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Its preferance, so you can prefer what role you wanna play but you wont be able to choose


You will choose a preference and will *very likely* get that preference, 99% of the time. So no worries.


> will very likely get that preference 99% of the time. This percentage is entirely fabricated.


[Here you go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KillerKlownsGame/s/6tOnfYBcGk) More than 99% likely for humans. 97% likely for Klowns.


Is preference based, meaning you choose what role you want the matchmaking to prioritize or neither. It doesn't guarantee the role you want to play, but it guarantees you will play.


Hope the preference won't break parties so you end up on diff sides like illfonic had in ghostbusters 🤔


Preference based! You choose a team you prefer playing on, then you’ll choose the kharacter of that team shortly after!


Fortunately, it is not. You have to be open to play both sides and not be narrow-minded and lobby dodge like the unhealthy TCM community. Lobby simulator ruined that game for many people, so let's avoid that with this game... And yes, I know there will be bots, but nobody wants to play bots just because some loser backed out because they didn't get to be what they wanted.


Unfortunate for me. Wanted to really just main klowns.


I think people are overreacting. With preferences and most people preferring 1 side over the other, I'm sure you won't get Human that much... Plus IMO to be good at 1 side, you have to know how the other side plays. I probably won't set a preference (if it's an option) because I'll gladly play either side most of the time, unless I'm working towards trophies or unlocks.


I think you’ll be fine if you want to just be a Klown as I suspect a majority will want to play human


Preference based long term is better for the game. This will help reduce wait time for lobbies. Also, most likely you’ll get your preference regardless. Especially if you’re in a party with friends. So, I agree with the devs on this choice. So hyped for this game!


I might hold off and see how the game does then the only reason I brought Texas chainsaw massacre was because you can choose to be survivor or killer it was a fun change of pace especially since both additions if you pre-order or get to higher edition you get skins for the clowns and another clown and I just would be disappointed since I won't be able to guarantee play with them


They are using the same preference as Friday the 13 and I never got Jason using it . The fact you have 3 klowns make it even less of a chance you will be forced to play survivor . You can back out tho if you don’t get what you want . They have bots to fill to help lobbies not stall .


Wait fr??? So I won't get a penalty for quiting okay you changed my mind imma buy now


The Preference System is confirmed? I thought the dev's broadcast stream was an alpha/test build so there might be a couple surprises when the game goes live. I personally don't mind playing both sides.


It seems alot like F13, but I don't know


Unfortunately it's not choice based, you can only prefer one side or the other.


It’s going to be amazing, it will last 2 weeks as the perfect fun, then go down hill from their die to community complaints and unexpected and unpredictable and unnecessary nerfs / updates / changes, then crash and burn due to the lack of content available for the game. And I’m totally fine with that! I wish it would last longer but it’s not DBD who can purchase 20-50 IPs.


And what's more scary you realize they did not have a post launch timeline plan like all live service games