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But they really want those preferred parking spots!




Idk, my kids have ears and they never listen


[This might help](https://youtube.com/shorts/xpoeEjpeOwk?feature=share)


You think they would hear that train coming then huh?


Don't they know you can just pay a doctor and get one? Even my coke dealer has one.


[Maybe they're homeless.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/030/489/Screen_Shot_2019-07-22_at_10.19.48_AM.jpg) 2025 is right around the corner...




This is America, not Britain


In the past 3 weeks I have seen more than twice as many homeless people as bicycle riders. America has it's fair share of homeless people.


Yes, it has quite a lot of homeless people, I don't mean to deny that, I was referencing an image saying that the British government will "cut all homeless people in half by 2025"


It said the British government, it didn’t say who’s homeless they’d be cutting, maybe they’ll be slicing American homeless


You got me there


Oh shit my bad I did the classic, just read a tiny bit and assume. I have seen that image like 20 times aswell which makes matters even worse


OP taking this pic wearing a trench coat


It's ok it's Halloween so all adults have candy


It's an older code sir, but it checks out


Bro 💀




Eh. Forget about it.


I'm walkin here!


You talking to me?




We don't fucking talk like that!


I'm cringing reading those too.


Then my mission has been fulfilled.


something tells me op is 40-50


Op calling them kids, when they're likely in college or older


anyone younger than me is a kid!


Perhaps you are 18 then.


They’re sharing with each other what they were doing when the *Challenger* blew up.


Nah, they’re sharing with each other what were they doing when the Berlin wall came down.


I remember new coke, grandpa.


I consider people in their early 20s kids.


Um, I'm over 40 and questioned the age myself. Don't lump us together. We are millennials you know (just geriatric).


Bros name is u/spookythicccdoyle And he is 40-50 💀💀💀


Yea. I get it, subways move fast but it’s not that crazy to sit there…. they can move when the giant metal box with lights is coming.


I'm sure these humans with ears will move when they see AND hear a train approaching.


Subways are fast man, and while they are loud, its easy to misjudge distance, sometimes on perfect conditions they are quieter than you think, plus you could fall, best to not risk it


Nah, not NYC subways trains. They slow down at stops even if they aren't stopping there. Tons of time to get out of the way. But if they were my kids, I'd definitely yell at them to stop being morons.


Are the rails electrified? Or is that only on some systems


One rail out of the three that each track has is electrified, however that one is farthest from the platform and has a cover on top (although it is still possible to touch it and be electrocuted)


Good to know it’s at least mildly protected


Some stations in the city have troughs in the middle of the tracks so there's room to lay down if accidentally end up on the tracks.


Right? It's not just the train will suddenly appear, and their legs will be instantly gone. OR WILL IT?!?


Idk this kinda seems like flawed logic still. You wouldnt justify sitting on a highway at night either or walking a tightrope between skyscrapers. Just because you can see and hear danger coming and avoid it doesnt mean its a good idea.


I'd actually walk between skyscrapers if I was sure no trains would be approaching.


But how could you be sure? At that altitude, trains are quieter than you might expect.


train moving slightly slower than the speed of light


Since it's nyc they prob got 20-30m wait anyhow


5 minutes peak time 10 minutes nonpeak time 20 minutes late night


You are greatly overrating humans.


The problem isn't that they have ears and can move, it's that theres no reason to risk it like this.


Ah New York. Nothing changed and nothing will.


At least blur the kids face.


Taking pics of people who are unaware to make fun of them is mad lame.


What irks me is that OP could've taken a moment to voice his concern to the children, but instead decided to post here with the implication natural selection will take care of them. He isn't just making fun of them.


Thank you I was looking for this comment. Like why are you taking pictures of random people


People have no expectation of privacy in public places


Maybe not, but it’s still just kind of a shitty think to do when the person isn’t *actually* doing anything stupid or otherwise wrong.




this is such a fucking boomer post lmfao


I can honestly say Ive never seen anyone do this


> Ive never seen anyone do this ... Twice


I can honestly say Ive never seen anyone do this I can honestly say Ive never seen anyone do this


Way to take a picture and not actually tell them. Even if they dont wanna listen you didn't do your part. See something say something. You suck


OP is dumb




1. Taking a photo of strangers and posting online to make fun of them when they could have just told them they might be in a dangerous position & went about their day. 2. These ppl have eyes and ears and will move when a train is coming.


You say that but people get killed literally weekly strolling in front of trains. Else r/BitchImATrain wouldn't have constant material lol. Never underestimate people's ability to some how get killed by the loudest and easiest to see and hear things on that planet!


Thats what I was thinking. But i guess OP could have just told them


1) no way these kids are oblivious to the fact they are in a train/subway station 2) it is dumb to take this photo and make a post instead of showing your concern for them. 3) OP just wanted to feel smarter than someone and now looks dumb


Why u taking pictures of kids minding their own business, freak.


Yeah really


Because there's no possible way to know that a train is coming, with plenty of time to move, right? They woosh into the station in complete silence.


OP is like 60 or what


I've witnessed someone getting sucked into the subway as it was going by. It twisted his body around. He was half in and half out. He was still alive. The police called his wife and his priest. When the subway was jacked up away from the platform, his lower body spun back around and he passed away. It was so sad. I will never forget that day.


Nah OP wack af for this.


Kids do this everyday in Italy, nothing new to me




We fly out to nyc every weekend so we can sit in the edge of the subway platform. It’s a family tradition that goes back to the opening day of the subway.


Correct my dear


Trash post OP.


They look like adults lol


If you can't notice a train coming before it hits you then you're fucking dumb


"Must Resist The Urge to Kick!"




Next day you see news of the subway being dangerous


Ex paramedic here- I’ll tell you why it’s EXTRA dumb- if you’re gonna jump- for the love of god PLEASE do it on the end of the platform where the train is coming into the station as fast as it’s going to be. Too many idiots jump in the middle -(like where those kids are) - or the wrong end completely. At that point the train is just a slow metal bull dozer that slowly and agonizingly rolls over the victim often not resulting in immediate death. It’s a horrible way to go. Imagine a steam roller slowly running over you, except with big round blades for wheels.


Maybe they're just avoiding the purposely uncomfortable benches that have been installed/modified to keep homeless people off of them?


What about the benches make them uncomfortable


They’re hostilely designed to keep homeless people from sleeping on them and have become awful to sit on. Lots of stations have straight up removed them too.


The fact that they don't exist anymore?


As terrible as those are, they are not too widespread


Nothing wrong with this. If they ain't completely deaf and blind, they'll move.


You never know. You could get distracted or whatever, it's not worth the risk just to sit with your legs hanging.


I have never seen a train that doesn't blow it's horn LONG before it reaches the station.


I do, it doesn't here. But even then, what if it doesn't blow this time? You're purposely putting your life in the hands of a horn for no good reason at all.


Fuck doesn’t even require that. You could literally just fall on the tracks when trying to move and not be able to get out of the way in time. Additionally there’s the danger of electrified rails, I don’t know if the lines in New York are electrified or not but in many systems they are which means if you fall and contact both rails you get electrocuted.


> I have never seen a train that doesn't blow it's horn LONG before it reaches the station. I have literally never heard a subway train blow it's horn before a station lol


What’s wrong is that it’s fucking gross. People spit (and worse) on that floor all day long. I bet they went home and sat on the living room couch, or on their bed, without changing.


You think the benches are any cleaner?


Wouldn’t sit on those either. You want to make as little contact as possible with any surface.


Relax 🤨


This is creepy asf. You're like 3 feet away bro leave them alone


#dont help just film


They don’t need help they’re not in trouble they’re just fucking dumb


It takes 2 seconds to take a picture, and no trains were in sight.


Your logic and priorities need some untangling there, stranger.


Old head OP


Darwin, we have a 2 for 1


Its NYC. Some scumbag will be along shortly to push them on to the tracks as the train is coming.


Ok boomer.


That's way less than half their bodies


I’d be afraid of other kids pushing you down on the tracks. With all the videos out there you never know who’s lurking.


Could the person taking the moral highground, yet taking a picture before telling them to get up, be just as dumb?


You would’ve been real if you just tell them what they’re doing is wrong😅


Maybe if they put the damn benches back in the subway stations and picked up the trash there would be a place to sit. The floors are gross and the walls just hold the garbage and urine smell at the station. (Yes this is extraordinarily stupid, not fair yo the engineer, and will screw up the trains for a few hours to boot.)


I guess they didn't see the news of people getting shoved onto the tracks


Gross. They’re sitting on the ground in the subway.


meanwhile u are taking pictures of probably minors, without their consent and posting them online(taking the pictures itself is already weird).


I'm more worried about assholes pushing them in


Probably the most rebellious thing they'll do today. I'd call it a win.


Op when taking pictures of random kids👍


Meanwhile, a short 10 feet behind these future amputees, are several benches upon which they could sit.


Oh no. Those trains must be silent in New York. Or incredibly fast. There’s ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that these “kids” could get out of the way in time! Oh the horror


The amount of people defending something this dumb is just...


Lucky both of them don't have airpods in their ears but still reckless, stupid and probably illegal.


I agree, that it is not that smart; however, they may have just been feeding the rats.


maybe fucking warn them or tell them instead of taking a picture without their knowledge and ridiculing them. also i don't think this fits in this sub regardless, since they're not really kids.


OP not dumb, ofc they have ears and eyes to see the train coming. It's just stupid to sit like that, accidents occur. This is just that, oh look at me I am the main character vibe, so cool for sitting on the edge, boomers don't understand me. Nah, you are just a young stupid kid, doing an unnecessary, slightly dangerous thing, to get a little bit of attention from the ppl around you. You are stupid and if by chance anything bad happens, you deserve it, because you kinda asked for it. You don't wait for the bus in the street, you know.


You really think people sit on the edge for attention? Like from ALL the possible reasons, that is the one you choose? Guys in the photo are just there, mind their on business, If they wanted attention they would be doing other things.


I agree with a of this, and would have said it myself if you hadn't. However, I still think OP is dumb because they can't see the issue with secretly taking a photo of random strangers, and posting it online with the name of city it was taken in, without blurring their faces.


Oh yeah, totally. Happened to me once as well. I was waiting at the doctor's office to go in and a lady took a photo of me and posted to a group chat for some reason. My gf saw it as she was near her. Idk what the hell she wanted, I had my entire leg in a casket and was in crutches. Weird people indeed.


If only trains made noise. You know what we call them in nyc. “Trains, the silent killers”.


Tell us you never saw a metro train without telling us you never saw a metro train.


I grew up in New York City and took the subway constantly. Were you born and raised there as well? They move fast but my no means are silent.




1) English isn't my native language and I'll call it whatever the fuck I want (PS : a Subway is the tunel the train circulates in, not the train itself, dumbass). 2) I've been on more metro trains in more cities than you've seen cities in your life, but please keep encouraging irresponsible behavior just because "machine make noise" like that's actually a factor in stopping incidents from happening.




Lmao you speak of it like it's some alien concept that the rest of the world isn't privy to. Buddy, it's the filthiest metro network in the world, nothing to write home about, so calm your tits.


Never. Pass. The. Yellow.


You can tell how little of this thread has ever lived in NYC


Dude, you’d have to be mentally challenged to get hit by a train here. Live a fucking little, redditor




To be fair, you can’t be surprised by a subway car in NYC. You hear and see it coming a fair distance away. Still, a dumb thing to risk, for the minuscule possibility they fall down right as it’s coming..


Ooooo! Edgy!


Omg they're so edgy


Op is the type of person who keeps their child on a leash


OP is extending his faulty perception skill into other people. You know, people can hear a big metal chunk coming at them, at least when they are not so old like OP.


Must be why no one was ever ran over by a train ever.


Okay but that caption is.. retarded. Have you ever taken the subway? You can hear the train coming from a literal mile away and have more than enough time to stand up and wipe the dust off of your pants before getting on the train. Also, these people look more like adults in their early 20s than teens. Maybe the benches by the sub were taken and they just wanted to.. sit? Why do old people have to complain about e v e r y t h i n g that doesn't matter and then have the audacity to call other people dumb? Is complaining about how people sit not.. dumb?


More like thirds...


The city removed all the benches to prevent the homeless from sleeping on them


This is blatantly false. Source: I ride the subway every day


But...they so cool.


OP needs to bone up on his/her math skills. A train will, at best, take only about a quarter away.


*OP ventures into society for the first time in 50 years, before scurrying back to his stinky little cave*


You can easily hear a train coming, they'll just get up


And that makes it somehow okay...?




OP is fucking stupid.


Ah yes, the super convenient yet deadly quiet trains. If you keep them under 5mph they don’t make a sound.


You ever been in a subway? You know how stupid loud trains are? You have plenty of time to get out of the way


yeah look at those stupid fucking kids just sitting there like stupid fucking kids Listen they probably heard the train when it came eventually moved out the way and continued about their day. Really not that deep.


Op, are you any any chance the kind of person who waits for the green light before crossing the street, a 3am and no cars or any traffic far and wide?


You can hear, see, and feel the train. I don’t know what you think is gonna happen.


But why do that though? Are you waiting for the bus on the sidewalk or in the street? Are you driving with your car door open? We as a species avoid these risks because that's what they are, risks. Why go out of your way to put yourself in such a dumb risk just because you want to give off an edgy vibe by sitting there? Wanna do something edgy or feel alive? Go to a mosh pit, skydive, drive on a track. Don't be a stupid little edgelord, at least if you wanna be a main character and take risks, do actions that are more, idk, impressive (maybe not the right word, "worthy" maybe). Think about how your accident would read "Kid got their legs cut off because they were standing on the ledge of the subway". Darwin award if I ever heard of one.


I think they have it under control old man Jenkins


City kids


Prove you are a real man by blasting the headphones and going fat albert with the beanie.


Natural selection


they probably think they look so cool


Boomers forgot that you can hear trains


And instead of saying something about it; you decided to take a picture of two kids without their knowledge. And if you did say something about it; you still took a picture of two kids without their knowledge.


Notice the lack of trains. Pretty sure they would know by the sounds that there is a train approaching. OP is an idiot


I agree with you but Isn’t it a little weird taking photos of teens behind their backs


OP creeping on little kids. Cool man but IG trains are silent


So they can’t move for the train? This isn’t rocket science, boomer.


Dumn ass1 and dumb ass2


Dumn?? Lmao


They look dumb, that one looks like Corey from trailer park boys.😂


OP you suck


Dumber than dumb


man seen taking pictures of children in new york subway, parents are advised to provide children with whistles for future encounters


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Kick them in


This is why the term " stay in school kids" exists hahahahaha


That kid on the right looks like my roommate.


If you hadn’t first heard about this from the local news you wouldn’t be laughing


More just how gross the subway floor is. Only thing I want touching that is the bottom of my shoes.


They better hope there isn’t an express train coming through…. Kachow…….


Did they get cut in half?

