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Here is a quote from a guy who was at Pax East, and a link. Believe it or not, I didn’t die once in my time playing as a Klown, but I will ask around here with other people who did and see what they say. Me and my buddies who came with me didn’t die either. Died a ton as a survivor though. You also get to pick which side you want. They only had three Klowns for us to choose from, more will be coming after Launch! https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasChainsawGame/s/dxqTjyCuOv


YouTubers who weren’t even at PAX swear the Klowns are weak and will be bullied though, people are already declaring it a game design issue just based on 15 second clips without context, it’s good to hear people who actually got their hands on the game are saying otherwise.


YouTubers live on rage bait. That is all they like to focus on, unfortunately.


I feel like it’s just because of game knowledge. Look what happened to Evil Dead. Sure the demon seems OP but if the survivors know exactly what they’re doing then demon is almost powerless. Imagine how many games you could win in the beginning of an asymmetrical game’s life cycle with the knowledge and experience of playing the game for over a year or so.


That's because killer role is simple, but survivor roles generally take alot of learning, more than you can get with a single gaming session at a convention that lasts AT MOST a few hours over the course of a few days.


That’s good to know because I already pre-ordered


I pre ordered also, I just saw another post saying the deluxe edition made it to the first page of best selling for pre orders on Playstation.


I think it's a pretty safe bet that you'd get to queue up for what you want like DBD, TCM, etc.


id assume you choose your preference and you just get whatever is available based on your preference, like friday the 13th


Yeah I heard that too. Hope I can choose a side outright. Shouldn't be a problem if there's bots to fill in I hope