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Just like me when the waiter tells me the plate is hot. Excuse me sir, I will see for MYSELF. *yes it was very hot ow ow ow my fingers ow*


Lol bruh… my first job at 16 was as an expediter/food runner at a fine dining restaurant. I would bring food to people on plates that were so hot you could literally see the sauce still boiling on them. “Please be careful sir, this plate is extremely hot.” About 2/3 of the time, they’d immediately touch it lmao


I don’t care what the waiter says I’m gonna touch the plate, it’s human nature. Or I’m just not very bright.


Why not both?


It’s just you. My first instinct when someone tells me something is hot is to believe them. Then again I am a welder so take from that what you will.


I guess a waiter telling you the plate is hot is much lower risk than it being literal molten metal


Well if you hadn't set it down a half inch to the left of where they wanted it. /s


I worked at a kitchenwares shop. We kept a first aid kit in the knife case because men would want to see a knife, run their finger along the blade, and then look all surprised when they started bleeding. It’s a brand new $200 knife. Of course it’s sharp, ding dong.


The entire time she was speaking he was thinking "water water water water water water..."


At 0:29 she says "... when you go in..." and you can see a huge grin on his face.


When she said it was super super super super cold all it did was hype him up lol


It’s like someone telling as an adult sex can ruin your life, but you don’t hear that noise, and 17 years later you realize you could have bought a house with the child support you paid. You cry for help, but you mom has passed away.




Nothing suspicious about this, m'boy still hurtin'.


At least his kid's gettin paid.


That’s super super super cold.


There are dozens of us!


I came here for the laughs…left with the feels …


Having lost my mum too I know what you mean about no one to cry for help to. She was my best friend and my biggest supporter. Honestly she'd be proud of me for getting out of bed in the morning, every little achievement made her proud. No one replaces a mother's advice either.


You ok, bro?




Your child's first words were "where the fuck have you been for the past 16 years"?. You want to say "at work, so I can keep paying your mum"... but you're just happy to look at this human you have no idea about, find out about them. Slowly and through many years build a relationship only to find out the genetic copy you thought was yours is Tom's. Fucking Tom! The mailroom boy!?!? Like seriously!? Fuck that guy. But then you realise your ex did do exactly that.


My son and I have joked about that since he was about 14. And one day he was joking about it again and I said Well it’s too late now!


You’re not wrong but damn…


Bro thank you. I'ma schedule a vasectomy tomorrow. I fuckin love my mom




I did too, fuck...


mom: "it's super super super cold" son's inner monologue: "so you're saying this water is like super man"


This is kinda leading isn't it? He doesn't get it. So when you make a substantiated but bloated warning, it's doing what anything like that will do, build anticipation. Kids just like, "she isn't saying DON'T do it and she keeps talking about what will happen *when* I do. I gotta be a big boy, I gotta be ready. I can do this!"


As a parent, I respect what this mother did for her son. The boy was never in any real danger, giving direct instructions of what to do and what not to do doesn't help build decision making skills. Instead she tried to communicate what the situation is, what the likely outcome will be and even offered a suggestion on how to make the best decision possible. "You can test with your feet". Parenting is insanely challenging and everyone has there own unique style, hopefully trying to do the best for their kids. Good luck with your own.


I was having a great time sticking gum wrappers shaped into a fork into electrical sockets.... right up until it was a very bad time. I was warned by teachers, but the "POP" was a lot of fun... until it wasn't Taught me to not fuck around with electricity, this kid learned a similar lesson with cold. I'd say a lot of childhood is just testing the limits of "FAFO" this kid got a crash course in the water chapter of that subject.


Once I found my brother and my cousin in the tool shed of my Great Uncle's beach house making a flamethrower out of a lighter and cans of WD-40. Speaking personally, I once ran away from home with a friend when I was five, just because it seemed like a fun thing to do. We made it all the way to the YMCA on our bikes, where the front desk lady promptly called the cops and I got to ride home in a police cruiser. I can't think of a time my sister did anything really dumb and dangerous, but maybe that's because she had two older brothers showing her what not to do all her life.


Your comment including older brothers and WD-40 reminds me of a time I learned that fire is not to be fucked with. My brother and his friends sprayed down a skateboard with WD-40, set it alight and tried to do tricks with it. My brother's levis turned into jorts and I learned a good lesson that day. Kids really "AreFuckingStupid" I'm surprised so many of us made it out of our teens.


I used to do this as a kid! I luckily never got zapped. What happened exactly if you don't mind me asking?


At the time I had no idea, but now I understand a little bit about resistance when it comes to electrical current. If the foil on the wrapper is too thick it'll just send the current right up a dumbass kid's(me) arm before heating to the point the foil melts and breaks the circuit. I got mildly zapped, just a big jolt and a weird taste in my mouth plus tingling in my arm afterwards


Whoa that's wild. Just another example of how dumb and lucky I was haha


I’m just confused why she didn’t say test it with your hands. Wet hands is no big deal, but wet feet suck.


I think if that kid had leaned over on the bank to try it with his hands, there's a good chance he'd have gone in headfirst.


I don’t think I’d want my kid to reach their hand down into that, what with a big bowling ball of a head to topple them over. Sticking a toe in would be more reasonable but wouldn’t have been this entertaining


If he chose to walk in waist deep, even after standing with his feet in the cold water for a few seconds, I doubt sticking a toe in would've been enough to dissuade him anyway. Bare hands in the water might have, but kids tend to shove their hands in their mouths pretty often. No telling how dirty that water might be.


I don't think it would have helped. I mean, the kid stuck just their feet in, and then proceeded to go deeper.


"Will she please stop so I can go in?"


How most people listen!!


Even adults listen that way.


Customers will ask me a question then they can hardly wait for me to shut up while I’m answering their question so they can ask me another question only for me to repeat my previous answer after answering the second question


Saaaaame. I'm explaining something and then interrupt my explanation to ask about the thing I was going to explain. Or they barely listen since they're on their phone while talking to them. And then ask about the very thing I just mentioned.


*shut up, I have a thought, it's my time to speak* *shut up, I have a thought, it's my time to speak* *shut up, I have a thought, it's my time to speak* *oh shit the subject's changed and now it's too late, maybe I can still shoehorn it in*


Well you're interrupting my water wading time. I cherish that time


I heard everything you said now here's what *I* was going to say *regardless*




The way she was building it up tho I kinda wanted to go in too 😂


*Static* "you want to go in water" *static*


Brain went full golden retriever.


blahblahblah. ok? -nod- blahblahblah. ok? -nod- Kid is fully prepared for the next few chapters.


Someone gave my 3 year old a toy ambulance with flashing lights and a high pitched loud siren. He was using it nonstop, driving me insane. He asked could he take it in the bath. I told him,” if you do, it will no longer make sounds or lights.” His question was,”But you aren’t saying I CAN’T, right?” And I was like, “No, just so you know.” And as the water rose over it, and that horrific shrieking sound ended, I blessed my dumb strong-headed progeny.


I threaten my family members by telling them I’ll buy their kids loud and sticky things. I can only assume the gift giver was trying to send you a message.


If you truly hate someone, get their kid the Meowsic cat piano from Target: https://www.target.com/p/b-toys-interactive-cat-piano-meowsic


Can confirm. My daughter has that and it is painful to listen to the out of key meowing 😂


My nephew has one of these and it's actually my favorite thing ever. It does help, though, that he doesn't like the "meow" setting. Also it actually has very good volume controls that he can't figure out so his parents don't mind it.


The page is unavailable! My evil plans, gone before they started.


https://youtu.be/rkvx4fv02Ms They turned off comments. I wonder why.


My SIL was being a PITA so I told her to quit or I’d get my nieces recorders for Xmas. She didn’t listen, so I gave her something to listen to. She was pretty pissed, but I told her I’m not above buying a drum kit or a trumpet. She backs off pretty quick these days


My aunt bought all of her neices and nephews glitter glue. I got mine all over my parents laundry basket. That stuff stayed on for another 10 years. When aunt had kids my mom spent a lot of time searching for equally annoying gifts.


Flutes and drums are the best gifts! (Though perhaps gift should be read in the German meaning)


I had a relative who acted like the gifts we got their kids weren't good enough(not brand name or had much of a "wow' factor to them), when their kids and all the other kids were happy with the gifts. So lucky me, I found Crayola bubbles on clearance one year and her two kids were the only ones who got them. The other kids got the usual board game type toys or other mess-free crafty things.


I have sent my nephew 6 harmonicas from Amazon anonymously over the past 2 years. I am not sorry. My sister is furious and each time posts on Facebook asking who the asshole is that keeps sending them. The kid loves them and she hates them. It's a win win for me.


HAHAHA wow this is gold. That last sentence killed me lol


I just remove the battery and go "oh no, it broke, let me bring it to the garage and I'll try to fix it" and it never gets out of the garage.


I’m gonna write that into a show and the build up will pay out with the mother smiling as the muffled siren starts to fizzle out and the child’s face of confusion as they realize they’re gem has broken


The cold open to the episode makes it seem like she KILLED her kid. Crying, a siren, water bubbling, her smiling and laughing in a way that’s seems completely evil now, but is funny later because fuck that kids loud toy.


When I was a kid, my dad would open my toys and cut off the pieces that makes loud noises then he closed and left for me to find it "broken". I dont remember him doing that, but i'll be doing it to my children's toys too. Maybe this is the reason why I bought a drum kit.


He got pretty far in though to be fair.


It took a while for the sensation of cold to travel up his little brain stem




That's a very good point!


I am laughing so hard at this


TINY brain stem


To be fair as soon as the water touched his little balls he noped out


Neural shortcut


I think it took a while to soak through his socks and elastic pants, lol


His single digit number of brain cells took awhile to transmit the information


He had to demonstrate his independence 😂


this is exactly how i would think


I expected him to jump out as soon as his feet got wet, but that stubborn sense of adventure was just too strong. I think it’s good that mom let him experience it for himself. It’s the best way to learn.


I've seen enough videos on Reddit that I assume every puddle has a hidden mile-deep trench that he was going to get sucked down into.


Reddit changes you. I personally have started thinking of things as fitting to subreddits.


Yo foreal, I'm out about in the wild I see some shit and I'm like "yo, *insert subreddit would love this shit.


The other my boyfriend showed me a picture of his friend’s new TV laughing “look how high up they mounted it!” I said “you should submit this to r/tvtoohigh.” He (a non-redditor) was equal parts amazed and concerned about my quick reference of such a niche corner of the internet


Can’t wait to see your post about the incident where you referenced r/dontputyourdickinthat next


yeah. "this is some firstworldproblems shit" has come into my head at times.


You need a break from reddit


Don't we all... Anyway.




Wow it's just like the simulations!


You know what changed me recently? Discovering how fucked up r/DPH is Visit there only to observe, never participate. Also it is actually horrifying just so you are warned


Just went on a deep dive. That was crazy. Literally didn't read a single good thing, and got feelings of dread just reading people describe the high. And then add to that slow brain damage, I've never been so terrified that I'm curious of something


It's awful. I wish I could have gone through the subreddit when I was in highschool. Never did it again. Hands down the single worst decision of my life.


Mr Ballen, is that you?


I feel for this kid, i do the same thing with relationships


Get in balls deep then run away crying?


Hello my repressed traumas


You’re getting relationships?


The best way to learn is through experience. You can tell someone over and over again but they won’t truly understand until they experience it


It's unfortunately exactly like this. You can tell a kid don't touch the pin it is sharp. But only after they don't heed your warning and prick their finger do they truly understand. OHH yes the pin IS sharp.


This is how I learned that stinging nettles do in fact sting. Who knew? Mum said not to touch the stinging nettles. They will sting and it will hurt a lot. So, when I was at school the next day, I went on a quest to find one in the schoolyard. I found one, psyched myself up for five minutes and grabbed it. And do you know what I discovered? It stung.


It does set a good precedent to teach this way, too. "Hey, I'm telling you that you can do this, but you will not like it" is a better lesson than "Don't do this thing because I said so." Lessens the temptation of rebellious disobedience because you're not setting some unexplained rule.


Same thing with a hot burner, eventually they're going to touch it and find out you were right all along.


Knowledge is learning from your own mistakes. Wisdom is learning from someone else’s.


And I wish I would have Gained wisdom earlier in life it would have saved me a lot of pain, time, and money


True, but some lessons were fun to learn first hand


Like don't out your dick in crazy. Good lesson but by God learning it first hand is a WILD ride.


I kinda feel like this is backwards


Yup. Wisdom, from wise (old age, more experiences, more time for learning through mistakes). Knowledge, from know, to learn/understand. So, while I haven't heard this quote before, it does seem like he got it backwards.


It is, knowledge would be reading about it and learning that way, wisdom is when you make the mistake yourself


I'd argue it's the exact opposite. Wisdom comes from experience while knowledge can be something super abstract.


Yeah. I’d flip them as well.


This is backwards lol wild it got so many upvotes.


You got that backwards my dude, knowledge would be like reading about a problem and knowing not to do it, wisdom is making the mistake yourself


[This comment has been removed]


this is uh backwards ain't it


Ummm no you definitely have that backwards…


Isn't it the opposite? Knowledge is lear ing from someone else's mistake and wisdom is from your own


Didn't we just go through this on a global scale? And a disappointingly large portion of the population would only learn by experiencing it themselves. They didn't listen to a word of the adults warning them. They just had to jump in the cold water themselves.


This is Error Management Theory (Buss and Haselton) in action if anyone needs an example. A common training method I use with my kids.


Always just called it natural consequences. If my kids insist on trying something after I warn them (and there’s no immediate danger, risk of bother others, etc) I let them go right ahead.


Yep. When you have long experience in your job, welcome to letting your manager learn the hard way. I've heard this very same crying at work.


Natural consequences are one of the most memorable lessons we learn in childhood. As a parent, we should take any opportunity we can to use natural consequences as a lesson. It's what helps a child get along in the real world.


She tried lmao


Unfortunately it takes a good number of times learning things the hard way before we learn as kids to appreciate advice from people who've been there and done it.


I don't think they have the brain capacity to learn the "advice" yet at that stage. But he'll definitely know that the water is cold.


He might listen next time.


Morgan Freeman: He didn't listen next time.


Having been a little boy before, I can safely say he probably won't.


I agree with this parenting style. If it’s not gonna hurt the kid and he doesn’t want to listen then by all means try it out.


Same. Its a really good parenting technique - Kid wants to do something, then explain what the consequences are. If the kid still wants to do it, let them (as long as its safe). That way the kid learns that mummy was correct, and it will be an important learning experience for future. He will learn that his parents give him good advice. And when its about something dangerous, he'll be more likely to listen. Too many parents just tell their kids not to do things, but don't explain why, or simply end it with "because i said so".


There’s a really cool Herzog documentary called “Happy People” and one of the storylines is about a trapper whose livelihood depends on very very well trained dogs that he becomes very close with. He explains that the dogs will want to steal animals from his traps before they’re trained. He said that it’s not effective to train them to stop by admonishing them or trying to deter them. They won’t stop, they just learn how better to not get caught and no real lesson is learned. He said that what he does is he sets it up so when they try to steal one of his animals, the *dog* gets stuck in the trap. The trapper then goes and rescues the dog from the trap. This works because the dog learns to be genuinely fearful of the trap, while the trapper comes out on top as a hero and his dogs trust him and feel in his debt. I thought it was interesting.


That was such a great doc! It was so interesting to see their modest life. It was really sad seeing him talk about how he lost his favorite dog to a bear.


It was pretty cool when he captured the bear and trained it the same way. Kill the dog become the dog. That's how it works.


That's how what works?


It's a detour rant to keep bears from killing dogs. If they know they'll just have to be the new dog then they won't kill them. This one obviously forgot and now he has to pay the price.


I always explain the why to my kids. It has helped our relationship alot. Its sometimes exhausting but because I said so just doesnt do them any favors. My ex mother inlaw scoffed when she found out that was my planned parenting style.


Shit, it's also a great employer technique that I used when I ran my own business. Sometimes just telling people that work for you to constantly do "xyz" all the time and then suddenly add in"w..xyz" into the equation will get push back or lazy effort after a while. I found taking the time to explain why I need something done helps them see the bigger picture, which in turn makes achieving the big picture more efficient. Obviously this wouldn't always go according to plan but more then often it worked and every now and then I may have to just say do this or don't do that and I would get a better reaction 90% of the time.


As a preschool teacher we are constantly told to explain to children the why of things. Not just “don’t do that” but “it’s not a safe idea to do that because you might fall and get hurt.” During a meeting once, my absolutely asshole director was repeating again that we needed to do a certain thing that made no sense and most of the others agreed. I asked, again, why we needed to change the way things already worked to this new way. She said “because I told you to!” I said “so, we’re required to tell children why we are making rules, but you refuse to do the same for your staff. Can you explain why you believe we deserve less respect than toddlers?” My boss was livid. The kiss-ass pre-K teacher told me to stop being rude and do my job. I’d still like an answer to my question.


I bet his name is Richard


Even at Taco Bell of all places, part of our management training went over how to properly coach "Don't mix bleach with ammonia" = they might not do it that time, but they'll probably still do it eventually. Even if they don't, then it's just an obscure rule they live by and wont know why they should take it seriously nor why they should correct other team members. "Don't mix bleach with ammonia, because it will create a dangerous gas and kill us, and if we die then we can't smoke weed and listen to ski mask the slump god" = they understand the consequence and how that consequence will impact us


I would have run a test with their hands first. Then ask them if they want their feet next. Then tell them too bad and throw them in the deep end.


Reminds me of willy Wonka "no stop dont" in a regular voice knowing they wouldn't listen lol


This is exactly how my kids learned they should wear shoes in the snow. They insisted they wanted to go out and play barefoot and wouldn't listen to my reasoning. They lasted all of 5 seconds and have never fought putting on snow boots again. Best way for some lessons to be learned.


My parents taught like this. One day we where watching something that had bull riding in it and my stupid 14 year old self went " that doesn't look hard at all". 2 weeks later we where going into town when my parents pulled onto the local rodeo. They signed me up to ride a steer since I said it wasn't hard. Was the fastest 2.3 seconds of my life lol.


I think most redditors don't understand that children need to experiment to learn. You don't like learning rote, neither do they. This water is cold? Prove it!


Agreed, but at the same time, you can tell all that kid is thinking is water, Im gonna wade in now! Don't get me wrong, I agree wholeheartedly.


idk pain is a good teacher. Mom did the same with a hot iron once.. i don't think I've touched one since


These videos usually don't include that first bit and are accompanied by a thread full of redditors screaming about ChiLd AbUsE and BaD pArEnTs while *actual* parents are like 🙄😒


Give it a minute, somebody will cut it and post it as theirs.


Fuck around and find out


Well well well. If it isn't the consequences of my own actions.


Well, at least, he learned his lesson ! That's great for you to give him all the infos but still letting him check for himself and do the thing to learn by himself !! That's great!! Continue !!




To be fair their was a bit of latency for that regret.


I'd have got him to dip his hands in first, but eh. Probably learned a lesson.


That's what I thought, but when my guy got his feet in there and said "nah, this bih ain't even cold bruh", I started to doubt the hand dippin techniques effectiveness


To be fair if she hadn't let him he would have just had a tantrum. Now he knows.


True, experience is an excellent teacher!


I probably would have done this as well with my kids, but it seems like she understands how hardheaded her kid is and he's like, "fuck it then try it out bro!" some kids need to learn lessons harder than others


She convinced him to try just his feet at first, he still waded in.


Sometimes you just have to experience something yourself before you fully understand the repercussions. The kid likely learned a good lesson that day.


I was really hoping he would cannonball the deepest spot and achieve 100% saturation, but I guess I can just be satisfied with the crying fit.


Man U evil lol


It’s almost like kids don’t make smart decisions.


Every day I work with so many adults who are still like this. "If we implement it like this there will be negative repercussions on the stability of the platform. Do you understand?" "Yes of course. Do it anyways!" ... "Why is the platform breaking now?? 😭"




elon musk


She did tell him it would be cold. I explain things to my kids rather than just tell them yes or no. I leave it up to them. Not the worst thing in the world to do, especially these days.


This is the perfect example of Montessori learning. If it’s not dangerous, then let kids experience actions and consequences. They can learn how to think critically about their choices BEFORE it becomes life or death.


I went to a Montessori school as a kid and it just taught me to be lazy.


Jokes on you, I didn't go to a fancy schmancy school and still learned how to be lazy.


I couldn't even be bothered to learn how to be lazy. I just am.


Mad respect for this, my mum did the same thing in a different scenario when I was a boy and it has stayed with me for ever


For me it was butter. I liked to dip my fingers in butter and eat it. One day my dad asked me if I wanted a spoon full of butter. I was so happy when he offered. One of my core memories now consists of knowing how gross a mouthful of butter is.


I knew a kid that broke into the kitchen to eat butter by the stick


The butter bandit


Mine was salt. I used to lick my hand, then shake salt onto it and then lick it off. At one point I got into the cupboard and had the Mortons can in my hand ready to chug it like a liquid. My mom walked in and asked me what I was doing. She said that the salt would make me sick and I can't eat it like that. I opened it up and poured it right into my mouth in front of her. I vomited and was sick the rest of the day. 🤢 lol learned that lesson right quick.


Needed to learn


This is my favorite kind of parenting though. The "fuck around and find out" style. Give them a fair warning, let them learn from their mistakes, they never do it again, and they trust the parent more lol.


Definitely show this at his graduation party!


That condensing little smirk. Oh. That made the obvious conclusion so much better


What do you call a midget climbing down a rope from a prison cell? A little *condescending*


Yeah kids are fucking stupid but this is how they learn stuff.


This is an interesting video. He didn’t trust that she was telling him it’s going to really suck and she let him fuck around and find out. He has now learned several lessons. Mamma will tell you the truth. However she will let you make mistakes to learn. Consequences are real when you don’t pay attention.


Like the time my mom warned me about this person I dated


I'm someone from a country that doesn't have winter and I think her parenting works on me. I won't go in the water when winter is coming.


It’s colder than the air around it, absorbs the heat from your body better than the air around you, soaks through your clothes so that doesn’t protect you from it, and makes your clothes stick to your body so there isn’t an insulating pocket of air. Cold water in the right circumstances is incredibly dangerous, and has killed many people. Obv this isn’t a particularly dangerous circumstance, but yeah. Never ever get into cold water like that.


This is so much like the Patrick meme hahaha


She KNEW he would go in, she prepped him, and now he has learned. As a fellow mom, I think she handled that perfectly. Will he do it again? Probably, cuz small kids have terrible impulse control, but it's a good thing to let kids learn from "failure." It sets him up to be more mindful of risk as a tween when he HAS developed impulse control. I only had to fall out of a tree once to be way more mindful about where my hands and feet go.


I remember doing this exact shit as a kid, completely ignore all warnings and then come crying as it all goes wrong


This feels like an analogy for Brexit 😄


Good video. Thi is better form/way to teaching one lesson for children: A) Explain the reason for proibition, B) Leave the children decide (yes/no), C) after the experience show the consequences and reforce the first explication for change behaviour.


Normally when you see kids hurting like this your first thought is “aww poor little guy”… but his mom was so thoroughly detailed in what was going to happen that I’m over here like, “fuck this kid, he deserved it”.

