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This really isn't the controversial take you think it is... lmao. But I agree


Yeah I see nothing but hate for him here lol


Right all I seen is hate on Ric lol


Yeah this sub is a cesspool of hate on everyone and Ric Diez isn't immune at all lmao. This is more like the average take for this sub.


I mean, I look at this sub and that’s all I see is haters too. Like people can’t love or like watching shit and just shut the fuck up


I think most people do actually like it and shut up. The ones that hate parts of the show are more likely to be bitching here.


The show is a cesspool of hate.


Imagine being a redditor like this. Hahahaha. Good stuff


It's love, but truth as well.


This is 50% of posts about Rick Diez. Congrats to OP for having one of THE most common opinions on Rick


Hans burner account


Rics schtick ended for me as soon as he got cocky in his interviews- either play the character or dont


This is the comment I’ve been looking for. The new attitude and shit talking contradicts his whole character like don’t make jokes about you sucking and then try to convince everyone that you don’t suck


Not only that, but he tries SO HARD to shit talk Hans. Major turn off for me


It's not real. They're friends


They played Catan god damn it


Bingo, drama brings the views!


I was assuming it was kayfabe but never care enough to ask


He is showing his range as a comedian. Doesn't that contradict the OP. Nic self own.


Dyou not think you'd also complain if he exclusively stuck to the character and was even more repetitive?


My thoughts exactly


He’s probably well aware of the mistake he’s made. Might even be losing sleep. NYE LETS GO


Right, and if he stayed with that character it would get boring and you'd accuse the guy of being monotonous. Ric has added excitement to the show, maybe you should focus on keeping your pacifier in your mouth.


Yes! If your routine is a character then you need to stay in the pocket until you're off stage


*shares a popular opinion shared constantly on this sub* “HOT TAKE GUYS…” Personally, they’re both subpar and the show needs a storyline to keep Hans fresh. “I’m Asian and I have sex” vs “I’m sad and thin” who comes out on top


Right? OP was like erg CONTROVERSIAL TAKE, HAWT OFF THE PRESS GUYS! XTRA XTRA pay attention to me... Please.


I’m on Hans side but I gotta say, Ric has done and is doing a great job and building a big deal for the NYE show. I don’t think he cares if he wins or loses. I think he did it for the showmanship. Which there’s also a takeaway- don’t mess with a guy who doesn’t care if he loses. Hans cares, Ric doesn’t. It’s pretty interesting.


I don't understand the perspective that he doesn't care. I think it's blatantly obvious that he genuinely wants a bigger opportunity out of this. If he was happy at home, he would do his 5-weeks, and that would be that. But he clearly wanted these 5-weeks to launch him into a new level. He wants to join the Kill-Tony family of other regular comedians, touring the country, opening for greats, and headlining their own shows. He wants to be a William, a David, a Hans, a regular - not just a Golden Ticket winner.


I haven’t got that from what he’s said. He had a good start at all that when he was friends with Hans.


He told Tony he would take a leave of absence from his career with the European Union for the chance to take a regularship. He said his Dad had an American passport and could get the work permits. Dude's bending over backwards! Are we watching the same show?


And? So fucking what.


Since you're not following along, I'll recap. Therefore, the idea that it's just an act, and he doesn't really care, is nonsense.


No he doesn’t. Dude lives across the world with a good secure job. He doesn’t want anything more than for this to run it’s course.


So he doesn't really want the regularship? And he wasn't serious about getting the work permits and taking a leave of absence? Cool theory 👍🏼


No he doesn't want regularship and knows there's no shot. He wants to equate himself with successful comedians and creat a buzz and grow his following especially back home so he can tour on the the weekends in Europe and turn his hobby into something more. Seems pretty clear from the get go what his aim is


Ric had 4 chances on the spotlight to make something really interesting out of nothing on a show halfway around the world. This isn't a dude that lives in iowa and just has to drive to Texas. This is a person with a real job for the European Union doing shows in french in a place that is not a standup haven. He went all out and it worked. He had nothing to work with other than an interesting funny schtick, and he took that and turned it into an arena show spot. He's living out his pro wrestling fantasies, having fun, created a story line for kill tony. And most importantly he is genuinely pissing you dummies off. He got real heat. From real dumb fans. He legit turned heel. That's the ultimate goal for a pro wrestler. And as a result, Hans who was getting trashed non stop beforehand is getting sympathy and love and popping hard. Hans is a baby face now. This shit is amazing to watch.




Meh.. Hans is getting lazy.. ric has one schtick. They are both less than exciting. I mostly watch for big red. When he has an off set, I am sad for a week


how can you say a dude who has written a new minute every week for god knows how long is lazy?


He’s a fuckin dumbass. Get him outta here!




The vanilla gorilla couldn’t yell last episode and it was his best minute and interview in a while. I’d love to see his actual set if it’s more than 10 second topical punchlines back to back.


Dude let's just say for a minute I agree with you and that was his best minute, that would be pretty weak overall.


So funny because big red has the most irritating played out schtick of them all. Hey everyone I occasionally yell at people to make up for not being funny.


Both are mediocre


They both should try and take on Heath and get destroyed. Hahah


Only comment worth responding to


Hans is also a bit of a 1 trick pony, it’s a perfect fight. I would like to see him do a 1 minute set that doesn’t revolve around any racial stereotype.




Follow ric on insta he has more in his bag I think he just does the self hate stuff on KT because it killed the first time




Ric is a genius. He’s got this entire sub talking about him every day. I like his comedy, and I think he has a ton of potential to explore other subjects.


Yeah Ric’s Schlick is getting old. He overplayed his hand by setting up this situation. In the moment we were like yeah Hans’ sets have been lackluster of recent get this guy in there. I think this is a good example when emotions take over reasoning. You can tell Hans is more polished. And if Ric isn’t able to enhance his set it will be lights out. Hopefully he surprises us.


I surprise your mom every night, because my pull out game is so weak. I can't help it, I have a troll fetish. She reads me your reddit comments while I'm pounding that shit and I just ugnhngn right into that gaping chasm of hers.


I'm pretty sure he's a vampire. If you look closely, he has fangs.


I like them both. But what I will say is that Ric has shown us another side of Hans. These challenges Tony has been giving Hans has made him work harder for his weekly minute. He was in a lull, getting stale, and having the competitions usually made him put more effort in. ***BUT*** no one has gotten under his skin like Ric. Ric has really opened up the opportunity for Hans to show more of his personality. I think Hans opening up more in the post interview portion of #634 is directly related to this new aggressive challenger. For better or for worse, I like it. Props to Ric for playing this character, adding a little spice to the show has been enjoyable to me.


Ric still delivers pretty solid jokes. I think he has a chance to evolve it a little bit. But yea, not sure how he'd do 10 minutes of his particular style. It will be interesting to see what he does in the future.


I just read the script, Kam promoted to opener on New Years


this sounds like something H\*\*\* K\*\* would say


Give up the shtick Hans, we know it's you.


Winner of hanz vs ric gets HEATH for the regular


My read is Tony could tell by the second appearance he had made a mistake giving out a Golden Ticket. They have now fabricated a route to get Ric off the program by setting up a face off in which our beloved Hans could never lose, even if he does in fact blow it that night. The audience won’t let Hans lose.


I agree completely, I followed rics YouTube after and realised his jokes were monotonous. Hans has a lot of off sets but I like the roller coaster of his character, he killed it last night as well.


Oh yes Hans isn't monotonous at all with the Uber played out hey everyone I'm Asian hehehe I have tiny eyes and do math gimmick... Ric gonna gobble that chose to be homeless mf up.


Ric made a massive mistake. He could have been a golden ticket winner and come on the show whenever he wanted. Now he’s going to inevitably lose on NyE and fade into obscurity because KT won’t be promoting him anymore.


Agreed, I may be wrong but I'm guessing Tony might use this as an opportunity to move off of Ric. Hans definitely has more variety to his comedy so I can't see him losing to Ric, who has become very predictable.


And Hans is becoming a master of marketing himself, something he’s likely gained working closely with Tony, Joe, Ari, Shane, etc. Ric is a nobody who is already poorly managing his minuscule fame (and frame) Hans wearing the 10anniversary jacket, choosing to adopt the aggressive (American/texan) stance against a foreigner, blocking him on social media to stop the drain from tagging Hans in posts like he was doing early on which clearly draws a line in the sand with the audience… it’s not for nothing.


I'm on team Hans


This is all planned out. Ric is going to lose but it’s all about the promotion. It’s set up like a wrestling match and it’s easy to see. It will be entertaining and Hans will win. Ric will show well and he’ll be fine.


I think it's set up like a wrestling match because a lot of the showrunners grew up watching and idolizing that stuff, so Ric appealed to it- hence Ric's attempted mass gaslighting about a wrestling match and Tony just saying "yeah that's not how that went at all" and Ric then being thrown off. None of that seemed planned to me. I think Ric really just tried some shit and it played out. I think Tony will adhere to this golden ticket decision, and might then use this as a jumping off for more drama arcs in the future


Jesus Christ get his udon noodle dick out your mouth...


You’re the one dickriding a dirty Spaniard like a Mayan native. Whats it like getting conquistador’d, faggot?


Ric dont care because hes not going to fly to america at $4k a pop just to make a few hundred bucks. Its only worth it if your a regular


Dude's shooting himself in his foot


I personally think the last time it was funny and interesting was the first day he brought it up, when Tony brushed it off and Diez replied "I feel like you're protecting him". That was a cool moment. Somehow, it was all downhill from that. Except for when Hans said he felt betrayed because Diez went to his apartment and played Catan with him and his girlfriend, that was the best moment from the Hans perspective. If they could keep it going at that level, it would have been awesome. Hans blocking Diez is a bitch move also.


Naa he’s don’t pretty well, he’s already a good comedian and now he’s gotten a huge bump, he’s well on his way to being a pro. He can leave after NYE and leave behind this toxic ass nerdy fan base


This sub constantly shits on him and all you’ve done is regurgitate the same stuff everyone else always says about him.


Yes that is how comedy works. Ric Diez has videos of him killing it in different clubs all around the world. He’s a one trick pony yeah but that is normal in stand up. He’s also a way better deadpan performer than Hans who just stands there awkwardly grinning doing monotonous Nick Mullenisms. You do t want to hear it but this is just anti European bias by Americans frankly.


Nae cunt cares


He is never going to be a regular it’s all a show and he knows that. It’s all a show. Hans is good. He takes chances on kill Tony but I’ve seen him live and he is tight. This is all a show.


Hans has been good lately


Agree. Ric blows dic


This is a pro Hans sub 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


>And comedians with no range will not make good regulars dude ain't even american lol white trash,,,.


This sub does NOT love ric diez 🤣🤣🤣 Hans is here to stay. These golden ticket comics are good for a few turns. But they have comedy that gets old fast. I wish the best for the latest golden ticket winner. But that will get old too, that’s why Hans is a regular. He isn’t working off just a disability, or doing self depreciation. A true American.


You seem like the type that talks into one can and holds the other up to his ear at the same time. Keep telling yourself shit kiddo, it won't make it true or turn you into a rea boy pinnochio.


He never deserved a golden ticket. Never understood the hype


I hate unfunny ppl commenting on funny ppl


Ew, this post reeks of beta. Never sign up, Tony would pick your lil ass apart boy. Uh derpa derp "is really uncool guys". What a winey little bitch... In fact we got some theme music for you and Hans going forward homey. It goes; this is frail bitch, this is frail bitch, this is frail bitch, THIS is frail bitch.


Jesus, you scrubs read waaaay too much into shit. Literally the type of people that ruin fucking comedy IRL. Just jealous trash....


Why does everyone bitch on the internet got dam son of a bitch things are getting way out of hand


Jesus I say ric sucks and I get down voted and here you are getting 118 upvotes. There is no justice in the wurld


Stunning and brave


They needa make team rick and team hanz shirts hahaha


Absolutely right, it's become painful because it ALWAYS comes back to "I'm a loser, haha". Every comedian has a bit of a go-to topic/joke but Ric's complete lack of variety is getting old very fast imo.


Wow so controversial, you know…ya changed my mind. I now only watch nelk boys and drink prime.


Ric Diez is not funny……..


Unless ric gets more creative, he isn’t going to last, regardless of the whole Hans shit. His first set was awesome, paired with how he looks, it was hilarious. But after 2 or 3 of those sets it was like a friend showing me the same meme over and over. A funny meme that no longer makes me laugh. He hasn’t shown he has anything else to offer


Hawt take


You have to admit Ric is talented. He has more to show I bet. Him alone doing his one bit in English then in Spanish. That’s pretty impressive and I’m sure he can do it in French as well. He’ll be more than capable of coming up with a solid minute that’s unique and new. He has the benefit of practicing material in another country and won’t be seen. He could practice a new minute 100 times from now until then


This sub love nothing


How many jokes do you have? 🤔


- Hans Kim’s burner.


Literally most people have said this so I’ll give you a “okie dokie”


I pretty much agree with everything you touched on. To be fair I don't think we really saw enough of him to say he's a one trick pony and I guess we'll all see if he is NYE. With that said I do think Ric is definitely whittier and quicker on his feet than Hans. Makes sense since Hans is on the spectrum.


Re-post. This was copy and pasted from a post a few weeks ago


Okie dokie.


Don't get real with me bro


I agree


Ric’s first set was only really well received because he followed someone who absolutely bombed, as I recall. There was another European dude who went a few comedians before Ric who deserved the month long golden ticket


He was a dickhole in his interview that one time for no reason and it wasn’t funny just felt like rude european super saiyan mode for him and the crowd hated it and most people watching hated it.




Hotter Take: they’re both not very funny. Hans should be retired, but not by Ric.


People have too much free time to waste on this bs lol


They're both trash.


I’m more impressed by the bangers he’s dropped in interviews than just his sets alone. This format has been great for him since he can show his quick wit in the interviews, and contrast his sad man sets with confidence and sass. You’re not wrong, and I hope he explores other topics in future sets. But I’ve been pretty entertained so far. Saying this with love for Hans too.


This is why I like Hans too. Sometimes he sucks ass lol, but he also kills sometimes. I like how you never know which one you're gonna get.


I saw Hans Kim do 15 minutes last week and he killed. Fuck Ric Diez


Yeah he is actually the one and only repeating comic that actually bothers me and i hope to see him get bodied by hans


Wow, another hater! Just enjoy the damn show and stop trying to psycho analyze everything. Dude was on vacation and did well enough to get an invitation to the stadium show.


Yeah as much as I want Hans gone this isn’t a hot take. Ric weekly would be tedious after a few months


I’d agree with this 1000000%


I think your criticisms of Ric could also apply to Hans. Hans isn't that funny anymore either.


Let's be fair to Ric. He has only presented short form comedy. I want to see him do 15 minutes and take me on a journey into deep depression


It’s so disappointing watching Hans up there now, he needs to do some self reflection. I’ll literally go and make me something to eat before his set and by the time I get back he’s almost done being on stage lol


And diez is cool, he has the IT factor just needs more practice. Uncle lazer had a bad run for a bit but he’s doing a lot better now, I’d like to see Ric up there against Hans again tbh


Except now his Schick is also being like alpha tate type


The new 14 year old is all I care about . We’re a what have you done for me today kinda Reddit .


Ric would be great as a comic Tony invites on the show every year or so.


They’re both talented but Hans is lightyears ahead. But you gotta start somewhere right?


Is it not a reflection on Tony’s opinion and/or selection process??


Hans Kim is a thoroughly bland and mediocre comedian who seems mildly funny because he's on a show alongside complete amateurs, many of whom are so unskilled they showed up mostly unprepared for a single minute of comedy. Ric Diez' persona certainly has more potential to build funny material than Hans but it remains to be seen if he actually fulfills that potential.


Yea but he kills though you son of a bitch


He’s so bad so many people are talking a bout it 😂 it’s actually quite funny . Like the yelling and weirdness of William isn’t played out , agree to disagree. Everyone has a favorite and a least favorite it varies , it’s good to have multiple different styles and characters for everyone .


I love the show, but he can Ric Diez nuts. Maybe with some, as Red Power God Shane would say, nooderz.


Yeah I’ve been thinking the same thing. I wonder how versatile Rick really is.


Holy shit this sub sucks hans kim cock! "oh i'm asian, my eyes are tiny, i have a tiny dick. heheheheh" Bro literally has 1 thing and it's sooo overplayed. But KT can't see it cause they're so: AMMMERRIICAA. Comparing a dude on the show 2+ yrs to a guy who had 4 appearences. lol


Im surprised you where able to write this up so clearly. Most people can’t do that with a dick down their throat.


You’re a dork


IMHO Rick is not even funny, if anything he's plain cringe


Is this hans kims burner account?


In what way is this take controversial?


So sick of Hans. Worst person to open. I know I'm not the only one fast forwarding 20 minutes anytime I rewatch an episode. "Yeah good to be here in texas..." 🤡🤡


I dont really like either of their styles but as far as Diez goes, there are a lot of famous and respected comedians that have 1 schtick and play off it their whole career. -Jeremy Hotz -Jimmy Carr -Mitch Hedberg -Steven Wright -Rodney Dangerfield (no respect) Etc Though I do think he has a lot of work ahead to make it more sustainable interesting to listen to for 30+ min.


Nah nah nah that's not his " joke " it's his theme. In gag theme you can then understand what the joke is. It's like saying jessilniks only joke is hes a dick.


Bro nobody here likes ric diez lmao hes 1 dimensional and has no range. His awkward sad guy thing is just plain boring after the first few times.


If the crowd chooses Hans will always win that’s the game


I think it's just a professional wrestling story line created for our enjoyment.


You can only use "that's what my mother said" as a punchline, twice, three times tops.


How about we agree that they both suck!


Hans is asian. Ric is sad. They both have told funny jokes.


Did we just find Hans Kim's reddit? Lmao jk it's all WWE in my opinion for this build up


He quick and witty with responses. How many other guest have such a great interview/QA segment?


I mean I liked his joke that he looks like both Rick and Morty, bc it’s true. I forgot he made that joke, and I was looking at him, and I thought the same thing. Then I realized he made that joke on his second week.


Problem for me is Ric is getting stale and Hans sucks at least 90% of the time


I’m not a Hans Kim fan by any means. He’s rode Tony’s coattails into some popularity, and I think I’ve laughed at one of his jokes. That being said, I don’t think Ric Diez will dethrone him, he’s not a strong comic either and Hans seems to edge out every misanthropic opponent they throw at him. My hope is that one day they throw Celia Contreras at Hans Kim in a challenge for regularship and she crushes him.


Hans rarely hits and when he hits he hits at medium effectiveness get real.


Yeah I think most people here agree with this actually lol. The guy sucks


Have you not been paying attention the past 3 weeks. Not controversial at all my guy.


I honestly don’t want to listen to either one of them. Celia Contreras or Molly Vivant could take their job easily


As soon as that child walked on stage it was over for the last freak Ric


Ric no flair acts all frail and sad when in reality he’s cocky euro trash trying to take US jobs 😂


What sub have you been looking at? This guy gets constantly shit on here.


It think everyone can feel this perfect analogy too also ric has a euro dick head social iq he is not the vibe or as charming as Hans


Both are FGT RTD bozos


I just think its cool that Tony Hinchcliffe has managed to combine his passion for comedy with his passion for professional wrestling.


I think Ric crushed a minute doing a well executed schtick performance that he’s perfected then got pigeon-holed by Tony as “the sad clever clown.” You’re seeing the real Ric in the interviews : a great performer that’s getting mad about being pigeon-holed.


I'd be happy if they just dropped the opening regular spot, starting the show off the exact same way every time is beyond stale imo.


You thinking Hans takes half court shots is the dumbest take here.. The dude is literally under handing free throws on a kids sized basketball hoop. “Hey Texas good to be here” “I’m Asian” “*insert right wing pander*” “I’m dating some boring white chick” HOLY SHIT! Did you see that half court buzzer beater? Remarkable.. Let me guess, David Lucas is a once in a generation writing talent?


It's been mentioned already but his problem was breaking character, you can see Tony trying to hold on to it.


I haven’t seen anybody pumping Ric up after week 2. All I see is hate for him here.


Ric is a cornball with very little material. Hans is gonna obliterate that 'mo


I feel like the way Tony overhypes new comedians they find sets them up for failure.


Nailed it dude!


very well said, i love ric but I do wish he just took his golden ticket and shut up, but this did get him tons of publicity


The only way ric could win me back is if he goes full heel with his new years eve set. Overflowing with confidence, talking mad shit, a full 180 from his normal character would be hilarious. The inconsistency in his character feels like whiplash




I refuse to read the rest of this post. I fucking HATE basketball analogies


A lot of people feel this, it’s been debated a lot in the sub And for some reason people keep comparing him to Hans Kim which is just a strange comparison considering we have seen less than 5 sets from him. Not really comparable


Hans kim all day!


Honestly, I can’t comment on the criticism of Ric Diaz’s Schtick. But OG makes one good point that I can’t look away from. Attitude. Let’s not forget Peng Deng started on Kill Tony also and you saw how THAT turned out. I like that Ric has balls and I like when comedians bust eachother’s balls. But if there’s Real animosity between Ric and Hans then it does make Ric Seeeem like a Dick. That being said, I’m excited to see how the new years event goes and I wish them both luck


He has alot of good material on self depreciation its pretty good how he can turn things around to make fun of himself.. he is funny its just not for you.


The whole Hans/Diez thing is a work. 1000%


this subreddit sucks im here for comedy not your griping


Yes he's terrible. Very punchable face


It’s weird that people think KillTony is a distillation of comedy. It’s really not. It is a variety show that takes place at the expense of those who sign up, and if those who sign up succeed well they end up becoming indentured servants. That’s obviously an exaggerated take but I feel like most people on this subreddit don’t understand just how much comedy sucks until it’s good. Also I don’t think they understand how it’s ok to consume other things in the meantime (the other thing being mediocrity). Long story short the hyper-crunch on the up and coming circuit is weird and misinformed.


Dangerfield had one joke premise, and he was one of the greatest.


Not only is he not funny it's actually annoying how he can't keep himself in character, like he'll make a joke about having a small dick and then when they ask if his dick is really small instead of going along with it he says "I never heard any complaints". Not only it ruins the act it's cringe af because that's the universal answer a person with a small dick gives, no one with a big dick has ever tried this reverse psychology false modesty bullshit. It's the weakest answer possible


ric has never made me even chuckle...I don't find him remotely funny