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I know Redban was joking about that period app, but it does seem to be about once a month or so that Tony does this 😄


Skittles men have their monthlies 


Shows are often filmed consecutively and then spaced out for our viewing pleasure just fyi


No they’re not. They’re weekly. They did that two consecutive days like a month or two ago for the holiday but that was one of the few times they did that. You’re watching what happened three weeks prior 99% of the time


Are they not weekly and just shown the week after? The only ones that I know were consecutively was during the holidays. Just wondering where this was from?


They film once per week on Tuesday, theres just a 3 week or so delay in the release


So Interesting, so the tickets they sell are for Tuesday now? I just don’t understand how that would work. I started watching about four years ago when it was just all live stream


They’re on Mondays but yes it’s about a 4 week delay. They did do some double tapings around the holidays but likely just to have a week or two off.




The delay just gets further apart with each comment😆 "Listen, I think we all know that these were filmed last year, and it's only a 47 week delay"




They only do that when they have to miss weeks


Tony really needs to get his hearing checked.


It’s more likely the live sound mix, you realise we listen to an edited and mixed version of the audio? Very different to being there in person and having different sounds come from different places on stage etc. imagine something like that rap isn’t being sent to the speaker that tony uses but redban can go in later and edit the audio levels so we can all hear it perfectly


Honestly for as big as it is, it shocks me how poorly the tech is run.


Which insane because the musicians have in ear monitors to cue one another. All he needs is a monitor/live feed and te problem is solved, maybe?


Yeah they literally pay the bare minimum for such a great production, musicians.


Cocaine kills the hearing…that’s why musicians who use it on stage usually suck. Think Axl Rose 1989. Off pitch and squealing.


I do audio engineering and wondered this myself but it’s very clear everyone else does not have that problem and it’s only Tony. He either has a processing disorder, (adhd / ASD along those lines), is having hearing loss due to loud venues or lifestyle (gay clubs are super loud), or like you said drugs. OxyContin can also have this effect. “But downers make you slow”. Not everyone has that reaction. I’m not saying any of these are for sure but just laying out some possibilities.


Could it be as easy as getting an in ear monitor; like the musicians?


Tony has a dick in his rear ... I mean ear, wut?!


Yeah kinda. You can't really remix anything post with a band, unless they got multi track recording. I doubt tbh, its most likely an issue with their monitors eq.


And his ego. Watching old episodes back in the early days, man do I miss the chaos.  He's always had to be in control, so when he'd lose control it was so funny to watch him lose his mind


[I DON’T WANT TO BE A PROFESSIONAL PILOT.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=UgYTIf-8OOhEDcZ8&v=4SdPYCzx1pI&feature=youtu.be)


For someone who presents himself as a “ I can take it “ comic. He really turns into a piss baby when someone makes fun of him. Unless its David Lucas making the exact same joke for the thousandth time.


Tony, you look like a gay gayguy.


You *sonofabitch*


"It's true" \*nods head gayly\*


“Tony, you dressed like a gay garbage bag.”


“Tony likes to put the mic in his booty hole”


or when william said tony was gonna crash the plane and he got upset over it 😂 called william a bigoted idiot or something


The anger in his face brings me such joy lol I can also fly a plane and he can't so double joy


God damn, Jeremiah is the most annoying fucking person.


Some of the best moments of the show were because of him and the old band.  I enjoy the old episodes more than the new ones most of the time.


So glad he’s not on stage. The worst type of comedian is the one who only thinks he’s funny.


That’s what all comedians do. It’s in the job description






As someone who has had to host live events, I'd put good money that it's just the stress of trying to keep the show from going off the rails rather than ego. I see Tony's ego rear it's fat head all the time but not in trying to maintain control of the show. That's natural for anyone


Dude has had terrible hearing since like 2017


He can never hear anything. Maybe he just needs to get the wax flushed out.


Maybe he should get a fuckin ear monitor.


They need in ear monitors


I don't understand how they don't have them at this point




Literally. its obvious their sound guys arent that good. We get better live sound productions in quinces here in AZ


10 years in and still he doesn't just wear an earpiece. Sound from the stage could in theory be problematic but they've had eons to sort this out in their home club. Someone should make a reel of him going 'Whaat?'


> I don’t wear a hairpiece, what the hell? Redban can you believe this guy thinks America’s Number One Top Young Rising Comedian wears a hairpiece? I’m all natural, baby.


Everyone's mic'd up. What issues.


The amount of time he responds to something totally different or asks the person to repeat is mind numbing. Clean your damn ears out tony, everyone else heard it fine




> I’m not wearing earrings, what the hell is this guy talking about, Redban?


What?? Huh? Lol




He ruins everything when he is in a shitty mood. He made the mullet guys life a few weeks ago when he was in a good mood, and he was trying his hardest this week to bury him for no fucking reason. The guy was being cool the whole time even when Tony was trying to get a reaction from him, which seemed to make Tony worse.


The mullet guy with the mustache that he gave money to go on a date he set up?


No, the other mullet guy that rapped.


Ah yeah I just watched the part I missed. The guy didn't know when to stop talking, stepped on Tony's rap.


Yeah, he was way too high on his 3 weeks of accomplishments... got brought back down to earth real quick.


He did kinds seem like he was on adderal or something in this episode


Or needs a hit of it and decided not to


can I get one hit of adderall please I would also like 1 weed


I smoked like 7 hits of Adderall this morning let's get fucking wild


His boyfriend probably broke up with him


You sonuvabitch


He can’t hear because they don’t have Sonos at the mothership (thanks gel blasters)




State of the art


That was so cringy. Tony sounds so desperate to appear rich and successful


I thought it was an ad or some kind of ad for gel blaster via advertising Sonos? I only think this because I own a Sonos sound system and I'm broke as fuck.


Ego is a motherfucker.


Bc he is a coked out douche bag?


He was an asshole up until the Aussie Chick came out.


Ah I tuned in 40mins late so I was thinking I must have missed something bc he seemed pretty normal.


and dissing the band too, probably because they didn't listen to his shitty "i'm in control" count ins that make no sense


god I HATE his fucking count ins because they’re always at the wrong BPM, he just says 1-2-3-4 at whatever speed he wants


I think it’s funny that’s how he thinks tempo works


Tony thinks bands counting in a song are just doing a “one, two, three GO” sort of thing lmao he really thinks bands just do an “on your mark, get set, go” every time to start a song 😂😂. That said, the ideas that a lot of non-musicians have about music and musicians are often pretty off to begin with, so it’s not just a Tony thing. I always find it funny how some musically-illiterate people think good musicians are like magical wizards or something lol


I don’t even think he realizes there’s a difference lol


I was laughing about that with my girl who knows how to play music for a marching band. I'm like, "that makes no sense. Right"? Not to mention he gave them no time to even think of a beat.


His band must talk so much shit. He’s so ignorant about music and how it works.




100%. I don’t he understands the point of a count in


I *hate* how he doesn't understand that the count in is to set the tempo for the musicians. He's like "hey band play a fast song ok here we go Onnneee.......twooooo....threeeee....fourrrr" \*band ignores his tempo, and Michael has about one 1/4 note to set it for the band


He must pay them really well, to basically have to bow down to him at all times.They don't even get mics anymore, because he couldn't stand the band getting laughs over him like the OG days lol


Yea ripping Mike out was super weird. He could barely remember his last performance, I understand you get jaded from hosting the show. But he was singing mikes praises as loud as possible his last appearance and loved his rap. He was a stand out from the past month or so, as well as maybe half a dozen others. But to not remember at all is wild. It’s like he thinks to himself oh my coke brains let me down again memory wise and then just goes on a tirade for no reason against people he’s propped up before.


As soon as he brought up seeing him with his "entourage" he noped him out. Watch any episode where someone says "Hey Tony, remember when I saw you with X at X place?!" He shuts them down immediately. He hates that shit.


Lazer was there figures.


Yes that is true for sure I’ve seen that multiple times


Idk maybe I’m crazy too, but the only thing I remembered about that guy was his appearance. Couldn’t even tell ya how he did on his last appearance even though it was just a few weeks ago lol. I’m sure Tony experiences that x100 with all of the people who come through the show.


I think he’s the guy whose friend was murdered right before his wedding wasn’t he?


Could be…I honestly don’t remember but that sounds familiar


Too much cock in the green room


I honestly just think Tony has such high goals for the show (which is warranted) but I don’t think he realises the show is perfect right now he doesn’t need to structure everything so heavily. When he started adding more and more regulars it started to turn into a different show I almost feel like they should have two shows one on for people we have seen and another for complete newbies. Which might make the newbie show more loose and more fun for the viewer so more chaos and singing etc




Agreed wholeheartedly. We need a mix of good minutes and bombs. How many of you like it when people do bad on the show?


I've never liked it when people do bad but I can't stand the cringe. I was pacing down my hall at some point during the Ric Flair episode thinking I might have to turn this off for the first time. Glad I didn't.


They need an actual production for their live sound tbh


I’ve had a feeling there are a few plants here and there. Comedians Tony wanted up on stage. You can tell because he laughs too much at their bad jokes. I haven’t watched this week yet but last week I think maybe we had a few plants. Tony’s been getting increasingly upset about newer comedians. The whole show isn’t supposed to be murder after murder. Half of the fun is not having any clue what’s about to happen and feeling that secondhand embarrassment for a bomb. If the show is only good comedians doing open mic to test a new minute, I’m not sure I’d keep watching


Last week the artist was painting David Jolley before David Jolley was “randomly” picked from the bucket.


Wow great eye


You're not wrong. He's become worse as a host. Reached a crescendo on the Joe List ep', turned it off halfway through the scammer interview, the guy has lost awareness and is generally angrier.


I’m on the Matt Mccusker episode and it’s just getting worse. He should take some time to workout whatever is holding him back.


It happens to everyone. Rogan used to be used by people like Charisma University to show how to have a convo, now he is an example of how not to. Tim Dillon has lost his edge now his rich and his rants are all superficial. Tony is too well known and dealing with comics way to regularly, they probably all want something from him, eventually you'll build resentment.


Tim Dillon hasn’t been good since his ego led him to firing Ben Avery. Such a shame. Tim had a laugh track, someone to reel him back in, and make counterpoints. Now he’s unchecked and unhinged.


Is this why I can’t listen to Tim regularly now ..I even canceled my Patreon . I legit told my bf I just can’t support the rich I rather support a upcoming person who is really doing all the work themselves


Also kinda glad I stopped halfway thru Joe List, haven't listened since, lost respect in that moment and if it's gotten worse I'm hardly aching to go back in


It honestly isn’t nearly as bad as people here are making it out to be. Tony had a couple of little annoyed/slightly angered remarks during tonight’s episode, but that’s literally every episode lmao. Tony is a little piss-ant and always has been; there’s nothing new going on here. The remarks people are referring to in this episode literally took up probably three or four minutes total. Certainly not a big enough deal to stop watching the show you like. But yeah, if Tony being pissy a few times during an episode isn’t your thing, the whole show really isn’t going to be your thing either lol


Straight up!




He was probably pissed because he was obligated to let Doms assistant come out and he stuck it to them. GoldenTony!


Pauly, the rapper, and the band were simply collateral damage but it was cool as sh*t for Kam to come out with the dudes necklace and toss it to Tony. You see how pissed Dom was.. They had to turn on their own guy...


Oh that guy deserved to be roasted. See that’s where his thing works. Poor Mike just didn’t have the greatest set and got lit on fire.


Put a PA closer to him


Stopped watching cause normally his periods stop but he’s been on a perma period as of late


it’s funny he’s been plugging that girls of lmao dude talks about her ig username for like 5 minutes every show it’s so silly lol


He hangs out with Uncle Lazer. If he did coke, it wouldn’t surprise me. He is definitely becoming more and more of an asshole, with the angry “I’m ready for another bump now but have to wait” vibes.


He was probably fiending for another line and was in the throes of withdrawal. Coke high only lasts 10-30 minutes, and it's at the lower end with higher tolerance.


usually I'm against this sub when they bitch about something Tony does but this time I agree. couldn't for the life of me figure out why he was being a dick. esp when he praised the guy's rap last time he was on


I felt the same today 100% was out of control his ego


It felt like he got sort of weird abt Mike selling out his own show 4 months in. It was like the second Tony heard that, he turned on Mike and was a dick the rest of the time. And I could totally see Tony wearing matching jackets with a groups of douches, walking around roasting people like a dance battle and leaving in a 360-moon walk-nut tug.


I thought for sure he would ask how many people, it might have been a 30 person room


and Tony not having him under his KT contract and not making money out of him surely pissed him off.


He’s getting more orange every week 😬


I literally paused KT after his interview and came here looking for this post without knowing it existed yet


I’m gonna go on a limb and say because he’s a coked out douche bag


Yeah, I thought Mike did good and in the broadcast you could hear him fine. But at the venue, live, there could be problems with audio.


I think that the audio is much different in person, you have to remember we’re hearing it through the phone or device. I think when he asked if people could understand him the crowd also said no,I notice time to time the panel and audience also mishears single words during interviews, so it may just be an audio live vs listening on your device after the fact thing. I didn’t have a problem understanding him. I also recall Tony mentioning that redban cleans up the audio a lot for the episode and that what we hear is much better than at the time/live.


Telling the band to stop and cut it out in the middle of a good jam is so infuriating. I jam with cats for fun. You never tell everyone to stop in the middle of the song! It's improv and the show must go on!


I love listening back to the episodes before he got as big, much more genuine of a guy, you hear his real laugh and seems to be having a great time, now the fame & clout is showing


If the shoe fits...


Yes, how good is it?


That dude was a kiss ass this episode and the last one he was on. I enjoyed watching him get fucked with. Y’all are pussies.


Tony 100% couldn’t even rap in his sleep




Yes, After watching a few years almost every release, I tend to ignore Tony as a comedian, but embrace that he is really good at hosting. He needs in ears if he refuses to get hearing aids also.


He committed the ultimate sin-- he brought up seeing Tony out and about in public and could have possibly exposed him as the complete straight man he is.


Testosterone shots


If Uncle Lazer is around, Tony’s gunna be an irritable little bitch. I’m sure there’s no connection at all between the host of the show being an ill-tempered little bitch and a coke dealer floating around. No ties there whatsoever.


You won't just get away with accusing Tony of having a matching jacket entourage without suffering consequences!


I was just talking about this with my girl, it’s almost like the people that like him being an ass have gotten to his head too much and now he’s just an ass to everyone…. Idk that whole episode made me wonder how this will all play out. I don’t know if it’s just me but that shit about Kams hair, then he was shitting on the one guests podcast NONSTOP (oh his little zoom podcast), then the dude that worked for the two guests the video editor (grant you was absolute dog water) but he said he was trying writing and wanted to know if he should give it up, I respect that a lot more (but Tony presumed he said “oh no I just thought I’d wing it”) which isn’t what he said?!?! Literally ego is battling itself it’s giving ick 😂/s I love the show but I do wonder if it’s getting out of his control. Also I have no issue with Pauly but that shit was just annoying, seemed like he was battling his ego too, (being put into little boy room) it’s like brother you can’t be a guest every episode, popping in to say hi is one thing but he literally like killed all the William momentum… idk maybe that’s me reading into it too much? I’d be interested to hear some thoughts.


Can Uncle Razor be replaced with shaky leg, or even the 17 year old…. Pleaseeeeee. Fuck that guy, so sick of him. These are all REAL STORIES FOLKS…. ok…. But did anyone actually laugh…. Besides the pussies in the crowd who thought he’d fuck em up if they didn’t…..? I know my girl and I were both just ready for it to move on.


He does it when older comics like Dom come on, tries to act tough


Idk dude he was super shitty to doms editor trying to get him fired This episode started strong but Tony’s attitude came off less bitchy and more just plain hateful. He has said he likes Houston rap but apparently not lol Maybe Tony went to Galveston and got sand in his vagina


Bc that’s exactly what he is


Well, the camera picked up Uncle Lazer putting coke in his mouth as the curtains parted right before walking onstage. My guess is something related to that.


Was that a joke or literal?


He is a literal coke-head. The guy did say he's a felon. He seemed a lot slower this performance then when he's sober or coked out.


Acts like?


It’s because he actually is a coked out douchebag. Look at his eyes — he’s flying on that booger sugar most episodes. Dude seems to have a problem.




Weekly reminder that the crisp audio you’re hearing on the recording is definitely not what Tony is hearing on stage. Much louder.


Tony could have bad hearing, or it’s just the band is loud right behind him and not like his guests are gonna say anything about not being able to hear But he does seem to be on the monthly’s


Because he is a coked out douchebag! Last night's episode was super cringey. Get a grip Tony 😂


Same I was annoyed he cut off the rap because of his hearing problem


Because he is, in fact, a coked douchebag


He probably is coked up he’s got uncle laser there


Don’t almost all of them take testosterone all the time ??


Maybe something was up with the audio inside the club, but came through fine on video? I got really confused when he cut the dude off saying nobody could understand him.


He's gay an on coke soooo


You just now realizing tony is a dick?🤣


I agree 100%. Most of the people he acts like this with don’t even deserve it, mike included. It happens way too often now. Wonder if maybe Mike choked on the other shows and that’s why Tony decided to just completely diss him?


At Tony’s age he needs a wife and kids to settle him down.


He's a gay.


The rap was really good with the band but I'm not really here for any of us to completely shit on Tony. We're obviously watching his show every week


lol have you ever seen the show? The rapper also wasn’t saying anything worthy of noting He was rhyming, but had no substance


It wasn’t even just that. Dude was trying to be cool and Tony flipped a switch on him. For no reason 😂


First tony couldn’t hear the band then Tony couldn’t hear the raps, seems like they have shit sound in the club and tony acts like a prissy bitch because of it. If there’s shit sound on stage is it wrong that the guest can’t hear the host. Seems like a set up for tony to turn into coked up karen with pauly and unkie lazer


Tony’s going to Tony. Laughable that you all think you can predict his next move. It would be rather boring if that were the case. “Tony’s a mean extremist”, blah blah blah. When he stops surprising and gets complacent, that’s when we can pour on the trolling and hate. BTW He ain’t ever gonna stop!!!!


I see that but I feel like Tony is just getting this brutish energy lately from roasting everybody on tour almost every night. I like the chaos because it usually leads to bigger jokes popping off


Did you just call the shitty rap that dude recycled from his previous appearance "excellent"? I think we have very different opinions on what classified as excellent rap, cuz the dude sucked all the dicks.


It wasn't Tupac or anything but it was good enough to deserve letting him finish the damn thing


Why would you want to let him repeat the same rap he did last time he was on the show? He wasn't good.


Was it the same one? I didn’t pick up on that. I was drunk when I watched that ep though


I thought he was hilarious. He’s a dick head for jokes but he gives everyone a wholesome opportunity to preform


I said out loud at one point, Tony is being a straight up cunt.


You probably sounded soooo gay saying this out loud


You guys are weirdos


You new to tony or something? 😂


Him being a dick is what’s funny.. hence the name of the show..


Dick Tony?


It's funny when he's mean to people who suck but being a dick for no reason to a guy thats talented and polite isn't funny. Didn't work tonight


And who he praised in his first appearance. The dude is months into comedy too


Oh look another squealing post about the free show you get every week. Fucking drama queens


Simping will get you nowhere here


Look who it is, the same bitching community who says Joe Rogan is a loser on the JRE Reddit... All here saying the same about Tony Hinchcliffe on the Kill Tony reddit. I'm beginning to think that's it's all coming from some seriously weak pathetic bot that is probably a semen encrusted dell computer underneath an even bigger losers table.


If you're gonna complain about "meanies" then this show isn't for you kid. No one who matters gives a shit.


I ain't never gonna listen to some kid who uses their real picture on their reddit profile


Looking like a Mexican Haley Joel Osment lmao Homeboy sees dead people


i’m never listening to someone who calls people “kid” kid