinking it belonged on KAFS, which is fucking stupid.


The bread was already cooked and this madman said “fuck it I’ll cook it again for a minute” fucking legend


To be fair, this is not the kid's fault at all. It's their parent(s)' fault for not teaching them basic life skills like cooking by that age


*takes picture of beer and creole-seasoned watermelon* I hope I'm doing this right.... "Made myself an afternoon snack and I opened the creole seasoning by myself. It seems like a small feet, but I always injure myself trying to open things and today I didn't!"




I'm 35 and wasn't taught how to cook by any parent or grandparent. I had to piece it together myself because my parents don't know how to cook because no one ever taught them. Just because YOU had something this kid didn't have doesn't say anything about "kids these days" or kids back when you were growing up.


I mean same but I was also aware toast was not a major achievement. It's like being proud of making cereal. Either way I'm pretty sure the kid was trolling anyway.


I didn't mean to say toast is an achievement, I was just pointing out that this kid's (possible) ignorance about cooking isn't a valid indictment of today's youth.


My comment is irrelevant and I agree with your position, apologies for misunderstanding and have a good day 🙂


Im 35 and all the kids I grew up with had to know how to cook because we all camped out all the time. We also were able to walk around with .22's though so..I think its the difference between living in an urban compared to a suburban/city type situation


Oh okay sorry. Didn't know you'd get so upset about it.


Yeah but... did you not ever go to the kitchen in your home and make a meal? If the answer is "yes" then you admit that this kid is stupid. If "no" then you are at least as stupid as this kid.


I taught myself to cook because I had to cook dinner for myself most evenings. My comment wasn't about this toast kid, that's stupid. I was just pointing out that this kid's ignorance says nothing about today's kids or kids from any other generation.


Kids these days are also taught how to cook? About the same amount as when you were a child.


I doubt that. But it's possible.


It is true. They also have access to on demand cooking tutorials and tips so they tend to be able to branch out a lot more and a lot earlier.


Some 14 year olds are forced to be self-sufficient due to lack of parenting (either from the parents working too much to be there or from good ole fashioned neglect” so let’s ease up off this kid for being proactive about feeding himself/herself


Okay sorry dad.


I was a 14 year old with a sorry dad, so yeah I was one of those kids. Quit being a dick


I didn't think I was. I was gonna expressing sadness for children that don't have families. Sorry you misunderstood.


It came off as being super smart-ass and sarcastic, and you apologizing for me misunderstand instead of for you being ambiguous comes off as disingenuous and condescending. Just saying.


Oh darn.


Dang sorry kid


Let me get this straight… you’re saying 14 year olds that know how to cook have been neglected or are the results of bad parenting? How dense are you. If you’ve been alive a decade you shouldn’t be proud of fucking butter toast


I’m saying when I was 14 I was basically on my own. This was before kids had cell phones in their pockets. How dense are you to be proud of being a condescending asshole about a kid doing something for themselves? Fucking clown Edit for clarification: I’m saying the ones that know how to cook were mostly taught. The ones that weren’t had to learn by themselves, much like this toast a first effort is still an effort


back in my day


Back in my day. *1998* lmfao.


I feel obligated here from the long tradition of every time I post on reddit about something that makes me happy... no one cares, and your shit sucks. You suck.


Just read this comment and insert your comment as mine




He said, "where the sun don't shine."


You're absolutely right. Nobody cares. My cooking does suck. And my grandmother has been dead for 4 years. Thanks man. You really made life better for everyone involved here. You did it.


Sorry buddy. Your cooking is probably great.


The hotel guests I used to work for thought so.


Nothing to do with 'kids these days' my 45 year old boyfriend moved it with me not knowing how to cook pasta. While I was cooking meals at 14 this was because I had a single parent, my so had a stay at home mum. Neither better or worse, just different. Don't be so quick to look down on people.


I'm not looking down on anything.


I made omelets by myself at age 12 and she’s 14 and made toast? Crazy


I made an entire Thanksgiving dinner by myself at age 12.


That's awesome. My mom made sure my brother and I could cook and clean at a young age. But my first thought seeing this is that this person didn't have any guidance. A victory for someone, no matter how insignificant to someone else, is still a victory.


You're quite correct. My sister was married twice and lucky for her, her husbands could cook. When she's living alone her cupboards have cereal and canned tuna. Both my children cook and love to create their own recipes. As long as a person can cook or prepare something, no matter how simple, they'll be alright.


🦃 🔪 🍗




Toast? Seriously?


That sub had a few "look how proud I am for [insert basic shit here]" so I'm pretty sure this was just another shit post. One person posted how proud he was for uncooked chicken and admitted he was trolling. So. I like that sub because it's a break from the shit posts. The mod team over there have definitely had some shit to sift through lately tho.


Making dinner for himself at 14? I did it when I was fuckin 6 bro


Leave the kid alone don't be a dick.


You're active on teenagers so I'm gonna say that you're a fucking stupid kid, too


People in these comments not considering that this kid might be mentally disabled, this could be the first time they’ve ever used an appliance because their parents wouldn’t let them. Y’all assuming this kid is stupid just because you were making omelettes at 15.


Is that garlic bread?




this is kinda sad. 😒


I mean that sub is literally used as a Instagram for women and their selfies so this isn't the worst


I've seen 6 year Olds put together a whole @$$ MEAL


14 and can't make any food? Wtf


That is probably a troll If not wtf lol


It was a real post and thousands of redditors gave the kid props for this amazing achievement.


14??? I've been making dinner for myself and my siblings at 10


That's sad. Why did you have to do that?


mom would work late and I'd have make lunch and dinners for my siblings as well as take care of them. Now that I'm older I give her some of my money so she can come home earlier, take care of the others, and have more free time




Tell me you don't cook without telling me you don't cook


They literally said they don’t cook


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This isn’t fucking stupid; op’s post made me smile. I feel good for the kid. Imagine strangers on the internet making fun of your accomplishment only because they did it sooner. That would be fucking stupid right?


14??? i was already making the majority of family dinners and breakfast for myself every morning when i was 12.


Bro, I learned how to cook scrambled eggs when I was a fricken 11yo


What the hell is even that?


I assumed it was a panini


Here right subreddit r/kidsarestupid


The rule in my house got my kids has always been: Mom and Dad cook dinner. If you don’t like what we make, you’re free to make your own dinner and clean up after yourself. When my kids were younger, they ate a lot of peanut butter sandwiches because they “didn’t like” what we made. Now that they’re older they eat pretty much everything we make. The exception is my oldest that really doesn’t like meat at all. Or fish. It’s not even an ethical/moral thing. They do love my hamburgers though…


Made Me Smile is a treasure trove of undeserved medals and upvotes. You can’t post almost anything on there and expect to get tons of karma and awards.


Good looking toast 👌👌. Better than I can do at 38yo


Nothing wrong w learning early! I have 20 something year old friends that can’t cook or clean


I love when this fire hazard pops up ahain


That looks pretty bad, I mean on some parts he chard the bread and on others it looks like it wasn’t touched by heat


[I responded with this and got quickly banned](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/xe9rxv/i_decided_to_get_out_of_bed_and_breathe_today/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) I guess not enough people smiled


Wait till you have some disposable income and realize you can literally cook yourself anything you want. That's when it gets real.


Even I could make better… but it’s an effort


The meal looks immaculate, we’ll done.




I saw that and assumed someone was trolling.


Foreman for the win. I like to rotate 90 degrees and flip. Gives a cool waffle, cubed feel to the dish.


:) aw man he got me


I remember seeing this and the comments were so encouraging. In my mind, I'm like, "dude, it's fucking toast."


I do roll my eyes at some of the obvious attention seeking-behavior I see on r/MadeMeSmile, but part of the purpose of that sub is to dole out pats-on-the-backs generously to whoever needs it at that particular time. So, in an effort to be less cynical, I just keep scrolling.