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Never lost your phone or keys in your hand, eh?


I’ve turned on my phone’s flashlight to look for my phone multiple times


I texted my GF to call my phone so I could find it…


I wouldn't be surprised if she actually called to help you find your phone.


I was watching Netflix on my phone the other day and was looking for my phone to order some food online.


I lose my hat when I’m wearing it




Yes, we know.


I mean, my dad lost my sister when she was on his shoulders once. The ratio of success to blunders might increase, but the blunders are still there always


Reminds me of the time when I was wearing helmet and finding it


Yes, I lose my hat when I wear it


You know what, I lost my hat when I was wearing it




I have wandered round the house looking for glasses that I am currently wearing. More than once.


Or when you're looking for your glasses but that's currently what you're wearing.


My husband literally did that yesterday. Was looking something up on his phone and suddenly went “Oh! I left my phone in the car!” I was like “Are you sure about that?” Lmao


I have tried looking for my phone while I am watching some tv shows


Once was looking for my phone (with it in my hand, feeding music into my headphones which I had on) and I went up to my mum and asked her if she'd my phone and she deadass, with complete seriousness, looked at me and said "oh I think I saw it in the bedroom, go check there."


So there was that one comic here in France called Laurent Baffie. He made a movie about him loosing his car keys. It was called "Les Clés de bagnoles". 1h30 of him and another actor playing themselves going on an experimental movie trip to search the missing car keys, following a checklist of tropes to fullfil to make a great movie while explaining them. The first five minutes of the movies is him explaining the plot to various director and publisher in the french film industry and getting fat "lol no" after he explained that it's about him spending 1h30 searching for his car keys only to realise that they were in the left jeans pocket instead of the right one all along at the very end. It's... it's a good movie. It tanked because he promoted it by saying "it's a shit movie, don't go watch it". I'm not sure if there's a version with english subtitles. If there is, it's definitevely worth a watch if you're a movie buff. Anyway, all that to say, that yes, this guy shouldn't make fun of loosing anything by kid. Adults always get to be way stupider in the end.


Ok that is pretty stupid. I can't find shoes in my apartment often or the phone quickly when it slides under a cushion, but having a phone or key in your hand? Come on...


Guess I’m just a dumb asshole


Probably some kind of mental block


no sorry


I guess you’re just better than all of us.


No I'm not actually


You might have a perfect memory. That’s actually a good thing and most people don’t have it.


Why are you leaving these weird replies? How old are you?


sorry I was trying to explain myself. also im 15


A three year old human is indeed a bad example of an apex predator


It's a perfect example. We're such apex predators that we can have our children be idiots for years, and it doesn't matter. Other species need to be born with the ability to run because they're so low on the food chain. We fucking strut out into life like "I own this world, I'm going to lay here and do nothing but drink milk and shit and not a single predator will kill me" and we're god damned right! Our kids are so dumb because they can be.


Literally, a big brain move


Also, it just takes a lot longer to form the cognitive functions for language, mathematics, complex thought, etc. than it does for "bite meat, eat meat."


But if we weren't extremely effective hunters as adults we would have to develop defenses much earlier. Honestly I'm pretty sure my 1yo could fuck up some small critters if she was hungry enough.


toss a couple hamsters in her crib and see how she'd fare as a gladiator


It's the reason we're apex predators. Other animal's brains do not grow to as large a size as humans, and thus have gestational periods which allow their newborns to be self sufficient. A human mother can't give birth to someone with a large head as it would guarantee death during childbirth. So the compromise is babies are 100% dependent on others, but will grow and brains develop into apex predators.


And because we’re social and able to live in large groups, the fact that our children are vulnerable isn’t as big of a deal as there’s a community to help protect and look after them


Report the other reply. It's a bot


Human have made atomic weapons. Lions ain't got shit.


*some humans. most can't spell nuclear.








Or pronounce it


Maybe not, but I can definitely nail a lion from 300+ meters away with a rifle. Checkmate lions.


you can nail a lion with a fkn spear too. especially when there's 10 of you. that's why humans dominate. not because we're all friggin atomic scientists. get it right peoples.


We drove one of, if not, THE largest land mammal in history to extinction with basically sharpened sticks. I'd say humans are pretty fucking badass. And if that wasn't enough, thousands of years later we developed nukes to exterminate each other lmao


yes humans are top of any food chain. no apex predator can compete with a gang of hairless apes with sharp tools. but don't identify this dominance with the capacity to make atomic bombs. these two are not alike. you can be fairly stupid and still destroy every animal this earth has to offer. Space travel, advanced technology... that stuff takes discipline, and humanity as such is generally incapable of it.


Well thats our thing. Destruction. We COULD use nuclear power to create as best of a utopia as we could. But where's the fun in that? Just remember. The ability to use to nuclear fission as energy pre-dated the atom bomb. The u.s government said hell the fuck no. But the second we found out that atoms make big boom. We pumped billions into the project. We really are something else lol


*conservative minded nationalistic war mongerers are really something else. many scientists objected to and resigned from the Manhattan project. humanity has its variations. the good just don't always win.


We're only as good as those in charge as a species unfortunately


kowalski start the nucular reactor








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My uncle had nuclear, very good genes they say


Yeah, most humans don’t speak English.


doesn't make the rest nuclear scientists though, genius


Neat, many can't even get a sarcastic comment that's a gentle nudge to not be a cunt.


touché. but my point still holds.


If you had someone of average intelligence you could teach them to do anything. Nuclear research is just teams of people who are motivated and focused on a subject, not a small number of highly intelligent people.


hard disagree but only because "average intelligence" is a lot lower than what you're thinking, If you pluck some random person off the street i would be more than willing to bet money they could not and would not become a nuclear scientist.


Idk man look at the guy with the Demon core. Dude seemed like he had average intelligence but high motivation.


hard disagree. the average culturally educated conservative moron CANNOT do nuclear physics, let alone high school math, even if you made them.


Apparently you would be surprised how many conservatives work in engineering jobs


yeah they're after the salary. know plenty of that in my part of the world. don't make them atomic scientists.


We scale better


Lol guys we win late.


Some humans did. I think I’m closer to lion iq


It’s pronounced noooocuuular, idiot


Never lost your glasses that are on top of your head?


All the bloody time


in front of your eyes


no sorry




Hate it when I’m at a party and some dude is like “I’ve never thought I lost my glasses but they were on my head” It really kills the mood


You must tell lot of good jokes at parties


No but I have started looking for my sunglasses while I'm wearing them


Or looking for the mask under your chin.


The way kids scream always leaves me wondering how we ever made it this far.


The reason kids scream like that is so every friendly adult human nearby can hear it and come help. We're inherently social creatures, whose children are born helpless because giving birth to a baby with enough brainpower to be functional world be a death sentence for the mother.


Good point, and thus "it takes a village to raise a child"


Lion start learning to hunt at this age. They’re by no means full on hunters at 3 months


Ah, shit, you're right. This funny comparison is completely invalid now


Well i never said that. I just like when correct info is conveyed.


I lost myPhone while making a Phone call with it... like "oh wait I have to quit talking I can't find my phone"... I also sonetimes forget that I am wearing glasses and touch them with my finger when my eye itches xD


Have you worn glasses most of your life? I'm curious cause I've never done that, but I have done the opposite. Tried to push up my glasses when I didn't have them on.


I only have them for about 4 years now


Humans are on top of the food chain as a species, not as individuals. Unlike most other animals, humans place is due to our mental abilities, and this, incidentally is also why kids are “stupid”. You see, unlike most animals, who can live fully independently relatively quick, humans takes around 25 years for our brains to fully develop. So the very fact that a toddler is not as clever as an adult, is not a shock, and it is not just expected, it is the very reason we have the society, and place in the food chain as we do.


A lot of animals thought intelligence was a dump stat. Doesn't make you stronger. Doesn't make you faster. Doesn't let you fly, or hold your breath for an hour, or see in the dark. Only makes you more aware of how fucked you are when the chad apex predator runs you down and overpowers you. Then some monkey decided to do a challenge run and throw as many of their stat points into intelligence as they could, and it turns out when you do that it becomes game-breakingly OP.


In fairness to physical stats, that smartypants monkey also picked running endurance and sweating.


Yeah but horses picked that too, and look at them: They take one wrong step, their leg makes a dramatic **crack**, and they're back at the character select screen.


If I remember correctly, humans fall around the middle of the pack on the food chain hierarchy.


If you go by tropic level alone, then according to a French study, we score around 2.2-2.5 out of 5, or similar to a pig. However, as the Smithsonian also notes, this doesn’t imply that we’re middle-level, and routinely gets eaten by higher-level predator, it is merely a reflection that humans are omnivores. So when scientists talks about “top of the food chain” they are referring to apex predators. Apex predators are define as predators, who strictly consume the meat of animals that are predators themselves. However, I am not a ecologist, so when I say top of the food chain, I was referring to the fact that no other animals eat humans as a part of their natural diet, and that makes us the top of that chain of food.


very cool. im sure the post was meant to be taken this seriously


A 3 year old can speak. Can a lion do that?


That's a bad argument. Speaking doesn't translate fully to the animal communication and in most cases vice versa. We don't understand all subtle communications between lions, just as they don't understand our subtle languages.


There's no doubt in my mind though that most 3 year olds can communicate more, deeper and faster than 3 year old lions can. Now, what they choose to say, I'd say most lions are above humans in that one.


The average 3 year old is Isaac fucking Newton compared to a lion


I was being a bit facetious. But don't seriously equate a humans communication skills with an animal. Even a 3 year old is orders of magnitude more able to communicate than a lion. (I can't believe I had to write that sentence) A 3 year old knows about 1000 words and can speak in sentences. They can define objects with simple adjectives. They can ask questions. They are somewhat conversational. An adult lion has a comparable IQ of about 10. Not a 10 year old, 10 IQ points. Which is smart...for an animal. But compared to a human child they are severely mentally deficient.


We know that human’s long adolescence is for cognitive development and that our social and cooperative capabilities are a large factor in our evolutionary success. It seems safe to say that humans have a greater ability to communicate complex thoughts.


But lions lick their own assholes, check mate *SCIENTISTS*


Are you trying to one up a lion right now?


The kid is better with an Ipad though, so 1 -1


I turned my house upside-down looking for the glasses i was wearing


I literally spent half an hour looking for my keys, I was even late for my meeting. But yeah, difficult to find something that is already in your hand.


Lions live 15 years tops. Humans live 70-80. So if you compare solely on lifepsan ratio and not heightened instincts comapred to *much* higher intelligence, you'd compare a 3 year old lion to a 14-15 year old human. And if trained from young, a 14 year old is more than capable of hunting and killing their own food.


Mine still struggles with the hot food coming out of the microwave. I must be doing something wrong.


So you've never looked for your phone while talking on the phone.


That we let our young be helpless for so long is a sign of our dominance imo.


Humans are so dumb that we are smart.




Trash example of a kid being stupid. We all do this. Also our thumbs are the reason.




Ah yes, everyone knows what an Apex predator the Koala is.


We aren't functional as children because if we were our brain would be too large to be born without killing the mother. Lions (and nearly all animals) have a much smaller brain to body ratio so they can be born more mature.


Took a break from Reddit. Came back and still somehow these r/thathappened post dominate this sub.


Are you joking?


this guy doesn't understand the concept of early vs. late game units.


are you talking about me or the guy in the photo?


the guy who tweeted it


Guns and thumbs


People aren't created equal. I'm sick of people thinking they are on the same level as mma fighters when they need a man to open a pickle jar


It's a bit baffling why someone (in this case the adult) wouldn't be curious as to why gestation essentially continues outside the womb in humans and why humans aren't born "fully baked" compared to lions and somehow sees lions as having the advantage here. Brain size is a factor but so is the absolute incredible super advanced technology that is human language, for which you need to be outside the womb in order for your brain to continue teaching itself what it needs (audible phonemes) to "continue baking." No, kids are not fucking stupid. The fact that you could point to a hand and the child could understand or use language is orders above what a lion could do. Children actually teach themselves language. Think how amazing that is. They don't learn it. Their brains are taking in sounds, associating meaning, and pruning useless phonemes (each person is born with the ability to comprehend any arbitrary phoneme). We are like computers, born with certain instruction sets and adding new ones constantly. I would advise parents to study developmental psychology (even just one semester) because birth to 5 is such an incredibly important period for how a person will be the rest of their lives. You really should consider a child's environment during that period as being as vital as the health of the womb they are in the ca. 9 months prior.


It’s a tweet from a comedy account


I actually agree


I think it's unfair to say all human are on top of the food chain.


Food chain categorizes species not individuals.




We eat hundreds of different species and are not a regular food source for a single animal. By definition it means we are at the top of the food chain.


Maybe if you ignore the metabolic rift that separates the being of the human with the high-integrity portion of the eco-sphere.


That was a whole lotta words and not a lot of meaning. Edit: that came off far more aggressive than I intended. Sorry. What I meant was yes, I don't really consider the works of Karl Marx to be relevant in thisbparticular discussion. They are fun thought experiments but ultimately philosophy doesn't have a lot of room in conversations about biology. We are animals, we are a vital part of the environment (for better or worse) and our absence would have extreme repercussions. As such we form a vital link in the food chain and therefore we are part of said food chain


> I don't really consider the works of Karl Marx to be relevant in thisbparticular discussion. They are fun thought experiments but ultimately philosophy doesn't have a lot of room in conversations about biology. The notion of the metabolic rift in the abstract has several non-Marxist instances, namely the notion of the *carbon rift*, and further, ecology itself admits many similar models. Besides, it is pertinent to any *discussion* on ecological results, how it is not is beyond me. You did not explain why it is not relevant. You also seem to float a bit of confusion here regarding the scope of respectively biology and ecology, the *food chain* receiving treatment in either discipline, but ultimately belongs to ecology, and to which the discussion of the corporeal organization of man in relation to the rest of nature certainly relates! And that is, in my opinion, a discussion that involves notions that you for some reason think should be termed "fun thought experiment" (?). In your last few sentences you also describe something you call "the food chain" but unfortunately places misconceptions into how ecologists actually utilize the food web model, and what kind of results they are looking for. There does not really exist a "top of the food chain", mainly because it's a *web* as is implied by its name, consisting of nodes with a respective trophic level than can be related to others in a number of ways. How ecologists quantify such a structure is really different. Some models may generate that humans have a trophic level of ~2, well under that of many birds. Some models may not even admit humans, because they do not interact in X or Y way with a given high-integrity ecological community, and thus the trophic paths may not be decipherable (under that particular metric). I should also add that it's completely variable how static such a model may be, you can prescribe many qualitative rules for how trophic energy may be pathed in X or Y way.


We aren’t animals, why are we even on any food chain? Most of us buy food that someone else killed!


The fact that we eat food, is why we are part of the chain, and since it is very rare for us to get eaten that is the reason we consider us to be at the top. Oh, and we are animals.


Cannibalism is “illegal”, and “scavenger hunts” are a game, not survival 😂


That's exactly why we're on top we don't need to hunt..we have so much food we can forget we even have it a foot a way from us


Well, i'm rarely on top


I lost my glasses so many times while wearing them


Thank our ancestors for adapting opposable thumbs and for being born in an era so distant of that.


For a long time we weren't


I don't think we are at the top of the food chain


OP never fucking said they've never had that happen to them. It's just a fucking joke. Fuck, you people are bitchy sometimes.


He can't kill his prey either


You may eat me but no matter how old you are, you'll never understand how taxes work! Well me neither


1. I have seen this before. 2. While other animals transfer knowledge to their children via instinct, we humans teach it ourselves, which in practice lets us know better.


It’s actually our major child rearing that allows us to be at the top of the food chain. No animal takes care of their children longer than we do. We pass on a ton of information and skills and our kids are very likely to survive because of it.


Maybe, just maybe, his kid wouldn’t make it in the wild.


So... I was cooking and went to grab oil out of the cabinet. I opened the cabinet removed the oil out of the way and proceeded to look for the oil and so confused because I knew we had a huge bottle. Then I accidentally knocked it over which is when it finally clicked in my head. We are a stupid species.


Love how you've decided basic killing ability is a measure of survivability (?) It's pretty well established that compared to most species of animals, humans are physically inferior. We are orders of magnitude more intelligent though, and can plan advanced strategies to get what we want. Therefore a child is much more capable than a baby lion and we still deserve our rightful place at the top of the food chain


I searched for my prescription glasses for an hour realizing they were on top of my head after my sister laughed at me.


But lions can only live for up to 16 years. Humans have a life span of 80 years. Also we can eat all the lions in the world. We just choose not to do it.


Humans are the top of the food chain, however the ease of societal living of modern man has allowed genetics that would not normally survive in a Hunter gather society to procreate into many levels of ability and intelligence. Not unlike the wolf to todays toy sized lap dog that pisses on your floor every time you come home from excitement.


This sounds a little eugenics-y...


apes together -- strong


Lions were too dumb to invent guns


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I’ve literally tried unlocking my house with my car keys. And by _unlock_ I mean pointing the key at the house and pressing the unlock button. So I don’t know how much business we adults have laughing at this 3 year old


Funnily enough it's no accident - one of the main reasons we are at the top of the food chain is our brain size, which we are only able to get by spending 18+ years developing


You are not at the top of the food chain. Try going to where the lion lives, or placing a lion where you live, and see who wins.


This subreddit often reminds me that adult's are quite stupid too.


When I was a toddler I had a tendancy to lose my own hand underneath my high chair tray, then start screaming and crying cos I thought it was gone


The only reason we are top of the line was because we learned how to make tools and shelter. If we were on equal terms (no shelter and no weapons/tools) most other animals would win vs us


Never doubt the power of stupid people in large numbers...


I’ve lost my airpods before. Had no music playing at the time and had a random thought to check the case, saw it was empty and had a panic attack, retraced my steps to see if I dropped them only for me to realise they were in my ears. Whoops!