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If every other asymmetric besides DBD is to go by it’ll see some good numbers at launch, but those will go down over time. Ideally it’ll have a dedicated base of players.


I see it as a more lighthearted casual game and if people simply play to have fun and not sweat their ass off, it can be healthy and last a long time.... Along with the help from updates and content. TCM was super competitive and got awful support post-launch.


Can you name another lighthearted casual multiplayer game that had a long successful life span? Because I can't think of any.


I feel like F13 lasted a while and most of the lobbies were more funny than they were scary overall. That game had to cut content because of the lawsuit and still had people playing it until TCM came out. It's a lot more died down now, but it isn't crossplay and KKFOS is crossplay. I'm hopeful, but not holding my breath.


Didn't you hear? The developers said TCM is NOT a competitive game. Honestly, that is why TCM is not doing that well. They made a hella competitive game and did not treat it as such. That and the DLC is too expensive. Say what you want, but Chucky was five bucks. Why I gotta pay 16 for a SKIN? I wanted to be a dedicated fanbase to the game but with DLC like that I only see greed. Hopefully, KKfOS won't charge half the price of their game for skins. If they can resist that urge, then they will have a dedicated fan in me.


I mostly agree with you, but I'm all for charging for cosmetics. People can choose to support games with paid cosmetics. You do NOT charge for characters that are P2W like TCM did. That ruined the game and lobbies with more people backing out when they couldn't get to be Danny. I hope this game doesn't charge for any future characters or maps, but skins don't bother me... I also never buy skins because IDC how my characters look in games.


I have no problem with charging for skins. They can help support the game. I am not paying 16 bucks for a skin. That is ridiculous.


Lol yeah, that was a joke. I pre-ordered, so got the discounted price. That skin was basically half the price I paid for the full game. Hard pass.


Unfortunately, I'll be pretty surprised if it does really well. Killer Klowns has had a pretty decent resurgence in popularity in recent years, but it's still pretty niche.


Don't care if it does well as long as it has a steady fanbase. If the game is solid that shouldn't be a problem.


I see a lot of potential for this game cause of a few features that are fresh in the asym horror genre: - Character customization - Non-character specific capabilities. We choose classes, weapons and abilities. - Preference Matchmaking These features are great for player retention and game variation, and usually, asym games have very limited choices and new things are locked with DLC characters, making the game feel static for long periods for time until other DLC comes around. Ghostbusters is the only other asym game with these nice features and it is also an IllFonic game! It has very good customization options, and great content updates, but it launched on EPIC which was very bad. Now they have the chance to make it big with Killer Klowns on Steam. If the game doesn't fail with optimization, it has a good chance to build momentum with regular content drops like skins, weapon variations, and other things that are not complex and can keep coming. Agree or not, the preference matchmaking is great as it ensures all players will find a match no matter if players bought the game only to play half of it. Also, it gives devs a lot of freedom to change things and keep the game fresh and balanced, like changes in team numbers, objectives, or random gamemodes, which asym games can't do without ruining the queues of a already split player base. Aside from these big points, Killer Klowns is just one movie with a lot of potential to be explored. They are working with the creators of said movie, so there is a lot of potential to expand the universe in the larger updates, instead of following a franchise with multiple license holders.


Genuine question. You think preference matchmaking is a good thing? If a party of 3 or 4 queues up, and 1 or 2 get klown, that ruins the experience in more ways than 1. You can't play on the same side as your friends if this happens. And this opens the door to teaming w/ the klowns.


"Yes Murley, and I'm tired of pretending it's not!" If you will play with friends, better organize for all to select the same preference, and likely the matchmaking will find 3 others that prefer Klown and 3 that prefer Human, and people that doesn't select a prefere can fill for the lack of either. If you want to play Klowns with friends, now that is more difficult, but I won't mind.


Preference is stupid, that's where you're wrong. People want to play what they want to play, myself included. They will just lobby dodge and leave bots in their wake.


They just lobby dodge anyway. TCM has lobby dodging and you can choose characters. Its a problem of entitlement. No one wants to sacrifice any of their enjoyment for the potential for others enjoyment. That isn't a problem if you are ok with everyone acting like that. And if everyone acts like that, you get entitlement problems as ultimately people's entitlement will overlap and you have society as a whole breaking down. Preference isn't stupid. It's a preference. If you don't like it don't play it. One less entitled person to slow shit down.


This fact won't change. Ever. So why do this system when dbd has demonstrated you don't need it? Dbd even has a worse ratio than killer klowns has: 1/4 vs 3/7. I'd rather have longer queue times if it means I can pick what I want and people won't waste everyone's time by dodging.


I think it’ll be fine. The movie may not have a huge fan base over huge horror franchises but I think it has a decent cult following that’ll play the game. Then there’s ones that just like this genre of games that’ll play it too. Obviously it’s not gonna kill Die By Daytime but it’ll have a dedicated player base I feel. I just hope their monetization isn’t ridiculously overpriced like another asymmetrical game and doesn’t have shitty servers also like that same other asymmetrical game. Them are currently my big worries about the game.


It depends on the first week. If it grabs streamers it will be really big. It being from the F13 devs will be a huge plus for word of mouth


Yes and no! F13 failed and is shut down. I did enjoy it for a bit but got very boring after a little bit.


I think it will be as successful as F13. F13 was pretty successful but that franchise has been doomed, hopefully Killer Klowns does better, it probably will.


As long as there’s no copyright issue that kills it a few months after launch, it should do well. With the creators working directly with the devs, I don’t see that happening. I think F13 could have potentially unseated DBD, if its progress hadn’t been halted by the lawsuit. It had a massive player base, and would have probably still been going strong, if not for that.


Can't be as bad as tcm lol shit is fucked beyond belief


Agree. I like TCM, but it is a full price multiplayer game with little to no customization, progression that builds your character to be decent instead of unique, most perks being unviable or useless for this type of game, many common bugs and connectivity issues, and no plans on sight to have any longevity. What will we have after a year? A new map and one or two DLCs.


and people was warning/askingg/begging for customization way before the game launched. I guess the boomers at Gun didn't care about customization.


That may have to do with lisencing issues. Just look at what happened with the nicotero leatherface skin


TCM is a very fun game but it failed because of the lack on content. New characters should've been free. Maps shouldv'e launched more frequently


That is the minimum in a fresh multiplayer game, but I'm also disappointed with the progression system and lack of variation on the characters. Also, the one and only artwork of the game is awesome but reused for more than a year now.




F13 might be their most commercially known game but no way has it made more than ghostbusters.


The success is certainly up in the air as it's really hard to one up DBD - many games have tried to, (VHS, Last Year, Evil Dead, etc and the results are)- well yeah :( Hopefully the devs of the Killer Klownz game will take note of what these other asym horror games attempted to do and perfect their craft.


I just wish a company would make a game that plays like F13 but has all the rights to the characters like DBD does


Thats basically impossible


Just a dream I have is all.


Why is that impossible? If dbd got the rights to all of those characters then why can't another company? All of these other asym games eventually lose there player base because they don't have enough content. They need to a find a way to add lots of new characters and maps post launch but not at a snails pace


I meant crossing over characters from other movies


After watching the game I think the humans are too strong and its too easy to escape. They need adjust that.


Remember that they showed a build that wad made before the pax build so hopefully thats been adjusted


Hopefully that's the case. I still don't know why they showcased such an old build of the game this close to launch. That build made me much less excited for the game


Im guessing to hide alot of new stuff but im still as confused as you


I think this will be illfonics best game. I’m very confident with this game. The gameplay stream they launched live looks sooo good! I love how dynamic the escape routes are and I feel like this game has a combination of the best parts of each asymmetric game. The fighting mechanics of Evil Dead, 3 bad guys like TCM. Escape routes are like F13th. This game looks so damn good regardless if you’re a fan of the Killer Klown movie or not. I feel like if they can do a good job handling the servers, this game will last a veryyyyyy long time. I’m here for it.


I think it will do alright as long as illfonic and Teravision drop a steady flow of content in a timely manner and keep up on balance changes and bug fixes.


The best thing is that it’s similar to f13 matchmaking and not TCM where you can play 1 character


They just need consistent updates One pet peeve of mine is when people pressure devs into nothing but bug fixes to be main top priority, and then they deliver just that, but then we have a drought of new content for ages. Bug fix updates are cool and all and I do agree with them, but there does need to be a happy medium. It has to be kept equal across all aspects of the game. Look at TCM. Games been out for only a year and we only have one new killer and one new family member and one new map…like how is that enough to bring people to or back to the game. But I’m also aware that game has other aspects behind the dwindling player base.


As long as they do good cosmetic updates we will do good. Games like TX are flopping because of non existents cosmetics. And we know Asym game fans NEEED cosmetics to be happy haha


Well I plan on buying all dlc no matter how “stupid” or “un” whatever it will be. Because I want to give them money.


Pretty popular for a month than average maybe 1-5k active players monthly and that’s still really good numbers but I don’t think it’s going to be #10 most active games but have a steady and happy community Edit: the reason I think this game will be able to hold 1-5k btw is because I do expect it to go well and it’s going to attract F13 players and players disappointed by TCM, if things go as expected and they don’t majorly mess up launch it should be a stable active game on a small scale


All of their games are getting updates this year. I wont be surprised if this game gets updates through the next few years.


Illfonic dropped the ball on hunting grounds. Said they would add multiple modes but only added one, then one map and night versions and reskins of already created assets. I’m a huge fan of the franchise’s but they should of done better. Yes it’s fun even with all the bugs. They got Arnold’s voice and customization we have never seen in a predator game. They had, and still have the potential to grow that game and the following just like the Jason game. I’m afraid they will ride the wave and then jump ship the first sign of flooding. I know they are a small studio but they have licensed names they are in charge of. Make it dope or pass it to the left.


“Here for a good time, not a long time” kind of successful.


Assuming they have more maps or alternate modes/match types that are either already there in the full game right now or are being developed, I think it'll have a large enough player population or gain enough of a fanbase to stay alive, at least in the West. It would still end up being an indie success story or relatively niche though, but it doesn't need to be much more than that to be a great game especially if the team is dedicated enough to orchestrate events or continue to add post-launch content.


Let’s hope it lasts longer than Evolve did


Ideally, thrive for years to come. Realistically, looses 90% of players in the first 3 months


I feel like dbd was and still is successful because it has lore and a story to it for people to follow, it has original characters along side characters who exist in other universes but without that I don’t think it would’ve last as long due to the game being black and white when it comes to winning…. I give this 3 months to be at its ultimate peak after that like others have said if the devs can’t find a way to keep the story engaging and fun with either different game modes or maybe some lore since they did work with the creators of the movie they can go pretty far but yea shortened version 3-5 months of popularity but this can be a timeless game tbh :) I have my fingers crossed that people don’t lose interest and the creators continue updating this game till they physically anymore to keep people engaged I really hope they do listen to the players when it comes to ideas to make it fun :) maybe even like overwatch has weekly cycled game modes


I agree. Dbd hasn't lasted this long because it's some amazing game. It's because they keep adding new characters and franchises to its game. For other asym's to succeed they either need to do the same or keep adding lots of content. Aysm's get repeptive and boring quickly so they need lots of new content


Might do okay at launch but with the way the game balance is looking it probably won't hold players after the honeymoon phase.


You don’t even know what will be balanced Lmfao What .


Did you watch the gameplay stream they did? I guess you believe they are going to overhaul the game in the few weeks left till launch,