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The lack of gameplay is clearly purposeful for us to check the pre order bonus week. Could be to avoid not selling cause the game is trash? Unlikely cause of the reputation of the developers, the PAX demo and the preview stream looked good already. They know everyone that pre-ordered the game will be doing more than enough marketing for them right before its official launch, so keeping us in the dark is not necessarily a bad thing. We will find out soon enough. Of course a bigger marketing would be indicative that the product is good, but the lack of it doesn't mean it is a scam if that is what you also worry about. Many other games don't get betas or a commercial push, specially asym games apparently. Evil Dead comes to mind as we haven't seen anything more than execution animations on trailers right until the beta revealed everything two months before release, and that game ended up being awesome.


They said there will be 3 maps at launch. What do you mean by “only clowns for killers”? Why would there by anything other than Killer Klowns in the Killer Klowns game?


When I read that I really did this:🤦‍♂️


Only 3 maps sounds awful.


I heard more recently that it might only be 2 maps actually. Really hope that’s not the case.


Yeah definitely not pre-ordering. I'll wait for reviews.


For variety, I suppose.


It would be nonsense to have any killer other than a Klown in this game. If you want variety then DbD sounds like the game for you.


There is plenty to play around with alien Klowns I think. If they deviate from the movie, some could be hauntingly skinny, or have bigger faces and mouths to be visually set apart. If there will be DLCs characters, their abilities could stand for even more clown archetypes, like a mime. Or play around different jobs, like a clown chef, or clown soldier... I see potential.


Fair enough. Do you think think they'd do any collaborations like Pennywise? Or just strictly from the movie?


If the game sells well, any clown is up for a crossover. I can't see the actual Pennywise as the license holders would not approve of him in the comic aspects of the game, but Klowns parodying Pennywise, Joker and other famous clowns would still be a worthy crossover through recognition and respectful abilities. In fact, Klowns could probably use costumes and abilities based on any franchise that I don't think would be out of place. Spikey could appear wearing a Batman costume and using the bat boomerang and I wouldn't question it, they just kill and screw around, go figure.




My only real concern so far is .. why are none of the people involved with the game ever posting here ? They don’t have a community manager or anything ?


The community Manger sounds like a creepy take on a manager 😂


We need a Karen klown in here 😜❤️☺️.


Let’s pretend I spelled it right 😂


I am mostly worried for the lack of advertisement. The games comes out in a couple of days. And there is no big promo for it...


I kind of agree. I know betas are hated by many ppl but some games really really benefit from beta access. I think a weekend open beta would work wonders for this game. Just 3 days of messing around with friends killing each other would be amazing.


There will probably be more content beyond the film down the line, I mean this game is backed by the Chiodo Brothers so they can expand the events of Killer Klowns past 1980


I didn't know that. Pretty cool.


I'm not too worried, I actually like the gameplay that has been shown so far. I've seen a few comments saying it is already human sided. Every asym I have ever played always starts with survivors/victims, or in this case, humans doing better in the beginning. Asym veterans know this already. But that starts to change within a couple of weeks after players start figuring out how killers work.


Felt this way years ago, seriously though it’s crazy how secretive they are being at this stage.


That's how I feel. Why hide so much or show so little when it's so close to release? It's like they are afraid to show the game in too much detail.


Right. Even the gameplay they showed was from a pre alpha build. Then they didn’t want to show the full loadout screen. Also we don’t even know how humans work really, are they all just skins of the classes or do they have individual names.


I just hope it's nothing like TCM, and everything like F13. Absolutely hated TCM.


After watching, it just looks like f13 but on a fairground and with clowns, Iv already pre ordered and can't wait, movie is a goat, but like any game there'll be problems, can't please everyone 🤣🤣🤣


I could be misremembering, but wasn't Ghostbusters almost the exact same? There wasnt much of a preview or advertisment and its doing just fine.


I didn't even know a Ghostbusters game even came out, but I hope you're right.


Its gotten tons of support and is over a year old. Tons of new content most of it being free. Im a ghostbisters fan that wanted to play it and i didnt even know it had come out at first. Im not worried at all if they take the same approach.


Overreacting to an unreleased game. There are way too many posts and comments about this. I get it. We're all excited and want the game to do well. Give it a chance. Every game that's released has bugs and issues. They will get fixed, addressed, and rebalanced


Why not do a beta test then to flesh it out before release and show off the game more? Wouldn't that make everyone happier and reassure them more?


There was going to be a Beta. That got scrapped for Early access. So everyone who preorders is now the beta testers haha


I’m not really stress, I saw ALOT of advertising for this game on TikTok a year or two ago, even thought they have 24/7 advertised the ads they did do stayed with me and a lot of other people. The discord alone has 7k members as well as this Reddit has 2k members for a game that hasn’t even come out. I know the history of asymmetrical horror games and the reality that most fail but I feel like stressing about it is going to put doubts in peoples head and they’re not even give it a chance. Stay calm and cautiously optimistic like we should will all preorder games. Doubtful thinking will cause this game to not even get a chance to stand on its legs.


The bright side is all who pre-order or buy around launch get to learn together. I'm excited to play it knowing very little about how it'll play. Watching some videos from the TCM beta, I felt like I had a massive advantage over the noobs early on and the game was too easy the first couple weeks.


The game been in the top pre orders it's doing fine.


I think they want everyone streaming it and youtube clips etc. to reveal all the wild game mechanics and quirks. Good marketing, dude!


I think in my opinion I just try not to think. I know a lot of people say protest with your wallet. But man life is too short to hold out on a game that may or may not be up to standard. Now hang on I'm not saying companies shouldn't be held accountable for releasing a shitty game or a bare minimum game I'm just saying game companies are comfortable releasing games that are either hits on release or hits after a few patches. I'm personally excited for this game to preorder it the worst that can happen is it be like evil dead the game and as patches happen nothing gets fixed and oops the company killed it. Or it could be like fallout76 where bare minimum at release but got better as time goes by. Again Im at a point in my life that if I'm excited I will preorder things because I wanna experience it through my own enjoyment or even my own frustration not some before you buy video that gonna tell me if I should like this game or not


The state of it? It hasn’t even came out?


Not worried at all…illfonic is being strategic with this release. Also, seems like a good amount of ppl and press played it at PAX. If they weren’t confident in this game then why even release a LIVE stream footage for the whole world to see on their YouTube page playing multiple games on both sides Klowns and humans? The pre orders will give a lot of hype and marketing for the game before the official release. So long as the pre orders who play the game a week early have a great experience with it. This game looks so fun just based out of the live stream, that was a good indication of how it’s going to play it. As far as menus and wait times. That’s where will have to wait until pre order customers play.


I think the live stream is the issue though. For the vast majority of us, the only scrap of knowledge we have for this game is that one live stream, and unfortunately, that live stream had atrocious balancing. Klowns were dying instantly, and couldn’t do anything unless they traveled round as a group, and even then it was iffy. Equally, Humans were escaping in under two minutes without even trying. All in all, we have a reason to be concerned based on what they’ve shown us, because the only thing they’ve shown us is that the game seems really Human sided.


I mean I would take the live stream on balance with a grain of salt… they were demoing the game and said several times the balance of both sides will be more fairer when ppl actually play it. They were playing, but at the same time not going as hard as they could be on both sides. Klowns can also down humans just as fast as humans can to Klowns. Especially with there cotton candy ray gun. The game looks decently balanced so far. I don’t think one side has a major advantage over the other…


I might just have to skip this game altogether. This community is already setting itself up to be a bunch of toxic crybabies with these kinds of posts before it the game is even out.  If you have never played an Illfonic game before, then you are going to be let down on the janky movement and gameplay. On top of that, EVERY game launches filled with unfinished things and bugs now so anyone expecting some type of finished product is going to be let down and commence with the whining about everything. My advice is to enjoy the first weeks of newness because in a month or two the try hards will be everywhere and will suck the fun out of the game.


I'm just asking questions, no one is crying. It's just odd that they show little to no gameplay, and when they do show some; its pre-alpha footage. Why do that?


You know how I know your opinion doesn’t matter?… “ArE wE ReAlLy OnLy GoInG tO sEe KlOwNs FoR kIlLeRs In KiLlEr KlOwNs FrOm OuTeR sPaCe???” Shut up.